/* * Copyright (c) 2016 Facebook, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include <linux/bpf.h> #include <linux/perf_event.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #include <exception> #include <iostream> #include <memory> #include <sstream> #include <utility> #include <vector> #include "bcc_exception.h" #include "bcc_syms.h" #include "bpf_module.h" #include "common.h" #include "libbpf.h" #include "perf_reader.h" #include "syms.h" #include "table_storage.h" #include "usdt.h" #include "BPF.h" namespace ebpf { std::string uint_to_hex(uint64_t value) { std::stringstream ss; ss << std::hex << value; return ss.str(); } std::string sanitize_str(std::string str, bool (*validator)(char), char replacement = '_') { for (size_t i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) if (!validator(str[i])) str[i] = replacement; return str; } StatusTuple BPF::init(const std::string& bpf_program, const std::vector<std::string>& cflags, const std::vector<USDT>& usdt) { std::string all_bpf_program; usdt_.reserve(usdt.size()); for (const auto& u : usdt) { usdt_.emplace_back(u); } for (auto& u : usdt_) { TRY2(u.init()); all_bpf_program += u.program_text_; } auto flags_len = cflags.size(); const char* flags[flags_len]; for (size_t i = 0; i < flags_len; i++) flags[i] = cflags[i].c_str(); all_bpf_program += bpf_program; if (bpf_module_->load_string(all_bpf_program, flags, flags_len) != 0) return StatusTuple(-1, "Unable to initialize BPF program"); return StatusTuple(0); }; BPF::~BPF() { auto res = detach_all(); if (res.code() != 0) std::cerr << "Failed to detach all probes on destruction: " << std::endl << res.msg() << std::endl; } StatusTuple BPF::detach_all() { bool has_error = false; std::string error_msg; for (auto& it : kprobes_) { auto res = detach_kprobe_event(it.first, it.second); if (res.code() != 0) { error_msg += "Failed to detach kprobe event " + it.first + ": "; error_msg += res.msg() + "\n"; has_error = true; } } for (auto& it : uprobes_) { auto res = detach_uprobe_event(it.first, it.second); if (res.code() != 0) { error_msg += "Failed to detach uprobe event " + it.first + ": "; error_msg += res.msg() + "\n"; has_error = true; } } for (auto& it : tracepoints_) { auto res = detach_tracepoint_event(it.first, it.second); if (res.code() != 0) { error_msg += "Failed to detach Tracepoint " + it.first + ": "; error_msg += res.msg() + "\n"; has_error = true; } } for (auto& it : perf_buffers_) { auto res = it.second->close_all_cpu(); if (res.code() != 0) { error_msg += "Failed to close perf buffer " + it.first + ": "; error_msg += res.msg() + "\n"; has_error = true; } delete it.second; } for (auto& it : perf_event_arrays_) { auto res = it.second->close_all_cpu(); if (res.code() != 0) { error_msg += "Failed to close perf event array " + it.first + ": "; error_msg += res.msg() + "\n"; has_error = true; } delete it.second; } for (auto& it : perf_events_) { auto res = detach_perf_event_all_cpu(it.second); if (res.code() != 0) { error_msg += res.msg() + "\n"; has_error = true; } } for (auto& it : funcs_) { int res = close(it.second); if (res != 0) { error_msg += "Failed to unload BPF program for " + it.first + ": "; error_msg += std::string(std::strerror(errno)) + "\n"; has_error = true; } } if (has_error) return StatusTuple(-1, error_msg); else return StatusTuple(0); } StatusTuple BPF::attach_kprobe(const std::string& kernel_func, const std::string& probe_func, uint64_t kernel_func_offset, bpf_probe_attach_type attach_type) { std::string probe_event = get_kprobe_event(kernel_func, attach_type); if (kprobes_.find(probe_event) != kprobes_.end()) return StatusTuple(-1, "kprobe %s already attached", probe_event.c_str()); int probe_fd; TRY2(load_func(probe_func, BPF_PROG_TYPE_KPROBE, probe_fd)); int