/* * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "mutex.h" #include <errno.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include "android-base/stringprintf.h" #include "base/atomic.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/systrace.h" #include "base/time_utils.h" #include "base/value_object.h" #include "mutex-inl.h" #include "scoped_thread_state_change-inl.h" #include "thread-inl.h" namespace art { using android::base::StringPrintf; struct AllMutexData { // A guard for all_mutexes_ that's not a mutex (Mutexes must CAS to acquire and busy wait). Atomic<const BaseMutex*> all_mutexes_guard; // All created mutexes guarded by all_mutexes_guard_. std::set<BaseMutex*>* all_mutexes; AllMutexData() : all_mutexes(nullptr) {} }; static struct AllMutexData gAllMutexData[kAllMutexDataSize]; #if ART_USE_FUTEXES static bool ComputeRelativeTimeSpec(timespec* result_ts, const timespec& lhs, const timespec& rhs) { const int32_t one_sec = 1000 * 1000 * 1000; // one second in nanoseconds. result_ts->tv_sec = lhs.tv_sec - rhs.tv_sec; result_ts->tv_nsec = lhs.tv_nsec - rhs.tv_nsec; if (result_ts->tv_nsec < 0) { result_ts->tv_sec--; result_ts->tv_nsec += one_sec; } else if (result_ts->tv_nsec > one_sec) { result_ts->tv_sec++; result_ts->tv_nsec -= one_sec; } return result_ts->tv_sec < 0; } #endif // Wait for an amount of time that roughly increases in the argument i. // Spin for small arguments and yield/sleep for longer ones. static void BackOff(uint32_t i) { static constexpr uint32_t kSpinMax = 10; static constexpr uint32_t kYieldMax = 20; if (i <= kSpinMax) { // TODO: Esp. in very latency-sensitive cases, consider replacing this with an explicit // test-and-test-and-set loop in the caller. Possibly skip entirely on a uniprocessor. volatile uint32_t x = 0; const uint32_t spin_count = 10 * i; for (uint32_t spin = 0; spin < spin_count; ++spin) { ++x; // Volatile; hence should not be optimized away. } // TODO: Consider adding x86 PAUSE and/or ARM YIELD here. } else if (i <= kYieldMax) { sched_yield(); } else { NanoSleep(1000ull * (i - kYieldMax)); } } class ScopedAllMutexesLock final { public: explicit ScopedAllMutexesLock(const BaseMutex* mutex) : mutex_(mutex) { for (uint32_t i = 0; !gAllMutexData->all_mutexes_guard.CompareAndSetWeakAcquire(nullptr, mutex); ++i) { BackOff(i); } } ~ScopedAllMutexesLock() { DCHECK_EQ(gAllMutexData->all_mutexes_guard.load(std::memory_order_relaxed), mutex_); gAllMutexData->all_mutexes_guard.store(nullptr, std::memory_order_release); } private: const BaseMutex* const mutex_; }; // Scoped class that generates events at the beginning and end of lock contention. class ScopedContentionRecorder final : public ValueObject { public: ScopedContentionRecorder(BaseMutex* mutex, uint64_t blocked_tid, uint64_t owner_tid) : mutex_(kLogLockContentions ? mutex : nullptr), blocked_tid_(kLogLockContentions ? blocked_tid : 0), owner_tid_(kLogLockContentions ? owner_tid : 0), start_nano_time_(kLogLockContentions ? NanoTime() : 0) { if (ATraceEnabled()) { std::string msg = StringPrintf("Lock contention on %s (owner tid: %" PRIu64 ")", mutex->GetName(), owner_tid); ATraceBegin(msg.c_str()); } } ~ScopedContentionRecorder() { ATraceEnd(); if (kLogLockContentions) { uint64_t end_nano_time = NanoTime(); mutex_->RecordContention(blocked_tid_, owner_tid_, end_nano_time - start_nano_time_); } } private: BaseMutex* const mutex_; const uint64_t blocked_tid_; const uint64_t owner_tid_; const uint64_t start_nano_time_; }; BaseMutex::BaseMutex(const char* name, LockLevel level) : name_(name), level_(level), should_respond_to_empty_checkpoint_request_(false) { if (kLogLockContentions) { ScopedAllMutexesLock mu(this); std::set<BaseMutex*>** all_mutexes_ptr = &gAllMutexData->all_mutexes; if (*all_mutexes_ptr == nullptr) { // We leak the global set of all mutexes to avoid ordering issues in global variable // construction/destruction. *all_mutexes_ptr = new std::set<BaseMutex*>(); } (*all_mutexes_ptr)->insert(this); } } BaseMutex::~BaseMutex() { if (kLogLockContentions) { ScopedAllMutexesLock