// Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All rights reserved // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // +build ignore #include "regen.h" #include <sys/stat.h> #include <algorithm> #include <memory> #include <mutex> #include <vector> #include "affinity.h" #include "fileutil.h" #include "find.h" #include "func.h" #include "io.h" #include "log.h" #include "ninja.h" #include "stats.h" #include "strutil.h" #include "thread_pool.h" namespace { #define RETURN_TRUE \ do { \ if (g_flags.dump_kati_stamp) \ needs_regen_ = true; \ else \ return true; \ } while (0) bool ShouldIgnoreDirty(StringPiece s) { Pattern pat(g_flags.ignore_dirty_pattern); Pattern nopat(g_flags.no_ignore_dirty_pattern); return pat.Match(s) && !nopat.Match(s); } class StampChecker { struct GlobResult { string pat; vector<string> result; }; struct ShellResult { CommandOp op; string shell; string shellflag; string cmd; string result; vector<string> missing_dirs; vector<string> files; vector<string> read_dirs; }; public: StampChecker() : needs_regen_(false) {} ~StampChecker() { for (GlobResult* gr : globs_) { delete gr; } for (ShellResult* sr : commands_) { delete sr; } } bool NeedsRegen(double start_time, const string& orig_args) { if (IsMissingOutputs()) RETURN_TRUE; if (CheckStep1(orig_args)) RETURN_TRUE; if (CheckStep2()) RETURN_TRUE; if (!needs_regen_) { FILE* fp = fopen(GetNinjaStampFilename().c_str(), "rb+"); if (!fp) return true; ScopedFile sfp(fp); if (fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET) < 0) PERROR("fseek"); size_t r = fwrite(&start_time, sizeof(start_time), 1, fp); CHECK(r == 1); } return needs_regen_; } private: bool IsMissingOutputs() { if (!Exists(GetNinjaFilename())) { fprintf(stderr, "%s is missing, regenerating...\n", GetNinjaFilename().c_str()); return true; } if (!Exists(GetNinjaShellScriptFilename())) { fprintf(stderr, "%s is missing, regenerating...\n", GetNinjaShellScriptFilename().c_str()); return true; } return false; } bool CheckStep1(const string& orig_args) { #define LOAD_INT(fp) \ ({ \ int v = LoadInt(fp); \ if (v < 0) { \ fprintf(stderr, "incomplete kati_stamp, regenerating...\n"); \ RETURN_TRUE; \ } \ v; \ }) #define LOAD_STRING(fp, s) \ ({ \ if (!LoadString(fp, s)) { \ fprintf(stderr, "incomplete kati_stamp, regenerating...\n"); \ RETURN_TRUE; \ } \ }) const string& stamp_filename = GetNinjaStampFilename(); FILE* fp = fopen(stamp_filename.c_str(), "rb"); if (!fp) { if (g_flags.regen_debug) printf("%s: %s\n", stamp_filename.c_str(), strerror(errno)); return true; } ScopedFile sfp(fp); double gen_time; size_t r = fread(&gen_time, sizeof(gen_time), 1, fp); gen_time_ = gen_time; if (r != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "incomplete kati_stamp, regenerating...\n"); RETURN_TRUE; } if (g_flags.regen_debug) printf("Generated time: %f\n", gen_time); string s, s2; int num_files = LOAD_INT(fp); for (int i = 0; i < num_files; i++) { LOAD_STRING(fp, &s); double ts = GetTimestamp(s); if (gen_time < ts) { if (g_flags.regen_ignoring_kati_binary) { string kati_binary; GetExecutablePath(&kati_binary); if (s == kati_binary) { fprintf(stderr, "%s was modified, ignored.\n", s.c_str()); continue; } } if (ShouldIgnoreDirty(s)) { if (g_flags.regen_debug) printf("file %s: ignored (%f)\n", s.c_str(), ts); continue; } if (g_flags.dump_kati_stamp) printf("file %s: dirty (%f)\n", s.c_str(), ts); else fprintf(stderr, "%s was modified, regenerating...