# Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.

brand = amped
wan_hostname = chromeos7-row2-rack1-host1
ssid = amped_r10000_n_ch1_wpa2_24ghz
frequency = 2412
rpm_managed = True
bss = f8:7b:8c:16:58:23
wan mac = 19:36:03:a5:b3:f6
model = amped_wireless_r10000
security = wpa2
psk = chromeos
class_name = StaticAPConfigurator

brand = asus
wan_hostname = chromeos7-row2-rack1-host2
ssid = asus_rtac52u_n_ch3_wpa2_24ghz
frequency = 2422
rpm_managed = True
bss = f0:79:59:e7:41:08
wan mac = 10:2d:3a:04:b5:11
model = asus_rt-ac52u
security = wpa2
psk = chromeos
class_name = StaticAPConfigurator

brand = asus
wan_hostname = chromeos7-row2-rack1-host2
ssid = asus_rtac52u_ac_ch40_wpa2_5ghz
frequency = 5200
rpm_managed = True
bss5 = f0:79:59:e7:41:0c
wan mac = 10:2d:3a:04:b5:11
model = asus_rt-ac52u
security = wpa2
psk = chromeos
class_name = StaticAPConfigurator

brand = asus
wan_hostname = chromeos7-row2-rack1-host3
ssid = asus_rtac56u_n_ch5_wpa2_24ghz
frequency = 2437
rpm_managed = True
bss = 14:dd:a9:9a:97:08
wan mac = 14:DD:A9:9A:97:0a
model = asus_rt-ac56u
security = wpa2
psk = chromeos
class_name = StaticAPConfigurator

brand = asus
wan_hostname = chromeos7-row2-rack1-host3
ssid = asus_rtac56u_ac_ch36_wpa2_5ghz
frequency = 5765
rpm_managed = True
bss5 = 14:dd:a9:9a:97:0c
wan mac = 14:DD:A9:9A:97:0a
model = asus_rt-ac56u
security = wpa2
psk = chromeos
class_name = StaticAPConfigurator

brand = asus
wan_hostname = chromeos7-row2-rack1-host4
ssid = asus_rtac68u_n_ch7_wpa2_24ghz
frequency = 2442
rpm_managed = True
bss = 30:5a:3a:c7:a1:08
wan mac = 30:5a:3a:c7:a1:0a
model = asus_rtac68u
security = wpa2
psk = chromeos
class_name = StaticAPConfigurator

brand = asus
wan_hostname = chromeos7-row2-rack1-host4
ssid = asus_rtac68u_ac_ch44_wpa2_5ghz
frequency = 5220
rpm_managed = True
bss5 = 30:5a:3a:c7:a1:0c
wan mac = 30:5a:3a:c7:a1:0a
model = asus_rtac68u
security = wpa2
psk = chromeos
class_name = StaticAPConfigurator

brand = asus
wan_hostname = chromeos7-row2-rack1-host5
ssid = asus_rtac87u_n_ch9_wpa2_24ghz
frequency = 2452
rpm_managed = True
bss = 30:5a:3a:6e:88:40
wan mac = 30:5a:3a:6e:88:44
model = asus_rtac87u
security = wpa2
psk = chromeos
class_name = StaticAPConfigurator

brand = asus
wan_hostname = chromeos7-row2-rack1-host5
ssid = asus_rtac87u_n_ch48_wpa2_5ghz
frequency = 5240
rpm_managed = True
bss5 = 30:5a:3a:6e:88:44
wan mac = 30:5a:3a:6e:88:44
model = asus_rtac87u
security = wpa2
psk = chromeos
class_name = StaticAPConfigurator

brand = belkin
wan_hostname = chromeos7-row2-rack1-host6
ssid = belkin_n600_n_ch11_wpa2
frequency = 2462
rpm_managed = True
bss = ec:1a:59:97:a8:30
wan mac = ec:1a:59:97:a8:31
model = belkin_n600
security = wpa2
psk = chromeos
class_name = StaticAPConfigurator

