#!python3 """Program to dump contents of Brotli compressed files showing the compression format. Jurjen N.E. Bos, 2016. I found the following issues with the Brotli format: - The distance alphabet has size 16+(48<<POSTFIX), but the last symbols are useless. It could be lowered to 16+(44-POSTFIX<<POSTFIX), and this could matter. - The block type code is useless if NBLTYPES==2, you would only need 1 symbol anyway, so why don't you just switch to "the other" type? """ import struct from operator import itemgetter, methodcaller from itertools import accumulate, repeat from collections import defaultdict, deque from functools import partial class InvalidStream(Exception): pass #lookup table L, I, D = "literal", "insert©", "distance" pL, pI, pD = 'P'+L, 'P'+I, 'P'+D def outputCharFormatter(c): """Show character in readable format """ #TODO 2: allow hex only output if 32<c<127: return chr(c) elif c==10: return '\\n' elif c==13: return '\\r' elif c==32: return '" "' else: return '\\x{:02x}'.format(c) def outputFormatter(s): """Show string or char. """ result = '' def formatSubString(s): for c in s: if c==32: yield ' ' else: yield outputCharFormatter(c) if len(result)<200: return ''.join(formatSubString(s)) else: return ''.join(formatSubString(s[:100]))+'...'+ \ ''.join(formatSubString(s[-100:])) class BitStream: """Represent a bytes object. Can read bits and prefix codes the way Brotli does. """ def __init__(self, byteString): self.data = byteString #position in bits: byte pos is pos>>3, bit pos is pos&7 self.pos = 0 def __repr__(self): """Representation >>> olleke BitStream(pos=0:0) """ return "BitStream(pos={:x}:{})".format(self.pos>>3, self.pos&7) def read(self, n): """Read n bits from the stream and return as an integer. Produces zero bits beyond the stream. >>> olleke.data[0]==27 True >>> olleke.read(5) 27 >>> olleke BitStream(pos=0:5) """ value = self.peek(n) self.pos += n if self.pos>len(self.data)*8: raise ValueError('Read past end of stream') return value def peek(self, n): """Peek an n bit integer from the stream without updating the pointer. It is not an error to read beyond the end of the stream. >>> olleke.data[:2]==b'\x1b\x2e' and 0x2e1b==11803 True >>> olleke.peek(15) 11803 >>> hex(olleke.peek(32)) '0x2e1b' """ #read bytes that contain the data: self.data[self.pos>>3:self.pos+n+7>>3] #convert to int: int.from_bytes(..., 'little') #shift out the bits from the first byte: >>(self.pos&7) #mask unwanted bits: & (1<<n)-1 return int.from_bytes( self.data[self.pos>>3:self.pos+n+7>>3], 'little')>>(self.pos&7) & (1<<n)-1 def readBytes(self, n): """Read n bytes from the stream on a byte boundary. """ if self.pos&7: raise ValueError('readBytes: need byte boundary') result = self.data[self.pos>>3:(self.pos>>3)+n] self.pos += 8*n return result #-----------------------Symbol------------------------------------------- class Symbol: """A symbol in a code. Refers back to the code that contains it. Index is the place in the alphabet of the symbol. """ __slots__ = 'code', 'index' def __init__(self, code, value): self.code = code self.index = value def __repr__(self): return 'Symbol({}, {})'.format(self.code.name, self.index) def __len__(self): """Number of bits in the prefix notation of this symbol """ return self.code.length(self.index) def __int__(self): return self.index #these routines call equivalent routine in Code class def bitPattern(self): """Value of the symbol in the stream """ return self.code.bitPattern(self.index) def extraBits(self): """Number of extra bits to read for this symbol """ return self.code.extraBits(self.index) def __str__(self): """Short descriptor of the symbol without extra bits. """ return self.code.mnemonic(self.index) #requiring optional extra bits, if self.code supports them def value(self, extra=None): """The value used for processing. Can be a tuple. with optional extra bits """ if isinstance(self.code, WithExtra): if not 0<=extra<1<<self.extraBits(): raise ValueError("value: extra value doesn't fit in extraBits") return self.code.value(self.index, extra) if extra is not None: raise ValueError('value: no extra bits for this code') return self.code.value(self.index) def explanation(self, extra=None): """Long explanation of the value from the numeric value with optional extra bits Used by Layout.verboseRead when printing the value """ if isinstance(self.code, WithExtra): return self.code.callback(self, extra) return self.code.callback(self) #========================Code definitions================================== class RangeDecoder: """A decoder for the Code class that assumes the symbols are encoded consecutively in binary. It all depends on the "alphabetSize" property. The range runs from 0 to alphabetSize-1. This is the default decoder. """ def __init__(self, *, alphabetSize=None, bitLength=None, **args): if bitLength is not None: alphabetSize = 1<<bitLength if alphabetSize is not None: self.alphabetSize = alphabetSize self.maxLength = (alphabetSize-1).bit_length() def __len__(self): return self.alphabetSize def __iter__(self): """Produce