mu(this); gAllMutexData->all_mutexes->erase(this); } } void BaseMutex::DumpAll(std::ostream& os) { if (kLogLockContentions) { os << "Mutex logging:\n"; ScopedAllMutexesLock mu(reinterpret_cast<const BaseMutex*>(-1)); std::set<BaseMutex*>* all_mutexes = gAllMutexData->all_mutexes; if (all_mutexes == nullptr) { // No mutexes have been created yet during at startup. return; } os << "(Contended)\n"; for (const BaseMutex* mutex : *all_mutexes) { if (mutex->HasEverContended()) { mutex->Dump(os); os << "\n"; } } os << "(Never contented)\n"; for (const BaseMutex* mutex : *all_mutexes) { if (!mutex->HasEverContended()) { mutex->Dump(os); os << "\n"; } } } } void BaseMutex::CheckSafeToWait(Thread* self) { if (self == nullptr) { CheckUnattachedThread(level_); return; } if (kDebugLocking) { CHECK(self->GetHeldMutex(level_) == this || level_ == kMonitorLock) << "Waiting on unacquired mutex: " << name_; bool bad_mutexes_held = false; for (int i = kLockLevelCount - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (i != level_) { BaseMutex* held_mutex = self->GetHeldMutex(static_cast<LockLevel>(i)); // We allow the thread to wait even if the user_code_suspension_lock_ is held so long. This // just means that gc or some other internal process is suspending the thread while it is // trying to suspend some other thread. So long as the current thread is not being suspended // by a SuspendReason::kForUserCode (which needs the user_code_suspension_lock_ to clear) // this is fine. This is needed due to user_code_suspension_lock_ being the way untrusted // code interacts with suspension. One holds the lock to prevent user-code-suspension from // occurring. Since this is only initiated from user-supplied native-code this is safe. if (held_mutex == Locks::user_code_suspension_lock_) { // No thread safety analysis is fine since we have both the user_code_suspension_lock_ // from the line above and the ThreadSuspendCountLock since it is our level_. We use this // lambda to avoid having to annotate the whole function as NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS. auto is_suspending_for_user_code = [self]() NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS { return self->GetUserCodeSuspendCount() != 0; }; if (is_suspending_for_user_code()) { LOG(ERROR) << "Holding \"" << held_mutex->name_ << "\" " << "(level " << LockLevel(i) << ") while performing wait on " << "\"" << name_ << "\" (level " << level_ << ") " << "with SuspendReason::kForUserCode pending suspensions"; bad_mutexes_held = true; } } else if (held_mutex != nullptr) { LOG(ERROR) << "Holding \"" << held_mutex->name_ << "\" " << "(level " << LockLevel(i) << ") while performing wait on " << "\"" << name_ << "\" (level " << level_ << ")"; bad_mutexes_held = true; } } } if (gAborting == 0) { // Avoid recursive aborts. CHECK(!bad_mutexes_held) << this; } } } void BaseMutex::ContentionLogData::AddToWaitTime(uint64_t value) { if (kLogLockContentions) { // Atomically add value to wait_time. wait_time.fetch_add(value, std::memory_order_seq_cst); } } void BaseMutex::RecordContention(uint64_t blocked_tid, uint64_t owner_tid, uint64_t nano_time_blocked) { if (kLogLockContentions) { ContentionLogData* data = contention_log_data_; ++(data->contention_count); data->AddToWaitTime(nano_time_blocked); ContentionLogEntry* log = data->contention_log; // This code is intentionally racy as it is only used for diagnostics. int32_t slot = data->cur_content_log_entry.load(std::memory_order_relaxed); if (log[slot].blocked_tid == blocked_tid && log[slot].owner_tid == blocked_tid) { ++log[slot].count; } else { uint32_t new_slot; do { slot = data->cur_content_log_entry.load(std::memory_order_relaxed); new_slot = (slot + 1) % kContentionLogSize; } while (!data->cur_content_log_entry.CompareAndSetWeakRelaxed(slot, new_slot)); log[new_slot].blocked_tid = blocked_tid; log[new_slot].owner_tid = owner_tid; log[new_slot].count.store(1, std::memory_order_relaxed); } } } void BaseMutex::DumpContention(std::ostream& os) const { if (kLogLockContentions) { const ContentionLogData* data = contention_log_data_; const ContentionLogEntry* log = data->contention_log; uint64_t wait_time = data->wait_time.load(std::memory_order_relaxed); uint32_t contention_count = data->contention_count.load(std::memory_order_relaxed); if (contention_count == 0) { os << "never contended"; } else { os << "contended " << contention_count << " total wait of contender " << PrettyDuration(wait_time) << " average " << PrettyDuration(wait_time / contention_count); SafeMap<uint64_t, size_t> most_common_blocker; SafeMap<uint64_t, size_t> most_common_blocked; for (size_t i = 0; i < kContentionLogSize; ++i) { uint64_t blocked_tid = log[i].blocked_tid; uint64_t owner_tid = log[i].owner_tid; uint32_t count = log[i].count.load(std::memory_order_relaxed); if (count > 0) { auto it = most_common_blocked.find(blocked_tid); if (it != most_common_blocked.end()) { most_common_blocked.Overwrite(blocked_tid, it->second + count); } else { most_common_blocked.Put(blocked_tid, count); } it = most_common_blocker.find(owner_tid); if (it != most_common_blocker.end()) { most_common_blocker.Overwrite(owner_tid, it->second + count); } else { most_common_blocker.Put(owner_tid, count); } } } uint64_t max_tid = 0; size_t max_tid_count = 0; for (const auto& pair : most_common_blocked) { if (pair.second > max_tid_count) { max_tid = pair.first; max_tid_count = pair.second; } } if (max_tid != 0) { os << " sample shows most blocked tid=" << max_tid; } max_tid = 0; max_tid_count = 0; for (const auto& pair : most_common_blocker) { if (pair.second > max_tid_count) { max_tid = pair.first; max_tid_count = pair.second; } } if (max_tid != 0) { os << " sample shows tid=" << max_tid << " owning during this time"; } } } } Mutex::Mutex(const char* name, LockLevel level, bool recursive) : BaseMutex(name, level), exclusive_owner_(0), recursion_count_(0), recursive_(recursive) { #if ART_USE_FUTEXES DCHECK_EQ(0, state_and_contenders_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed)); #else CHECK_MUTEX_CALL(pthread_mutex_init, (&mutex_, nullptr)); #endif } // Helper to allow checking shutdown while locking for thread safety. static bool IsSafeToCallAbortSafe() { MutexLock mu(Thread::Current(), *Locks::runtime_shutdown_lock_); return Locks::IsSafeToCallAbortRacy(); } Mutex::~Mutex() { bool safe_to_call_abort = Locks::IsSafeToCallAbortRacy(); #if ART_USE_FUTEXES if (state_and_contenders_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) != 0) { LOG(safe_to_call_abort ? FATAL : WARNING) << "destroying mutex with owner or contenders. Owner:" << GetExclusiveOwnerTid(); } else { if (GetExclusiveOwnerTid() != 0) { LOG(safe_to_call_abort ? FATAL : WARNING) << "unexpectedly found an owner on unlocked mutex " << name_; } } #else // We can't use CHECK_MUTEX_CALL here because on shutdown a suspended daemon thread // may still be using locks. int rc = pthread_mutex_destroy(&mutex_); if (rc != 0) { errno = rc; PLOG(safe_to_call_abort ? FATAL : WARNING) << "pthread_mutex_destroy failed for " << name_; } #endif } void Mutex::ExclusiveLock(Thread* self) { DCHECK(self == nullptr || self == Thread::Current()); if (kDebugLocking && !recursive_) { AssertNotHeld(self); } if (!recursive_ || !IsExclusiveHeld(self)) { #if ART_USE_FUTEXES bool done = false; do { int32_t cur_state = state_and_contenders_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed); if (LIKELY((cur_state & kHeldMask) == 0) /* lock not held */) { done = state_and_contenders_.CompareAndSetWeakAcquire(cur_state, cur_state | kHeldMask); } else { // Failed to acquire, hang up. ScopedContentionRecorder scr(this, SafeGetTid(self), GetExclusiveOwnerTid()); // Increment contender count. We can't create enough threads for this to overflow. increment_contenders(); // Make cur_state again reflect the expected value of state_and_contenders. cur_state += kContenderIncrement; if (UNLIKELY(should_respond_to_empty_checkpoint_request_)) { self->CheckEmptyCheckpointFromMutex(); } if (futex(state_and_contenders_.Address(), FUTEX_WAIT_PRIVATE, cur_state, nullptr, nullptr, 0) != 0) { // We only went to sleep after