/* * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * Contains implementation of a class EmulatedCamera that encapsulates * functionality common to all version 3.0 emulated camera devices. Instances * of this class (for each emulated camera) are created during the construction * of the EmulatedCameraFactory instance. This class serves as an entry point * for all camera API calls that defined by camera3_device_ops_t API. */ //#define LOG_NDEBUG 0 #define LOG_TAG "EmulatedCamera3_Camera" #include <log/log.h> #include "EmulatedCamera3.h" #include "system/camera_metadata.h" namespace android { /** * Constructs EmulatedCamera3 instance. * Param: * cameraId - Zero based camera identifier, which is an index of the camera * instance in camera factory's array. * module - Emulated camera HAL module descriptor. */ EmulatedCamera3::EmulatedCamera3(int cameraId, struct hw_module_t* module): EmulatedBaseCamera(cameraId, CAMERA_DEVICE_API_VERSION_3_3, &common, module), mStatus(STATUS_ERROR) { common.close = EmulatedCamera3::close; ops = &sDeviceOps; mCallbackOps = NULL; } /* Destructs EmulatedCamera3 instance. */ EmulatedCamera3::~EmulatedCamera3() { } /**************************************************************************** * Abstract API ***************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************** * Public API ***************************************************************************/ status_t EmulatedCamera3::Initialize() { ALOGV("%s", __FUNCTION__); mStatus = STATUS_CLOSED; return NO_ERROR; } /**************************************************************************** * Camera API implementation ***************************************************************************/ status_t EmulatedCamera3::connectCamera(hw_device_t** device) { ALOGV("%s", __FUNCTION__); if (device == NULL) return BAD_VALUE; if (mStatus != STATUS_CLOSED) { ALOGE("%s: Trying to open a camera in state %d!", __FUNCTION__, mStatus); return INVALID_OPERATION; } *device = &common; mStatus = STATUS_OPEN; return NO_ERROR; } status_t EmulatedCamera3::closeCamera() { mStatus = STATUS_CLOSED; return NO_ERROR; } status_t EmulatedCamera3::getCameraInfo(struct camera_info* info) { return EmulatedBaseCamera::getCameraInfo(info); } /**************************************************************************** * Camera Device API implementation. * These methods are called from the camera API callback routines. ***************************************************************************/ status_t EmulatedCamera3::initializeDevice( const camera3_callback_ops *callbackOps) { if (callbackOps == NULL) { ALOGE("%s: NULL callback ops provided to HAL!", __FUNCTION__); return BAD_VALUE; } if (mStatus != STATUS_OPEN) { ALOGE("%s: Trying to initialize a camera in state %d!", __FUNCTION__, mStatus); return INVALID_OPERATION; } mCallbackOps = callbackOps; mStatus = STATUS_READY; return NO_ERROR; } status_t EmulatedCamera3::configureStreams( camera3_stream_configuration *streamList) { ALOGE("%s: Not implemented", __FUNCTION__); return INVALID_OPERATION; } status_t EmulatedCamera3::registerStreamBuffers( const camera3_stream_buffer_set *bufferSet) { ALOGE("%s: Not implemented", __FUNCTION__); return INVALID_OPERATION; } const camera_metadata_t* EmulatedCamera3::constructDefaultRequestSettings( int type) { ALOGE("%s: Not implemented", __FUNCTION__); return NULL; } status_t EmulatedCamera3::processCaptureRequest( camera3_capture_request *request) { ALOGE("%s: Not implemented", __FUNCTION__); return INVALID_OPERATION; } status_t EmulatedCamera3::flush() { ALOGE("%s: Not implemented", __FUNCTION__); return INVALID_OPERATION; } /** Debug methods */ void EmulatedCamera3::dump(int fd) { ALOGE("%s: Not implemented", __FUNCTION__); return; } /**************************************************************************** * Protected API. Callbacks to the framework. ***************************************************************************/ void EmulatedCamera3::sendCaptureResult(camera3_capture_result_t *result) { mCallbackOps->process_capture_result(mCallbackOps, result); } void EmulatedCamera3::sendNotify(camera3_notify_msg_t *msg) { mCallbackOps->notify(mCallbackOps, msg); } /**************************************************************************** * Private API. ***************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************** * Camera API callbacks as defined by camera3_device_ops structure. See * hardware/libhardware/include/hardware/camera3.h for information on each * of these callbacks. Implemented in this class, these callbacks simply * dispatch the call into an instance of EmulatedCamera3 class defined by the * 'camera_device3' parameter, or set a member value in the same. ***************************************************************************/ EmulatedCamera3* getInstance(const camera3_device_t *d) { const EmulatedCamera3* cec = static_cast<const EmulatedCamera3*>(d); return const_cast<EmulatedCamera3*>(cec); } int EmulatedCamera3::initialize(const struct camera3_device *d, const camera3_callback_ops_t *callback_ops) { EmulatedCamera3* ec = getInstance(d); return ec->initializeDevice(callback_ops); } int EmulatedCamera3::configure_streams(const struct camera3_device *d, camera3_stream_configuration_t *stream_list) { EmulatedCamera3* ec = getInstance(d); return ec->configureStreams(stream_list); } int EmulatedCamera3::register_stream_buffers( const struct camera3_device *d, const camera3_stream_buffer_set_t *buffer_set) { EmulatedCamera3* ec = getInstance(d); return ec->registerStreamBuffers(buffer_set); } int EmulatedCamera3::process_capture_request( const struct camera3_device *d, camera3_capture_request_t *request) { EmulatedCamera3* ec = getInstance(d); return ec->processCaptureRequest(request); } const camera_metadata_t* EmulatedCamera3::construct_default_request_settings( const camera3_device_t *d, int type) { EmulatedCamera3* ec = getInstance(d); return ec->constructDefaultRequestSettings(type); } void EmulatedCamera3::dump(const camera3_device_t *d, int fd) { EmulatedCamera3* ec = getInstance(d); ec->dump(fd); } int EmulatedCamera3::flush(const camera3_device_t *d) { EmulatedCamera3* ec = getInstance(d); return ec->flush(); } int EmulatedCamera3::close(struct hw_device_t* device) { EmulatedCamera3* ec = static_cast<EmulatedCamera3*>( reinterpret_cast<camera3_device_t*>(device) ); if (ec == NULL) { ALOGE("%s: Unexpected NULL camera3 device", __FUNCTION__); return BAD_VALUE; } return ec->closeCamera(); } camera3_device_ops_t EmulatedCamera3::sDeviceOps = { EmulatedCamera3::initialize, EmulatedCamera3::configure_streams, /* DEPRECATED: register_stream_buffers */ nullptr, EmulatedCamera3::construct_default_request_settings, EmulatedCamera3::process_capture_request, /* DEPRECATED: get_metadata_vendor_tag_ops */ nullptr, EmulatedCamera3::dump, EmulatedCamera3::flush }; const char* EmulatedCamera3::sAvailableCapabilitiesStrings[NUM_CAPABILITIES] = { "BACKWARD_COMPATIBLE", "MANUAL_SENSOR", "MANUAL_POST_PROCESSING", "RAW", "PRIVATE_REPROCESSING", "READ_SENSOR_SETTINGS", "BURST_CAPTURE", "YUV_REPROCESSING", "DEPTH_OUTPUT", "CONSTRAINED_HIGH_SPEED_VIDEO", "FULL_LEVEL" }; }; /* namespace android */