brand = belkin
wan_hostname = chromeos7-row2-rack1-host6
ssid = belkin_n600_ac_ch153_wpa2
frequency = 5765
rpm_managed = True
bss5 = ec:1a:59:97:a8:32
wan mac = ec:1a:59:97:a8:31
model = belkin_n600
security = wpa2
psk = chromeos
class_name = StaticAPConfigurator

brand = belkin
wan_hostname = chromeos7-row2-rack1-host7
ssid = belkin_f5d8236_n_ch2_wpa2_24ghz
frequency = 2417
rpm_managed = True
bss = 00:22:75:49:3e:29
wan mac = 00:22:75:49:3e:2a
model = belkin_f5d8236-4_v2
security = wpa2
psk = chromeos
class_name = StaticAPConfigurator

brand = buffalo
wan_hostname = chromeos7-row2-rack1-host8
ssid = buffalo_g300nh2_n_ch4_wpa2
frequency = 2427
rpm_managed = True
bss = 10:6f:3f:da:b2:a9
wan mac = 10:6f:3f:da:b2:a9
model = buffalo_wzr-hp-g300nh2
security = wpa2
psk = chromeos
class_name = StaticAPConfigurator

brand = buffalo
wan_hostname = chromeos7-row2-rack1-host9
ssid = buffalo_wzr300hp_n_ch6_wpa2
frequency = 2462
rpm_managed = True
bss = b0:c7:45:6d:77:93
wan mac = b0:c7:45:6d:77:94
model = buffalo_wzr300hp
security = wpa2
psk = chromeos
class_name = StaticAPConfigurator

brand = buffalo
wan_hostname = chromeos7-row2-rack1-host10
ssid = whr_hp_g300n_n_ch8_wpa2
frequency = 2447
rpm_managed = True
bss = 00:24:a5:b5:a3:17
wan mac = 00:24:a5:b5:a3:17
model = buffalo_whr-hp-g300n
security = wpa2
psk = chromeos
class_name = StaticAPConfigurator

brand = cisco
wan_hostname = chromeos7-row2-rack1-host11
ssid = cisco_ea4500_n_10_wpa2
frequency = 2432
rpm_managed = True
bss = 20:aa:4b:65:17:a0
wan mac = 94:10:3e:b8:77:ab
model = cisco_linksys_ea4500
security = wpa2
psk = chromeos
class_name = StaticAPConfigurator

brand = cisco
wan_hostname = chromeos7-row2-rack1-host11
ssid = cisco_ea4500_ac_40_wpa2
frequency = 5200
rpm_managed = True
bss5 = 20:aa:4b:65:17:a2
wan mac = 94:10:3e:b8:77:ab
model = cisco_linksys_ea4500
security = wpa2
psk = chromeos
class_name = StaticAPConfigurator

brand = cisco
wan_hostname = chromeos7-row2-rack1-host12
ssid = cisco_wrt600n_n_1_wpa2
frequency = 2412
rpm_managed = True
bss = 00:21:29:6c:23:8a
wan mac = 00:21:29:6c:23:8b
model = cisco_linksys_wrt600n
security = wpa2
psk = chromeos
class_name = StaticAPConfigurator

brand = cisco
wan_hostname = chromeos7-row2-rack1-host12
ssid = cisco_wrt600n_ac_44_wpa2
frequency = 5220
rpm_managed = True
bss5 = 00:21:29:6c:6c:bd
wan mac = 00:21:29:6c:23:8b
model = cisco_linksys_wrt600n
security = wpa2
psk = chromeos
class_name = StaticAPConfigurator

brand = cisco
wan_hostname = chromeos7-row2-rack1-host13
ssid = cisco_wrt310n_n_ch3_wpa2
frequency = 2422
rpm_managed = True
bss = 00:25:9c:ca:63:27
wan mac = 00:25:9c:ca:63:26
model = cisco_linksys_wrt310n_v2
security = wpa2
psk = chromeos
class_name = StaticAPConfigurator