all symbols. """ return map(partial(Symbol, self), range(len(self))) def __getitem__(self, index): if index>=self.alphabetSize: raise ValueError('index out of range') return Symbol(self, index) def bitPattern(self, index): return '{:0{}b}'.format(index, self.maxLength) def length(self, index): """Encoding length of given symbol. Does not depend on index in this case. """ return self.maxLength def decodePeek(self, data): """Find which symbol index matches the given data (from peek, as a number) and return the number of bits decoded. Can also be used to figure out length of a symbol. """ return self.maxLength, Symbol(self, data&(1<<self.maxLength)-1) class PrefixDecoder: """A decoder for the Code class that uses a prefix code. The code is determined by encoding: encode[p] gives the index corresponding to bit pattern p. Used setDecode(decodeTable) to switch the decoder from the default to a prefix decoder, or pass decodeTable at init. You can also use setLength(lengthTable) to define the encoding from the lengths. The set of symbol values does not need to be consecutive. """ def __init__(self, *, decodeTable=None, **args): if decodeTable is not None: self.setDecode(decodeTable) def __len__(self): return len(self.decodeTable) def __iter__(self): def revBits(index): return self.bitPattern(index)[::-1] return ( Symbol(self, index) for index in sorted(self.decodeTable.values(), key=revBits) ) def __getitem__(self, index): if index not in self.lengthTable: raise ValueError('No symbol {}[{}]'.format( self.__class__.__name__, index)) return Symbol(self, index) def bitPattern(self, index): bits = next(b for (b,s) in self.decodeTable.items() if s==index) return '{:0{}b}'.format(bits, self.length(index)) def length(self, index): """Encoding length of given symbol. """ return self.lengthTable[index] def decodePeek(self, data): """Find which symbol index matches the given data (from peek, as a number) and return the number of bits decoded. Can also be used to figure out length of a symbol. """ #do binary search for word length #invariant: lo<=length<=hi lo, hi = self.minLength, self.maxLength while lo<=hi: mid = lo+hi>>1 #note lo<=mid<hi at this point mask = (1<<mid)-1 #lets see what happens if we guess length is mid try: index = self.decodeTable[data&mask] except KeyError: #too many bits specified, reduce estimated length hi = mid-1 continue #we found a symbol, but there could be a longer match symbolLength = self.lengthTable[index] if symbolLength<=mid: #all bits match, symbol must be right return symbolLength, Symbol(self, index) #there must be more bits to match lo = mid+1 return lo, Symbol(self, index) #routine to set up the tables def setDecode(self, decodeTable): """Store decodeTable, and compute lengthTable, minLength, maxLength from encodings. """ self.decodeTable = decodeTable #set of symbols with unknown length todo = set(decodeTable) #bit size under investigation maskLength = 0 lengthTable = {} while todo: mask = (1<<maskLength)-1 #split the encodings that we didn't find yet using b bits splitSymbols = defaultdict(list) for s in todo: splitSymbols[s&mask].append(s) #unique encodings have a length of maskLength bits #set length, and remove from todo list for s,subset in splitSymbols.items(): if len(subset)==1: lengthTable[self.decodeTable[s]] = maskLength todo.remove(s) #now investigate with longer mask maskLength +=1 #save result self.lengthTable = lengthTable self.minLength = min(lengthTable.values()) self.maxLength = max(lengthTable.values()) self.switchToPrefix() def setLength(self, lengthTable): """Given the bit pattern lengths for symbols given in lengthTable, set decodeTable, minLength, maxLength """ self.lengthTable = lengthTable self.minLength = min(lengthTable.values()) self.maxLength = max(lengthTable.values()) #compute the backwards codes first; then reverse them #compute (backwards) first code for every separate lengths nextCodes = [] #build codes for each length, from right to left code = 0 for bits in range(self.maxLength+1): code <<= 1 nextCodes.append(code) code += sum(x==bits for x in lengthTable.values()) self.decodeTable = {} #count codes for each length, and store reversed in the table for symbol in sorted(lengthTable): bits = lengthTable[symbol] bitpattern = '{:0{}b}'.format(nextCodes[bits], bits) self.decodeTable[int(bitpattern[::-1], 2)] = symbol nextCodes[bits] += 1 self.switchToPrefix() def switchToPrefix(self): """This routine makes sure the prefix decoder is activated. """ self.mode = PrefixDecoder class Code(RangeDecoder, PrefixDecoder): """An alphabet of symbols, that can be read from a stream. If you use setDecode or setLength, you have a prefix code, otherwise you have a range code. Features: code[index] produces symbol with given index value(index): value of symbol mnemonic(index): short description of symbol explanation(index): show meaning of symbol, shown in Layout.verboseRead iter(code): produce all symbols in some order name: show as context in Layout.verboseRead """ name = '?' #callback is a function that gets the symbol and the extra bits #default callback calls explanation def __init__(self, name=None, *, callback=None, description='', **args): """Don't forget to set either alphabetSize or decodeTable """ #set name when provided, otherwise take class variable if name is not None: self.name = name if callback is not None: self.callback = callback self.description = description #mode switch if 'bitLength' in args or 'alphabetSize' in args: self.mode = RangeDecoder RangeDecoder.