/** @file Support a Semi Host file system over a debuggers JTAG Copyright (c) 2008 - 2009, Apple Inc. All rights reserved.<BR> Portions copyright (c) 2011 - 2014, ARM Ltd. All rights reserved.<BR> This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ #include <Uefi.h> #include <Guid/FileInfo.h> #include <Guid/FileSystemInfo.h> #include <Guid/FileSystemVolumeLabelInfo.h> #include <Library/BaseLib.h> #include <Library/BaseMemoryLib.h> #include <Library/DebugLib.h> #include <Library/MemoryAllocationLib.h> #include <Library/SemihostLib.h> #include <Library/UefiBootServicesTableLib.h> #include <Library/UefiLib.h> #include <Protocol/DevicePath.h> #include <Protocol/SimpleFileSystem.h> #include "SemihostFs.h" #define DEFAULT_SEMIHOST_FS_LABEL L"SemihostFs" STATIC CHAR16 *mSemihostFsLabel; EFI_SIMPLE_FILE_SYSTEM_PROTOCOL gSemihostFs = { EFI_SIMPLE_FILE_SYSTEM_PROTOCOL_REVISION, VolumeOpen }; EFI_FILE gSemihostFsFile = { EFI_FILE_PROTOCOL_REVISION, FileOpen, FileClose, FileDelete, FileRead, FileWrite, FileGetPosition, FileSetPosition, FileGetInfo, FileSetInfo, FileFlush }; // // Device path for semi-hosting. It contains our autogened Caller ID GUID. // typedef struct { VENDOR_DEVICE_PATH Guid; EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL End; } SEMIHOST_DEVICE_PATH; SEMIHOST_DEVICE_PATH gDevicePath = { { { HARDWARE_DEVICE_PATH, HW_VENDOR_DP, { sizeof (VENDOR_DEVICE_PATH), 0 } }, EFI_CALLER_ID_GUID }, { END_DEVICE_PATH_TYPE, END_ENTIRE_DEVICE_PATH_SUBTYPE, { sizeof (EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL), 0 } } }; typedef struct { LIST_ENTRY Link; UINT64 Signature; EFI_FILE File; CHAR8 *FileName; UINT64 OpenMode; UINT32 Position; UINTN SemihostHandle; BOOLEAN IsRoot; EFI_FILE_INFO Info; } SEMIHOST_FCB; #define SEMIHOST_FCB_SIGNATURE SIGNATURE_32( 'S', 'H', 'F', 'C' ) #define SEMIHOST_FCB_FROM_THIS(a) CR(a, SEMIHOST_FCB, File, SEMIHOST_FCB_SIGNATURE) #define SEMIHOST_FCB_FROM_LINK(a) CR(a, SEMIHOST_FCB, Link, SEMIHOST_FCB_SIGNATURE); EFI_HANDLE gInstallHandle = NULL; LIST_ENTRY gFileList = INITIALIZE_LIST_HEAD_VARIABLE (gFileList); SEMIHOST_FCB * AllocateFCB ( VOID ) { SEMIHOST_FCB *Fcb = AllocateZeroPool (sizeof (SEMIHOST_FCB)); if (Fcb != NULL) { CopyMem (&Fcb->File, &gSemihostFsFile, sizeof (gSemihostFsFile)); Fcb->Signature = SEMIHOST_FCB_SIGNATURE; } return Fcb; } VOID FreeFCB ( IN SEMIHOST_FCB *Fcb ) { // Remove Fcb from gFileList. RemoveEntryList (&Fcb->Link); // To help debugging... Fcb->Signature = 0; FreePool (Fcb); } EFI_STATUS VolumeOpen ( IN EFI_SIMPLE_FILE_SYSTEM_PROTOCOL *This, OUT EFI_FILE **Root ) { SEMIHOST_FCB *RootFcb = NULL; if (Root == NULL) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } RootFcb = AllocateFCB (); if (RootFcb == NULL) { return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } RootFcb->IsRoot = TRUE; RootFcb->Info.Attribute = EFI_FILE_READ_ONLY | EFI_FILE_DIRECTORY; InsertTailList (&gFileList, &RootFcb->Link); *Root = &RootFcb->File; return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Open a file on the host system by means of the semihosting interface. @param[in] This A pointer to the EFI_FILE_PROTOCOL instance that is the file handle to source location. @param[out] NewHandle A pointer to the location to return the opened handle for the new file. @param[in] FileName The Null-terminated string of the name of the file to be opened. @param[in] OpenMode The mode to open the file : Read or Read/Write or Read/Write/Create @param[in] Attributes Only valid for EFI_FILE_MODE_CREATE, in which case these are the attribute bits for the newly created file. The mnemonics of the attribute bits are : EFI_FILE_READ_ONLY, EFI_FILE_HIDDEN, EFI_FILE_SYSTEM, EFI_FILE_RESERVED, EFI_FILE_DIRECTORY and EFI_FILE_ARCHIVE. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The file was open. @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The specified file could not be found. @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR The last issued semi-hosting operation failed. @retval EFI_WRITE_PROTECTED Attempt to create a directory. This is not possible with the semi-hosting interface. @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Not enough resources were available to open the file. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER At least one of the parameters is invalid. **/ EFI_STATUS FileOpen ( IN EFI_FILE *This, OUT EFI_FILE **NewHandle, IN CHAR16 *FileName, IN UINT64 OpenMode, IN UINT64 Attributes ) { SEMIHOST_FCB *FileFcb; RETURN_STATUS Return; EFI_STATUS Status; UINTN SemihostHandle; CHAR8 *AsciiFileName; UINT32 SemihostMode; UINTN Length; if ((FileName == NULL) || (NewHandle == NULL)) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if ( (OpenMode != EFI_FILE_MODE_READ) && (OpenMode != (EFI_FILE_MODE_READ | EFI_FILE_MODE_WRITE)) && (OpenMode != (EFI_FILE_MODE_READ | EFI_FILE_MODE_WRITE | EFI_FILE_MODE_CREATE)) ) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if ((OpenMode & EFI_FILE_MODE_CREATE) && (Attributes & EFI_FILE_DIRECTORY) ) { return EFI_WRITE_PROTECTED; } Length = StrLen (FileName) + 1; AsciiFileName = AllocatePool (Length); if (AsciiFileName == NULL) { return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } UnicodeStrToAsciiStrS (FileName, AsciiFileName, Length); // Opening '/', '\', '.', or the NULL pathname is trying to open the root directory if ((AsciiStrCmp (AsciiFileName, "\\") == 0) || (AsciiStrCmp (AsciiFileName, "/") == 0) || (AsciiStrCmp (AsciiFileName, "") == 0) || (AsciiStrCmp (AsciiFileName, ".") == 0) ) { FreePool (AsciiFileName); return (VolumeOpen (&gSemihostFs, NewHandle)); } // // No control is done here concerning the file path. It is passed // as it is to the host operating system through the semi-hosting // interface. We first try to open the file in the read or update // mode even if the file creation has been asked for. That way, if // the file already exists, it is not truncated to zero length. In // write mode (bit SEMIHOST_FILE_MODE_WRITE up), if the file already // exists, it is reset to an empty file. // if (OpenMode == EFI_FILE_MODE_READ) { SemihostMode = SEMIHOST_FILE_MODE_READ | SEMIHOST_FILE_MODE_BINARY; } else { SemihostMode = SEMIHOST_FILE_MODE_READ | SEMIHOST_FILE_MODE_BINARY | SEMIHOST_FILE_MODE_UPDATE; } Return = SemihostFileOpen (AsciiFileName, SemihostMode, &SemihostHandle); if (RETURN_ERROR (Return)) { if (OpenMode & EFI_FILE_MODE_CREATE) { // // In the create if does not exist case, if the opening in update // mode failed, create it and open it in update mode. The update // mode allows for both read and write from and to the file. // Return = SemihostFileOpen ( AsciiFileName, SEMIHOST_FILE_MODE_WRITE | SEMIHOST_FILE_MODE_BINARY | SEMIHOST_FILE_MODE_UPDATE, &SemihostHandle ); if (RETURN_ERROR (Return)) { Status = EFI_DEVICE_ERROR; goto Error; } } else { Status = EFI_NOT_FOUND; goto Error; } } // Allocate a control block and fill it FileFcb = AllocateFCB (); if (FileFcb == NULL) { Status = EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; goto Error; } FileFcb->FileName = AsciiFileName; FileFcb->SemihostHandle = SemihostHandle; FileFcb->Position = 0; FileFcb->IsRoot = 0; FileFcb->OpenMode = OpenMode; Return = SemihostFileLength (SemihostHandle, &Length); if (RETURN_ERROR (Return)) { Status = EFI_DEVICE_ERROR; FreeFCB (FileFcb); goto Error; } FileFcb->Info.FileSize = Length; FileFcb->Info.PhysicalSize = Length; FileFcb->Info.Attribute = (OpenMode & EFI_FILE_MODE_CREATE) ? Attributes : 0; InsertTailList (&gFileList, &FileFcb->Link); *NewHandle = &FileFcb->File; return EFI_SUCCESS; Error: FreePool (AsciiFileName); return Status; } /** Worker function that truncate a file specified by its name to a given size. @param[in] FileName The Null-terminated string of the name of the file to be opened. @param[in] Size The target size for the file. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The file was truncated. @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR The last issued semi-hosting operation failed. **/ STATIC EFI_STATUS TruncateFile ( IN CHAR8 *FileName, IN UINTN Size ) { EFI_STATUS Status; RETURN_STATUS Return; UINTN FileHandle; UINT8 *Buffer; UINTN Remaining; UINTN Read; UINTN ToRead; Status = EFI_DEVICE_ERROR; FileHandle = 0; Buffer = NULL; Return = SemihostFileOpen ( FileName, SEMIHOST_FILE_MODE_READ | SEMIHOST_FILE_MODE_BINARY, &FileHandle ); if (RETURN_ERROR (Return)) { goto Error; } Buffer = AllocatePool (Size); if (Buffer == NULL) { Status = EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; goto Error; } Read = 0; Remaining = Size; while (Remaining > 0) { ToRead = Remaining; Return = SemihostFileRead (FileHandle, &ToRead, Buffer + Read); if (RETURN_ERROR (Return)) { goto Error; } Remaining -= ToRead; Read += ToRead; } Return = SemihostFileClose (FileHandle); FileHandle = 0; if (RETURN_ERROR (Return)) { goto Error; } Return = SemihostFileOpen ( FileName, SEMIHOST_FILE_MODE_WRITE | SEMIHOST_FILE_MODE_BINARY, &FileHandle ); if (RETURN_ERROR (Return)) { goto Error; } if (Size > 0) { Return = SemihostFileWrite (FileHandle, &Size, Buffer); if (RETURN_ERROR (Return)) { goto Error; } } Status = EFI_SUCCESS; Error: if (FileHandle != 0) { SemihostFileClose (FileHandle); } if (Buffer != NULL) { FreePool (Buffer); } return (Status); } /** Close a specified file handle. @param[in] This A pointer to the EFI_FILE_PROTOCOL instance that is the file handle to close. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The file was closed. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER The parameter "This" is NULL. **/ EFI_STATUS FileClose ( IN EFI_FILE *This ) { SEMIHOST_FCB *Fcb; if (This == NULL) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } Fcb = SEMIHOST_FCB_FROM_THIS(This); if (!Fcb->IsRoot) { SemihostFileClose (Fcb->SemihostHandle); // // The file size might have been reduced from its actual // size on the host file system with FileSetInfo(). In // that case, the file has to be truncated. // if (Fcb->Info.FileSize < Fcb->Info.PhysicalSize) { TruncateFile (Fcb->FileName, Fcb->Info.FileSize); } FreePool (Fcb->FileName); } FreeFCB (Fcb); return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Close and delete a file. @param[in] This A pointer to the EFI_FILE_PROTOCOL instance that is the file handle to delete. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The file was closed and deleted. @retval EFI_WARN_DELETE_FAILURE The handle was closed, but the file was not deleted. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER The parameter "This" is NULL. **/ EFI_STATUS FileDelete ( IN EFI_FILE *This ) { SEMIHOST_FCB *Fcb; RETURN_STATUS Return; CHAR8 *FileName; UINTN NameSize; if (This == NULL) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } Fcb = SEMIHOST_FCB_FROM_THIS (This); if (!Fcb->IsRoot) { // Get the filename from the Fcb NameSize = AsciiStrLen (Fcb->FileName); FileName = AllocatePool (NameSize + 1); AsciiStrCpyS (FileName, NameSize + 1, Fcb->FileName); // Close the file if it's open. Disregard return status, // since it might give an error if the file isn't open. This->Close (This); // Call the semihost interface to delete the file. Return = SemihostFileRemove (FileName); if (RETURN_ERROR (Return)) { return EFI_WARN_DELETE_FAILURE; } return EFI_SUCCESS; } else { return EFI_WARN_DELETE_FAILURE; } } /** Read data from an open file. @param[in] This A pointer to the EFI_FILE_PROTOCOL instance that is the file handle to read data from. @param[in out] BufferSize On input, the size of the Buffer. On output, the amount of data returned in Buffer. In both cases, the size is measured in bytes. @param[out] Buffer The buffer into which the data is read. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The data was read. @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR On entry, the current file position is beyond the end of the file, or the semi-hosting interface reported an error while performing the read operation. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER At least one of the three input pointers is NULL. **/ EFI_STATUS FileRead ( IN EFI_FILE *This, IN OUT UINTN *BufferSize, OUT VOID *Buffer ) { SEMIHOST_FCB *Fcb; EFI_STATUS Status; RETURN_STATUS Return; if ((This == NULL) || (BufferSize == NULL) || (Buffer == NULL)) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } Fcb = SEMIHOST_FCB_FROM_THIS (This); if (Fcb->IsRoot) { // The semi-hosting interface does not allow to list files on the host machine. Status = EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } else { Status = EFI_SUCCESS; if (Fcb->Position >= Fcb->Info.FileSize) { *BufferSize = 0; if (Fcb->Position > Fcb->Info.FileSize) { Status = EFI_DEVICE_ERROR; } } else { Return = SemihostFileRead (Fcb->SemihostHandle, BufferSize, Buffer); if (RETURN_ERROR (Return)) { Status = EFI_DEVICE_ERROR; } else { Fcb->Position += *BufferSize; } } } return Status; } /** Worker function that extends the size of an open file. The extension is filled with zeros. @param[in] Fcb Internal description of the opened file @param[in] Size The number of bytes, the file has to be extended. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The file was extended. @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR The last issued semi-hosting operation failed. **/ STATIC EFI_STATUS ExtendFile ( IN SEMIHOST_FCB *Fcb, IN UINTN Size ) { RETURN_STATUS Return; UINTN Remaining; CHAR8 WriteBuffer[128]; UINTN WriteNb; UINTN WriteSize; Return = SemihostFileSeek (Fcb->SemihostHandle, Fcb->Info.FileSize); if (RETURN_ERROR (Return)) { return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR; } Remaining = Size; SetMem (WriteBuffer, 0, sizeof(WriteBuffer)); while (Remaining > 0) { WriteNb = MIN (Remaining, sizeof(WriteBuffer)); WriteSize = WriteNb; Return = SemihostFileWrite (Fcb->SemihostHandle, &WriteSize, WriteBuffer); if (RETURN_ERROR (Return)) { return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR; } Remaining -= WriteNb; } return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Write data to an open file. @param[in] This A pointer to the EFI_FILE_PROTOCOL instance that is the file handle to write data to. @param[in out] BufferSize On input, the size of the Buffer. On output, the size of the data actually written. In both cases, the size is measured in bytes. @param[in] Buffer The buffer of data to write. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The data was written. @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED Attempt to write into a read only file or in a file opened in read only mode. @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR The last issued semi-hosting operation failed. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER At least one of the three input pointers is NULL. **/ EFI_STATUS FileWrite ( IN EFI_FILE *This, IN OUT UINTN *BufferSize, IN VOID *Buffer ) { SEMIHOST_FCB *Fcb; EFI_STATUS Status; UINTN WriteSize; RETURN_STATUS Return; UINTN Length; if ((This == NULL) || (BufferSize == NULL) || (Buffer == NULL)) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } Fcb = SEMIHOST_FCB_FROM_THIS (This); // We cannot write a read-only file if ((Fcb->Info.Attribute & EFI_FILE_READ_ONLY) || !