JNI Example This sample shows how to build a native code library, package it into an APK, and call it using JNI. Prerequesites You must install the Android SDK in order to build the Java APK. The Android SDK can be downloaded from http://code.google.com/android/download.html Build Steps: 1) Create an Eclipse project to for the Java code. Launch Eclipse Choose File : New : Project... Choose Android : Android Project Choose Next Enter "JNIExample" into the Project name: field. Choose "Create project from existing source" Click the Browse button and browse to the pndk/samplejni directory Click Finish 2) Build the Eclipse Project Select the JNIExample project in the Package Explorer Make sure that the menu item Project:Build Automatically is not checked. Choose Project:Build The resulting apk file ends up in bin/full/JNIExample.apk 2) Build the shared library, insert the shared library into the APK file and resign the shared library. ANDROID_SDK_BASE=<directory where SDK is installed> make Install the APK on the device: adb install -r bin/full/JNIExample.apk Once the application is installed, you can run it by tapping on the "JNI Example" icon.