res_fd = bpf_attach_kprobe(probe_fd, attach_type, probe_event.c_str(), kernel_func.c_str(), kernel_func_offset); if (res_fd < 0) { TRY2(unload_func(probe_func)); return StatusTuple(-1, "Unable to attach %skprobe for %s using %s", attach_type_debug(attach_type).c_str(), kernel_func.c_str(), probe_func.c_str()); } open_probe_t p = {}; p.perf_event_fd = res_fd; p.func = probe_func; kprobes_[probe_event] = std::move(p); return StatusTuple(0); } StatusTuple BPF::attach_uprobe(const std::string& binary_path, const std::string& symbol, const std::string& probe_func, uint64_t symbol_addr, bpf_probe_attach_type attach_type, pid_t pid) { std::string module; uint64_t offset; TRY2(check_binary_symbol(binary_path, symbol, symbol_addr, module, offset)); std::string probe_event = get_uprobe_event(module, offset, attach_type, pid); if (uprobes_.find(probe_event) != uprobes_.end()) return StatusTuple(-1, "uprobe %s already attached", probe_event.c_str()); int probe_fd; TRY2(load_func(probe_func, BPF_PROG_TYPE_KPROBE, probe_fd)); int res_fd = bpf_attach_uprobe(probe_fd, attach_type, probe_event.c_str(), binary_path.c_str(), offset, pid); if (res_fd < 0) { TRY2(unload_func(probe_func)); return StatusTuple( -1, "Unable to attach %suprobe for binary %s symbol %s addr %lx using %s\n", attach_type_debug(attach_type).c_str(), binary_path.c_str(), symbol.c_str(), symbol_addr, probe_func.c_str()); } open_probe_t p = {}; p.perf_event_fd = res_fd; p.func = probe_func; uprobes_[probe_event] = std::move(p); return StatusTuple(0); } StatusTuple BPF::attach_usdt(const USDT& usdt, pid_t pid) { for (const auto& u : usdt_) { if (u == usdt) { auto& probe = *static_cast<::USDT::Probe*>(u.probe_.get()); if (!probe.enable(u.probe_func_)) return StatusTuple(-1, "Unable to enable USDT " + u.print_name()); bool failed = false; std::string err_msg; int cnt = 0; for (const auto& loc : probe.locations_) { auto res = attach_uprobe(loc.bin_path_, std::string(), u.probe_func_, loc.address_, BPF_PROBE_ENTRY, pid); if (res.code() != 0) { failed = true; err_msg += "USDT " + u.print_name() + " at " + loc.bin_path_ + " address " + std::to_string(loc.address_); err_msg += ": " + res.msg() + "\n"; break; } cnt++; } if (failed) { for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { auto res = detach_uprobe(probe.locations_[i].bin_path_, std::string(), probe.locations_[i].address_, BPF_PROBE_ENTRY, pid); if (res.code() != 0) err_msg += "During clean up: " + res.msg() + "\n"; } return StatusTuple(-1, err_msg); } else { return StatusTuple(0); } } } return StatusTuple(-1, "USDT %s not found", usdt.print_name().c_str()); } StatusTuple BPF::attach_tracepoint(const std::string& tracepoint, const std::string& probe_func) { if (tracepoints_.find(tracepoint) != tracepoints_.end()) return StatusTuple(-1, "Tracepoint %s already attached", tracepoint.c_str()); auto pos = tracepoint.find(":"); if ((pos == std::string::npos) || (pos != tracepoint.rfind(":"))) return StatusTuple(-1, "Unable to parse Tracepoint %s", tracepoint.c_str()); std::string tp_category = tracepoint.substr(0, pos); std::string tp_name = tracepoint.substr(pos + 1); int probe_fd; TRY2(load_func(probe_func, BPF_PROG_TYPE_TRACEPOINT, probe_fd)); int res_fd = bpf_attach_tracepoint(probe_fd, tp_category.c_str(), tp_name.c_str()); if (res_fd < 0) { TRY2(unload_func(probe_func)); return StatusTuple(-1, "Unable to attach Tracepoint %s using %s", tracepoint.c_str(), probe_func.c_str()); } open_probe_t p = {}; p.perf_event_fd = res_fd; p.func = probe_func; tracepoints_[tracepoint] = std::move(p); return StatusTuple(0); } StatusTuple BPF::attach_perf_event(uint32_t ev_type, uint32_t ev_config, const std::string& probe_func, uint64_t sample_period, uint64_t