\n", s.c_str()); RETURN_TRUE; } else if (g_flags.dump_kati_stamp) { printf("file %s: clean (%f)\n", s.c_str(), ts); } } int num_undefineds = LOAD_INT(fp); for (int i = 0; i < num_undefineds; i++) { LOAD_STRING(fp, &s); if (getenv(s.c_str())) { if (g_flags.dump_kati_stamp) { printf("env %s: dirty (unset => %s)\n", s.c_str(), getenv(s.c_str())); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Environment variable %s was set, regenerating...\n", s.c_str()); } RETURN_TRUE; } else if (g_flags.dump_kati_stamp) { printf("env %s: clean (unset)\n", s.c_str()); } } int num_envs = LOAD_INT(fp); for (int i = 0; i < num_envs; i++) { LOAD_STRING(fp, &s); StringPiece val(getenv(s.c_str())); LOAD_STRING(fp, &s2); if (val != s2) { if (g_flags.dump_kati_stamp) { printf("env %s: dirty (%s => %.*s)\n", s.c_str(), s2.c_str(), SPF(val)); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Environment variable %s was modified (%s => %.*s), " "regenerating...\n", s.c_str(), s2.c_str(), SPF(val)); } RETURN_TRUE; } else if (g_flags.dump_kati_stamp) { printf("env %s: clean (%.*s)\n", s.c_str(), SPF(val)); } } int num_globs = LOAD_INT(fp); string pat; for (int i = 0; i < num_globs; i++) { GlobResult* gr = new GlobResult; globs_.push_back(gr); LOAD_STRING(fp, &gr->pat); int num_files = LOAD_INT(fp); gr->result.resize(num_files); for (int j = 0; j < num_files; j++) { LOAD_STRING(fp, &gr->result[j]); } } int num_crs = LOAD_INT(fp); for (int i = 0; i < num_crs; i++) { ShellResult* sr = new ShellResult; commands_.push_back(sr); sr->op = static_cast<CommandOp>(LOAD_INT(fp)); LOAD_STRING(fp, &sr->shell); LOAD_STRING(fp, &sr->shellflag); LOAD_STRING(fp, &sr->cmd); LOAD_STRING(fp, &sr->result); if (sr->op == CommandOp::FIND) { int num_missing_dirs = LOAD_INT(fp); for (int j = 0; j < num_missing_dirs; j++) { LOAD_STRING(fp, &s); sr->missing_dirs.push_back(s); } int num_files = LOAD_INT(fp); for (int j = 0; j < num_files; j++) { LOAD_STRING(fp, &s); sr->files.push_back(s); } int num_read_dirs = LOAD_INT(fp); for (int j = 0; j < num_read_dirs; j++) { LOAD_STRING(fp, &s); sr->read_dirs.push_back(s); } } } LoadString(fp, &s); if (orig_args != s) { fprintf(stderr, "arguments changed, regenerating...\n"); RETURN_TRUE; } return needs_regen_; } bool CheckGlobResult(const GlobResult* gr, string* err) { COLLECT_STATS("glob time (regen)"); vector<string>* files; Glob(gr->pat.c_str(), &files); bool needs_regen = files->size() != gr->result.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < gr->result.size(); i++) { if (!needs_regen) { if ((*files)[i] != gr->result[i]) { needs_regen = true; break; } } } if (needs_regen) { if (ShouldIgnoreDirty(gr->pat)) { if (g_flags.dump_kati_stamp) { printf("wildcard %s: ignored\n", gr->pat.c_str()); } return false; } if (g_flags.dump_kati_stamp) { printf("wildcard %s: dirty\n", gr->pat.c_str()); } else { *err = StringPrintf("wildcard(%s) was changed, regenerating...