brand = cisco
wan_hostname = chromeos7-row2-rack1-host14
ssid = cisco_ea6500_n_ch5_wpa2
frequency = 2432
rpm_managed = True
bss = c8:d7:19:8b:bd:5b
wan mac = c8:d7:19:8b:bd:5b
model = cisco_linksys_ea6500
security = wpa2
psk = chromeos
class_name = StaticAPConfigurator

brand = cisco
wan_hostname = chromeos7-row2-rack1-host14
ssid = cisco_ea6500_ac_ch149_wpa2
frequency = 5745
rpm_managed = True
bss5 = c8:d7:19:8b:bd:5c
wan mac = c8:d7:19:8b:bd:5b
model = cisco_linksys_ea6500
security = wpa2
psk = chromeos
class_name = StaticAPConfigurator

brand = cisco
wan_hostname = chromeos7-row2-rack1-host15
ssid = cisco_ea9200_n_ch7_wpa2
frequency = 2442
rpm_managed = True
bss = 48:f8:b3:ec:97:12
wan mac = 48:f8:b3:ec:97:10
model = cisco_linksys_ea9200
security = wpa2
psk = chromeos
class_name = StaticAPConfigurator

brand = cisco
wan_hostname = chromeos7-row2-rack1-host15
ssid = cisco_ea9200_ac_ch153_wpa2
frequency = 5765
rpm_managed = True
bss5 = 48:f8:b3:ec:97:14
wan mac = 48:f8:b3:ec:97:10
model = cisco_linksys_ea9200
security = wpa2
psk = chromeos
class_name = StaticAPConfigurator

brand = cisco
wan_hostname = chromeos7-row2-rack1-host16
ssid = cisco_ea2500_n_ch9_wpa2
frequency = 2452
rpm_managed = True
bss = 20:aa:4b:cd:67:e5
wan mac = 20:aa:4b:cd:67:e4
model = cisco_linksys_ea2500
security = wpa2
psk = chromeos
class_name = StaticAPConfigurator

brand = cisco
wan_hostname = chromeos7-row2-rack1-host16
ssid = cisco_ea2500_ac_ch157_wpa2
frequency = 5785
rpm_managed = True
bss5 = 20:aa:4b:cd:67:e6
wan mac = 20:aa:4b:cd:67:e4
model = cisco_linksys_ea2500
security = wpa2
psk = chromeos
class_name = StaticAPConfigurator

brand = cisco
wan_hostname = chromeos7-row2-rack2-host1
ssid = cisco_ea6500_n_ch3_wpa2_24ghz
frequency = 2412
rpm_managed = True
bss = c8:d7:19:77:2a:6e
wan mac = 94:10:3e:b8:15:2a
model = cisco_linksys_ea6500
security = wpa2
psk = chromeos
class_name = StaticAPConfigurator

brand = cisco
wan_hostname = chromeos7-row2-rack2-host1
ssid = cisco_ea6500_n_ch36_wpa2_5ghz
frequency = 5180
rpm_managed = True
bss5 = c8:d7:19:77:2a:6d
wan mac = 94:10:3e:b8:15:2a
model = cisco_linksys_ea6500
security = wpa2
psk = chromeos
class_name = StaticAPConfigurator

brand = cisco
wan_hostname = chromeos7-row2-rack2-host2
ssid = cisco_ea2700_ch3_n_wpa2_24ghz
frequency = 2422
rpm_managed = True
bss = 20:aa:4b:84:af:b0
wan mac = 94:10:3e:b8:48:ab
model = cisco_linksys_ea2700
security = wpa2
psk = chromeos
class_name = StaticAPConfigurator

