#include "rxcpp/rx-trace.hpp" struct trace_calls : rxcpp::trace_noop { trace_calls() : onnexts(0) , onerrors(0) , oncompleteds(0) , subscribes(0) , lifts(0) , unsubscribes(0) , adds(0) , removes(0) , actions(0) , recurses(0) , schedules(0) , schedulewhens(0) {} template<class Worker> inline void schedule_return(const Worker&) { schedules++; } template<class Worker> inline void schedule_when_return(const Worker&) { schedulewhens++; } template<class Schedulable> inline void action_return(const Schedulable&) { actions++; } template<class Schedulable> inline void action_recurse(const Schedulable&) { recurses++; } template<class Observable> inline void subscribe_return(const Observable&) { subscribes++; } template<class OperatorSource, class OperatorChain> inline void lift_return(const OperatorSource&, const OperatorChain&) { lifts++; } template<class SubscriptionState> inline void unsubscribe_return(const SubscriptionState&) { unsubscribes++; } template<class SubscriptionState> inline void subscription_add_return(const SubscriptionState&) { adds++; } template<class SubscriptionState> inline void subscription_remove_return(const SubscriptionState&) { removes++; } template<class Observer> inline void on_next_return(const Observer&) { onnexts++; } template<class Observer> inline void on_error_return(const Observer&) { onerrors++; } template<class Observer> inline void on_completed_return(const Observer&) { oncompleteds++; } int onnexts; int onerrors; int oncompleteds; int subscribes; int lifts; int unsubscribes; int adds; int removes; int actions; int recurses; int schedules; int schedulewhens; }; auto rxcpp_trace_activity(rxcpp::trace_tag) -> trace_calls; #include "rxcpp/rx.hpp" // create alias' to simplify code // these are owned by the user so that // conflicts can be managed by the user. namespace rx=rxcpp; namespace rxu=rxcpp::util; // At this time, RxCpp will fail to compile if the contents // of the std namespace are merged into the global namespace // DO NOT USE: 'using namespace std;' #ifdef UNICODE int wmain() #else int main() #endif { int c = 0; auto triples = rx::observable<>::range(1) .concat_map( [&c](int z){ return rx::observable<>::range(1, z) .concat_map( [=, &c](int x){ return rx::observable<>::range(x, z) .filter([=, &c](int y){++c; return x*x + y*y == z*z;}) .map([=](int y){return std::make_tuple(x, y, z);}) // forget type to workaround lambda deduction bug on msvc 2013 .as_dynamic();}, [](int /*x*/, std::tuple<int,int,int> triplet){return triplet;}) // forget type to workaround lambda deduction bug on msvc 2013 .as_dynamic();}, [](int /*z*/, std::tuple<int,int,int> triplet){return triplet;}); int ct = 0; triples .take(100) .subscribe(rxu::apply_to([&ct](int /*x*/,int /*y*/,int /*z*/){ ++ct; })); std::cout << "concat_map pythagorian range : " << c << " filtered to, " << ct << " triplets." << std::endl; std::cout << "onnexts: " << rxcpp::trace_activity().onnexts << ", onerrors: " << rxcpp::trace_activity().onerrors << ", oncompleteds: " << rxcpp::trace_activity().oncompleteds << std::endl; std::cout << "subscribes: " << rxcpp::trace_activity().subscribes << ", lifts: " << rxcpp::trace_activity().lifts << std::endl; std::cout << "unsubscribes: " << rxcpp::trace_activity().unsubscribes << ", adds: " << rxcpp::trace_activity().adds << ", removes: " << rxcpp::trace_activity().removes << std::endl; std::cout << "schedules: " << rxcpp::trace_activity().schedules << ", schedulewhens: " << rxcpp::trace_activity().schedulewhens << std::endl; std::cout << "actions: " << rxcpp::trace_activity().actions << ", recurses: " << rxcpp::trace_activity().recurses << std::endl; return 0; }