\n", gr->pat.c_str()); } } else if (g_flags.dump_kati_stamp) { printf("wildcard %s: clean\n", gr->pat.c_str()); } return needs_regen; } bool ShouldRunCommand(const ShellResult* sr) { if (sr->op != CommandOp::FIND) return true; COLLECT_STATS("stat time (regen)"); for (const string& dir : sr->missing_dirs) { if (Exists(dir)) return true; } for (const string& file : sr->files) { if (!Exists(file)) return true; } for (const string& dir : sr->read_dirs) { // We assume we rarely do a significant change for the top // directory which affects the results of find command. if (dir == "" || dir == "." || ShouldIgnoreDirty(dir)) continue; struct stat st; if (lstat(dir.c_str(), &st) != 0) { return true; } double ts = GetTimestampFromStat(st); if (gen_time_ < ts) { return true; } if (S_ISLNK(st.st_mode)) { ts = GetTimestamp(dir); if (ts < 0 || gen_time_ < ts) return true; } } return false; } bool CheckShellResult(const ShellResult* sr, string* err) { if (sr->op == CommandOp::READ_MISSING) { if (Exists(sr->cmd)) { if (g_flags.dump_kati_stamp) printf("file %s: dirty\n", sr->cmd.c_str()); else *err = StringPrintf("$(file <%s) was changed, regenerating...\n", sr->cmd.c_str()); return true; } if (g_flags.dump_kati_stamp) printf("file %s: clean\n", sr->cmd.c_str()); return false; } if (sr->op == CommandOp::READ) { double ts = GetTimestamp(sr->cmd); if (gen_time_ < ts) { if (g_flags.dump_kati_stamp) printf("file %s: dirty\n", sr->cmd.c_str()); else *err = StringPrintf("$(file <%s) was changed, regenerating...\n", sr->cmd.c_str()); return true; } if (g_flags.dump_kati_stamp) printf("file %s: clean\n", sr->cmd.c_str()); return false; } if (sr->op == CommandOp::WRITE || sr->op == CommandOp::APPEND) { FILE* f = fopen(sr->cmd.c_str(), (sr->op == CommandOp::WRITE) ? "wb" : "ab"); if (f == NULL) { PERROR("fopen"); } if (fwrite(&sr->result[0], sr->result.size(), 1, f) != 1) { PERROR("fwrite"); } if (fclose(f) != 0) { PERROR("fclose"); } if (g_flags.dump_kati_stamp) printf("file %s: clean (write)\n", sr->cmd.c_str()); return false; } if (!ShouldRunCommand(sr)) { if (g_flags.regen_debug) printf("shell %s: clean (no rerun)\n", sr->cmd.c_str()); return false; } FindCommand fc; if (fc.Parse(sr->cmd) && !fc.chdir.empty() && ShouldIgnoreDirty(fc.chdir)) { if (g_flags.dump_kati_stamp) printf("shell %s: ignored\n", sr->cmd.c_str()); return false; } COLLECT_STATS_WITH_SLOW_REPORT("shell time (regen)", sr->cmd.c_str()); string result; RunCommand(sr->shell, sr->shellflag, sr->cmd, RedirectStderr::DEV_NULL, &result); FormatForCommandSubstitution(&result); if (sr->result != result) { if (g_flags.dump_kati_stamp) { printf("shell %s: dirty\n", sr->cmd.c_str()); } else { *err = StringPrintf("$(shell %s) was changed, regenerating...\n", sr->cmd.c_str()); //*err += StringPrintf("%s => %s\n", expected.c_str(), result.c_str()); } return true; } else if (g_flags.regen_debug) { printf("shell %s: clean (rerun)\n", sr->cmd.c_str()); } return false; } bool CheckStep2() { unique_ptr<ThreadPool> tp(NewThreadPool(g_flags.num_jobs)); tp->Submit([this]() { string err; // TODO: Make glob cache thread safe and create a task for each glob. SetAffinityForSingleThread(); for (GlobResult* gr : globs_) { if (CheckGlobResult(gr, &err)) { unique_lock<mutex> lock(mu_); if (!needs_regen_) { needs_regen_ = true; msg_ = err; } break; } } }); tp->Submit([this]() { SetAffinityForSingleThread(); for (ShellResult* sr : commands_) { string err; if (CheckShellResult(sr, &err)) { unique_lock<mutex> lock(mu_); if (!needs_regen_) { needs_regen_ = true; msg_ = err; } } } }); tp->Wait(); if (needs_regen_) { fprintf(stderr, "%s", msg_.c_str()); } return needs_regen_; } private: double gen_time_; vector<GlobResult*> globs_; vector<ShellResult*> commands_; mutex mu_; bool needs_regen_; string msg_; }; } // namespace bool NeedsRegen(double start_time, const string& orig_args) { return StampChecker().NeedsRegen(start_time, orig_args); }