import copy import datetime import re import common from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import global_config from autotest_lib.frontend.afe import rpc_client_lib # Number of times to retry if a gs command fails. Defaults to 10, # which is far too long given that we already wait on these files # before starting HWTests. _GS_RETRIES = 1 _HTTP_ERROR_THRESHOLD = 400 BUG_CONFIG_SECTION = 'BUG_REPORTING' # global configurations needed for build artifacts _gs_domain = global_config.global_config.get_config_value( BUG_CONFIG_SECTION, 'gs_domain', default='') _chromeos_image_archive = global_config.global_config.get_config_value( BUG_CONFIG_SECTION, 'chromeos_image_archive', default='') _arg_prefix = global_config.global_config.get_config_value( BUG_CONFIG_SECTION, 'arg_prefix', default='') # global configurations needed for results log _retrieve_logs_cgi = global_config.global_config.get_config_value( BUG_CONFIG_SECTION, 'retrieve_logs_cgi', default='') _generic_results_bin = global_config.global_config.get_config_value( BUG_CONFIG_SECTION, 'generic_results_bin', default='') _debug_dir = global_config.global_config.get_config_value( BUG_CONFIG_SECTION, 'debug_dir', default='') # Template for the url used to generate the link to the job _job_view = global_config.global_config.get_config_value( BUG_CONFIG_SECTION, 'job_view', default='') # gs prefix to perform file like operations (gs://) _gs_file_prefix = global_config.global_config.get_config_value( BUG_CONFIG_SECTION, 'gs_file_prefix', default='') _CRBUG_URL = global_config.global_config.get_config_value( BUG_CONFIG_SECTION, 'crbug_url') WMATRIX_RETRY_URL = global_config.global_config.get_config_value( BUG_CONFIG_SECTION, 'wmatrix_retry_url', default='') WMATRIX_TEST_HISTORY_URL = global_config.global_config.get_config_value( BUG_CONFIG_SECTION, 'wmatrix_test_history_url', default='') STAINLESS_RETRY_URL = global_config.global_config.get_config_value( BUG_CONFIG_SECTION, 'stainless_retry_url', default='') STAINLESS_TEST_HISTORY_URL = global_config.global_config.get_config_value( BUG_CONFIG_SECTION, 'stainless_test_history_url', default='') class InvalidBugTemplateException(Exception): """Exception raised when a bug template is not valid, e.g., missing value for essential attributes. """ pass class BugTemplate(object): """Wrapper class to merge a suite and test bug templates, and do validation. """ # Names of expected attributes. EXPECTED_BUG_TEMPLATE_ATTRIBUTES = ['owner', 'labels', 'status', 'title', 'cc', 'summary', 'components'] LIST_ATTRIBUTES = ['cc', 'labels'] EMAIL_ATTRIBUTES = ['owner', 'cc'] EMAIL_REGEX = re.compile(r'[^@]+@[^@]+\.[^@]+') def __init__(self, bug_template): """Initialize a BugTemplate object. @param bug_template: initial bug template, e.g., bug template from suite control file. """ self.bug_template = self.cleanup_bug_template(bug_template) @classmethod def validate_bug_template(cls, bug_template): """Verify if a bug template has value for all essential attributes. @param bug_template: bug template to be verified. @raise InvalidBugTemplateException: raised when a bug template is invalid, e.g., has missing essential attribute, or any given template is not a dictionary. """ if not type(bug_template) is dict: raise InvalidBugTemplateException('Bug template must be a ' 'dictionary.') unexpected_keys = [] for key, value in bug_template.iteritems(): if not key in cls.EXPECTED_BUG_TEMPLATE_ATTRIBUTES: raise InvalidBugTemplateException('Key %s is not expected in ' 'bug template.' % key) if (key in cls.LIST_ATTRIBUTES and not isinstance(value, list)): raise InvalidBugTemplateException('Value for %s must be a list.' % key) if key in cls.EMAIL_ATTRIBUTES: emails = value if isinstance(value, list) else [value] for email in emails: if not email or not cls.EMAIL_REGEX.match(email): raise InvalidBugTemplateException( 'Invalid email address: %s.' % email) @classmethod def cleanup_bug_template(cls, bug_template): """Remove empty entries in given bug template. @param bug_template: bug template to be verified. @return: A cleaned up bug template. @raise InvalidBugTemplateException: raised when a bug template is not a dictionary. """ if not type(bug_template) is dict: raise InvalidBugTemplateException('Bug template must be a ' 'dictionary.') template = copy.deepcopy(bug_template) # If owner or cc is set but the value is empty or None, remove it from # the template. for email_attribute in cls.EMAIL_ATTRIBUTES: if email_attribute in template: value = template[email_attribute] if isinstance(value, list): template[email_attribute] = [email for email in value if email] if not template[email_attribute]: del(template[email_attribute]) return template def finalize_bug_template(self, test_template): """Merge test and suite bug templates. @param test_template: Bug template from test control file. @return: Merged bug template. @raise InvalidBugTemplateException: raised when the merged template is