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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project

     Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     You may obtain a copy of the License at
     Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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     limitations under the License.

        This file contains configuration data for commonly-used email providers.
        ==== CONTENT GUIDELINES ====
        This file should only be used for email providers that are considered "universal"
        and are appropriate for *all* android platform devices.  These entries must be accessible
        from all networks.  It should be reasonable for any user to obtain an account on these
        networks, and test accounts must be easily obtainable.  No entries should be added
        that are device, product, or carrier-specific.
        Entries that are device, product or carrier-specific should be added as overlays 
        in the appropriate providers_product.xml file.
        ==== FORMAT OF ENTRIES ====
        This file is used to specify providers that we know default settings for
        so that the user can set up their account by simply entering their email
        address and password.

        When a user starts this process, the email address is parsed, the domain
        broken out and used to search this file for a provider. If one is found the
        provider's settings are used to attempt to connect to the account.
        At this time, the id and label attributes are not used.  However, please include them
        if you make edits to this file.  id must also be completely unique.  label will be shown
        to the user when there are multiple options provided for a single domain (not currently

        A provider contains the settings for setting up an email account
        that ends with the given domain. Domains should be unique within
        this file. Each provider should have at least one incoming section and
        one outgoing section. If more than one is specified only the first
        will be used.

        Valid incoming uri schemes are:
            imap        IMAP with no transport security.
            imap+tls    IMAP with optional TLS transport security.
                            If TLS is not available the connection is made as "imap"
            imap+tls+   IMAP with required TLS transport security.
                            If TLS is not available the conneciton fails.
            imap+ssl+   IMAP with required SSL transport security.
                            If SSL is not available the connection fails.

            pop3        POP3 with no transport security.
            pop3+tls    POP3 with optional TLS transport security.
                            If TLS is not available the connection is made as "pop3"
            pop3+tls+   POP3 with required TLS transport security.
                            If TLS is not available the conneciton fails.
            pop3+ssl+   POP3 with required SSL transport security.
                            If SSL is not available the connection fails.

        Valid outgoing uri schemes are:
            smtp        SMTP with no transport security.
            smtp+tls    SMTP with optional TLS transport security.
                            If TLS is not available the connection is made as "smtp"
            smtp+tls+   SMTP with required TLS transport security.
                            If TLS is not available the conneciton fails.
            smtp+ssl+   SMTP with required SSL transport security.
                            If SSL is not available the connection fails.

        The URIs should be full templates for connection, including a port if
        the service uses a non-default port.

        The username attribute is used to supply a template for the username
        that will be presented to the server. This username is built from a
        set of variables that are substituted with parts of the user
        specified email address.

        Valid substitution values for the username attribute are:
            $email - the email address the user entered
            $user - the value before the @ sign in the email address the user entered
            $domain - the value after the @ signin the email address the user entered
        The username attribute MUST be specified for the incoming element, so the POP3 or IMAP
        server can identify the mailbox to be opened.
        The username attribute MAY be the empty string for the outgoing element, but only if the 
        SMTP server supports anonymous transmission (most don't).


    <!-- Gmail variants -->
    <provider id="gmail" label="Gmail" domain="gmail.com">
        <incoming uri="imap+ssl+://imap.gmail.com" username="$email" />
        <outgoing uri="smtp+ssl+://smtp.gmail.com" username="$email" />
    <provider id="googlemail" label="Google Mail" domain="googlemail.com">
        <incoming uri="imap+ssl+://imap.googlemail.com" username="$email" />
        <outgoing uri="smtp+ssl+://smtp.googlemail.com" username="$email" />
    <provider id="google" label="Google" domain="google.com">
        <incoming uri="imap+ssl+://imap.gmail.com" username="$email" />
        <outgoing uri="smtp+ssl+://smtp.gmail.com" username="$email" />
    <provider id="android" label="Android" domain="android.com">
        <incoming uri="imap+ssl+://imap.gmail.com" username="$email" />
        <outgoing uri="smtp+ssl+://smtp.gmail.com" username="$email" />

