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Q. How to build OpenCORE outside of Android?
A. As part of the OpenCORE release, PacketVideo also provides it's internal
build system that can be used to build OpenCORE outside of Android with the
native linux toolchain. 

The following are the steps involved:
  NOTE 1: Assume <opencore> is the directory where you have downloaded the
  OpenCORE codebase
  NOTE 2: The setup scripts are meant to be used in with the bash shell.
    cd <opencore>/build_config/opencore_dynamic
    source setup.sh <opencore>
    make -j

This will build all the required libraries in
and the executables in 


Q. How to run the pvplayer engine unit tests?
A. On Android emulator/device:
    adb push <opencore>/engines/player/test/data/ /sdcard
    adb shell "cd /sdcard; pvplayer_engine_test <test_args> <source_args>"

On host PC:
    cd <opencore>/build_config/opencore_dynamic
    make run_pe_test TEST_ARGS="<test_args>"

To see a list of valid <test_args>:
        make run_pe_test TEST_ARGS="-help"


Q. How to run the pv2way engine unit tests?
A. On Android emulator/device:
    adb push <opencore>/extlibs/opencore/engines/2way/test/test_data/ /sdcard
    adb shell "cd /sdcard; pv2way_omx_engine_test <test_args>"

On host PC:
    cd <opencore>/build_config/opencore_dynamic
    make run_2way_test TEST_ARGS="<test_args>"

To see a list of valid <test_args>:
        make run_pe_test TEST_ARGS="-help"


Q. How to run the pvauthor engine unit tests?
A.  On Android emulator/device:
    adb push <opencore>/engines/author/test/test_input/ /sdcard
    adb shell "cd /sdcard;test_pvauthorengine <test_args>"

On host PC:
    cd <opencore>/build_config/opencore_dynamic
    make run_ae_test TEST_ARGS="<test_args>"

To see a list of valid <test_args>:
        make run_pe_test TEST_ARGS="-help"