incrementing and contenders and checking that the lock // is still held by someone else. // EAGAIN and EINTR both indicate a spurious failure, try again from the beginning. // We don't use TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY so we can intentionally retry to acquire the lock. if ((errno != EAGAIN) && (errno != EINTR)) { PLOG(FATAL) << "futex wait failed for " << name_; } } decrement_contenders(); } } while (!done); // Confirm that lock is now held. DCHECK_NE(state_and_contenders_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) & kHeldMask, 0); #else CHECK_MUTEX_CALL(pthread_mutex_lock, (&mutex_)); #endif DCHECK_EQ(GetExclusiveOwnerTid(), 0); exclusive_owner_.store(SafeGetTid(self), std::memory_order_relaxed); RegisterAsLocked(self); } recursion_count_++; if (kDebugLocking) { CHECK(recursion_count_ == 1 || recursive_) << "Unexpected recursion count on mutex: " << name_ << " " << recursion_count_; AssertHeld(self); } } bool Mutex::ExclusiveTryLock(Thread* self) { DCHECK(self == nullptr || self == Thread::Current()); if (kDebugLocking && !recursive_) { AssertNotHeld(self); } if (!recursive_ || !IsExclusiveHeld(self)) { #if ART_USE_FUTEXES bool done = false; do { int32_t cur_state = state_and_contenders_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed); if ((cur_state & kHeldMask) == 0) { // Change state to held and impose load/store ordering appropriate for lock acquisition. done = state_and_contenders_.CompareAndSetWeakAcquire(cur_state, cur_state | kHeldMask); } else { return false; } } while (!done); DCHECK_NE(state_and_contenders_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) & kHeldMask, 0); #else int result = pthread_mutex_trylock(&mutex_); if (result == EBUSY) { return false; } if (result != 0) { errno = result; PLOG(FATAL) << "pthread_mutex_trylock failed for " << name_; } #endif DCHECK_EQ(GetExclusiveOwnerTid(), 0); exclusive_owner_.store(SafeGetTid(self), std::memory_order_relaxed); RegisterAsLocked(self); } recursion_count_++; if (kDebugLocking) { CHECK(recursion_count_ == 1 || recursive_) << "Unexpected recursion count on mutex: " << name_ << " " << recursion_count_; AssertHeld(self); } return true; } void Mutex::ExclusiveUnlock(Thread* self) { if (kIsDebugBuild && self != nullptr && self != Thread::Current()) { std::string name1 = "<null>"; std::string name2 = "<null>"; if (self != nullptr) { self->GetThreadName(name1); } if (Thread::Current() != nullptr) { Thread::Current()->GetThreadName(name2); } LOG(FATAL) << GetName() << " level=" << level_ << " self=" << name1 << " Thread::Current()=" << name2; } AssertHeld(self); DCHECK_NE(GetExclusiveOwnerTid(), 0); recursion_count_--; if (!recursive_ || recursion_count_ == 0) { if (kDebugLocking) { CHECK(recursion_count_ == 0 || recursive_) << "Unexpected recursion count on mutex: " << name_ << " " << recursion_count_; } RegisterAsUnlocked(self); #if ART_USE_FUTEXES bool done = false; do { int32_t cur_state = state_and_contenders_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed); if (LIKELY((cur_state & kHeldMask) != 0)) { // We're no longer the owner. exclusive_owner_.store(0 /* pid */, std::memory_order_relaxed); // Change state to not held and impose load/store ordering appropriate for lock release. uint32_t new_state = cur_state & ~kHeldMask; // Same number of contenders. done = state_and_contenders_.CompareAndSetWeakRelease(cur_state, new_state); if (LIKELY(done)) { // Spurious fail or waiters changed ? if (UNLIKELY(new_state != 0) /* have contenders */) { futex(state_and_contenders_.Address(), FUTEX_WAKE_PRIVATE, kWakeOne, nullptr, nullptr, 0); } // We only do a futex wait after incrementing contenders and verifying the lock was // still held. If we didn't see waiters, then there couldn't have been any futexes // waiting on this lock when we did the CAS. New arrivals after that cannot wait for us, // since the futex wait call would see the lock available and immediately return. } } else { // Logging acquires the logging lock, avoid infinite recursion in that case. if (this != Locks::logging_lock_) { LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected state_ in unlock " << cur_state << " for " << name_; } else { LogHelper::LogLineLowStack(__FILE__, __LINE__, ::android::base::FATAL_WITHOUT_ABORT, StringPrintf("Unexpected state_ %d in unlock for %s", cur_state, name_).c_str()); _exit(1); } } } while (!done); #else exclusive_owner_.store(0 /* pid */, std::memory_order_relaxed); CHECK_MUTEX_CALL(pthread_mutex_unlock, (&mutex_)); #endif } } void Mutex::Dump(std::ostream& os) const { os << (recursive_ ? "recursive " : "non-recursive ") << name_ << " level=" << static_cast<int>(level_) << " rec=" << recursion_count_ << " owner=" << GetExclusiveOwnerTid() << " "; DumpContention(os); } std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Mutex& mu) { mu.Dump(os); return os; } void Mutex::WakeupToRespondToEmptyCheckpoint() { #if ART_USE_FUTEXES // Wake up all the waiters so they will respond to the emtpy checkpoint. DCHECK(should_respond_to_empty_checkpoint_request_); if (UNLIKELY(get_contenders() != 0)) { futex(state_and_contenders_.Address(), FUTEX_WAKE_PRIVATE, kWakeAll, nullptr, nullptr, 0); } #else LOG(FATAL) << "Non futex case isn't supported."; #endif } ReaderWriterMutex::ReaderWriterMutex(const char* name, LockLevel level) : BaseMutex(name, level) #if ART_USE_FUTEXES , state_(0), num_pending_readers_(0), num_pending_writers_(0) #endif { #if !ART_USE_FUTEXES CHECK_MUTEX_CALL(pthread_rwlock_init, (&rwlock_, nullptr)); #endif exclusive_owner_.store(0 /* pid */, std::memory_order_relaxed); } ReaderWriterMutex::~ReaderWriterMutex() { #if ART_USE_FUTEXES CHECK_EQ(state_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed), 0); CHECK_EQ(GetExclusiveOwnerTid(), 0); CHECK_EQ(num_pending_readers_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed), 0); CHECK_EQ(num_pending_writers_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed), 0); #else // We can't use CHECK_MUTEX_CALL here because on shutdown a suspended daemon thread // may still be using locks. int rc = pthread_rwlock_destroy(&rwlock_); if (rc != 0) { errno = rc; bool is_safe_to_call_abort = IsSafeToCallAbortSafe(); PLOG(is_safe_to_call_abort ? FATAL : WARNING) << "pthread_rwlock_destroy failed for " << name_; } #endif } void ReaderWriterMutex::ExclusiveLock(Thread* self) { DCHECK(self == nullptr || self == Thread::Current()); AssertNotExclusiveHeld(self); #if ART_USE_FUTEXES bool done = false; do { int32_t cur_state = state_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed); if (LIKELY(cur_state == 0)) { // Change state from 0 to -1 and impose load/store ordering appropriate for lock acquisition. done = state_.CompareAndSetWeakAcquire(0 /* cur_state*/, -1 /* new state */); } else { // Failed to acquire, hang up. ScopedContentionRecorder scr(this, SafeGetTid(self), GetExclusiveOwnerTid()); ++num_pending_writers_; if (UNLIKELY(should_respond_to_empty_checkpoint_request_)) { self->CheckEmptyCheckpointFromMutex(); } if (futex(state_.Address(), FUTEX_WAIT_PRIVATE, cur_state, nullptr, nullptr, 0) != 0) { // EAGAIN and EINTR both indicate a spurious failure, try again from the beginning. // We don't use TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY so we can intentionally retry to acquire the lock. if ((errno != EAGAIN) && (errno != EINTR)) { PLOG(FATAL) << "futex wait failed for " << name_; } } --num_pending_writers_; } } while (!done); DCHECK_EQ(state_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed), -1); #else CHECK_MUTEX_CALL(pthread_rwlock_wrlock, (&rwlock_)); #endif DCHECK_EQ(GetExclusiveOwnerTid(), 0); exclusive_owner_.store(SafeGetTid(self), std::memory_order_relaxed); RegisterAsLocked(self); AssertExclusiveHeld(self); } void ReaderWriterMutex::ExclusiveUnlock(Thread* self) { DCHECK(self == nullptr || self == Thread::Current()); AssertExclusiveHeld(self); RegisterAsUnlocked(self); DCHECK_NE(GetExclusiveOwnerTid(), 0); #if ART_USE_FUTEXES bool done = false; do { int32_t cur_state = state_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed); if (LIKELY(cur_state == -1)) { // We're