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 * Copyright 2001-2004 Brandon Long
 * All Rights Reserved.
 * ClearSilver Templating System
 * This code is made available under the terms of the ClearSilver License.
 * http://www.clearsilver.net/license.hdf

#ifndef __HTML_H_ 
#define __HTML_H_ 1

#include <stdarg.h>
#include "util/neo_err.h"
#include "util/neo_hdf.h"


typedef struct _text_html_opts {
    const char *bounce_url;
    const char *url_class;
    const char *url_target;
    const char *mailto_class;
    int long_lines;
    int space_convert;
    int newlines_convert;
    int longline_width;
    int check_ascii_art;
    const char *link_name;

NEOERR *convert_text_html_alloc (const char *src, int slen, char **out);
NEOERR *convert_text_html_alloc_options (const char *src, int slen,
                                         char **out, 
                                         HTML_CONVERT_OPTS *opts);
NEOERR *html_escape_alloc (const char *src, int slen, char **out);
NEOERR *html_strip_alloc(const char *src, int slen, char **out);


#endif /* __HTML_H_ */