/* * Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of Apple Computer, Inc. ("Apple") nor the names of * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE AND ITS CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #include "SamplingTool.h" #include "CodeBlock.h" #include "Interpreter.h" #include "Opcode.h" #if !PLATFORM(WIN_OS) #include <unistd.h> #endif namespace JSC { void ScopeSampleRecord::sample(CodeBlock* codeBlock, Instruction* vPC) { if (!m_samples) { m_size = codeBlock->instructions().size(); m_samples = static_cast<int*>(calloc(m_size, sizeof(int))); m_codeBlock = codeBlock; } ++m_sampleCount; unsigned offest = vPC - codeBlock->instructions().begin(); // Since we don't read and write codeBlock and vPC atomically, this check // can fail if we sample mid op_call / op_ret. if (offest < m_size) { m_samples[offest]++; m_opcodeSampleCount++; } } #if PLATFORM(WIN_OS) static void sleepForMicroseconds(unsigned us) { unsigned ms = us / 1000; if (us && !ms) ms = 1; Sleep(ms); } #else static void sleepForMicroseconds(unsigned us) { usleep(us); } #endif static inline unsigned hertz2us(unsigned hertz) { return 1000000 / hertz; } void SamplingTool::run() { while (m_running) { sleepForMicroseconds(hertz2us(m_hertz)); Sample sample(m_sample, m_codeBlock); ++m_sampleCount; if (sample.isNull()) continue; if (!sample.inHostFunction()) { unsigned opcodeID = m_interpreter->getOpcodeID(sample.vPC()[0].u.opcode); ++m_opcodeSampleCount; ++m_opcodeSamples[opcodeID]; if (sample.inCTIFunction()) m_opcodeSamplesInCTIFunctions[opcodeID]++; } #if ENABLE(CODEBLOCK_SAMPLING) MutexLocker locker(m_scopeSampleMapMutex); ScopeSampleRecord* record = m_scopeSampleMap->get(sample.codeBlock()->ownerNode()); ASSERT(record); record->sample(sample.codeBlock(), sample.vPC()); #endif } } void* SamplingTool::threadStartFunc(void* samplingTool) { reinterpret_cast<SamplingTool*>(samplingTool)->run(); return 0; } void SamplingTool::notifyOfScope(ScopeNode* scope) { MutexLocker locker(m_scopeSampleMapMutex); m_scopeSampleMap->set(scope, new ScopeSampleRecord(scope)); } void SamplingTool::start(unsigned hertz) { ASSERT(!m_running); m_running = true; m_hertz = hertz; m_samplingThread = createThread(threadStartFunc, this, "JavaScriptCore::Sampler"); } void SamplingTool::stop() { ASSERT(m_running); m_running = false; waitForThreadCompletion(m_samplingThread, 0); } #if ENABLE(OPCODE_SAMPLING) struct OpcodeSampleInfo { OpcodeID opcode; long long count; long long countInCTIFunctions; }; struct LineCountInfo { unsigned line; unsigned count; }; static int compareLineCountInfoSampling(const void* left, const void* right) { const LineCountInfo* leftLineCount = reinterpret_cast<const LineCountInfo*>(left); const LineCountInfo* rightLineCount = reinterpret_cast<const LineCountInfo*>(right); return (leftLineCount->line > rightLineCount->line) ? 1 : (leftLineCount->line < rightLineCount->line) ? -1 : 0; } static int compareOpcodeIndicesSampling(const void* left, const void* right) { const OpcodeSampleInfo* leftSampleInfo = reinterpret_cast<const OpcodeSampleInfo*>(left); const OpcodeSampleInfo* rightSampleInfo = reinterpret_cast<const OpcodeSampleInfo*>(right); return (leftSampleInfo->count < rightSampleInfo->count) ? 1 : (leftSampleInfo->count > rightSampleInfo->count) ? -1 : 0; } static int compareScopeSampleRecords(const void* left, const void* right) { const ScopeSampleRecord* const leftValue = *static_cast<const ScopeSampleRecord* const *>(left); const ScopeSampleRecord* const rightValue = *static_cast<const ScopeSampleRecord* const *>(right); return (leftValue->m_sampleCount < rightValue->m_sampleCount) ? 1 : (leftValue->m_sampleCount > rightValue->m_sampleCount) ? -1 : 0; } void SamplingTool::dump(ExecState* exec) { // Tidies up SunSpider output by removing short scripts - such a small number of samples would likely not be useful anyhow. if (m_sampleCount < 10) return; // (1) Build and sort 'opcodeSampleInfo' array. OpcodeSampleInfo opcodeSampleInfo[numOpcodeIDs]; for (int i = 0; i < numOpcodeIDs; ++i) { opcodeSampleInfo[i].opcode = static_cast<OpcodeID>(i); opcodeSampleInfo[i].count = m_opcodeSamples[i]; opcodeSampleInfo[i].countInCTIFunctions = m_opcodeSamplesInCTIFunctions[i]; } qsort(opcodeSampleInfo, numOpcodeIDs, sizeof(OpcodeSampleInfo), compareOpcodeIndicesSampling); // (2) Print