#!/usr/bin/python import sys import os from subprocess import Popen, PIPE from tempfile import mkstemp import argparse import operator def check_sparse(filename): magic = 3978755898 with open(filename, 'rb') as i: word = i.read(4) if magic == int(word[::-1].encode('hex'), 16): return True return False def shell_command(comm_list): command = Popen(comm_list) execute = command.wait() if command.returncode != 0: sys.exit(1) def parse_input(input_file): parsed_lines = list() lines = input_file.readlines() for line in lines: line = line.strip() if not line or line[0] == "#": continue params = line.split() if len(params) == 3: for param in params: # interprete file paths such as $OUT/system.img param = os.path.expandvars(param) parsed_lines.append(params) partitions = list() num_used = set() for line in parsed_lines: partition_info = dict() partition_info["path"] = line[0] partition_info["label"] = line[1] try: partition_info["num"] = int(line[2]) except ValueError: print "'%s' cannot be converted to int" % (line[2]) sys.exit(1) # check if the partition number is out of range if partition_info["num"] > len(lines) or partition_info["num"] < 0: print "Invalid partition number: %d, range [1..%d]" % \ (partition_info["num"], len(lines)) sys.exit(1) # check if the partition number is duplicated if partition_info["num"] in num_used: print "Duplicated partition number:%d" % (partition["num"]) sys.exit(1) num_used.add(partition_info["num"]) partitions.append(partition_info) partitions.sort(key=operator.itemgetter("num")) return partitions def write_partition(partition, output_file, offset): # $ dd if=/path/to/image of=/path/to/output conv=notrunc,sync \ # ibs=1024k obs=1024k seek=<offset> dd_comm = ['dd', 'if='+partition["path"], 'of='+output_file,'conv=notrunc,sync', 'ibs=1024k','obs=1024k', 'seek='+str(offset)] shell_command(dd_comm) return def unsparse_partition(partition): # if the input image is in sparse format, unsparse it simg2img = os.environ.get('SIMG2IMG', 'simg2img') print "Unsparsing %s" % (partition["path"]), partition["fd"], temp_file = mkstemp() shell_command([simg2img, partition["path"], temp_file]) partition["path"] = temp_file print "Done" return def clear_partition_table(filename): sgdisk = os.environ.get('SGDISK', 'sgdisk') print "%s --clear %s" % (sgdisk, filename) shell_command([sgdisk, '--clear', filename]) return def add_partition(partition, output_file): sgdisk = os.environ.get('SGDISK', 'sgdisk') num = str(partition["num"]) new_comm = '--new='+num+':'+partition["start"]+':'+partition["end"] type_comm = '--type='+num+':8300' name_comm = '--change-name='+num+':'+partition["label"] # build partition table in order. for example: # $ sgdisk --new=1:2048:5244927 --type=1:8300 --change-name=1:system \ # /path/to/output shell_command([sgdisk, new_comm, type_comm, name_comm, output_file]) return def main(): # check usage: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-i", "--input", type=str, help="input configuration file", default="image_config") parser.add_argument("-o", "--output", type=str, help="output filename", default=os.environ.get("OUT", ".")+"/combined.img") args = parser.parse_args() output_filename = os.path.expandvars(args.output) # check input file config_filename = args.input if not os.path.exists(config_filename): print "Invalid config file name " + config_filename sys.exit(1) # read input file config = open(config_filename, "r") partitions = parse_input(config) config.close() # combine the images # add padding shell_command(['dd', 'if=/dev/zero', 'of='+output_filename, 'ibs=1024k', 'count=1']) for partition in partitions: offset = os.path.getsize(output_filename) partition["start"] = str(offset / 512) # dectect sparse file format if check_sparse(partition["path"]): unsparse_partition(partition) # TODO: extract the partition if the image file is already formatted write_partition(partition, output_filename, offset/1024/1024) offset = os.path.getsize(output_filename) partition["end"] = str(offset / 512 - 1) # add padding # $ dd if=/dev/zero of=/path/to/output conv=notrunc bs=1 \ # count=1024k seek=<offset> offset = os.path.getsize(output_filename) / 1024 / 1024 shell_command(['dd', 'if=/dev/zero', 'of='+output_filename, 'conv=notrunc', 'bs=1024k', 'count=1', 'seek='+str(offset)]) # make partition table # $ sgdisk --clear /path/to/output clear_partition_table(output_filename) for partition in partitions: add_partition(partition, output_filename) # clean up, delete any unsparsed image files generated if 'fd' in partition: os.close(partition["fd"]) os.remove(partition["path"]) if __name__ == "__main__": main()