/* * Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define LOG_TAG "android.hardware.usb.gadget@1.0-service.wahoo" #include "UsbGadget.h" #include <dirent.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <sys/inotify.h> #include <sys/mount.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <unistd.h> constexpr int BUFFER_SIZE = 512; constexpr int MAX_FILE_PATH_LENGTH = 256; constexpr int EPOLL_EVENTS = 10; constexpr bool DEBUG = false; constexpr int DISCONNECT_WAIT_US = 100000; #define BUILD_TYPE "ro.build.type" #define GADGET_PATH "/config/usb_gadget/g1/" #define PULLUP_PATH GADGET_PATH "UDC" #define GADGET_NAME "a800000.dwc3" #define PERSISTENT_BOOT_MODE "ro.bootmode" #define VENDOR_ID_PATH GADGET_PATH "idVendor" #define PRODUCT_ID_PATH GADGET_PATH "idProduct" #define DEVICE_CLASS_PATH GADGET_PATH "bDeviceClass" #define DEVICE_SUB_CLASS_PATH GADGET_PATH "bDeviceSubClass" #define DEVICE_PROTOCOL_PATH GADGET_PATH "bDeviceProtocol" #define DESC_USE_PATH GADGET_PATH "os_desc/use" #define OS_DESC_PATH GADGET_PATH "os_desc/b.1" #define CONFIG_PATH GADGET_PATH "configs/b.1/" #define FUNCTIONS_PATH GADGET_PATH "functions/" #define FUNCTION_NAME "function" #define FUNCTION_PATH CONFIG_PATH FUNCTION_NAME #define RNDIS_PATH FUNCTIONS_PATH "gsi.rndis" #define PERSISTENT_VENDOR_CONFIG "persist.vendor.usb.usbradio.config" #define VENDOR_CONFIG "vendor.usb.config" namespace android { namespace hardware { namespace usb { namespace gadget { namespace V1_0 { namespace implementation { volatile bool gadgetPullup; // Used for debug. static void displayInotifyEvent(struct inotify_event *i) { ALOGE(" wd =%2d; ", i->wd); if (i->cookie > 0) ALOGE("cookie =%4d; ", i->cookie); ALOGE("mask = "); if (i->mask & IN_ACCESS) ALOGE("IN_ACCESS "); if (i->mask & IN_ATTRIB) ALOGE("IN_ATTRIB "); if (i->mask & IN_CLOSE_NOWRITE) ALOGE("IN_CLOSE_NOWRITE "); if (i->mask & IN_CLOSE_WRITE) ALOGE("IN_CLOSE_WRITE "); if (i->mask & IN_CREATE) ALOGE("IN_CREATE "); if (i->mask & IN_DELETE) ALOGE("IN_DELETE "); if (i->mask & IN_DELETE_SELF) ALOGE("IN_DELETE_SELF "); if (i->mask & IN_IGNORED) ALOGE("IN_IGNORED "); if (i->mask & IN_ISDIR) ALOGE("IN_ISDIR "); if (i->mask & IN_MODIFY) ALOGE("IN_MODIFY "); if (i->mask & IN_MOVE_SELF) ALOGE("IN_MOVE_SELF "); if (i->mask & IN_MOVED_FROM) ALOGE("IN_MOVED_FROM "); if (i->mask & IN_MOVED_TO) ALOGE("IN_MOVED_TO "); if (i->mask & IN_OPEN) ALOGE("IN_OPEN "); if (i->mask & IN_Q_OVERFLOW) ALOGE("IN_Q_OVERFLOW "); if (i->mask & IN_UNMOUNT) ALOGE("IN_UNMOUNT "); ALOGE("\n"); if (i->len > 0) ALOGE(" name = %s\n", i->name); } static void *monitorFfs(void *param) { UsbGadget *usbGadget = (UsbGadget *)param; char buf[BUFFER_SIZE]; bool writeUdc = true, stopMonitor = false; struct epoll_event events[EPOLL_EVENTS]; bool descriptorWritten = true; for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(usbGadget->mEndpointList.size()); i++) { if (access(usbGadget->mEndpointList.at(i).c_str(), R_OK)) { descriptorWritten = false; break; } } // notify here if the endpoints are already present. if (descriptorWritten && !!WriteStringToFile(GADGET_NAME, PULLUP_PATH)) { lock_guard<mutex> lock(usbGadget->mLock); usbGadget->mCurrentUsbFunctionsApplied = true; gadgetPullup = true; usbGadget->mCv.notify_all(); } while (!stopMonitor) { int nrEvents = epoll_wait(usbGadget->mEpollFd, events, EPOLL_EVENTS, -1); if (nrEvents <= 0) { ALOGE("epoll wait did not return descriptor number"); continue; } for (int i = 0; i < nrEvents; i++) { ALOGI("event=%u on fd=%d\n", events[i].events, events[i].data.fd); if (events[i].data.fd == usbGadget->mInotifyFd) { // Process all of the events in buffer returned by read(). int numRead = read(usbGadget->mInotifyFd, buf, BUFFER_SIZE); for (char *p = buf; p < buf + numRead;) { struct inotify_event *event = (struct inotify_event *)p; if (DEBUG) displayInotifyEvent(event); p += sizeof(struct inotify_event) + event->len; bool descriptorPresent = true; for (int j = 0; j < static_cast<int>(usbGadget->mEndpointList.size()); j++) { if (access(usbGadget->mEndpointList.at(j).c_str(), R_OK)) { if (DEBUG) ALOGI("%s absent", usbGadget->mEndpointList.at(j).c_str()); descriptorPresent = false; break; } } if (!descriptorPresent && !writeUdc) { if (DEBUG) ALOGI("endpoints not up"); writeUdc = true; } else if (descriptorPresent && writeUdc && !!WriteStringToFile(GADGET_NAME, PULLUP_PATH)) { lock_guard<mutex> lock(usbGadget->mLock); usbGadget->mCurrentUsbFunctionsApplied = true; ALOGI("GADGET pulled up"); writeUdc = false; gadgetPullup = true; // notify the main thread to signal userspace. usbGadget->mCv.notify_all(); } } } else { uint64_t flag; read(usbGadget->mEventFd, &flag, sizeof(flag)); if (flag == 100) { stopMonitor = true; break; } } } } return NULL; } UsbGadget::UsbGadget() : mMonitorCreated(false), mCurrentUsbFunctionsApplied(false) { if (access(OS_DESC_PATH, R_OK) != 0) ALOGE("configfs setup not done yet"); } static int unlinkFunctions(const char *path) { DIR *config = opendir(path); struct dirent *function; char filepath[MAX_FILE_PATH_LENGTH]; int ret = 0; if (config == NULL) return -1; // d_type does not seems to be supported in /config // so filtering by name. while (((function = readdir(config)) != NULL)) { if ((strstr(function->d_name, FUNCTION_NAME) == NULL)) continue; // build the path for each file in the folder. sprintf(filepath, "%s/%s", path, function->d_name); ret = remove(filepath); if (ret) { ALOGE("Unable remove file %s errno:%d", filepath, errno); break; } } closedir(config); return ret; } static int addEpollFd(const unique_fd &epfd, const unique_fd &fd) { struct epoll_event event; int ret; event.data.fd = fd; event.events = EPOLLIN; ret = epoll_ctl(epfd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, fd, &event); if (ret) ALOGE("epoll_ctl error %d", errno); return ret; } Return<void> UsbGadget::getCurrentUsbFunctions( const sp<V1_0::IUsbGadgetCallback> &callback) { Return<void> ret = callback->getCurrentUsbFunctionsCb( mCurrentUsbFunctions, mCurrentUsbFunctionsApplied ? Status::FUNCTIONS_APPLIED : Status::FUNCTIONS_NOT_APPLIED); if (!ret.isOk()) ALOGE("Call to getCurrentUsbFunctionsCb failed %s", ret.description().c_str()); return Void(); } V1_0::Status UsbGadget::tearDownGadget() { ALOGI("setCurrentUsbFunctions None"); if (!WriteStringToFile("none", PULLUP_PATH)) ALOGI("Gadget cannot be pulled down"); if (!WriteStringToFile("0", DEVICE_CLASS_PATH)) return Status::ERROR; if (!WriteStringToFile("0", DEVICE_SUB_CLASS_PATH)) return Status::ERROR; if (!WriteStringToFile("0", DEVICE_PROTOCOL_PATH)) return Status::ERROR; if (!WriteStringToFile("0", DESC_USE_PATH)) return Status::ERROR; if (unlinkFunctions(CONFIG_PATH)) return Status::ERROR; if (mMonitorCreated) { uint64_t flag = 100; // Stop the monitor thread by writing into signal fd. write(mEventFd, &flag, sizeof(flag)); mMonitor->join(); mMonitorCreated = false; ALOGI("mMonitor destroyed"); } else { ALOGI("mMonitor not running"); } mInotifyFd.reset(-1); mEventFd.reset(-1); mEpollFd.reset(-1); mEndpointList.clear(); return Status::SUCCESS; } static int linkFunction(const char *function, int index) { char functionPath[MAX_FILE_PATH_LENGTH]; char link[MAX_FILE_PATH_LENGTH]; sprintf(functionPath, "%s%s", FUNCTIONS_PATH, function); sprintf(link, "%s%d", FUNCTION_PATH, index); if (symlink(functionPath, link)) { ALOGE("Cannot create symlink %s -> %s errno:%d", link, functionPath, errno); return -1; } return 0; } static V1_0::Status setVidPid(const char *vid, const char *pid) { if (!WriteStringToFile(vid, VENDOR_ID_PATH)) return Status::ERROR; if (!WriteStringToFile(pid, PRODUCT_ID_PATH)) return Status::ERROR; return Status::SUCCESS; } static std::string getVendorFunctions() { if (GetProperty(BUILD_TYPE, "") == "user") return "user"; std::string bootMode = GetProperty(PERSISTENT_BOOT_MODE, ""); std::string persistVendorFunctions = GetProperty(PERSISTENT_VENDOR_CONFIG, ""); std::string vendorFunctions = GetProperty(VENDOR_CONFIG, ""); std::string ret = ""; if (vendorFunctions != "") { ret = vendorFunctions; } else if (bootMode == "usbradio") { if (persistVendorFunctions != "") ret = persistVendorFunctions; else ret = "diag"; // vendor.usb.config will reflect the current configured functions SetProperty(VENDOR_CONFIG, ret); } return ret; } static V1_0::Status validateAndSetVidPid(uint64_t functions) { V1_0::Status ret = Status::SUCCESS; std::string vendorFunctions = getVendorFunctions(); switch (functions) { case static_cast<uint64_t>(GadgetFunction::MTP): if (vendorFunctions == "diag") { ret = setVidPid("0x05C6", "0x901B"); } else { if (!(vendorFunctions == "user" || vendorFunctions == "")) ALOGE("Invalid vendorFunctions set: %s", vendorFunctions.c_str()); ret = setVidPid("0x18d1", "0x4ee1"); } break; case GadgetFunction::ADB | GadgetFunction::MTP: if (vendorFunctions == "diag") { ret = setVidPid("0x05C6", "0x903A"); } else { if (!(vendorFunctions == "user" || vendorFunctions == "")) ALOGE("Invalid vendorFunctions set: %s", vendorFunctions.c_str()); ret = setVidPid("0x18d1", "0x4ee2"); } break; case static_cast<uint64_t>(GadgetFunction::RNDIS): if (vendorFunctions == "diag") { ret = setVidPid("0x05C6", "0x902C"); } else if (vendorFunctions == "serial_cdev,diag") { ret = setVidPid("0x05C6", "0x90B5"); } else { if (!