# Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.

AUTHOR = "kerl@google.com, chromeos-meetings@google.com"
NAME = "video_WebRtcResolutionSwitching.perf"
PURPOSE = "Test WebRTC by frequently switching between different resolutions"
CRITERIA = "Fails if any video element gets a lower resolution than requested"
ATTRIBUTES = "suite:hotrod"
TEST_CATEGORY = "Performance"
TEST_CLASS = "video"
TEST_TYPE = "client"
    "labels": ["OS-Chrome"],
    "components": ["OS>Kernel>Video"],

DOC = """
This test starts 5 loopback peer connections, each with 4 streams with
different resolutions. The test then switches randomly which of the streams are
active for each connection, effectively flipping between different resolutions.

The tests use a fake media stream - not a real camera.

The test collects system metrics during the run. See go/cfm-perf-metrics
for details about the metrics.

        "video_WebRtcResolutionSwitching", mode = "performance", tag = "perf")