no longer the owner. exclusive_owner_.store(0 /* pid */, std::memory_order_relaxed); // Change state from -1 to 0 and impose load/store ordering appropriate for lock release. // Note, the relaxed loads below musn't reorder before the CompareAndSet. // TODO: the ordering here is non-trivial as state is split across 3 fields, fix by placing // a status bit into the state on contention. done = state_.CompareAndSetWeakSequentiallyConsistent(-1 /* cur_state*/, 0 /* new state */); if (LIKELY(done)) { // Weak CAS may fail spuriously. // Wake any waiters. if (UNLIKELY(num_pending_readers_.load(std::memory_order_seq_cst) > 0 || num_pending_writers_.load(std::memory_order_seq_cst) > 0)) { futex(state_.Address(), FUTEX_WAKE_PRIVATE, kWakeAll, nullptr, nullptr, 0); } } } else { LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected state_:" << cur_state << " for " << name_; } } while (!done); #else exclusive_owner_.store(0 /* pid */, std::memory_order_relaxed); CHECK_MUTEX_CALL(pthread_rwlock_unlock, (&rwlock_)); #endif } #if HAVE_TIMED_RWLOCK bool ReaderWriterMutex::ExclusiveLockWithTimeout(Thread* self, int64_t ms, int32_t ns) { DCHECK(self == nullptr || self == Thread::Current()); #if ART_USE_FUTEXES bool done = false; timespec end_abs_ts; InitTimeSpec(true, CLOCK_MONOTONIC, ms, ns, &end_abs_ts); do { int32_t cur_state = state_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed); if (cur_state == 0) { // Change state from 0 to -1 and impose load/store ordering appropriate for lock acquisition. done = state_.CompareAndSetWeakAcquire(0 /* cur_state */, -1 /* new state */); } else { // Failed to acquire, hang up. timespec now_abs_ts; InitTimeSpec(true, CLOCK_MONOTONIC, 0, 0, &now_abs_ts); timespec rel_ts; if (ComputeRelativeTimeSpec(&rel_ts, end_abs_ts, now_abs_ts)) { return false; // Timed out. } ScopedContentionRecorder scr(this, SafeGetTid(self), GetExclusiveOwnerTid()); ++num_pending_writers_; if (UNLIKELY(should_respond_to_empty_checkpoint_request_)) { self->CheckEmptyCheckpointFromMutex(); } if (futex(state_.Address(), FUTEX_WAIT_PRIVATE, cur_state, &rel_ts, nullptr, 0) != 0) { if (errno == ETIMEDOUT) { --num_pending_writers_; return false; // Timed out. } else if ((errno != EAGAIN) && (errno != EINTR)) { // EAGAIN and EINTR both indicate a spurious failure, // recompute the relative time out from now and try again. // We don't use TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY so we can recompute rel_ts; PLOG(FATAL) << "timed futex wait failed for " << name_; } } --num_pending_writers_; } } while (!done); #else timespec ts; InitTimeSpec(true, CLOCK_REALTIME, ms, ns, &ts); int result = pthread_rwlock_timedwrlock(&rwlock_, &ts); if (result == ETIMEDOUT) { return false; } if (result != 0) { errno = result; PLOG(FATAL) << "pthread_rwlock_timedwrlock failed for " << name_; } #endif exclusive_owner_.store(SafeGetTid(self), std::memory_order_relaxed); RegisterAsLocked(self); AssertSharedHeld(self); return true; } #endif #if ART_USE_FUTEXES void ReaderWriterMutex::HandleSharedLockContention(Thread* self, int32_t cur_state) { // Owner holds it exclusively, hang up. ScopedContentionRecorder scr(this, SafeGetTid(self), GetExclusiveOwnerTid()); ++num_pending_readers_; if (UNLIKELY(should_respond_to_empty_checkpoint_request_)) { self->CheckEmptyCheckpointFromMutex(); } if (futex(state_.Address(), FUTEX_WAIT_PRIVATE, cur_state, nullptr, nullptr, 0) != 0) { if (errno != EAGAIN && errno != EINTR) { PLOG(FATAL) << "futex wait failed for " << name_; } } --num_pending_readers_; } #endif bool ReaderWriterMutex::SharedTryLock(Thread* self) { DCHECK(self == nullptr || self == Thread::Current()); #if ART_USE_FUTEXES bool done = false; do { int32_t cur_state = state_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed); if (cur_state >= 0) { // Add as an extra reader and impose load/store ordering appropriate for lock acquisition. done = state_.CompareAndSetWeakAcquire(cur_state, cur_state + 1); } else { // Owner holds it exclusively. return false; } } while (!done); #else int result = pthread_rwlock_tryrdlock(&rwlock_); if (result == EBUSY) { return false; } if (result != 0) { errno = result; PLOG(FATAL) << "pthread_mutex_trylock failed for " << name_; } #endif RegisterAsLocked(self); AssertSharedHeld(self); return true; } bool ReaderWriterMutex::IsSharedHeld(const Thread* self) const { DCHECK(self == nullptr || self == Thread::Current()); bool result; if (UNLIKELY(self == nullptr)) { // Handle unattached threads. result = IsExclusiveHeld(self); // TODO: a better best effort here. } else { result = (self->GetHeldMutex(level_) == this); } return result; } void ReaderWriterMutex::Dump(std::ostream& os) const { os << name_ << " level=" << static_cast<int>(level_) << " owner=" << GetExclusiveOwnerTid() #if ART_USE_FUTEXES << " state=" << state_.load(std::memory_order_seq_cst) << " num_pending_writers=" << num_pending_writers_.load(std::memory_order_seq_cst) << " num_pending_readers=" << num_pending_readers_.load(std::memory_order_seq_cst) #endif << " "; DumpContention(os); } std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const ReaderWriterMutex& mu) { mu.Dump(os); return os; } std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const MutatorMutex& mu) { mu.Dump(os); return os; } void ReaderWriterMutex::WakeupToRespondToEmptyCheckpoint() { #if ART_USE_FUTEXES // Wake up all the waiters so they will respond to the emtpy checkpoint. DCHECK(should_respond_to_empty_checkpoint_request_); if (UNLIKELY(num_pending_readers_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) > 0 || num_pending_writers_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) > 0)) { futex(state_.Address(), FUTEX_WAKE_PRIVATE, kWakeAll, nullptr, nullptr, 0); } #else LOG(FATAL) << "Non futex case isn't supported."; #endif } ConditionVariable::ConditionVariable(const char* name, Mutex& guard) : name_(name), guard_(guard) { #if ART_USE_FUTEXES DCHECK_EQ(0, sequence_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed)); num_waiters_ = 0; #else pthread_condattr_t cond_attrs; CHECK_MUTEX_CALL(pthread_condattr_init, (&cond_attrs)); #if !defined(__APPLE__) // Apple doesn't have CLOCK_MONOTONIC or pthread_condattr_setclock. CHECK_MUTEX_CALL(pthread_condattr_setclock, (&cond_attrs, CLOCK_MONOTONIC)); #endif CHECK_MUTEX_CALL(pthread_cond_init, (&cond_, &cond_attrs)); #endif } ConditionVariable::~ConditionVariable() { #if ART_USE_FUTEXES if (num_waiters_!= 0) { bool is_safe_to_call_abort = IsSafeToCallAbortSafe(); LOG(is_safe_to_call_abort ? FATAL : WARNING) << "ConditionVariable::~ConditionVariable for " << name_ << " called with " << num_waiters_ << " waiters."; } #else // We can't use CHECK_MUTEX_CALL here because on shutdown a suspended daemon thread // may still be using condition variables. int rc = pthread_cond_destroy(&cond_); if (rc != 0) { errno = rc; bool is_safe_to_call_abort = IsSafeToCallAbortSafe(); PLOG(is_safe_to_call_abort ? FATAL : WARNING) << "pthread_cond_destroy failed for " << name_; } #endif } void ConditionVariable::Broadcast(Thread* self) { DCHECK(self == nullptr || self == Thread::Current()); // TODO: enable below, there's a race in thread creation that causes false failures currently. // guard_.AssertExclusiveHeld(self); DCHECK_EQ(guard_.GetExclusiveOwnerTid(), SafeGetTid(self)); #if ART_USE_FUTEXES RequeueWaiters(std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max()); #else CHECK_MUTEX_CALL(pthread_cond_broadcast, (&cond_)); #endif } #if ART_USE_FUTEXES void ConditionVariable::RequeueWaiters(int32_t count) { if (num_waiters_ > 0) { sequence_++; // Indicate a signal occurred. // Move waiters from the condition variable's futex to the guard's futex, // so that they will be woken up when the mutex is released. bool done = futex(sequence_.Address(), FUTEX_REQUEUE_PRIVATE, /* Threads to wake */ 0, /* Threads to requeue*/ reinterpret_cast<const timespec*>(count), guard_.state_and_contenders_.Address(), 0) != -1; if (!done && errno != EAGAIN && errno != EINTR) { PLOG(FATAL) << "futex requeue failed for " << name_; } } } #endif void ConditionVariable::Signal(Thread* self) { DCHECK(self == nullptr || self == Thread::Current()); guard_.AssertExclusiveHeld(self); #if ART_USE_FUTEXES RequeueWaiters(1); #else CHECK_MUTEX_CALL(pthread_cond_signal, (&cond_)); #endif } void ConditionVariable::Wait(Thread* self) { guard_.CheckSafeToWait(self); WaitHoldingLocks(self); } void ConditionVariable::WaitHoldingLocks(Thread* self) { DCHECK(self == nullptr || self == Thread::Current()); guard_.AssertExclusiveHeld(self); unsigned int old_recursion_count = guard_.recursion_count_; #if ART_USE_FUTEXES num_waiters_++; // Ensure the Mutex is contended so that requeued threads are awoken. guard_.increment_contenders(); guard_.recursion_count_ = 1; int32_t cur_sequence = sequence_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed); guard_.ExclusiveUnlock(self); if (futex(sequence_.Address(), FUTEX_WAIT_PRIVATE, cur_sequence, nullptr, nullptr, 0) != 0) { // Futex failed, check it is an expected error. // EAGAIN == EWOULDBLK, so we let the caller try again. // EINTR implies a signal was sent to this thread. if ((errno != EINTR) && (errno != EAGAIN)) { PLOG(FATAL) << "futex wait failed for " << name_; } } if (self != nullptr) { JNIEnvExt* const env = self->GetJniEnv(); if (UNLIKELY(env != nullptr && env->IsRuntimeDeleted())) { CHECK(self->IsDaemon()); // If the runtime has been deleted, then we cannot proceed. Just sleep forever. This may // occur for user daemon threads that get a spurious wakeup. This occurs for test 132 with // --host and --gdb. // After we wake up, the runtime may have been shutdown, which means that this condition may // have been deleted. It is not safe to retry the wait. SleepForever(); } } guard_.ExclusiveLock(self); CHECK_GT(num_waiters_, 0); num_waiters_--; // We awoke and so no longer require awakes from the guard_'s unlock. CHECK_GT(guard_.get_contenders(), 0); guard_.decrement_contenders(); #else pid_t old_owner = guard_.GetExclusiveOwnerTid(); guard_.exclusive_owner_.store(0 /* pid */, std::memory_order_relaxed); guard_.recursion_count_ = 0; CHECK_MUTEX_CALL(pthread_cond_wait, (&cond_, &guard_.mutex_)); guard_.exclusive_owner_.store(old_owner, std::memory_order_relaxed); #endif guard_.recursion_count_ = old_recursion_count; } bool ConditionVariable::TimedWait(Thread* self, int64_t ms, int32_t ns) { DCHECK(self == nullptr || self == Thread::Current()); bool timed_out = false; guard_.AssertExclusiveHeld(self); guard_.CheckSafeToWait(self); unsigned int old_recursion_count = guard_.recursion_count_; #if ART_USE_FUTEXES timespec rel_ts; InitTimeSpec(false, CLOCK_REALTIME, ms, ns, &rel_ts); num_waiters_++; // Ensure the Mutex is contended so that requeued threads are awoken. guard_.increment_contenders(); guard_.recursion_count_ = 1; int32_t cur_sequence = sequence_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed); guard_.ExclusiveUnlock(self); if (futex(sequence_.Address(), FUTEX_WAIT_PRIVATE, cur_sequence, &rel_ts, nullptr, 0) != 0) { if (errno == ETIMEDOUT) { // Timed out we're done. timed_out = true; } else if ((errno == EAGAIN) || (errno == EINTR)) { // A signal or ConditionVariable::Signal/Broadcast has come in. } else { PLOG(FATAL) << "timed futex wait failed for " << name_; } } guard_.ExclusiveLock(self); CHECK_GT(num_waiters_, 0); num_waiters_--; // We awoke and so no longer require awakes from the guard_'s unlock. CHECK_GT(guard_.get_contenders(), 0); guard_.decrement_contenders(); #else #if !defined(__APPLE__) int clock = CLOCK_MONOTONIC; #else int clock = CLOCK_REALTIME; #endif pid_t old_owner = guard_.GetExclusiveOwnerTid(); guard_.exclusive_owner_.store(0 /* pid */, std::memory_order_relaxed); guard_.recursion_count_ = 0; timespec ts; InitTimeSpec(true, clock, ms, ns, &ts); int rc; while ((rc = pthread_cond_timedwait(&cond_, &guard_.mutex_, &ts)) == EINTR) { continue; } if (rc == ETIMEDOUT) { timed_out = true; } else if (rc != 0) { errno = rc; PLOG(FATAL) << "TimedWait failed for " << name_; } guard_.exclusive_owner_.store(old_owner, std::memory_order_relaxed); #endif guard_.recursion_count_ = old_recursion_count; return timed_out; } } // namespace art