(vendorFunctions == "user" || vendorFunctions == "")) ALOGE("Invalid vendorFunctions set: %s", vendorFunctions.c_str()); ret = setVidPid("0x18d1", "0x4ee3"); } break; case GadgetFunction::ADB | GadgetFunction::RNDIS: if (vendorFunctions == "diag") { ret = setVidPid("0x05C6", "0x902D"); } else if (vendorFunctions == "serial_cdev,diag") { ret = setVidPid("0x05C6", "0x90B6"); } else { if (!(vendorFunctions == "user" || vendorFunctions == "")) ALOGE("Invalid vendorFunctions set: %s", vendorFunctions.c_str()); ret = setVidPid("0x18d1", "0x4ee4"); } break; case static_cast<uint64_t>(GadgetFunction::PTP): if (!(vendorFunctions == "user" || vendorFunctions == "")) ALOGE("Invalid vendorFunctions set: %s", vendorFunctions.c_str()); ret = setVidPid("0x18d1", "0x4ee5"); break; case GadgetFunction::ADB | GadgetFunction::PTP: if (!(vendorFunctions == "user" || vendorFunctions == "")) ALOGE("Invalid vendorFunctions set: %s", vendorFunctions.c_str()); ret = setVidPid("0x18d1", "0x4ee6"); break; case static_cast<uint64_t>(GadgetFunction::ADB): if (vendorFunctions == "diag") { ret = setVidPid("0x05C6", "0x901D"); } else if (vendorFunctions == "diag,serial_cdev,rmnet_gsi") { ret = setVidPid("0x05C6", "0x9091"); } else if (vendorFunctions == "diag,serial_cdev") { ret = setVidPid("0x05C6", "0x901F"); } else { if (!(vendorFunctions == "user" || vendorFunctions == "")) ALOGE("Invalid vendorFunctions set: %s", vendorFunctions.c_str()); ret = setVidPid("0x18d1", "0x4ee7"); } break; case static_cast<uint64_t>(GadgetFunction::MIDI): if (!(vendorFunctions == "user" || vendorFunctions == "")) ALOGE("Invalid vendorFunctions set: %s", vendorFunctions.c_str()); ret = setVidPid("0x18d1", "0x4ee8"); break; case GadgetFunction::ADB | GadgetFunction::MIDI: if (!(vendorFunctions == "user" || vendorFunctions == "")) ALOGE("Invalid vendorFunctions set: %s", vendorFunctions.c_str()); ret = setVidPid("0x18d1", "0x4ee9"); break; case static_cast<uint64_t>(GadgetFunction::ACCESSORY): if (!(vendorFunctions == "user" || vendorFunctions == "")) ALOGE("Invalid vendorFunctions set: %s", vendorFunctions.c_str()); ret = setVidPid("0x18d1", "0x2d00"); break; case GadgetFunction::ADB | GadgetFunction::ACCESSORY: if (!(vendorFunctions == "user" || vendorFunctions == "")) ALOGE("Invalid vendorFunctions set: %s", vendorFunctions.c_str()); ret = setVidPid("0x18d1", "0x2d01"); break; case static_cast<uint64_t>(GadgetFunction::AUDIO_SOURCE): if (!(vendorFunctions == "user" || vendorFunctions == "")) ALOGE("Invalid vendorFunctions set: %s", vendorFunctions.c_str()); ret = setVidPid("0x18d1", "0x2d02"); break; case GadgetFunction::ADB | GadgetFunction::AUDIO_SOURCE: if (!(vendorFunctions == "user" || vendorFunctions == "")) ALOGE("Invalid vendorFunctions set: %s", vendorFunctions.c_str()); ret = setVidPid("0x18d1", "0x2d03"); break; case GadgetFunction::ACCESSORY | GadgetFunction::AUDIO_SOURCE: if (!(vendorFunctions == "user" || vendorFunctions == "")) ALOGE("Invalid vendorFunctions set: %s", vendorFunctions.c_str()); ret = setVidPid("0x18d1", "0x2d04"); break; case GadgetFunction::ADB | GadgetFunction::ACCESSORY | GadgetFunction::AUDIO_SOURCE: if (!