
set -e

# Script to do unpack of rootfs, ensures proper tear down
# of existing environment. Expects debian rootfs in
# /data/deb.tar.gz which it will delete after successful
# unpack of rootfs.

spath=$( cd "$(dirname "$0")" ; pwd -P )

if [ ! -f /data/androdeb/deb.tar.gz ]; then
	echo "Debian rootfs tar doesn't existing at /data/deb.tar.gz"
	echo "Run androdeb with device connected first"
	exit 1

if [ -d /data/androdeb/debian ]; then
	echo "androdeb environment already exists, doing a tear down"
	rm -rf /data/androdeb/debian

tar -zxf /data/androdeb/deb.tar.gz -C /data/androdeb/ || die 2 "Couldn't unpack due to tar -x errors"
rm /data/androdeb/deb.tar.gz

echo "Unpack of rootfs successful!"