/* * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import dalvik.system.VMRuntime; import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles; import java.lang.invoke.MethodType; import java.util.function.Consumer; public class ChildClass { enum PrimitiveType { TInteger('I', Integer.TYPE, Integer.valueOf(0)), TLong('J', Long.TYPE, Long.valueOf(0)), TFloat('F', Float.TYPE, Float.valueOf(0)), TDouble('D', Double.TYPE, Double.valueOf(0)), TBoolean('Z', Boolean.TYPE, Boolean.valueOf(false)), TByte('B', Byte.TYPE, Byte.valueOf((byte) 0)), TShort('S', Short.TYPE, Short.valueOf((short) 0)), TCharacter('C', Character.TYPE, Character.valueOf('0')); PrimitiveType(char shorty, Class klass, Object value) { mShorty = shorty; mClass = klass; mDefaultValue = value; } public char mShorty; public Class mClass; public Object mDefaultValue; } enum Hiddenness { Whitelist(PrimitiveType.TShort), LightGreylist(PrimitiveType.TBoolean), DarkGreylist(PrimitiveType.TByte), Blacklist(PrimitiveType.TCharacter), BlacklistAndCorePlatformApi(PrimitiveType.TInteger); Hiddenness(PrimitiveType type) { mAssociatedType = type; } public PrimitiveType mAssociatedType; } enum Visibility { Public(PrimitiveType.TInteger), Package(PrimitiveType.TFloat), Protected(PrimitiveType.TLong), Private(PrimitiveType.TDouble); Visibility(PrimitiveType type) { mAssociatedType = type; } public PrimitiveType mAssociatedType; } enum Behaviour { Granted, Warning, Denied, } // This needs to be kept in sync with DexDomain in Main. enum DexDomain { CorePlatform, Platform, Application } private static final boolean booleanValues[] = new boolean[] { false, true }; public static void runTest(String libFileName, int parentDomainOrdinal, int childDomainOrdinal, boolean everythingWhitelisted) throws Exception { System.load(libFileName); parentDomain = DexDomain.values()[parentDomainOrdinal]; childDomain = DexDomain.values()[childDomainOrdinal]; configMessage = "parentDomain=" + parentDomain.name() + ", childDomain=" + childDomain.name() + ", everythingWhitelisted=" + everythingWhitelisted; // Check expectations about loading into boot class path. boolean isParentInBoot = (ParentClass.class.getClassLoader().getParent() == null); boolean expectedParentInBoot = (parentDomain != DexDomain.Application); if (isParentInBoot != expectedParentInBoot) { throw new RuntimeException("Expected ParentClass " + (expectedParentInBoot ? "" : "not ") + "in boot class path"); } boolean isChildInBoot = (ChildClass.class.getClassLoader().getParent() == null); boolean expectedChildInBoot = (childDomain != DexDomain.Application); if (isChildInBoot != expectedChildInBoot) { throw new RuntimeException("Expected ChildClass " + (expectedChildInBoot ? "" : "not ") + "in boot class path"); } ChildClass.everythingWhitelisted = everythingWhitelisted; boolean isSameBoot = (isParentInBoot == isChildInBoot); boolean isDebuggable = VMRuntime.getRuntime().isJavaDebuggable(); // Run meaningful combinations of access flags. for (Hiddenness hiddenness : Hiddenness.values()) { final Behaviour expected; final boolean invokesMemberCallback; // Warnings are now disabled whenever access is granted, even for // greylisted APIs. This is the behaviour for release builds. if (everythingWhitelisted || hiddenness == Hiddenness.Whitelist) { expected = Behaviour.Granted; invokesMemberCallback = false; } else if (parentDomain == DexDomain.CorePlatform && childDomain == DexDomain.Platform) { expected = (hiddenness == Hiddenness.BlacklistAndCorePlatformApi) ? Behaviour.Granted : Behaviour.Denied; invokesMemberCallback = false; } else if (isSameBoot) { expected = Behaviour.Granted; invokesMemberCallback = false; } else if (hiddenness == Hiddenness.Blacklist || hiddenness == Hiddenness.BlacklistAndCorePlatformApi) { expected = Behaviour.Denied; invokesMemberCallback = true; } else { expected = Behaviour.Warning; invokesMemberCallback = true; } for (boolean isStatic : booleanValues) { String suffix = (isStatic ? "Static" : "") + hiddenness.name(); for (Visibility visibility : Visibility.values()) { // Test reflection and JNI on methods and fields for (Class klass : new Class<?