(vendorFunctions == "user" || vendorFunctions == "")) ALOGE("Invalid vendorFunctions set: %s", vendorFunctions.c_str()); ret = setVidPid("0x18d1", "0x2d05"); break; default: ALOGE("Combination not supported"); ret = Status::CONFIGURATION_NOT_SUPPORTED; } return ret; } V1_0::Status UsbGadget::setupFunctions( uint64_t functions, const sp<V1_0::IUsbGadgetCallback> &callback, uint64_t timeout) { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(mLock); unique_fd inotifyFd(inotify_init()); if (inotifyFd < 0) { ALOGE("inotify init failed"); return Status::ERROR; } bool ffsEnabled = false; int i = 0; std::string bootMode = GetProperty(PERSISTENT_BOOT_MODE, ""); if (((functions & GadgetFunction::MTP) != 0)) { ffsEnabled = true; ALOGI("setCurrentUsbFunctions mtp"); if (!WriteStringToFile("1", DESC_USE_PATH)) return Status::ERROR; if (inotify_add_watch(inotifyFd, "/dev/usb-ffs/mtp/", IN_ALL_EVENTS) == -1) return Status::ERROR; if (linkFunction("ffs.mtp", i++)) return Status::ERROR; // Add endpoints to be monitored. mEndpointList.push_back("/dev/usb-ffs/mtp/ep1"); mEndpointList.push_back("/dev/usb-ffs/mtp/ep2"); mEndpointList.push_back("/dev/usb-ffs/mtp/ep3"); } else if (((functions & GadgetFunction::PTP) != 0)) { ffsEnabled = true; ALOGI("setCurrentUsbFunctions ptp"); if (!WriteStringToFile("1", DESC_USE_PATH)) return Status::ERROR; if (inotify_add_watch(inotifyFd, "/dev/usb-ffs/ptp/", IN_ALL_EVENTS) == -1) return Status::ERROR; if (linkFunction("ffs.ptp", i++)) return Status::ERROR; // Add endpoints to be monitored. mEndpointList.push_back("/dev/usb-ffs/ptp/ep1"); mEndpointList.push_back("/dev/usb-ffs/ptp/ep2"); mEndpointList.push_back("/dev/usb-ffs/ptp/ep3"); } if ((functions & GadgetFunction::MIDI) != 0) { ALOGI("setCurrentUsbFunctions MIDI"); if (linkFunction("midi.gs5", i++)) return Status::ERROR; } if ((functions & GadgetFunction::ACCESSORY) != 0) { ALOGI("setCurrentUsbFunctions Accessory"); if (linkFunction("accessory.gs2", i++)) return Status::ERROR; } if ((functions & GadgetFunction::AUDIO_SOURCE) != 0) { ALOGI("setCurrentUsbFunctions Audio Source"); if (linkFunction("audio_source.gs3", i++)) return Status::ERROR; } if ((functions & GadgetFunction::RNDIS) != 0) { ALOGI("setCurrentUsbFunctions rndis"); if (linkFunction("gsi.rndis", i++)) return Status::ERROR; } std::string vendorFunctions = getVendorFunctions(); if (vendorFunctions != "") { ALOGI("enable usbradio debug functions"); char *function = strtok(const_cast<char *>(vendorFunctions.c_str()), ","); while (function != NULL) { if (string(function) == "diag" && linkFunction("diag.diag", i++)) return Status::ERROR; if (string(function) == "serial_cdev" && linkFunction("cser.dun.0", i++)) return Status::ERROR; if (string(function) == "rmnet_gsi" && linkFunction("gsi.rmnet", i++)) return Status::ERROR; function = strtok(NULL, ","); } } if ((functions & GadgetFunction::ADB) != 0) { ffsEnabled = true; ALOGI("setCurrentUsbFunctions Adb"); if (inotify_add_watch(inotifyFd, "/dev/usb-ffs/adb/", IN_ALL_EVENTS) == -1) return Status::ERROR; if (linkFunction("ffs.adb", i++)) return Status::ERROR; mEndpointList.push_back("/dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep1"); mEndpointList.push_back("/dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep2"); ALOGI("Service