invalid, e.g., has missing essential attribute, or any given template is not a dictionary. """ test_template = self.cleanup_bug_template(test_template) self.validate_bug_template(self.bug_template) self.validate_bug_template(test_template) merged_template = test_template merged_template.update((k, v) for k, v in self.bug_template.iteritems() if k not in merged_template) # test_template wins for common keys, unless values are list that can be # merged. for key in set(merged_template.keys()).intersection( self.bug_template.keys()): if (type(merged_template[key]) is list and type(self.bug_template[key]) is list): merged_template[key] = (merged_template[key] + self.bug_template[key]) elif not merged_template[key]: merged_template[key] = self.bug_template[key] self.validate_bug_template(merged_template) return merged_template def link_build_artifacts(build): """Returns a url to build artifacts on google storage. @param build: A string, e.g. stout32-release/R30-4433.0.0 @returns: A url to build artifacts on google storage. """ return (_gs_domain + _arg_prefix + _chromeos_image_archive + build) def link_job(job_id, instance_server=None): """Returns an url to the job on cautotest. @param job_id: A string, representing the job id. @param instance_server: The instance server. Eg: cautotest, cautotest-cq, localhost. @returns: An url to the job on cautotest. """ if not job_id: return 'Job did not run, or was aborted prematurely' if not instance_server: instance_server = global_config.global_config.get_config_value( 'SERVER', 'hostname', default='localhost') instance_server = rpc_client_lib.add_protocol(instance_server) return _job_view % (instance_server, job_id) def _base_results_log(job_id, result_owner, hostname): """Returns the base url of the job's results. @param job_id: A string, representing the job id. @param result_owner: A string, representing the onwer of the job. @param hostname: A string, representing the host on which the job has run. @returns: The base url of the job's results. """ if job_id and result_owner and hostname: path_to_object = '%s-%s/%s' % (job_id, result_owner, hostname) return (_retrieve_logs_cgi + _generic_results_bin + path_to_object) def link_result_logs(job_id, result_owner, hostname): """Returns a url to test logs on google storage. @param job_id: A string, representing the job id. @param result_owner: A string, representing the owner of the job. @param hostname: A string, representing the host on which the jot has run. @returns: A url to test logs on google storage. """ base_results = _base_results_log(job_id, result_owner, hostname) if base_results: return '%s/%s' % (base_results, _debug_dir) return ('Could not generate results log: the job with id %s, ' 'scheduled by: %s on host: %s did not run' % (job_id, result_owner, hostname)) def link_status_log(job_id, result_owner, hostname): """Returns an url to status log of the job. @param job_id: A string, representing the job id. @param result_owner: A string, representing the owner of the job. @param hostname: A string, representing the host on which the jot has run. @returns: A url to status log of the job. """ base_results = _base_results_log(job_id, result_owner, hostname) if base_results: return '%s/%s' % (base_results, 'status.log') return 'NA' def link_wmatrix_retry_url(test_name): """Link to the wmatrix retry stats page for this test. @param test_name: Test we want to search the retry stats page for. @return: A link to the wmatrix retry stats dashboard for this test. """ return WMATRIX_RETRY_URL % test_name def link_retry_url(test_name): """Link to the retry stats page for this test. @param test_name: Test we want to search the retry stats page for. @return: A link to the retry stats dashboard for this test. """ if STAINLESS_RETRY_URL: args_dict = { 'test_name_re': '^%s$' % re.escape(test_name), } return STAINLESS_RETRY_URL % args_dict return WMATRIX_RETRY_URL % test_name def link_test_history(test_name): """Link to the test history page for this test. @param test_name: Test we want to search the test history for. @return: A link to the test history page for this test. """ date_format = '%Y-%m-%d' now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() last_date = now.strftime(date_format) first_date = (now - datetime.timedelta(days=28)).strftime(date_format) # Please note that stainless url doesn't work for tests whose test name is # different from its job name. E.g. for moblab_RunSuite/control.dummyServer # Its job name (NAME in control file) is moblab_DummyServerSuite. # Its test name is moblab_RunSuite. # Stainless use 'moblab_DummyServerSuite' as the test name, however, # TKO uses 'moblab_RunSuite' as the test name. return STAINLESS_TEST_HISTORY_URL % ( '^%s$' % re.escape(test_name), first_date, last_date) def link_crbug(bug_id): """Generate a bug link for the given bug_id. @param bug_id: The id of the bug. @return: A link, eg:<bug_id>. """ return _CRBUG_URL % (bug_id,)