>[] { ParentClass.class, ParentInterface.class }) { String baseName = visibility.name() + suffix; checkField(klass, "field" + baseName, isStatic, visibility, expected, invokesMemberCallback); checkMethod(klass, "method" + baseName, isStatic, visibility, expected, invokesMemberCallback); } // Check whether one can use a class constructor. checkConstructor(ParentClass.class, visibility, hiddenness, expected); // Check whether one can use an interface default method. String name = "method" + visibility.name() + "Default" + hiddenness.name(); checkMethod(ParentInterface.class, name, /*isStatic*/ false, visibility, expected, invokesMemberCallback); } // Test whether static linking succeeds. checkLinking("LinkFieldGet" + suffix, /*takesParameter*/ false, expected); checkLinking("LinkFieldSet" + suffix, /*takesParameter*/ true, expected); checkLinking("LinkMethod" + suffix, /*takesParameter*/ false, expected); checkLinking("LinkMethodInterface" + suffix, /*takesParameter*/ false, expected); } // Check whether Class.newInstance succeeds. checkNullaryConstructor(Class.forName("NullaryConstructor" + hiddenness.name()), expected); } } static final class RecordingConsumer implements Consumer<String> { public String recordedValue = null; @Override public void accept(String value) { recordedValue = value; } } private static void checkMemberCallback(Class<?> klass, String name, boolean isPublic, boolean isField, boolean expectedCallback) { try { RecordingConsumer consumer = new RecordingConsumer(); VMRuntime.setNonSdkApiUsageConsumer(consumer); try { if (isPublic) { if (isField) { klass.getField(name); } else { klass.getMethod(name); } } else { if (isField) { klass.getDeclaredField(name); } else { klass.getDeclaredMethod(name); } } } catch (NoSuchFieldException|NoSuchMethodException ignored) { // We're not concerned whether an exception is thrown or not - we're // only interested in whether the callback is invoked. } boolean actualCallback = consumer.recordedValue != null && consumer.recordedValue.contains(name); if (expectedCallback != actualCallback) { if (expectedCallback) { throw new RuntimeException("Expected callback for member: " + name); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Did not expect callback for member: " + name); } } } finally { VMRuntime.setNonSdkApiUsageConsumer(null); } } private static void checkField(Class<?> klass, String name, boolean isStatic, Visibility visibility, Behaviour behaviour, boolean invokesMemberCallback) throws Exception { boolean isPublic = (visibility == Visibility.Public); boolean canDiscover = (behaviour != Behaviour.Denied); if (klass.isInterface() && (!isStatic || !isPublic)) { // Interfaces only have public static fields. return; } // Test discovery with reflection. if (Reflection.canDiscoverWithGetDeclaredField(klass, name) != canDiscover) { throwDiscoveryException(klass, name, true, "getDeclaredField()", canDiscover); } if (Reflection.canDiscoverWithGetDeclaredFields(klass, name) != canDiscover) { throwDiscoveryException(klass, name, true, "getDeclaredFields()", canDiscover); } if (Reflection.canDiscoverWithGetField(klass, name) != (canDiscover && isPublic)) { throwDiscoveryException(klass, name, true, "getField()", (canDiscover && isPublic)); } if (Reflection.canDiscoverWithGetFields(klass, name) != (canDiscover && isPublic)) { throwDiscoveryException(klass, name, true, "getFields()", (canDiscover && isPublic)); } // Test discovery with JNI. if (JNI.canDiscoverField(klass, name, isStatic) != canDiscover) { throwDiscoveryException(klass, name, true, "JNI", canDiscover); } // Test discovery with MethodHandles.lookup() which is caller // context sensitive. final MethodHandles.Lookup lookup = MethodHandles.lookup(); if (JLI.canDiscoverWithLookupFindGetter(lookup, klass, name, int.class) != canDiscover) { throwDiscoveryException(klass, name, true, "MethodHandles.lookup().findGetter()", canDiscover); } if (JLI.canDiscoverWithLookupFindStaticGetter(lookup, klass, name, int.class) != canDiscover) { throwDiscoveryException(klass, name, true, "MethodHandles.lookup().findStaticGetter()", canDiscover); } // Test discovery with MethodHandles.publicLookup() which