Opcode sampling results. printf("\nBytecode samples [*]\n"); printf(" sample %% of %% of | cti cti %%\n"); printf("opcode count VM total | count of self\n"); printf("------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------\n"); for (int i = 0; i < numOpcodeIDs; ++i) { long long count = opcodeSampleInfo[i].count; if (!count) continue; OpcodeID opcodeID = opcodeSampleInfo[i].opcode; const char* opcodeName = opcodeNames[opcodeID]; const char* opcodePadding = padOpcodeName(opcodeID, 28); double percentOfVM = (static_cast<double>(count) * 100) / m_opcodeSampleCount; double percentOfTotal = (static_cast<double>(count) * 100) / m_sampleCount; long long countInCTIFunctions = opcodeSampleInfo[i].countInCTIFunctions; double percentInCTIFunctions = (static_cast<double>(countInCTIFunctions) * 100) / count; fprintf(stdout, "%s:%s%-6lld %.3f%%\t%.3f%%\t | %-6lld %.3f%%\n", opcodeName, opcodePadding, count, percentOfVM, percentOfTotal, countInCTIFunctions, percentInCTIFunctions); } printf("\n[*] Samples inside host code are not charged to any Bytecode.\n\n"); printf("\tSamples inside VM:\t\t%lld / %lld (%.3f%%)\n", m_opcodeSampleCount, m_sampleCount, (static_cast<double>(m_opcodeSampleCount) * 100) / m_sampleCount); printf("\tSamples inside host code:\t%lld / %lld (%.3f%%)\n\n", m_sampleCount - m_opcodeSampleCount, m_sampleCount, (static_cast<double>(m_sampleCount - m_opcodeSampleCount) * 100) / m_sampleCount); printf("\tsample count:\tsamples inside this opcode\n"); printf("\t%% of VM:\tsample count / all opcode samples\n"); printf("\t%% of total:\tsample count / all samples\n"); printf("\t--------------\n"); printf("\tcti count:\tsamples inside a CTI function called by this opcode\n"); printf("\tcti %% of self:\tcti count / sample count\n"); // (3) Build and sort 'codeBlockSamples' array. int scopeCount = m_scopeSampleMap->size(); Vector<ScopeSampleRecord*> codeBlockSamples(scopeCount); ScopeSampleRecordMap::iterator iter = m_scopeSampleMap->begin(); for (int i = 0; i < scopeCount; ++i, ++iter) codeBlockSamples[i] = iter->second; qsort(codeBlockSamples.begin(), scopeCount, sizeof(ScopeSampleRecord*), compareScopeSampleRecords); // (4) Print data from 'codeBlockSamples' array. printf("\nCodeBlock samples\n\n"); for (int i = 0; i < scopeCount; ++i) { ScopeSampleRecord* record = codeBlockSamples[i]; CodeBlock* codeBlock = record->m_codeBlock; double blockPercent = (record->m_sampleCount * 100.0) / m_sampleCount; if (blockPercent >= 1) { //Instruction* code = codeBlock->instructions().begin(); printf("#%d: %s:%d: %d / %lld (%.3f%%)\n", i + 1, record->m_scope->sourceURL().UTF8String().c_str(), codeBlock->lineNumberForBytecodeOffset(exec, 0), record->m_sampleCount, m_sampleCount, blockPercent); if (i < 10) { HashMap<unsigned,unsigned> lineCounts; codeBlock->dump(exec); printf(" Opcode and line number samples [*]\n\n"); for (unsigned op = 0; op < record->m_size; ++op) { int count = record->m_samples[op]; if (count) { printf(" [% 4d] has sample count: % 4d\n", op, count); unsigned line = codeBlock->lineNumberForBytecodeOffset(exec, op); lineCounts.set(line, (lineCounts.contains(line) ? lineCounts.get(line) : 0) + count); } } printf("\n"); int linesCount = lineCounts.size(); Vector<LineCountInfo> lineCountInfo(linesCount); int lineno = 0; for (HashMap<unsigned,unsigned>::iterator iter = lineCounts.begin(); iter != lineCounts.end(); ++iter, ++lineno) { lineCountInfo[lineno].line = iter->first; lineCountInfo[lineno].count = iter->second; } qsort(lineCountInfo.begin(), linesCount, sizeof(LineCountInfo), compareLineCountInfoSampling); for (lineno = 0; lineno < linesCount; ++lineno) { printf(" Line #%d has sample count %d.\n", lineCountInfo[lineno].line, lineCountInfo[lineno].count); } printf("\n"); printf(" [*] Samples inside host code are charged to the calling Bytecode.\n"); printf(" Samples on a call / return boundary are not charged to a specific opcode or line.\n\n"); printf(" Samples on a call / return boundary: %d / %d (%.3f%%)\n\n", record->m_sampleCount - record->m_opcodeSampleCount, record->m_sampleCount, (static_cast<double>(record->m_sampleCount - record->m_opcodeSampleCount) * 100) / record->m_sampleCount); } } } } #else void SamplingTool::dump(ExecState*) { } #endif } // namespace JSC