brand = cisco
wan_hostname = chromeos7-row2-rack2-host2
ssid = cisco_ea2700_ch44_n_wpa2_5ghz
frequency = 5220
rpm_managed = True
bss5 = 20:aa:4b:84:af:b1
wan mac = 94:10:3e:b8:48:ab
model = cisco_linksys_ea2700
security = wpa2
psk = chromeos
class_name = StaticAPConfigurator

brand = cisco
wan_hostname = chromeos7-row2-rack2-host3
ssid = cisco_wrt320n_ch5_n_wpa2_24ghz
frequency = 2437
rpm_managed = True
bss = 68:7f:74:11:fc:06
wan mac = 68:7f:74:11:fc:05
model = cisco_linksys_wrt320n
security = wpa2
psk = chromeos
class_name = StaticAPConfigurator

brand = cisco
wan_hostname = chromeos7-row2-rack2-host3
ssid = cisco_wrt320n_ch149_n_wpa2_5ghz
frequency = 5745
rpm_managed = True
bss5 = 68:7f:74:11:fc:06
wan mac = 68:7f:74:11:fc:05
model = cisco_linksys_wrt320n
security = wpa2
psk = chromeos
class_name = StaticAPConfigurator

brand = cisco
wan_hostname = chromeos7-row2-rack2-host4
ssid = cisco_e1500_ch7_n_wpa2_24ghz
frequency = 2442
rpm_managed = True
bss = c8:d7:19:98:c3:e6
wan mac = c8:d7:19:98:c3:e5
model = cisco_linksys_e1500
security = wpa2
psk = chromeos
class_name = StaticAPConfigurator

brand = cisco
wan_hostname = chromeos7-row2-rack2-host5
ssid = cisco_e3000_ch9_n_wpa2_24ghz
frequency = 2452
rpm_managed = True
bss = 98:fc:11:78:64:c0
wan mac = 98:fc:11:78:64:bf
model = cisco_linksys_e3000
security = wpa2
psk = chromeos
class_name = StaticAPConfigurator

brand = cisco
wan_hostname = chromeos7-row2-rack2-host5
ssid = cisco_e3000_ch40_n_wpa2_5ghz
frequency = 5200
rpm_managed = True
bss5 = 98:fc:11:78:64:c1
wan mac = 98:fc:11:78:64:bf
model = cisco_linksys_e3000
security = wpa2
psk = chromeos
class_name = StaticAPConfigurator

brand = dlink
wan_hostname = chromeos7-row2-rack2-host6
ssid = dlink_dir-836L_wpa2_24ghz
frequency = 2437
rpm_managed = True
bss = c8:be:19:6a:17:67
wan mac = c8:be:19:6a:17:68
model = dlink_dir-836L
security = wpa2
psk = chromeos
class_name = StaticAPConfigurator

brand = dlink
wan_hostname = chromeos7-row2-rack2-host6
ssid = dlink_dir-836L_wpa2_5ghz
frequency = 5745
rpm_managed = True
bss5 = c8:be:19:6a:17:69
wan mac = c8:be:19:6a:17:68
model = dlink_dir-836L
security = wpa2
psk = chromeos
class_name = StaticAPConfigurator

brand = dlink
wan_hostname = chromeos7-row2-rack2-host7
ssid = dlink_dir865L_n_ch2_wpa2
frequency = 2417
rpm_managed = True
bss = 90:94:e4:ff:19:10
wan mac = 90:94:e4:ff:19:13
model = dlink_dir-865L
security = wpa2
psk = chromeos
class_name = StaticAPConfigurator

brand = dlink
wan_hostname = chromeos7-row2-rack2-host7
ssid = dlink_dir865L_ac_ch157_wpa2
frequency = 5785
rpm_managed = True
bss5 = 90:94:e4:ff:19:12
wan mac = 90:94:e4:ff:19:13
model = dlink_dir-865L
security = wpa2
psk = chromeos
class_name = StaticAPConfigurator