can only // see public fields. Looking up setters here and fields in // interfaces are implicitly final. final MethodHandles.Lookup publicLookup = MethodHandles.publicLookup(); if (JLI.canDiscoverWithLookupFindSetter(publicLookup, klass, name, int.class) != canDiscover) { throwDiscoveryException(klass, name, true, "MethodHandles.publicLookup().findSetter()", canDiscover); } if (JLI.canDiscoverWithLookupFindStaticSetter(publicLookup, klass, name, int.class) != canDiscover) { throwDiscoveryException(klass, name, true, "MethodHandles.publicLookup().findStaticSetter()", canDiscover); } if (canDiscover) { // Test that modifiers are unaffected. if (Reflection.canObserveFieldHiddenAccessFlags(klass, name)) { throwModifiersException(klass, name, true); } // Test getters and setters when meaningful. if (!Reflection.canGetField(klass, name)) { throwAccessException(klass, name, true, "Field.getInt()"); } if (!Reflection.canSetField(klass, name)) { throwAccessException(klass, name, true, "Field.setInt()"); } if (!JNI.canGetField(klass, name, isStatic)) { throwAccessException(klass, name, true, "getIntField"); } if (!JNI.canSetField(klass, name, isStatic)) { throwAccessException(klass, name, true, "setIntField"); } } // Test that callbacks are invoked correctly. checkMemberCallback(klass, name, isPublic, true /* isField */, invokesMemberCallback); } private static void checkMethod(Class<?> klass, String name, boolean isStatic, Visibility visibility, Behaviour behaviour, boolean invokesMemberCallback) throws Exception { boolean isPublic = (visibility == Visibility.Public); if (klass.isInterface() && !isPublic) { // All interface members are public. return; } boolean canDiscover = (behaviour != Behaviour.Denied); // Test discovery with reflection. if (Reflection.canDiscoverWithGetDeclaredMethod(klass, name) != canDiscover) { throwDiscoveryException(klass, name, false, "getDeclaredMethod()", canDiscover); } if (Reflection.canDiscoverWithGetDeclaredMethods(klass, name) != canDiscover) { throwDiscoveryException(klass, name, false, "getDeclaredMethods()", canDiscover); } if (Reflection.canDiscoverWithGetMethod(klass, name) != (canDiscover && isPublic)) { throwDiscoveryException(klass, name, false, "getMethod()", (canDiscover && isPublic)); } if (Reflection.canDiscoverWithGetMethods(klass, name) != (canDiscover && isPublic)) { throwDiscoveryException(klass, name, false, "getMethods()", (canDiscover && isPublic)); } // Test discovery with JNI. if (JNI.canDiscoverMethod(klass, name, isStatic) != canDiscover) { throwDiscoveryException(klass, name, false, "JNI", canDiscover); } // Test discovery with MethodHandles.lookup(). final MethodHandles.Lookup lookup = MethodHandles.lookup(); final MethodType methodType = MethodType.methodType(int.class); if (JLI.canDiscoverWithLookupFindVirtual(lookup, klass, name, methodType) != canDiscover) { throwDiscoveryException(klass, name, false, "MethodHandles.lookup().findVirtual()", canDiscover); } if (JLI.canDiscoverWithLookupFindStatic(lookup, klass, name, methodType) != canDiscover) { throwDiscoveryException(klass, name, false, "MethodHandles.lookup().findStatic()", canDiscover); } // Finish here if we could not discover the method. if (canDiscover) { // Test that modifiers are unaffected. if (Reflection.canObserveMethodHiddenAccessFlags(klass, name)) { throwModifiersException(klass, name, false); } // Test whether we can invoke the method. This skips non-static interface methods. if (!klass.isInterface() || isStatic) { if (!Reflection.canInvokeMethod(klass, name)) { throwAccessException(klass, name, false, "invoke()"); } if (!JNI.canInvokeMethodA(klass, name, isStatic)) { throwAccessException(klass, name, false, "CallMethodA"); } if (!JNI.canInvokeMethodV(klass, name, isStatic)) { throwAccessException(klass, name, false, "CallMethodV"); } } } // Test that callbacks are invoked correctly. checkMemberCallback(klass, name, isPublic, false /* isField */, invokesMemberCallback); } private static void checkConstructor(Class<?