// Copyright (c) Microsoft Open Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. See License.txt in the project root for license information. #pragma once #if !defined(RXCPP_RX_SCHEDULER_RUN_LOOP_HPP) #define RXCPP_RX_SCHEDULER_RUN_LOOP_HPP #include "../rx-includes.hpp" namespace rxcpp { namespace schedulers { namespace detail { struct run_loop_state : public std::enable_shared_from_this<run_loop_state> { typedef scheduler::clock_type clock_type; typedef detail::schedulable_queue< clock_type::time_point> queue_item_time; typedef queue_item_time::item_type item_type; typedef queue_item_time::const_reference const_reference_item_type; virtual ~run_loop_state() { } run_loop_state() { } composite_subscription lifetime; mutable std::mutex lock; mutable queue_item_time q; recursion r; std::function<void(clock_type::time_point)> notify_earlier_wakeup; }; } struct run_loop_scheduler : public scheduler_interface { private: typedef run_loop_scheduler this_type; run_loop_scheduler(const this_type&); struct run_loop_worker : public worker_interface { private: typedef run_loop_worker this_type; run_loop_worker(const this_type&); public: std::weak_ptr<detail::run_loop_state> state; virtual ~run_loop_worker() { } explicit run_loop_worker(std::weak_ptr<detail::run_loop_state> ws) : state(ws) { } virtual clock_type::time_point now() const { return clock_type::now(); } virtual void schedule(const schedulable& scbl) const { schedule(now(), scbl); } virtual void schedule(clock_type::time_point when, const schedulable& scbl) const { if (scbl.is_subscribed()) { auto st = state.lock(); std::unique_lock<std::mutex> guard(st->lock); const bool need_earlier_wakeup_notification = st->notify_earlier_wakeup && (st->q.empty() || when < st->q.top().when); st->q.push(detail::run_loop_state::item_type(when, scbl)); st->r.reset(false); if (need_earlier_wakeup_notification) st->notify_earlier_wakeup(when); guard.unlock(); // So we can't get attempt to recursively lock the state } } }; std::weak_ptr<detail::run_loop_state> state; public: explicit run_loop_scheduler(std::weak_ptr<detail::run_loop_state> ws) : state(ws) { } virtual ~run_loop_scheduler() { } virtual clock_type::time_point now() const { return clock_type::now(); } virtual worker create_worker(composite_subscription cs) const { auto lifetime = state.lock()->lifetime; auto token = lifetime.add(cs); cs.add([=](){lifetime.remove(token);}); return worker(cs, create_worker_interface()); } std::shared_ptr<worker_interface> create_worker_interface() const { return std::make_shared<run_loop_worker>(state); } }; class run_loop { private: typedef run_loop this_type; // don't allow this instance to copy/move since it owns current_thread queue // for the thread it is constructed on. run_loop(const this_type&); run_loop(this_type&&); typedef detail::action_queue queue_type; typedef detail::run_loop_state::item_type item_type; typedef detail::run_loop_state::const_reference_item_type const_reference_item_type; std::shared_ptr<detail::run_loop_state> state; std::shared_ptr<run_loop_scheduler> sc; public: typedef scheduler::clock_type clock_type; run_loop() : state(std::make_shared<detail::run_loop_state>()) , sc(std::make_shared<run_loop_scheduler>(state)) { // take ownership so that the current_thread scheduler // uses the same queue on this thread queue_type::ensure(sc->create_worker_interface()); } ~run_loop() { state->lifetime.unsubscribe(); std::unique_lock<std::mutex> guard(state->lock); // release ownership queue_type::destroy(); auto expired = std::move(state->q); if (!state->q.empty()) std::terminate(); } clock_type::time_point now() const { return clock_type::now(); } composite_subscription get_subscription() const { return state->lifetime; } bool empty() const { return state->q.empty(); } const_reference_item_type peek() const { return state->q.top(); } void dispatch() const { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> guard(state->lock); if (state->q.empty()) { return; } auto& peek = state->q.top(); if (!peek.what.is_subscribed()) { state->q.pop(); return; } if (clock_type::now() < peek.when) { return; } auto what = peek.what; state->q.pop(); state->r.reset(state->q.empty()); guard.unlock(); what(state->r.get_recurse()); } scheduler get_scheduler() const { return make_scheduler(sc); } void set_notify_earlier_wakeup(std::function<void(clock_type::time_point)> const& f) { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> guard(state->lock); state->notify_earlier_wakeup = f; } }; inline scheduler make_run_loop(const run_loop& r) { return r.get_scheduler(); } } } #endif