brand = dlink
wan_hostname = chromeos7-row2-rack2-host8
ssid = dlink_dir300_n_ch4_wpa2
frequency = 2427
rpm_managed = True
bss = 00:21:91:5f:59:f5
wan mac = 00:21:91:5f:59:f6
model = dlink_dir-300
security = wpa2
psk = chromeos
class_name = StaticAPConfigurator

brand = edimax
wan_hostname = chromeos7-row2-rack2-host9
ssid = edimax_br6428n_n_ch6_wpa2
frequency = 2437
rpm_managed = True
bss = 80:1f:02:0e:17:aa
wan mac = 80:1f:02:0e:17:ab
model = edimax_br-6428n
security = wpa2
psk = chromeos
class_name = StaticAPConfigurator

brand = edimax
wan_hostname = chromeos7-row2-rack2-host10
ssid = edimax _br6478ac_n_ch8_wpa2
frequency = 2447
rpm_managed = True
bss = 74:da:38:67:5d:33
wan mac = 74:da:38:67:5d:32
model = edimax_br-6478ac_v2
security = wpa2
psk = chromeos
class_name = StaticAPConfigurator

brand = edimax
wan_hostname = chromeos7-row2-rack2-host10
ssid = edimax _br6478ac_ac_ch36_wpa2
frequency = 5180
rpm_managed = True
bss5 = 74:da:38:67:5d:34
wan mac = 74:da:38:67:5d:32
model = edimax_br-6478ac_v2
security = wpa2
psk = chromeos
class_name = StaticAPConfigurator

brand = fonera
wan_hostname = chromeos7-row2-rack2-host11
ssid = fonera_fon2303a_n_ch10_wpa2
frequency = 2457
rpm_managed = True
bss = 00:18:84:88:3c:e6
wan mac = 00:18:84:88:3c:e4
model = fonera_fon2303a
security = wpa2
psk = chromeos
class_name = StaticAPConfigurator

brand = netgear
wan_hostname = chromeos7-row2-rack2-host12
ssid = netgear_xs4_ch1_wpa2_24ghz
frequency = 2412
rpm_managed = True
bss = b0:7f:b9:4a:6b:3b
wan mac = b0:7f:b9:4a:6b:3c
model = netgear_nighthawk_xs4
security = wpa2
psk = chromeos
class_name = StaticAPConfigurator

brand = netgear
wan_hostname = chromeos7-row2-rack2-host12
ssid = netgear_xs4_ch1_wpa2_5ghz
frequency = 5240
rpm_managed = True
bss5 = b0:7f:b9:4a:6b:3d
wan mac = b0:7f:b9:4a:6b:3c
model = netgear_nighthawk_xs4
security = wpa2
psk = chromeos
class_name = StaticAPConfigurator

brand = netgear
wan_hostname = chromeos7-row2-rack2-host13
ssid = netgear_wpn824_g_ch3_wpa
frequency = 2422
rpm_managed = True
bss = 00:0f:b5:a8:07:d2
wan mac = 00:07:b5:a8:07:d3
model = netgear_wpn824
security = wpa2
psk = chromeos
class_name = StaticAPConfigurator

brand = negear
wan_hostname = chromeos7-row2-rack2-host14
ssid = negear _r6200_n_ch5_wpa2
frequency = 2432
rpm_managed = True
bss = 84:1b:5e:e2:d6:c8
wan mac = 84:1b:5e:e2:d6:c9
model = negear_r6200
security = wpa2
psk = chromeos
class_name = StaticAPConfigurator

brand = negear
wan_hostname = chromeos7-row2-rack2-host14
ssid = negear _r6200_ac_ch149_wpa2
frequency = 5765
rpm_managed = True
bss5 = 84:1b:5e:e2:d6:c7
wan mac = 84:1b:5e:e2:d6:c9
model = negear_r6200
security = wpa2
psk = chromeos
class_name = StaticAPConfigurator