> klass, Visibility visibility, Hiddenness hiddenness, Behaviour behaviour) throws Exception { boolean isPublic = (visibility == Visibility.Public); String signature = "(" + visibility.mAssociatedType.mShorty + hiddenness.mAssociatedType.mShorty + ")V"; String fullName = "<init>" + signature; Class<?> args[] = new Class[] { visibility.mAssociatedType.mClass, hiddenness.mAssociatedType.mClass }; Object initargs[] = new Object[] { visibility.mAssociatedType.mDefaultValue, hiddenness.mAssociatedType.mDefaultValue }; MethodType methodType = MethodType.methodType(void.class, args); boolean canDiscover = (behaviour != Behaviour.Denied); // Test discovery with reflection. if (Reflection.canDiscoverWithGetDeclaredConstructor(klass, args) != canDiscover) { throwDiscoveryException(klass, fullName, false, "getDeclaredConstructor()", canDiscover); } if (Reflection.canDiscoverWithGetDeclaredConstructors(klass, args) != canDiscover) { throwDiscoveryException(klass, fullName, false, "getDeclaredConstructors()", canDiscover); } if (Reflection.canDiscoverWithGetConstructor(klass, args) != (canDiscover && isPublic)) { throwDiscoveryException( klass, fullName, false, "getConstructor()", (canDiscover && isPublic)); } if (Reflection.canDiscoverWithGetConstructors(klass, args) != (canDiscover && isPublic)) { throwDiscoveryException( klass, fullName, false, "getConstructors()", (canDiscover && isPublic)); } // Test discovery with JNI. if (JNI.canDiscoverConstructor(klass, signature) != canDiscover) { throwDiscoveryException(klass, fullName, false, "JNI", canDiscover); } // Test discovery with MethodHandles.lookup() final MethodHandles.Lookup lookup = MethodHandles.lookup(); if (JLI.canDiscoverWithLookupFindConstructor(lookup, klass, methodType) != canDiscover) { throwDiscoveryException(klass, fullName, false, "MethodHandles.lookup().findConstructor", canDiscover); } final MethodHandles.Lookup publicLookup = MethodHandles.publicLookup(); if (JLI.canDiscoverWithLookupFindConstructor(publicLookup, klass, methodType) != canDiscover) { throwDiscoveryException(klass, fullName, false, "MethodHandles.publicLookup().findConstructor", canDiscover); } if (canDiscover) { // Test whether we can invoke the constructor. if (!Reflection.canInvokeConstructor(klass, args, initargs)) { throwAccessException(klass, fullName, false, "invoke()"); } if (!JNI.canInvokeConstructorA(klass, signature)) { throwAccessException(klass, fullName, false, "NewObjectA"); } if (!JNI.canInvokeConstructorV(klass, signature)) { throwAccessException(klass, fullName, false, "NewObjectV"); } } } private static void checkNullaryConstructor(Class<?> klass, Behaviour behaviour) throws Exception { boolean canAccess = (behaviour != Behaviour.Denied); if (Reflection.canUseNewInstance(klass) != canAccess) { throw new RuntimeException("Expected to " + (canAccess ? "" : "not ") + "be able to construct " + klass.getName() + ". " + configMessage); } } private static void checkLinking(String className, boolean takesParameter, Behaviour behaviour) throws Exception { boolean canAccess = (behaviour != Behaviour.Denied); if (Linking.canAccess(className, takesParameter) != canAccess) { throw new RuntimeException("Expected to " + (canAccess ? "" : "not ") + "be able to verify " + className + "." + configMessage); } } private static void throwDiscoveryException(Class<?> klass, String name, boolean isField, String fn, boolean canAccess) { throw new RuntimeException("Expected " + (isField ? "field " : "method ") + klass.getName() + "." + name + " to " + (canAccess ? "" : "not ") + "be discoverable with " + fn + ". " + configMessage); } private static void throwAccessException(Class<?> klass, String name, boolean isField, String fn) { throw new RuntimeException("Expected to be able to access " + (isField ? "field " : "method ") + klass.getName() + "." + name + " using " + fn + ". " + configMessage); } private static void throwModifiersException(Class<?> klass, String name, boolean isField) { throw new RuntimeException("Expected " + (isField ? "field " : "method ") + klass.getName() + "." + name + " to not expose hidden modifiers"); } private static DexDomain parentDomain; private static DexDomain childDomain; private static boolean everythingWhitelisted; private static String configMessage; }