/* FILE: sub_base.cpp * DATE MODIFIED: 31-Aug-07 * DESCRIPTION: Part of the SREC graph compiler project source files. * * Copyright 2007, 2008 Nuance Communciations, Inc. * * * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License'); * * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * * * * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * * distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' BASIS, * * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * * limitations under the License. * * * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <assert.h> #include "sub_grph.h" SubGraph::SubGraph (SubGraph *baseG) { int count= strlen(baseG->title); title= new char [count+1]; strcpy (title, baseG->title); ruleId= baseG->ruleId; arc= new NUANArc * [BLKSIZE]; popOp= 0; numVertex= baseG->numVertex; lastScope= SCOPE_ROOT; startId= baseG->startId; lastId= baseG->lastId; endId= baseG->endId; forwardList= 0; backwardList= 0; sortNum= 0; numArc= 0; CopyFastArcs (baseG, 0, baseG->numArc, 0, -1, -1, -1, -1); UpdateVertexCount (0); return; } int SubGraph::NewVertexId () { return (numVertex++); } void SubGraph::AllocateSpaceForArc () { if (numArc == 0) { arc= new NUANArc * [BLKSIZE]; } if (numArc%BLKSIZE == 0) { NUANArc **new_arc= new NUANArc * [numArc+BLKSIZE]; for (int ii= 0; ii < numArc; ii++) new_arc[ii]= arc[ii]; delete [] arc; arc= new_arc; } } NUANArc *SubGraph::CreateArc (int iLabel, int oLabel, int from, int to) { assert (!(iLabel == NONE_LABEL && from == to)); AllocateSpaceForArc (); NUANArc *arc_one= new NUANArc (iLabel, oLabel, from, to); arc[numArc]= arc_one; numArc++; return arc_one; } NUANArc *SubGraph::InheritArc (NUANArc *arcBase, int id) { AllocateSpaceForArc (); NUANArc *arc_one= new NUANArc (arcBase); arc_one->AssignFromId (id); arc[numArc]= arc_one; numArc++; return arc_one; } NUANArc *SubGraph::InheritReverseArc (NUANArc *arcBase, int id) { AllocateSpaceForArc (); NUANArc *arc_one= new NUANArc (arcBase); arc_one->AssignToId (id); arc[numArc]= arc_one; numArc++; return arc_one; } NUANArc *SubGraph::InheritReverseArcWithTag (NUANArc *arcBase, int id, int tagId) { AllocateSpaceForArc (); NUANArc *arc_one= new NUANArc (arcBase); arc_one->AssignToId (id); arc_one->AssignOutput (tagId); arc[numArc]= arc_one; numArc++; return arc_one; } NUANArc *SubGraph::CreateCopyWithOutput (NUANArc *arcBase, int id) { AllocateSpaceForArc (); NUANArc *arc_one= new NUANArc (arcBase); arc_one->AssignOutput (id); arc[numArc]= arc_one; numArc++; return arc_one; } void SubGraph::CopyFastArcs (SubGraph *subG, int startLoc, int endLoc, int offset, int headId, int newHeadId, int tailId, int newTailId) { NUANArc *arc_one; for (int ii= startLoc; ii < endLoc; ii++) { if (numArc%BLKSIZE == 0) { NUANArc **new_arc= new NUANArc * [numArc+BLKSIZE]; for (int ii= 0; ii < numArc; ii++) new_arc[ii]= arc[ii]; delete [] arc; arc= new_arc; } arc_one= new NUANArc (subG->arc[ii], offset, headId, newHeadId, tailId, newTailId); arc[numArc]= arc_one; numArc++; } return; } void SubGraph::Print () { int loc; printf ("Graph %s (%d %d)\n", title, startId, lastId); for (int ii= 0; ii < numArc; ii++) { loc= forwardList[ii]; // loc= ii; arc[loc]->Print(); } return; } void SubGraph::PrintText () { int loc; printf ("Graph %s (%d %d)\n", title, startId, lastId); for (int ii= 0; ii < numArc; ii++) { loc= forwardList[ii]; // loc= ii; arc[loc]->PrintText(); } return; } void SubGraph::ReverseDepthOnTerminal (int *depthMap) { for (int ii= 0; ii < numArc; ii++) if (arc[ii]->GetInput() == TERMINAL_LABEL) ReverseDepthData (arc[ii]->GetFromId(), depthMap, 1); return; } void SubGraph::ReverseDepthData (int startId, int *depthMap, int depth) { int rix, nextId, nextInp; if (depthMap[startId] > depth) depthMap[startId]= depth; else return; rix= FindToIndex (startId); if (rix < 0) return; while (rix < numArc && arc[backwardList[rix]]->GetToId() == startId) { nextId= arc[backwardList[rix]]->GetFromId(); nextInp= arc[backwardList[rix]]->GetInput(); if (nextId >= 0 && nextInp != DISCARD_LABEL) ReverseDepthData (nextId, depthMap, depth+1); rix++; } return; } void SubGraph::ForwardDepthData (int startId, int *depthMap, int depth) { int rix, nextId, nextInp; if (depthMap[startId] > depth) depthMap[startId]= depth; else return; rix= FindFromIndex (startId); if (rix < 0) return; while (rix < numArc && arc[forwardList[rix]]->GetFromId() == startId) { nextId= arc[forwardList[rix]]->GetToId(); nextInp= arc[forwardList[rix]]->GetInput(); if (nextId >= 0 && nextInp != DISCARD_LABEL) ForwardDepthData (nextId, depthMap, depth+1); rix++; } return; } void SubGraph::RemoveUnvisitedArcs (int initialId, int finalId) { int ii; int *forwardDepth= new int [numVertex]; int *reverseDepth= new int [numVertex]; for (ii= 0; ii < numVertex; ii++) forwardDepth[ii]= reverseDepth[ii]= MAXNUM; // TODO: review SortLanguage(); SortLanguageReverse(); ForwardDepthData (initialId, forwardDepth, 1); if (finalId >= 0) ReverseDepthData (finalId, reverseDepth, 1); ReverseDepthOnTerminal (reverseDepth); for (ii= 0; ii < numVertex; ii++) { if (forwardDepth[ii] == MAXNUM) forwardDepth[ii]= -1; if (reverseDepth[ii] == MAXNUM) reverseDepth[ii]= -1; } RemoveMarkedNodes (forwardDepth, reverseDepth); delete [] forwardDepth; delete [] reverseDepth; return; } void SubGraph::RemoveMarkedNodes (int *forwardDepth, int *reverseDepth) { int ii, currId, incId, outId; currId= 0; for (ii= 0; ii < numArc; ii++) { incId= arc[ii]->GetFromId(); outId= arc[ii]->GetToId(); assert (outId == DISCARD_LABEL || outId == TERMINAL_LABEL || outId >= 0); if (incId != DISCARD_LABEL && outId != DISCARD_LABEL && arc[ii]->GetInput() != DISCARD_LABEL && forwardDepth[incId] > 0 && (outId == TERMINAL_LABEL || reverseDepth[outId] > 0)) { arc[currId]= arc[ii]; currId++; } else delete arc[ii]; } for (ii= currId; ii < numArc; ii++) arc[ii]= 0; numArc= currId; return; } void SubGraph::RemoveDiscardedArcs () { int ii, currId, outId, inpId; currId= 0; for (ii= 0; ii < numArc; ii++) { outId= arc[ii]->GetToId(); inpId= arc[ii]->GetInput(); if (outId != DISCARD_LABEL && inpId != DISCARD_LABEL) { arc[currId]= arc[ii]; currId++; } else delete arc[ii]; } for (ii= currId; ii < numArc; ii++) arc[ii]= 0; numArc= currId; return; } void SubGraph::MapGraphVertices (int *equivMap) { int ii, fromId, toId; for (ii= 0; ii < numArc; ii++) { fromId= arc[ii]->GetFromId(); if (fromId >= 0) if (equivMap[fromId] != fromId) arc[ii]->AssignInput (DISCARD_LABEL); toId= arc[ii]->GetToId(); if (toId >= 0) if (equivMap[toId] != toId) arc[ii]->AssignToId (equivMap[toId]); } return; } void SubGraph::DebugPrintDirective (char *dirrData) { for (int ii= 0; ii < (popOp/7); ii++) printf (" "); printf ("%s\n", dirrData); return; } void SubGraph::DebugPrintLabel (int labId) { for (int ii= 0; ii <= (popOp/7); ii++) printf (" "); printf ("%d\n", labId); return; } void SubGraph::ClearLabelledConnections (int labItem) { for (int ii= 0; ii < numArc; ii++) { if (arc[ii]->GetInput() == labItem) arc[ii]->AssignToId (DISCARD_LABEL); } return; } void SubGraph::ClearRuleIds () { for (int ii= 0; ii < numArc; ii++) { if (arc[ii]->GetInput() < 0 && arc[ii]->GetInput() > NONE_LABEL) arc[ii]->AssignToId (DISCARD_LABEL); } return; } void SubGraph::ClearOutputs () { for (int ii= 0; ii < numArc; ii++) arc[ii]->AssignOutput (NONE_LABEL); return; }