sample_freq, pid_t pid, int cpu, int group_fd) { auto ev_pair = std::make_pair(ev_type, ev_config); if (perf_events_.find(ev_pair) != perf_events_.end()) return StatusTuple(-1, "Perf event type %d config %d already attached", ev_type, ev_config); int probe_fd; TRY2(load_func(probe_func, BPF_PROG_TYPE_PERF_EVENT, probe_fd)); std::vector<int> cpus; if (cpu >= 0) cpus.push_back(cpu); else cpus = get_online_cpus(); auto fds = new std::vector<std::pair<int, int>>(); fds->reserve(cpus.size()); for (int i : cpus) { int fd = bpf_attach_perf_event(probe_fd, ev_type, ev_config, sample_period, sample_freq, pid, i, group_fd); if (fd < 0) { for (const auto& it : *fds) close(it.second); delete fds; TRY2(unload_func(probe_func)); return StatusTuple(-1, "Failed to attach perf event type %d config %d", ev_type, ev_config); } fds->emplace_back(i, fd); } open_probe_t p = {}; p.func = probe_func; p.per_cpu_fd = fds; perf_events_[ev_pair] = std::move(p); return StatusTuple(0); } StatusTuple BPF::attach_perf_event_raw(void* perf_event_attr, const std::string& probe_func, pid_t pid, int cpu, int group_fd, unsigned long extra_flags) { auto attr = static_cast<struct perf_event_attr*>(perf_event_attr); auto ev_pair = std::make_pair(attr->type, attr->config); if (perf_events_.find(ev_pair) != perf_events_.end()) return StatusTuple(-1, "Perf event type %d config %d already attached", attr->type, attr->config); int probe_fd; TRY2(load_func(probe_func, BPF_PROG_TYPE_PERF_EVENT, probe_fd)); std::vector<int> cpus; if (cpu >= 0) cpus.push_back(cpu); else cpus = get_online_cpus(); auto fds = new std::vector<std::pair<int, int>>(); fds->reserve(cpus.size()); for (int i : cpus) { int fd = bpf_attach_perf_event_raw(probe_fd, attr, pid, i, group_fd, extra_flags); if (fd < 0) { for (const auto& it : *fds) close(it.second); delete fds; TRY2(unload_func(probe_func)); return StatusTuple(-1, "Failed to attach perf event type %d config %d", attr->type, attr->config); } fds->emplace_back(i, fd); } open_probe_t p = {}; p.func = probe_func; p.per_cpu_fd = fds; perf_events_[ev_pair] = std::move(p); return StatusTuple(0); } StatusTuple BPF::detach_kprobe(const std::string& kernel_func, bpf_probe_attach_type attach_type) { std::string event = get_kprobe_event(kernel_func, attach_type); auto it = kprobes_.find(event); if (it == kprobes_.end()) return StatusTuple(-1, "No open %skprobe for %s", attach_type_debug(attach_type).c_str(), kernel_func.c_str()); TRY2(detach_kprobe_event(it->first, it->second)); kprobes_.erase(it); return StatusTuple(0); } StatusTuple BPF::detach_uprobe(const std::string& binary_path, const std::string& symbol, uint64_t symbol_addr, bpf_probe_attach_type attach_type, pid_t pid) { std::string module; uint64_t offset; TRY2(check_binary_symbol(binary_path, symbol, symbol_addr, module, offset)); std::string event = get_uprobe_event(module, offset, attach_type, pid); auto it = uprobes_.find(event); if (it == uprobes_.end()) return StatusTuple(-1, "No open %suprobe for binary %s symbol %s addr %lx", attach_type_debug(attach_type).c_str(), binary_path.c_str(), symbol.c_str(), symbol_addr); TRY2(detach_uprobe_event(it->first, it->second)); uprobes_.erase(it); return StatusTuple(0); } StatusTuple BPF::detach_usdt(const USDT& usdt, pid_t pid) { for (const auto& u : usdt_) { if (u == usdt) { auto& probe = *static_cast<::USDT::Probe*>(u.probe_.get()); bool failed = false; std::string err_msg; for (const auto& loc : probe.locations_) { auto res = detach_uprobe(loc.bin_path_, std::string(), loc.address_, BPF_PROBE_ENTRY, pid); if (res.code() != 0) { failed = true; err_msg += "USDT " + u.print_name() + " at " + loc.bin_path_ + " address " + std::to_string(loc.address_); err_msg += ": " + res.msg() + "\n"; } } if (!probe.disable()) { failed = true; err_msg += "Unable to disable USDT " + u.print_name(); } if (failed) return StatusTuple(-1, err_msg); else return StatusTuple(0); } } return StatusTuple(-1, "USDT %s not found", usdt.print_name().c_str()); } StatusTuple BPF::detach_tracepoint(const std::string& tracepoint) { auto it = tracepoints_.find(tracepoint); if (it == tracepoints_.end()) return StatusTuple(-1, "No open Tracepoint %s", tracepoint.c_str()); TRY2(detach_tracepoint_event(it->first, it->second)); tracepoints_.erase(it); return StatusTuple(0); } StatusTuple BPF::detach_perf_event(uint32_t ev_type, uint32_t ev_config) { auto it = perf_events_.find(std::make_pair(ev_type, ev_config)); if (it == perf_events_.end()) return StatusTuple(-1, "Perf Event type %d config %d not attached", ev_type, ev_config); TRY2(detach_perf_event_all_cpu(it->second)); perf_events_.erase(it); return StatusTuple(0); } StatusTuple BPF::detach_perf_event_raw(void* perf_event_attr) { auto attr = static_cast<struct perf_event_attr*>(perf_event_attr); return detach_perf_event(attr->type, attr->config); } StatusTuple BPF::open_perf_event(const std::string& name, uint32_t type, uint64_t config) { if (perf_event_arrays_.find(name) == perf_event_arrays_.end()) { TableStorage::iterator it; if (!bpf_module_->table_storage().Find(Path({bpf_module_->id(), name}), it)) return StatusTuple(-1, "open_perf_event: unable to find table_storage %s", name.c_str()); perf_event_arrays_[name] = new BPFPerfEventArray(it->second); } auto table = perf_event_arrays_[name]; TRY2(table->open_all_cpu(type, config)); return StatusTuple(0); } StatusTuple BPF::close_perf_event(const std::string& name) { auto it = perf_event_arrays_.find(name); if (it == perf_event_arrays_.end()) return StatusTuple(-1, "Perf Event for %s not open", name.c_str()); TRY2(it->second->close_all_cpu()); return StatusTuple(0); } StatusTuple BPF::open_perf_buffer(const std::string& name, perf_reader_raw_cb cb, perf_reader_lost_cb lost_cb, void* cb_cookie, int page_cnt) { if (perf_buffers_.find(name) == perf_buffers_.end()) { TableStorage::iterator it; if (!bpf_module_->table_storage().Find(Path({bpf_module_->id(), name}), it)) return StatusTuple(-1, "open_perf_buffer: unable to find table_storage %s", name.c_str()); perf_buffers_[name] = new BPFPerfBuffer(it->second); } if ((page_cnt & (page_cnt - 1)) != 0) return StatusTuple(-1, "open_perf_buffer page_cnt must be a power of two"); auto table = perf_buffers_[name]; TRY2(table->open_all_cpu(cb, lost_cb, cb_cookie, page_cnt)); return StatusTuple(0); } StatusTuple BPF::close_perf_buffer(const std::string& name) { auto it = perf_buffers_.find(name); if (it == perf_buffers_.end()) return StatusTuple(-1, "Perf buffer for %s not open", name.c_str()); TRY2(it->second->close_all_cpu()); return StatusTuple(0); } BPFPerfBuffer* BPF::get_perf_buffer(const std::string& name) { auto it = perf_buffers_.find(name); return (it == perf_buffers_.end()) ? nullptr : it->second; } int BPF::poll_perf_buffer(const std::string& name, int timeout_ms) { auto it = perf_buffers_.find(name); if (it == perf_buffers_.end()) return -1; return it->second->poll(timeout_ms); } StatusTuple BPF::load_func(const std::string& func_name, bpf_prog_type type, int& fd) { if (funcs_.find(func_name) != funcs_.end()) { fd = funcs_[func_name]; return StatusTuple(0); } uint8_t* func_start = bpf_module_->function_start(func_name); if (!func_start) return StatusTuple(-1, "Can't find start of function %s", func_name.c_str()); size_t func_size = bpf_module_->function_size(func_name); int log_level = 0; if (flag_ & DEBUG_BPF_REGISTER_STATE) log_level = 2; else if (flag_ & DEBUG_BPF) log_level = 1; fd = bpf_prog_load(type, func_name.c_str(), reinterpret_cast<struct