/* * Copyright (C) 2007, 2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of Apple Computer, Inc. ("Apple") nor the names of * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE AND ITS CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ WebInspector.Resource = function(requestHeaders, url, domain, path, lastPathComponent, identifier, mainResource, cached) { this.identifier = identifier; this.startTime = -1; this.endTime = -1; this.mainResource = mainResource; this.requestHeaders = requestHeaders; this.url = url; this.domain = domain; this.path = path; this.lastPathComponent = lastPathComponent; this.cached = cached; this.category = WebInspector.resourceCategories.other; } // Keep these in sync with WebCore::InspectorResource::Type WebInspector.Resource.Type = { Document: 0, Stylesheet: 1, Image: 2, Font: 3, Script: 4, XHR: 5, Other: 6, isTextType: function(type) { return (type === this.Document) || (type === this.Stylesheet) || (type === this.Script) || (type === this.XHR); }, toString: function(type) { switch (type) { case this.Document: return WebInspector.UIString("document"); case this.Stylesheet: return WebInspector.UIString("stylesheet"); case this.Image: return WebInspector.UIString("image"); case this.Font: return WebInspector.UIString("font"); case this.Script: return WebInspector.UIString("script"); case this.XHR: return WebInspector.UIString("XHR"); case this.Other: default: return WebInspector.UIString("other"); } } } WebInspector.Resource.prototype = { get url() { return this._url; }, set url(x) { if (this._url === x) return; var oldURL = this._url; this._url = x; // FIXME: We should make the WebInspector object listen for the "url changed" event. // Then resourceURLChanged can be removed. WebInspector.resourceURLChanged(this, oldURL); this.dispatchEventToListeners("url changed"); }, get domain() { return this._domain; }, set domain(x) { if (this._domain === x) return; this._domain = x; }, get lastPathComponent() { return this._lastPathComponent; }, set lastPathComponent(x) { if (this._lastPathComponent === x) return; this._lastPathComponent = x; this._lastPathComponentLowerCase = x ? x.toLowerCase() : null; }, get displayName() { var title = this.lastPathComponent; if (!title) title = this.displayDomain; if (!title && this.url) title = this.url.trimURL(WebInspector.mainResource ? WebInspector.mainResource.domain : ""); if (title === "/") title = this.url; return title; }, get displayDomain() { // WebInspector.Database calls this, so don't access more than this.domain. if (this.domain && (!WebInspector.mainResource || (WebInspector.mainResource && this.domain !== WebInspector.mainResource.domain))) return this.domain; return ""; }, get startTime() { return this._startTime || -1; }, set startTime(x) { if (this._startTime === x) return; this._startTime = x; if (WebInspector.panels.resources) WebInspector.panels.resources.refreshResource(this); }, get responseReceivedTime() { return this._responseReceivedTime || -1; }, set responseReceivedTime(x) { if (this._responseReceivedTime === x) return; this._responseReceivedTime = x; if (WebInspector.panels.resources) WebInspector.panels.resources.refreshResource(this); }, get endTime() { return this._endTime || -1; }, set endTime(x) { if (this._endTime === x) return; this._endTime = x; if (WebInspector.panels.resources) WebInspector.panels.resources.refreshResource(this); }, get duration() { if (this._endTime === -1 || this._startTime === -1) return -1; return this._endTime - this._startTime; }, get latency() { if (this._responseReceivedTime === -1 || this._startTime === -1) return -1; return this._responseReceivedTime - this._startTime; }, get contentLength() { return this._contentLength || 0; }, set contentLength(x) { if (this._contentLength === x) return; this._contentLength = x; if (WebInspector.panels.resources) WebInspector.panels.resources.refreshResource(this); }, get expectedContentLength() { return this._expectedContentLength || 0; }, set expectedContentLength(x) { if (this._expectedContentLength === x) return; this._expectedContentLength = x; }, get finished() { return this._finished; }, set finished(x) { if (this._finished === x) return; this._finished = x; if (x) { this._checkTips(); this._checkWarnings(); this.dispatchEventToListeners("finished"); } }, get failed() { return this._failed; }, set failed(x) { this._failed = x; }, get category() { return this._category; }, set category(x) { if (this._category === x) return; var oldCategory = this._category; if (oldCategory) oldCategory.removeResource(this); this._category = x; if (this._category) this._category.addResource(this); if (WebInspector.panels.resources) { WebInspector.panels.resources.refreshResource(this); WebInspector.panels.resources.recreateViewForResourceIfNeeded(this); } }, get mimeType() { return this._mimeType; }, set mimeType(x) { if (this._mimeType === x) return; this._mimeType = x; }, get type() { return this._type; }, set type(x) { if (this._type === x) return; this._type = x; switch (x) { case WebInspector.Resource.Type.Document: this.category = WebInspector.resourceCategories.documents; break; case WebInspector.Resource.Type.Stylesheet: this.category = WebInspector.resourceCategories.stylesheets; break; case WebInspector.Resource.Type.Script: this.category = WebInspector.resourceCategories.scripts; break; case WebInspector.Resource.Type.Image: this.category = WebInspector.resourceCategories.images; break; case WebInspector.Resource.Type.Font: this.category = WebInspector.resourceCategories.fonts; break; case WebInspector.Resource.Type.XHR: this.category = WebInspector.resourceCategories.xhr; break; case WebInspector.Resource.Type.Other: default: this.category = WebInspector.resourceCategories.other; break; } }, get documentNode() { if ("identifier" in this) return InspectorController.getResourceDocumentNode(this.identifier); return null; }, get requestHeaders() { if (this._requestHeaders === undefined) this._requestHeaders = {}; return this._requestHeaders; }, set requestHeaders(x) { if (this._requestHeaders === x) return; this._requestHeaders = x; delete this._sortedRequestHeaders; this.dispatchEventToListeners("requestHeaders changed"); }, get sortedRequestHeaders() { if (this._sortedRequestHeaders !