brand = netgear
wan_hostname = chromeos7-row2-rack2-host15
ssid = netgear_wndr4500_n_ch7_wpa2
frequency = 2442
rpm_managed = True
bss = 2c:b0:5d:25:3c:56
wan mac = 2c:b0:5d:25:3c:57
model = netgear_wndr4500
security = wpa2
psk = chromeos
class_name = StaticAPConfigurator

brand = netgear
wan_hostname = chromeos7-row2-rack2-host15
ssid = netgear_wndr4500_ac_ch153_wpa2
frequency = 5805
rpm_managed = True
bss5 = 2c:b0:5d:25:3c:55
wan mac = 2c:b0:5d:25:3c:57
model = netgear_wndr4500
security = wpa2
psk = chromeos
class_name = StaticAPConfigurator

brand = netgear
wan_hostname = chromeos7-row2-rack2-host16
ssid = netgear_n300_n_ch9_wpa2
frequency = 2452
rpm_managed = True
bss = 84:1b:5e:06:de:74
wan mac = 84:1b:5e:06:de:75
model = netgear_n300
security = wpa2
psk = chromeos
class_name = StaticAPConfigurator

brand = netgear
wan_hostname = chromeos7-row2-rack3-host1
ssid = netgear_wndr3400_n_ch1_wpa2
frequency = 2412
rpm_managed = True
bss = 84:1b:5e:d8:fa:94
wan mac = 84:1b:5e:d8:fa:95
model = netgear_wndr3400v2
security = wpa2
psk = chromeos
class_name = StaticAPConfigurator

brand = netgear
wan_hostname = chromeos7-row2-rack3-host1
ssid = netgear_wndr3400_n_ch36_wpa2
frequency = 5180
rpm_managed = True
bss5 = 84:1b:5e:d8:fa:93
wan mac = 84:1b:5e:d8:fa:95
model = netgear_wndr3400v2
security = wpa2
psk = chromeos
class_name = StaticAPConfigurator

brand = netgear
wan_hostname = chromeos7-row2-rack3-host2
ssid = netgear_dgnd3800_n_ch3_wpa2
frequency = 2422
rpm_managed = True
bss = 84:1b:5e:54:de:4b
wan mac = 84:1b:5e:54:de:4c
model = netgear_n600
security = wpa2
psk = chromeos
class_name = StaticAPConfigurator

brand = netgear
wan_hostname = chromeos7-row2-rack3-host2
ssid = netgear_dgnd3800_n_ch40_wpa2
frequency = 5180
rpm_managed = True
bss5 = 84:1b:5e:54:de:4c
wan mac = 84:1b:5e:54:de:4c
model = netgear_n600
security = wpa2
psk = chromeos
class_name = StaticAPConfigurator

brand = netgear
wan_hostname = chromeos7-row2-rack3-host3
ssid = netgear_wgr614_n_ch5_wpa2
frequency = 2432
rpm_managed = True
bss = c0:3f:0e:a6:cb:9c
wan mac = c0:3f:0e:a6:cb:9d
model = netgear_wgr614v10
security = wpa2
psk = chromeos
class_name = StaticAPConfigurator

brand = netgear
wan_hostname = chromeos7-row2-rack3-host4
ssid = netgear_wnr2000_n_ch7_wpa2
frequency = 2442
rpm_managed = True
bss = 84:1b:5e:6d:33:0e
wan mac = 84:1b:5e:6d:33:0f
model = netgear_wnr2000_v3
security = wpa2
psk = chromeos
class_name = StaticAPConfigurator

brand = netgear
wan_hostname = chromeos7-row2-rack3-host5
ssid = netgear_wnr612_n_ch9_wpa2
frequency = 2452
rpm_managed = True
bss = 10:0d:7f:ac:1b:40
wan mac = 10:0d:7f:ac:1b:41
model = netgear_wnr612
security = wpa2
psk = chromeos
class_name = StaticAPConfigurator