    <!-- USA -->
    <provider id="aim" label="AIM" domain="aim.com">
        <incoming uri="imap://imap.aim.com" label="IMAP" username="$email" />
        <outgoing uri="smtp://smtp.aim.com:587" username="$email" />
    <provider id="aol" label="AOL" domain="aol.com">
        <incoming uri="imap://imap.aol.com" label="IMAP" username="$email" />
        <outgoing uri="smtp://smtp.aol.com:587" username="$email" />
    <provider id="comcast" label="Comcast" domain="comcast.net">
        <incoming uri="pop3+ssl+://mail.comcast.net" username="$user" />
        <outgoing uri="smtp+ssl+://smtp.comcast.net" username="$user" />
    <provider id="compuserve" label="CompuServe" domain="cs.com">
        <incoming uri="imap://imap.cs.com" username="$user" />
        <outgoing uri="smtp://smtp.cs.com" username="$user" />
    <provider id="dotmac" label=".Mac" domain="mac.com">
        <incoming uri="imap+tls://mail.mac.com" username="$email" />
        <outgoing uri="smtp+tls://smtp.mac.com" username="$email" />
    <provider id="earthlink" label="Earthlink" domain="earthlink.net">
        <incoming uri="pop3://pop.earthlink.net" username="$email" />
        <outgoing uri="smtp://smtpauth.earthlink.net:587" username="$email" />
    <provider id="juno" label="Juno" domain="juno.com">
        <incoming uri="pop3://pop.juno.com" username="$user" />
        <outgoing uri="smtp://smtp.juno.com" username="$user" />
    <provider id="live" label="Windows Live Hotmail Plus" domain="live.com"
        <incoming uri="pop3+ssl+://pop3.live.com"  username="$email" />
        <outgoing uri="smtp+tls+://smtp.live.com" username="$email" />
    <provider id="hotmail" label="Windows Live Hotmail Plus" domain="hotmail.com"
        <incoming uri="pop3+ssl+://pop3.live.com"  username="$email" />
        <outgoing uri="smtp+tls+://smtp.live.com" username="$email" />
    <provider id="msn" label="Windows Live Hotmail Plus" domain="msn.com"
        <incoming uri="pop3+ssl+://pop3.live.com"  username="$email" />
        <outgoing uri="smtp+tls+://smtp.live.com" username="$email" />
    <provider id="mobileme" label="MobileMe" domain="me.com">
        <incoming uri="imap+tls://mail.me.com" username="$email" />
        <outgoing uri="smtp+tls://smtp.me.com" username="$email" />
    <provider id="netzero" label="NetZero" domain="netzero.com">
        <incoming uri="pop3://pop.netzero.com" username="$user" />
        <outgoing uri="smtp://smtp.netzero.com" username="$user" />
    <provider id="sbcglobal" label="SBC Global" domain="sbcglobal.net">
        <incoming uri="pop3://pop.sbcglobal.yahoo.com" username="$email" />
        <outgoing uri="smtp://smtp.sbcglobal.yahoo.com" username="$email" />
    <provider id="verizon" label="Verizon" domain="verizon.net">
        <incoming uri="pop3://incoming.verizon.net" username="$user" />
        <outgoing uri="smtp://outgoing.verizon.net" username="$user" />
    <provider id="yahoo" label="Yahoo Plus" domain="yahoo.com" note="@string/provider_note_yahoo">
        <incoming uri="pop3+ssl+://plus.pop.mail.yahoo.com" username="$user" />
        <outgoing uri="smtp+ssl+://plus.smtp.mail.yahoo.com" username="$user" />
    <!-- UK -->
    <provider id="aol-uk" label="AOL" domain="aol.co.uk">
        <incoming uri="imap+ssl+://imap.uk.aol.com" label="IMAP" username="$user" />
        <outgoing uri="smtp+ssl+://smtp.uk.aol.com" username="$user" />
    <provider id="bt" label="BT Internet" domain="btinternet.com">
        <incoming uri="pop3://mail.btinternet.com" username="$email" />
        <outgoing uri="smtp://mail.btinternet.com" username="" />
    <provider id="yahoo-uk" label="Yahoo" domain="yahoo.co.uk" note="@string/provider_note_yahoo_uk">
        <incoming uri="pop3+ssl+://pop.mail.yahoo.co.uk" username="$user" />
        <outgoing uri="smtp+ssl+://smtp.mail.yahoo.co.uk" username="$user" />
    <!-- Germany -->
    <provider id="freenet" label="Freenet" domain="freenet.de">
        <incoming uri="pop3://mx.freenet.de" username="$user" />
        <outgoing uri="smtp+ssl://mx.freenet.de" username="$email" />
    <provider id="gmx" label="GMX" domain="gmx.de">
        <incoming uri="pop3+tls://pop.gmx.net" username="$email" />
        <outgoing uri="smtp+tls://mail.gmx.net" username="$email" />
    <provider id="T-Online" label="T-Online" domain="t-online.de" 
        <incoming uri="pop3://popmail.t-online.de" username="$email" />
        <outgoing uri="smtp://smtpmail.t-online.de" username="$email" />
    <provider id="web.de" label="Web.de" domain="web.de">
        <incoming uri="pop3+tls://pop3.web.de" username="$user" />
        <outgoing uri="smtp+tls://smtp.web.de" username="$user" />