== undefined) return this._sortedRequestHeaders; this._sortedRequestHeaders = []; for (var key in this.requestHeaders) this._sortedRequestHeaders.push({header: key, value: this.requestHeaders[key]}); this._sortedRequestHeaders.sort(function(a,b) { return a.header.localeCompare(b.header) }); return this._sortedRequestHeaders; }, get responseHeaders() { if (this._responseHeaders === undefined) this._responseHeaders = {}; return this._responseHeaders; }, set responseHeaders(x) { if (this._responseHeaders === x) return; this._responseHeaders = x; delete this._sortedResponseHeaders; this.dispatchEventToListeners("responseHeaders changed"); }, get sortedResponseHeaders() { if (this._sortedResponseHeaders !== undefined) return this._sortedResponseHeaders; this._sortedResponseHeaders = []; for (var key in this.responseHeaders) this._sortedResponseHeaders.push({header: key, value: this.responseHeaders[key]}); this._sortedResponseHeaders.sort(function(a,b) { return a.header.localeCompare(b.header) }); return this._sortedResponseHeaders; }, get scripts() { if (!("_scripts" in this)) this._scripts = []; return this._scripts; }, addScript: function(script) { if (!script) return; this.scripts.unshift(script); script.resource = this; }, removeAllScripts: function() { if (!this._scripts) return; for (var i = 0; i < this._scripts.length; ++i) { if (this._scripts[i].resource === this) delete this._scripts[i].resource; } delete this._scripts; }, removeScript: function(script) { if (!script) return; if (script.resource === this) delete script.resource; if (!this._scripts) return; this._scripts.remove(script); }, get errors() { return this._errors || 0; }, set errors(x) { this._errors = x; }, get warnings() { return this._warnings || 0; }, set warnings(x) { this._warnings = x; }, get tips() { if (!("_tips" in this)) this._tips = {}; return this._tips; }, _addTip: function(tip) { if (tip.id in this.tips) return; this.tips[tip.id] = tip; // FIXME: Re-enable this code once we have a scope bar in the Console. // Otherwise, we flood the Console with too many tips. /* var msg = new WebInspector.ConsoleMessage(WebInspector.ConsoleMessage.MessageSource.Other, WebInspector.ConsoleMessage.MessageLevel.Tip, -1, this.url, null, 1, tip.message); WebInspector.console.addMessage(msg); */ }, _checkTips: function() { for (var tip in WebInspector.Tips) this._checkTip(WebInspector.Tips[tip]); }, _checkTip: function(tip) { var addTip = false; switch (tip.id) { case WebInspector.Tips.ResourceNotCompressed.id: addTip = this._shouldCompress(); break; } if (addTip) this._addTip(tip); }, _shouldCompress: function() { return WebInspector.Resource.Type.isTextType(this.type) && this.domain && !("Content-Encoding" in this.responseHeaders) && this.contentLength !== undefined && this.contentLength >= 512; }, _mimeTypeIsConsistentWithType: function() { if (typeof this.type === "undefined" || this.type === WebInspector.Resource.Type.Other || this.type === WebInspector.Resource.Type.XHR) return true; if (this.mimeType in WebInspector.MIMETypes) return this.type in WebInspector.MIMETypes[this.mimeType]; return true; }, _checkWarnings: function() { for (var warning in WebInspector.Warnings) this._checkWarning(WebInspector.Warnings[warning]); }, _checkWarning: function(warning) { var addWarning = false; var msg; switch (warning.id) { case WebInspector.Warnings.IncorrectMIMEType.id: if (!this._mimeTypeIsConsistentWithType()) msg = new WebInspector.ConsoleMessage(WebInspector.ConsoleMessage.MessageSource.Other, WebInspector.ConsoleMessage.MessageLevel.Warning, -1, this.url, null, 1, String.sprintf(WebInspector.Warnings.IncorrectMIMEType.message, WebInspector.Resource.Type.toString(this.type), this.mimeType)); break; } if (msg) WebInspector.console.addMessage(msg); } } WebInspector.Resource.prototype.__proto__ = WebInspector.Object.prototype; WebInspector.Resource.CompareByStartTime = function(a, b) { if (a.startTime < b.startTime) return -1; if (a.startTime > b.startTime) return 1; return 0; } WebInspector.Resource.CompareByResponseReceivedTime = function(a, b) { if (a.responseReceivedTime === -1 && b.responseReceivedTime !== -1) return 1; if (a.responseReceivedTime !== -1 && b.responseReceivedTime === -1) return -1; if (a.responseReceivedTime < b.responseReceivedTime) return -1; if (a.responseReceivedTime > b.responseReceivedTime) return 1; return 0; } WebInspector.Resource.CompareByEndTime = function(a, b) { if (a.endTime === -1 && b.endTime !== -1) return 1; if (a.endTime !== -1 && b.endTime === -1) return -1; if (a.endTime < b.endTime) return -1; if (a.endTime > b.endTime) return 1; return 0; } WebInspector.Resource.CompareByDuration = function(a, b) { if (a.duration < b.duration) return -1; if (a.duration > b.duration) return 1; return 0; } WebInspector.Resource.CompareByLatency = function(a, b) { if (a.latency < b.latency) return -1; if (a.latency > b.latency) return 1; return 0; } WebInspector.Resource.CompareBySize = function(a, b) { if (a.contentLength < b.contentLength) return -1; if (a.contentLength > b.contentLength) return 1; return 0; }