brand = rosewill
wan_hostname = chromeos7-row2-rack3-host6
ssid = rosewill_n150rt_n_ch11_wpa2
frequency = 2462
rpm_managed = True
bss = 68:1c:a2:00:93:18
wan mac = 68:1c:a2:00:93:19
model = rosewill_rnx-n150rt
security = wpa2
psk = chromeos
class_name = StaticAPConfigurator

brand = securifi
wan_hostname = chromeos7-row2-rack3-host7
ssid = securifi_8557_n_ch2_wpa2
frequency = 2417
rpm_managed = True
bss = e4:71:85:01:a8:ac
wan mac = e4:71:85:01:a8:af
model = securifi_almond
security = wpa2
psk = chromeos
class_name = StaticAPConfigurator

brand = tp
wan_hostname = chromeos7-row2-rack3-host8
ssid = tplink_tlwr841n_n_ch4_wpa2
frequency = 2427
rpm_managed = True
bss = f8:1a:67:5d:34:82
wan mac = f8:1a:67:5d:34:83
model = tp-link_tl-wr841n
security = wpa2
psk = chromeos
class_name = StaticAPConfigurator

brand = trendnet
wan_hostname = chromeos7-row2-rack3-host9
ssid = trendnet_tew-827dru_n_ch1_wpa2
frequency = 2412
rpm_managed = True
bss = d8:eb:97:30:30:60
wan mac = d8:eb:97:30:30:61
model = trendnet_tew-827dru
security = wpa2
psk = chromeos
class_name = StaticAPConfigurator

brand = trendnet
wan_hostname = chromeos7-row2-rack3-host9
ssid = trendnet_tew827dru_ac_ch157_wpa2
frequency = 5785
rpm_managed = True
bss5 = d8:eb:97:30:30:62
wan mac = d8:eb:97:30:30:61
model = trendnet_tew-827dru
security = wpa2
psk = chromeos
class_name = StaticAPConfigurator

brand = trendnet
wan_hostname = chromeos7-row2-rack3-host10
ssid = trendnet_tew731br_n_ch10_wpa2
frequency = 2457
rpm_managed = True
bss = 00:14:d1:d9:ae:9b
wan mac = 00:14:d1:d9:ae:9c
model = trendnet_tew-731br
security = wpa2
psk = chromeos
class_name = StaticAPConfigurator

brand = trendnet
wan_hostname = chromeos7-row2-rack3-host11
ssid = trendnet_tew-813dru_n_ch4_wpa2
frequency = 2462
rpm_managed = True
bss = d8:eb:97:2f:94:13
wan mac = d8:eb:97:2f:94:14
model = trendnet_tew-813dru
security = wpa2
psk = chromeos
class_name = StaticAPConfigurator

brand = trendnet
wan_hostname = chromeos7-row2-rack3-host11
ssid = trendnet_tew-813dru_ac_ch40_wpa2
frequency = 5180
rpm_managed = True
bss5 = d8:eb:97:2f:94:15
wan mac = d8:eb:97:2f:94:14
model = trendnet_tew-813dru
security = wpa2
psk = chromeos
class_name = StaticAPConfigurator

brand = vizio
wan_hostname = chromeos7-row2-rack3-host12
ssid = vizio_xdr100_n_ch1_wpa2_24ghz
frequency = 2412
rpm_managed = True
bss = 00:19:9d:74:f0:29
wan mac = 00:19:9D:74:F0:2B
model = vizio_xwr100
security = wpa2
psk = chromeos
class_name = StaticAPConfigurator

brand = vizio
wan_hostname = chromeos7-row2-rack3-host12
ssid = vizio_xdr100_n_ch44_wpa2_5ghz
frequency = 5220
rpm_managed = True
bss5 = 00:19:9d:74:f0:28
wan mac = 00:19:9D:74:F0:2B
model = vizio_xwr100
security = wpa2
psk = chromeos
class_name = StaticAPConfigurator