    <!-- Netherlands -->
    <!-- TODO:  For all of these, please confirm POP3, and switch to IMAP if supported -->
    <!-- TODO:  username="" in incoming element is broken - will not work -->
    <!-- Disabled until username="" is resolved
    <provider id="hetnet" label="Het Net" domain="hetnet.nl">
        <incoming uri="pop3://pop.hetnet.nl" username="" />
        <outgoing uri="smtp://mailhost.hetnet.nl" username="" />
    <!-- Disabled until test accounts provided
    <provider id="planet inet" label="Planet Internet" domain="planet.nl">
        <incoming uri="pop3://pop.planet.nl" username="$user" />
        <outgoing uri="smtp://mail.planet.nl" username="" />
    <!-- TODO:  username="" in incoming element is broken - will not work -->
    <!-- Disabled until username="" is resolved
    <provider id="tiscali" label="Tiscali" domain="tiscali.nl">
        <incoming uri="pop3://pop3.tiscali.nl" username="" />
        <outgoing uri="smtp://smtp.tiscali.nl" username="" />
    <!-- Disabled until test accounts provided
    <provider id="wanadoo" label="Wanadoo" domain="wanadoo.nl">
        <incoming uri="pop3://pop.wanadoo.nl" username="$user" />
        <outgoing uri="smtp://smtp.wanadoo.nl" username="$user" />

    <!-- Poland -->
    <provider id="onet" label="Onet.pl" domain="poczta.onet.pl">
        <incoming uri="pop3://pop3.poczta.onet.pl" username="$email" />
        <outgoing uri="smtp://smtp.poczta.onet.pl" username="$email" />
    <provider id="wirtualna" label="Wirtualna Polska" domain="wp.pl">
        <incoming uri="pop3://pop3.wp.pl" username="$user" />
        <outgoing uri="smtp://smtp.wp.pl" username="$user" />
    <provider id="interia" label="Interia" domain="interia.pl">
        <incoming uri="pop3+ssl://poczta.interia.pl" username="$user" />
        <outgoing uri="smtp+ssl://poczta.interia.pl" username="$user" />
    <provider id="o2" label="O2" domain="o2.pl">
        <incoming uri="pop3+ssl://poczta.o2.pl" username="$user" />
        <outgoing uri="smtp+ssl://poczta.o2.pl" username="$user" />
