// Copyright (c) Microsoft Open Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. See License.txt in the project root for license information.

#pragma once

/*! \file rx-map.hpp

    \brief For each item from this observable use Selector to produce an item to emit from the new observable that is returned.

    \tparam Selector the type of the transforming function

    \param s the selector function

    \return  Observable that emits the items from the source observable, transformed by the specified function.

    \snippet map.cpp map sample
    \snippet output.txt map sample


#include "../rx-includes.hpp"

namespace rxcpp {

namespace operators {

namespace detail {

template<class... AN>
struct map_invalid_arguments {};

template<class... AN>
struct map_invalid : public rxo::operator_base<map_invalid_arguments<AN...>> {
    using type = observable<map_invalid_arguments<AN...>, map_invalid<AN...>>;
template<class... AN>
using map_invalid_t = typename map_invalid<AN...>::type;

template<class T, class Selector>
struct map
    typedef rxu::decay_t<T> source_value_type;
    typedef rxu::decay_t<Selector> select_type;
    typedef decltype((*(select_type*)nullptr)(*(source_value_type*)nullptr)) value_type;
    select_type selector;

    map(select_type s)
        : selector(std::move(s))

    template<class Subscriber>
    struct map_observer
        typedef map_observer<Subscriber> this_type;
        typedef decltype((*(select_type*)nullptr)(*(source_value_type*)nullptr)) value_type;
        typedef rxu::decay_t<Subscriber> dest_type;
        typedef observer<source_value_type, this_type> observer_type;
        dest_type dest;
        mutable select_type selector;

        map_observer(dest_type d, select_type s)
            : dest(std::move(d))
            , selector(std::move(s))
        template<class Value>
        void on_next(Value&& v) const {
            auto selected = on_exception(
                    return this->selector(std::forward<Value>(v));},
            if (selected.empty()) {
        void on_error(rxu::error_ptr e) const {
        void on_completed() const {

        static subscriber<source_value_type, observer_type> make(dest_type d, select_type s) {
            auto cs = d.get_subscription();
            return make_subscriber<source_value_type>(std::move(cs), observer_type(this_type(std::move(d), std::move(s))));

    template<class Subscriber>
    auto operator()(Subscriber dest) const
        -> decltype(map_observer<Subscriber>::make(std::move(dest), selector)) {
        return      map_observer<Subscriber>::make(std::move(dest), selector);


/*! @copydoc rx-map.hpp
template<class... AN>
auto map(AN&&... an)
    -> operator_factory<map_tag, AN...> {
    return operator_factory<map_tag, AN...>(std::make_tuple(std::forward<AN>(an)...));

/*! @copydoc rx-map.hpp
template<class... AN>
auto transform(AN&&... an)
    -> operator_factory<map_tag, AN...> {
    return operator_factory<map_tag, AN...>(std::make_tuple(std::forward<AN>(an)...));


struct member_overload<map_tag>
    template<class Observable, class Selector,
        class Enabled = rxu::enable_if_all_true_type_t<
        class ResolvedSelector = rxu::decay_t<Selector>,
        class SourceValue = rxu::value_type_t<Observable>,
        class Map = rxo::detail::map<SourceValue, ResolvedSelector>,
        class Value = rxu::value_type_t<Map>>
    static auto member(Observable&& o, Selector&& s)
        -> decltype(o.template lift<Value>(Map(std::forward<Selector>(s)))) {
        return      o.template lift<Value>(Map(std::forward<Selector>(s)));

    template<class... AN>
    static operators::detail::map_invalid_t<AN...> member(const AN...) {
        return {};
        static_assert(sizeof...(AN) == 10000, "map takes Selector");