started"); } // Pull up the gadget right away when there are no ffs functions. if (!ffsEnabled) { if (!WriteStringToFile(GADGET_NAME, PULLUP_PATH)) return Status::ERROR; mCurrentUsbFunctionsApplied = true; if (callback) callback->setCurrentUsbFunctionsCb(functions, Status::SUCCESS); return Status::SUCCESS; } unique_fd eventFd(eventfd(0, 0)); if (eventFd == -1) { ALOGE("mEventFd failed to create %d", errno); return Status::ERROR; } unique_fd epollFd(epoll_create(2)); if (epollFd == -1) { ALOGE("mEpollFd failed to create %d", errno); return Status::ERROR; } if (addEpollFd(epollFd, inotifyFd) == -1) return Status::ERROR; if (addEpollFd(epollFd, eventFd) == -1) return Status::ERROR; mEpollFd = move(epollFd); mInotifyFd = move(inotifyFd); mEventFd = move(eventFd); gadgetPullup = false; // Monitors the ffs paths to pull up the gadget when descriptors are written. // Also takes of the pulling up the gadget again if the userspace process // dies and restarts. mMonitor = unique_ptr<thread>(new thread(monitorFfs, this)); mMonitorCreated = true; if (DEBUG) ALOGI("Mainthread in Cv"); if (callback) { if (mCv.wait_for(lk, timeout * 1ms, [] { return gadgetPullup; })) { ALOGI("monitorFfs signalled true"); } else { ALOGI("monitorFfs signalled error"); // continue monitoring as the descriptors might be written at a later // point. } Return<void> ret = callback->setCurrentUsbFunctionsCb( functions, gadgetPullup ? Status::SUCCESS : Status::ERROR); if (!ret.isOk()) ALOGE("setCurrentUsbFunctionsCb error %s", ret.description().c_str()); } return Status::SUCCESS; } Return<void> UsbGadget::setCurrentUsbFunctions( uint64_t functions, const sp<V1_0::IUsbGadgetCallback> &callback, uint64_t timeout) { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(mLockSetCurrentFunction); mCurrentUsbFunctions = functions; mCurrentUsbFunctionsApplied = false; // Unlink the gadget and stop the monitor if running. V1_0::Status status = tearDownGadget(); if (status != Status::SUCCESS) { goto error; } // Leave the gadget pulled down to give time for the host to sense disconnect. usleep(DISCONNECT_WAIT_US); if (functions == static_cast<uint64_t>(GadgetFunction::NONE)) { if (callback == NULL) return Void(); Return<void> ret = callback->setCurrentUsbFunctionsCb(functions, Status::SUCCESS); if (!ret.isOk()) ALOGE("Error while calling setCurrentUsbFunctionsCb %s", ret.description().c_str()); return Void(); } status = validateAndSetVidPid(functions); if (status != Status::SUCCESS) { goto error; } status = setupFunctions(functions, callback, timeout); if (status != Status::SUCCESS) { goto error; } ALOGI("Usb Gadget setcurrent functions called successfully"); return Void(); error: ALOGI("Usb Gadget setcurrent functions failed"); if (callback == NULL) return Void(); Return<void> ret = callback->setCurrentUsbFunctionsCb(functions, status); if (!ret.isOk()) ALOGE("Error while calling setCurrentUsbFunctionsCb %s", ret.description().c_str()); return Void(); } } // namespace implementation } // namespace V1_0 } // namespace gadget } // namespace usb } // namespace hardware } // namespace android