(Fcb->OpenMode & EFI_FILE_MODE_WRITE)) { return EFI_ACCESS_DENIED; } // // If the position has been set past the end of the file, first grow the // file from its current size "Fcb->Info.FileSize" to "Fcb->Position" // size, filling the gap with zeros. // if (Fcb->Position > Fcb->Info.FileSize) { Status = ExtendFile (Fcb, Fcb->Position - Fcb->Info.FileSize); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } Fcb->Info.FileSize = Fcb->Position; } WriteSize = *BufferSize; Return = SemihostFileWrite (Fcb->SemihostHandle, &WriteSize, Buffer); if (RETURN_ERROR (Return)) { return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR; } Fcb->Position += *BufferSize; if (Fcb->Position > Fcb->Info.FileSize) { Fcb->Info.FileSize = Fcb->Position; } Return = SemihostFileLength (Fcb->SemihostHandle, &Length); if (RETURN_ERROR (Return)) { return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR; } Fcb->Info.PhysicalSize = Length; return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Return a file's current position. @param[in] This A pointer to the EFI_FILE_PROTOCOL instance that is the file handle to get the current position on. @param[out] Position The address to return the file's current position value. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The position was returned. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER The parameter "This" or "Position" is NULL. **/ EFI_STATUS FileGetPosition ( IN EFI_FILE *This, OUT UINT64 *Position ) { SEMIHOST_FCB *Fcb; if ((This == NULL) || (Position == NULL)) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } Fcb = SEMIHOST_FCB_FROM_THIS(This); *Position = Fcb->Position; return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Set a file's current position. @param[in] This A pointer to the EFI_FILE_PROTOCOL instance that is the file handle to set the requested position on. @param[in] Position The byte position from the start of the file to set. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The position was set. @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR The semi-hosting positionning operation failed. @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED The seek request for nonzero is not valid on open directories. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER The parameter "This" is NULL. **/ EFI_STATUS FileSetPosition ( IN EFI_FILE *This, IN UINT64 Position ) { SEMIHOST_FCB *Fcb; RETURN_STATUS Return; if (This == NULL) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } Fcb = SEMIHOST_FCB_FROM_THIS (This); if (Fcb->IsRoot) { if (Position != 0) { return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } } else { // // UEFI Spec section 12.5: // "Seeking to position 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF causes the current position to // be set to the end of the file." // if (Position == 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) { Position = Fcb->Info.FileSize; } Return = SemihostFileSeek (Fcb->SemihostHandle, MIN (Position, Fcb->Info.FileSize)); if (RETURN_ERROR (Return)) { return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR; } } Fcb->Position = Position; return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Return information about a file. @param[in] Fcb A pointer to the description of an open file. @param[in out] BufferSize The size, in bytes, of Buffer. @param[out] Buffer A pointer to the data buffer to return. Not NULL if "*BufferSize" is greater than 0. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The information was returned. @retval EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL The BufferSize is too small to return the information. BufferSize has been updated with the size needed to complete the request. **/ STATIC EFI_STATUS GetFileInfo ( IN SEMIHOST_FCB *Fcb, IN OUT UINTN *BufferSize, OUT VOID *Buffer ) { EFI_FILE_INFO *Info = NULL; UINTN NameSize = 0; UINTN ResultSize; UINTN Index; if (Fcb->IsRoot == TRUE) { ResultSize = SIZE_OF_EFI_FILE_INFO + sizeof(CHAR16); } else { NameSize = AsciiStrLen (Fcb->FileName) + 1; ResultSize = SIZE_OF_EFI_FILE_INFO + NameSize * sizeof (CHAR16); } if (*BufferSize < ResultSize) { *BufferSize = ResultSize; return EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; } Info = Buffer; // Copy the current file info CopyMem (Info, &Fcb->Info, SIZE_OF_EFI_FILE_INFO); // Fill in the structure Info->Size = ResultSize; if (Fcb->IsRoot == TRUE) { Info->FileName[0] = L'\0'; } else { for (Index = 0; Index < NameSize; Index++) { Info->FileName[Index] = Fcb->FileName[Index]; } } *BufferSize = ResultSize; return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Return information about a file system. @param[in] Fcb A pointer to the description of an open file which belongs to the file system, the information is requested for. @param[in out] BufferSize The size, in bytes, of Buffer. @param[out] Buffer A pointer to the data buffer to return. Not NULL if "*BufferSize" is greater than 0. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The information was returned. @retval EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL The BufferSize is too small to return the information. BufferSize has been updated with the size needed to complete the request. **/ STATIC EFI_STATUS GetFilesystemInfo ( IN SEMIHOST_FCB *Fcb, IN OUT UINTN *BufferSize, OUT VOID *Buffer ) { EFI_FILE_SYSTEM_INFO *Info; EFI_STATUS Status; UINTN ResultSize; UINTN StringSize; StringSize = StrSize (mSemihostFsLabel); ResultSize = SIZE_OF_EFI_FILE_SYSTEM_INFO + StringSize; if (*BufferSize >= ResultSize) { ZeroMem (Buffer, ResultSize); Status = EFI_SUCCESS; Info = Buffer; Info->Size = ResultSize; Info->ReadOnly = FALSE; Info->VolumeSize = 0; Info->FreeSpace = 0; Info->BlockSize = 0; CopyMem (Info->VolumeLabel, mSemihostFsLabel, StringSize); } else { Status = EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; } *BufferSize = ResultSize; return Status; } /** Return information about a file or a file system. @param[in] This A pointer to the EFI_FILE_PROTOCOL instance that is the file handle the requested information is for. @param[in] InformationType The type identifier for the information being requested : EFI_FILE_INFO_ID or EFI_FILE_SYSTEM_INFO_ID or EFI_FILE_SYSTEM_VOLUME_LABEL_ID @param[in out] BufferSize The size, in bytes, of Buffer. @param[out] Buffer A pointer to the data buffer to return. The type of the data inside the buffer is indicated by InformationType. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The information was returned. @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED The InformationType is not known. @retval EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL The BufferSize is too small to return the information. BufferSize has been updated with the size needed to complete the request. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER The parameter "This" or "InformationType" or "BufferSize" is NULL or "Buffer" is NULL and "*Buffersize" is greater than 0. **/ EFI_STATUS FileGetInfo ( IN EFI_FILE *This, IN EFI_GUID *InformationType, IN OUT UINTN *BufferSize, OUT VOID *Buffer ) { SEMIHOST_FCB *Fcb; EFI_STATUS Status; UINTN ResultSize; if ((This == NULL) || (InformationType == NULL) || (BufferSize == NULL) || ((Buffer == NULL) && (*BufferSize > 0)) ) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } Fcb = SEMIHOST_FCB_FROM_THIS(This); if (CompareGuid (InformationType, &gEfiFileSystemInfoGuid)) { Status = GetFilesystemInfo (Fcb, BufferSize, Buffer); } else if (CompareGuid (InformationType, &gEfiFileInfoGuid)) { Status = GetFileInfo (Fcb, BufferSize, Buffer); } else if (CompareGuid (InformationType, &gEfiFileSystemVolumeLabelInfoIdGuid)) { ResultSize = StrSize (mSemihostFsLabel); if (*BufferSize >= ResultSize) { CopyMem (Buffer, mSemihostFsLabel, ResultSize); Status = EFI_SUCCESS; } else { Status = EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; } *BufferSize = ResultSize; } else { Status = EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } return Status; } /** Set information about a file. @param[in] Fcb A pointer to the description of the open file. @param[in] Info A pointer to the file information to write. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The information was set. @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED An attempt is made to change the name of a file to a file that is already present. @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED An attempt is being made to change the EFI_FILE_DIRECTORY Attribute. @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED The file is a read-only file or has been opened in read-only mode and an attempt is being made to modify a field other than Attribute. @retval EFI_WRITE_PROTECTED An attempt is being made to modify a read-only attribute. @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR The last issued semi-hosting operation failed. @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES A allocation needed to process the request failed. **/ STATIC EFI_STATUS SetFileInfo ( IN SEMIHOST_FCB *Fcb, IN EFI_FILE_INFO *Info ) { EFI_STATUS Status; RETURN_STATUS Return; BOOLEAN FileSizeIsDifferent; BOOLEAN FileNameIsDifferent; BOOLEAN ReadOnlyIsDifferent; CHAR8 *AsciiFileName; UINTN FileSize; UINTN Length; UINTN SemihostHandle; // // A directory can not be changed to a file and a file can // not be changed to a directory. // if (((Info->Attribute & EFI_FILE_DIRECTORY) != 0) != Fcb->IsRoot) { return EFI_ACCESS_DENIED; } Length = StrLen (Info->FileName) + 1; AsciiFileName = AllocatePool (Length); if (AsciiFileName == NULL) { return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } UnicodeStrToAsciiStrS (Info->FileName, AsciiFileName, Length); FileSizeIsDifferent = (Info->FileSize != Fcb->Info.FileSize); FileNameIsDifferent = (AsciiStrCmp (AsciiFileName, Fcb->FileName) != 0); ReadOnlyIsDifferent = CompareMem ( &Info->CreateTime, &Fcb->Info.CreateTime, 3 * sizeof (EFI_TIME) ) != 0; // // For a read-only file or a file opened in read-only mode, only // the Attribute field can be modified. As the root directory is // read-only (i.e. VolumeOpen()), this protects the root directory // description. // if ((Fcb->OpenMode == EFI_FILE_MODE_READ) || (Fcb->Info.Attribute & EFI_FILE_READ_ONLY) ) { if (FileSizeIsDifferent || FileNameIsDifferent || ReadOnlyIsDifferent) { Status = EFI_ACCESS_DENIED; goto Error; } } if (ReadOnlyIsDifferent) { Status = EFI_WRITE_PROTECTED; goto Error; } Status = EFI_DEVICE_ERROR; if (FileSizeIsDifferent) { FileSize = Info->FileSize; if (Fcb->Info.FileSize < FileSize) { Status = ExtendFile (Fcb, FileSize - Fcb->Info.FileSize); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { goto Error; } // // The read/write position from the host file system point of view // is at the end of the file. If the position from this module // point of view is smaller than the new file size, then // ask the host file system to move to that position. // if (Fcb->Position < FileSize) { FileSetPosition (&Fcb->File, Fcb->Position); } } Fcb->Info.FileSize = FileSize; Return = SemihostFileLength (Fcb->SemihostHandle, &Length); if (RETURN_ERROR (Return)) { goto Error; } Fcb->Info.PhysicalSize = Length; } // // Note down in RAM the Attribute field but we can not ask // for its modification to the host file system as the // semi-host interface does not provide this feature. // Fcb->Info.Attribute = Info->Attribute; if (FileNameIsDifferent) { Return = SemihostFileOpen ( AsciiFileName, SEMIHOST_FILE_MODE_READ | SEMIHOST_FILE_MODE_BINARY, &SemihostHandle ); if (!RETURN_ERROR (Return)) { SemihostFileClose (SemihostHandle); Status = EFI_ACCESS_DENIED; goto Error; } Return = SemihostFileRename (Fcb->FileName, AsciiFileName); if (RETURN_ERROR (Return)) { goto Error; } FreePool (Fcb->FileName); Fcb->FileName = AsciiFileName; AsciiFileName = NULL; } Status = EFI_SUCCESS; Error: if (AsciiFileName != NULL) { FreePool (AsciiFileName); } return Status; } /** Set information about a file or a file system. @param[in] This A pointer to the EFI_FILE_PROTOCOL instance that is the file handle the information is for. @param[in] InformationType The type identifier for the information being set : EFI_FILE_INFO_ID or EFI_FILE_SYSTEM_INFO_ID or EFI_FILE_SYSTEM_VOLUME_LABEL_ID @param[in] BufferSize The size, in bytes, of Buffer. @param[in] Buffer A pointer to the data buffer to write. The type of the data inside the buffer is indicated by InformationType. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The information was set. @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED The InformationType is not known. @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR The last issued semi-hosting operation failed. @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED An attempt is being made to change the EFI_FILE_DIRECTORY Attribute. @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED InformationType is EFI_FILE_INFO_ID and the file is a read-only file or has been opened in read-only mode and an attempt is being made to modify a field other than Attribute. @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED An attempt is made to change the name of a file to a file that is already present. @retval EFI_WRITE_PROTECTED An attempt is being made to modify a read-only attribute. @retval EFI_BAD_BUFFER_SIZE The size of the buffer is lower than that indicated by the data inside the buffer. @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES An allocation needed to process the request failed. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER At least one of the parameters is invalid. **/ EFI_STATUS FileSetInfo ( IN EFI_FILE *This, IN EFI_GUID *InformationType, IN UINTN BufferSize, IN VOID *Buffer ) { SEMIHOST_FCB *Fcb; EFI_FILE_INFO *Info; EFI_FILE_SYSTEM_INFO *SystemInfo; CHAR16 *VolumeLabel; if ((This == NULL) || (InformationType == NULL) || (Buffer == NULL)) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } Fcb = SEMIHOST_FCB_FROM_THIS (This); if (CompareGuid (InformationType, &gEfiFileInfoGuid)) { Info = Buffer; if (Info->Size < (SIZE_OF_EFI_FILE_INFO + StrSize (Info->FileName))) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (BufferSize < Info->Size) { return EFI_BAD_BUFFER_SIZE; } return SetFileInfo (Fcb, Info); } else if (CompareGuid (InformationType, &gEfiFileSystemInfoGuid)) { SystemInfo = Buffer; if (SystemInfo->Size < (SIZE_OF_EFI_FILE_SYSTEM_INFO + StrSize (SystemInfo->VolumeLabel))) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (BufferSize < SystemInfo->Size) { return EFI_BAD_BUFFER_SIZE; } Buffer = SystemInfo->VolumeLabel; if (StrSize (Buffer) > 0) { VolumeLabel = AllocateCopyPool (StrSize (Buffer), Buffer); if (VolumeLabel != NULL) { FreePool (mSemihostFsLabel); mSemihostFsLabel = VolumeLabel; return EFI_SUCCESS; } else { return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } } else { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } } else if (!CompareGuid (InformationType, &gEfiFileSystemVolumeLabelInfoIdGuid)) { return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } else { return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } } EFI_STATUS FileFlush ( IN EFI_FILE *File ) { SEMIHOST_FCB *Fcb; Fcb = SEMIHOST_FCB_FROM_THIS(File); if (Fcb->IsRoot) { return EFI_SUCCESS; } else { if ((Fcb->Info.Attribute & EFI_FILE_READ_ONLY) || !(Fcb->OpenMode & EFI_FILE_MODE_WRITE)) { return EFI_ACCESS_DENIED; } else { return EFI_SUCCESS; } } } EFI_STATUS SemihostFsEntryPoint ( IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle, IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *SystemTable ) { EFI_STATUS Status; Status = EFI_NOT_FOUND; if (SemihostConnectionSupported ()) { mSemihostFsLabel = AllocateCopyPool (StrSize (DEFAULT_SEMIHOST_FS_LABEL), DEFAULT_SEMIHOST_FS_LABEL); if (mSemihostFsLabel == NULL) { return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } Status = gBS->InstallMultipleProtocolInterfaces ( &gInstallHandle, &gEfiSimpleFileSystemProtocolGuid, &gSemihostFs, &gEfiDevicePathProtocolGuid, &gDevicePath, NULL ); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { FreePool (mSemihostFsLabel); } } return Status; }