/* libs/graphics/animator/SkTDArray_Experimental.h
** Copyright 2006, The Android Open Source Project
** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); 
** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. 
** You may obtain a copy of the License at 
**     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 
** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 
** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 
** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. 
** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 
** limitations under the License.

#ifndef SkTDArray_Experimental_DEFINED
#define SkTDArray_Experimental_DEFINED

#include "SkTypes.h"

#define SK_BUILD_FOR_ADS_12

#ifndef SK_BUILD_FOR_ADS_12

#include "SkTDArray.h"
#define SkIntArray(type) SkTDArray<type>
#define SkLongArray(type) SkTDArray<type>

class SkDS32Array {
    SkDS32Array(const SkDS32Array& src);
    SkDS32Array(const int32_t src[], U16CPU count);
    SkDS32Array& operator=(const SkDS32Array& src);
    friend int operator==(const SkDS32Array& a, const SkDS32Array& b);
    int32_t* append() { return this->append(1, NULL); }
    int32_t* append(U16CPU count, const int32_t* src = NULL);

    int32_t* appendClear() 
        int32_t* result = this->append(); 
        *result = 0;
        return result;

    int find(const int32_t& elem) const;
    int32_t* insert(U16CPU index, U16CPU count, const int32_t* src);
    int rfind(const int32_t& elem) const;
    void swap(SkDS32Array& other);
    bool isEmpty() const { return fCount == 0; }
    int count() const { return fCount; }

    void remove(U16CPU index, U16CPU count = 1)
        SkASSERT(index + count <= fCount);
        fCount = SkToU16(fCount - count);
        memmove(fArray + index, fArray + index + count, sizeof(int32_t) * (fCount - index));

    void reset()
        if (fArray)
            fArray = NULL;
#ifdef SK_DEBUG
            fData = NULL;
            fReserve = fCount = 0;
            SkASSERT(fReserve == 0 && fCount == 0);

    void setCount(U16CPU count)
        if (count > fReserve)
            this->growBy(count - fCount);
            fCount = SkToU16(count);
#ifdef SK_DEBUG
    enum {
        kDebugArraySize = 24
    int32_t(* fData)[kDebugArraySize];
    int32_t*    fArray;
    uint16_t    fReserve, fCount;
    void growBy(U16CPU extra);

#ifdef SK_DEBUG
    #define SYNC() fTData = (T (*)[kDebugArraySize]) fArray
    #define SYNC()

template <typename T> class SkTDS32Array : public SkDS32Array {
    SkTDS32Array() { SkDEBUGCODE(fTData=NULL); SkASSERT(sizeof(T) == sizeof(int32_t)); }
    SkTDS32Array(const SkTDS32Array<T>& src) : SkDS32Array(src) {}
    ~SkTDS32Array() { sk_free(fArray); }
    T&  operator[](int index) const { SYNC(); SkASSERT((unsigned)index < fCount); return ((T*) fArray)[index]; }
    SkTDS32Array<T>& operator=(const SkTDS32Array<T>& src) { 
        return (SkTDS32Array<T>&) SkDS32Array::operator=(src); }
    friend int operator==(const SkTDS32Array<T>& a, const SkTDS32Array<T>& b) { 
        return operator==((const SkDS32Array&) a, (const SkDS32Array&) b); }
    T* append() { return (T*) SkDS32Array::append(); }
    T* appendClear() { return (T*) SkDS32Array::appendClear(); }
    T* append(U16CPU count, const T* src = NULL) { return (T*) SkDS32Array::append(count, (const int32_t*) src); }
    T*  begin() const { SYNC(); return (T*) fArray; }
    T*  end() const { return (T*) (fArray ? fArray + fCount : NULL); }
    int find(const T& elem) const { return SkDS32Array::find((const int32_t&) elem); }
    T* insert(U16CPU index) { return this->insert(index, 1, NULL); }
    T* insert(U16CPU index, U16CPU count, const T* src = NULL) {
        return (T*) SkDS32Array::insert(index, count, (const int32_t*) src); }
    int rfind(const T& elem) const { return SkDS32Array::rfind((const int32_t&) elem); }
    T*          push() { return this->append(); }
    void        push(T& elem) { *this->append() = elem; }
    const T&    top() const { return (*this)[fCount - 1]; }
    T&          top() { return (*this)[fCount - 1]; }
    void        pop(T* elem) { if (elem) *elem = (*this)[fCount - 1]; --fCount; }
    void        pop() { --fCount; }
#ifdef SK_DEBUG
    mutable T(* fTData)[kDebugArraySize];

#define SkIntArray(type) SkTDS32Array<type> // holds 32 bit data types
#define SkLongArray(type) SkTDS32Array<type>    // holds 32/64 bit data types depending on pointer size


#endif // SkTDArray_Experimental_DEFINED