bpf_insn*>(func_start), func_size, bpf_module_->license(), bpf_module_->kern_version(), log_level, nullptr, 0); if (fd < 0) return StatusTuple(-1, "Failed to load %s: %d", func_name.c_str(), fd); bpf_module_->annotate_prog_tag( func_name, fd, reinterpret_cast<struct bpf_insn*>(func_start), func_size); funcs_[func_name] = fd; return StatusTuple(0); } StatusTuple BPF::unload_func(const std::string& func_name) { auto it = funcs_.find(func_name); if (it == funcs_.end()) return StatusTuple(0); int res = close(it->second); if (res != 0) return StatusTuple(-1, "Can't close FD for %s: %d", it->first.c_str(), res); funcs_.erase(it); return StatusTuple(0); } std::string BPF::get_syscall_fnname(const std::string& name) { if (syscall_prefix_ == nullptr) { KSyms ksym; uint64_t addr; if (ksym.resolve_name(nullptr, "sys_bpf", &addr)) syscall_prefix_.reset(new std::string("sys_")); else if (ksym.resolve_name(nullptr, "__x64_sys_bpf", &addr)) syscall_prefix_.reset(new std::string("__x64_sys_")); else syscall_prefix_.reset(new std::string()); } return *syscall_prefix_ + name; } StatusTuple BPF::check_binary_symbol(const std::string& binary_path, const std::string& symbol, uint64_t symbol_addr, std::string& module_res, uint64_t& offset_res) { bcc_symbol output; int res = bcc_resolve_symname(binary_path.c_str(), symbol.c_str(), symbol_addr, -1, nullptr, &output); if (res < 0) return StatusTuple( -1, "Unable to find offset for binary %s symbol %s address %lx", binary_path.c_str(), symbol.c_str(), symbol_addr); if (output.module) { module_res = output.module; ::free(const_cast<char*>(output.module)); } else { module_res = ""; } offset_res = output.offset; return StatusTuple(0); } std::string BPF::get_kprobe_event(const std::string& kernel_func, bpf_probe_attach_type type) { std::string res = attach_type_prefix(type) + "_"; res += sanitize_str(kernel_func, &BPF::kprobe_event_validator); return res; } BPFProgTable BPF::get_prog_table(const std::string& name) { TableStorage::iterator it; if (bpf_module_->table_storage().Find(Path({bpf_module_->id(), name}), it)) return BPFProgTable(it->second); return BPFProgTable({}); } BPFCgroupArray BPF::get_cgroup_array(const std::string& name) { TableStorage::iterator it; if (bpf_module_->table_storage().Find(Path({bpf_module_->id(), name}), it)) return BPFCgroupArray(it->second); return BPFCgroupArray({}); } BPFDevmapTable BPF::get_devmap_table(const std::string& name) { TableStorage::iterator it; if (bpf_module_->table_storage().Find(Path({bpf_module_->id(), name}), it)) return BPFDevmapTable(it->second); return BPFDevmapTable({}); } BPFStackTable BPF::get_stack_table(const std::string& name, bool use_debug_file, bool check_debug_file_crc) { TableStorage::iterator it; if (bpf_module_->table_storage().Find(Path({bpf_module_->id(), name}), it)) return BPFStackTable(it->second, use_debug_file, check_debug_file_crc); return BPFStackTable({}, use_debug_file, check_debug_file_crc); } std::string BPF::get_uprobe_event(const std::string& binary_path, uint64_t offset, bpf_probe_attach_type type, pid_t pid) { std::string res = attach_type_prefix(type) + "_"; res += sanitize_str(binary_path, &BPF::uprobe_path_validator); res += "_0x" + uint_to_hex(offset); if (pid != -1) res += "_" + std::to_string(pid); return res; } StatusTuple BPF::detach_kprobe_event(const std::string& event, open_probe_t& attr) { bpf_close_perf_event_fd(attr.perf_event_fd); TRY2(unload_func(attr.func)); if (bpf_detach_kprobe(event.c_str()) < 0) return StatusTuple(-1, "Unable to detach kprobe %s", event.c_str()); return StatusTuple(0); } StatusTuple BPF::detach_uprobe_event(const std::string& event, open_probe_t& attr) { bpf_close_perf_event_fd(attr.perf_event_fd); TRY2(unload_func(attr.func)); if (bpf_detach_uprobe(event.c_str()) < 0) return StatusTuple(-1, "Unable to detach uprobe %s", event.c_str()); return StatusTuple(0); } StatusTuple BPF::detach_tracepoint_event(const std::string& tracepoint, open_probe_t& attr) { bpf_close_perf_event_fd(attr.perf_event_fd); TRY2(unload_func(attr.func)); // TODO: bpf_detach_tracepoint currently does nothing. return StatusTuple(0); } StatusTuple BPF::detach_perf_event_all_cpu(open_probe_t& attr) { bool has_error = false; std::string err_msg; for (const auto& it : *attr.per_cpu_fd) { int res = bpf_close_perf_event_fd(it.second); if (res != 0) { has_error = true; err_msg += "Failed to close perf event FD " + std::to_string(it.second) + " For CPU " + std::to_string(it.first) + ": "; err_msg += std::string(std::strerror(errno)) + "\n"; } } delete attr.per_cpu_fd; TRY2(unload_func(attr.func)); if (has_error) return StatusTuple(-1, err_msg); return StatusTuple(0); } USDT::USDT(const std::string& binary_path, const std::string& provider, const std::string& name, const std::string& probe_func) : initialized_(false), binary_path_(binary_path), pid_(-1), provider_(provider), name_(name), probe_func_(probe_func) {} USDT::USDT(pid_t pid, const std::string& provider, const std::string& name, const std::string& probe_func) : initialized_(false), binary_path_(), pid_(pid), provider_(provider), name_(name), probe_func_(probe_func) {} USDT::USDT(const std::string& binary_path, pid_t pid, const std::string& provider, const std::string& name, const std::string& probe_func) : initialized_(false), binary_path_(binary_path), pid_(pid), provider_(provider), name_(name), probe_func_(probe_func) {} USDT::USDT(const USDT& usdt) : initialized_(false), binary_path_(usdt.binary_path_), pid_(usdt.pid_), provider_(usdt.provider_), name_(usdt.name_), probe_func_(usdt.probe_func_) {} USDT::USDT(USDT&& usdt) noexcept : initialized_(usdt.initialized_), binary_path_(std::move(usdt.binary_path_)), pid_(usdt.pid_), provider_(std::move(usdt.provider_)), name_(std::move(usdt.name_)), probe_func_(std::move(usdt.probe_func_)), probe_(std::move(usdt.probe_)), program_text_(std::move(usdt.program_text_)) { usdt.initialized_ = false; } bool USDT::operator==(const USDT& other) const { return (provider_ == other.provider_) && (name_ == other.name_) && (binary_path_ == other.binary_path_) && (pid_ == other.pid_) && (probe_func_ == other.probe_func_); } StatusTuple USDT::init() { std::unique_ptr<::USDT::Context> ctx; if (!binary_path_.empty() && pid_ > 0) ctx.reset(new ::USDT::Context(pid_, binary_path_)); else if (!binary_path_.empty()) ctx.reset(new ::USDT::Context(binary_path_)); else if (pid_ > 0) ctx.reset(new ::USDT::Context(pid_)); else return StatusTuple(-1, "No valid Binary Path or PID provided"); if (!ctx->loaded()) return StatusTuple(-1, "Unable to load USDT " + print_name()); auto deleter = [](void* probe) { delete static_cast<::USDT::Probe*>(probe); }; for (auto& p : ctx->probes_) { if (p->provider_ == provider_ && p->name_ == name_) { // Take ownership of the probe that we are interested in, and avoid it // being destrcuted when we destruct the USDT::Context instance probe_ = std::unique_ptr<void, std::function<void(void*)>>(p.release(), deleter); p.swap(ctx->probes_.back()); ctx->probes_.pop_back(); break; } } if (!probe_) return StatusTuple(-1, "Unable to find USDT " + print_name()); ctx.reset(nullptr); auto& probe = *static_cast<::USDT::Probe*>(probe_.get()); std::ostringstream stream; if (!probe.usdt_getarg(stream, probe_func_)) return StatusTuple( -1, "Unable to generate program text for USDT " + print_name()); program_text_ = ::USDT::USDT_PROGRAM_HEADER + stream.str(); initialized_ = true; return StatusTuple(0); } } // namespace ebpf