__init__(self, **args) elif 'decodeTable' in args: self.mode = PrefixDecoder PrefixDecoder.__init__(self, **args) else: super().__init__(**args) def __repr__(self): return self.__class__.__name__+' '+self.name #the routines that get switched between RangeDecoder and PrefixDecoder def __len__(self): return self.mode.__len__(self) def __iter__(self): return self.mode.__iter__(self) def __getitem__(self, index): return self.mode.__getitem__(self, index) def bitPattern(self, index): return self.mode.bitPattern(self, index) def length(self, index): return self.mode.length(self, index) def decodePeek(self, data): return self.mode.decodePeek(self, data) #general routines def value(self, index, extra=None): """Get value of symbol for computations. Override where needed. """ if extra is not None: raise ValueError('value: no extra for this symbol') return index def mnemonic(self, index): """Give mnemonic of symbol. Override where needed. """ return str(self.value(index)) def callback(self, symbol): return self.explanation(symbol.index) def explanation(self, index): """Long explanation of the value from the numeric value This is a default routine. You can customize in three ways: - set description to add some text - override to get more control - set callback to make it dependent on you local variables """ value = self.value(index) return '{0}{1}: {2}'.format( self.description and self.description+': ', self.bitPattern(index), value, ) def extraBits(self, index): return 0 #Routines that use the decode interface def showCode(self, width=80): """Show all words of the code in a nice format. """ #make table of all symbols with binary strings symbolStrings = [ (self.bitPattern(s.index), self.mnemonic(s.index)) for s in self ] #determine column widths the way Lisp programmers do it leftColWidth, rightColWidth = map(max, map( map, repeat(len), zip(*symbolStrings) )) colwidth = leftColWidth+rightColWidth columns = 81//(colwidth+2) rows = -(-len(symbolStrings)//columns) def justify(bs): b,s = bs return b.rjust(leftColWidth)+':'+s.ljust(rightColWidth) for i in range(rows): print(' '.join(map(justify, symbolStrings[i::rows])).rstrip()) def readTuple(self, stream): """Read symbol from stream. Returns symbol, length. """ length, symbol = self.decodePeek(stream.peek(self.maxLength)) stream.pos += length return length, symbol def readTupleAndExtra(self, stream): return self.readTuple(stream)+(0, None) class WithExtra(Code): """Extension for Code so that symbol may have extra bits associated. If you supply an extraTable, you can use extraBits You can define an extraTable, which allows to call extraBits to get the number of extraBits. Otherwise, you can supply extraBits yourself. Routine readTupleAndExtra now reads the extra bits too. Value probably needs to be overridden; see Enumerator. Note: this does not give you an decodeTable. """ #redefine these if you don't want to use an extraTable def extraBits(self, index): """Get the number of extra bits for this symbol. """ return self.extraTable[index] def mnemonic(self, index): """This value must be independent of extra. """ return str(index) def readTupleAndExtra(self, stream): """Read symbol and extrabits from stream. Returns symbol length, symbol, extraBits, extra >>> olleke.pos = 6 >>> MetablockLengthAlphabet().readTupleAndExtra(olleke) (2, Symbol(MLEN, 4), 16, 46) """ length, symbol = self.decodePeek(stream.peek(self.maxLength)) stream.pos += length extraBits = self.extraBits(symbol.index) return length, symbol, extraBits, stream.read(extraBits) def explanation(self, index, extra=None): """Expanded version of Code.explanation supporting extra bits. If you don't supply extra, it is not mentioned. """ extraBits = 0 if extra is None else self.extraBits(index) if not hasattr(self, 'extraTable'): formatString = '{0}{3}' lo = hi = value = self.value(index, extra) elif extraBits==0: formatString = '{0}{2}: {3}' lo, hi = self.span(index) value = lo else: formatString = '{0}{1} {2}: {3}-{4}; {3}+{5}={6}' lo, hi = self.span(index) value = lo+extra return formatString.format( self.description and self.description+': ', 'x'*extraBits, self.bitPattern(index), lo, hi, extra, value, ) def callback(self, symbol, extra): return self.explanation(symbol.index, extra) class BoolCode(Code): """Same as Code(bitLength=1), but shows a boolean. """ def __init__(self, name=None, **args): super().__init__(name, bitLength=1, **args) def value(self, index, extra=None): return bool(super().value(index, extra)) class Enumerator(WithExtra): """Code that is defined by the ExtraTable. extraTable is a class variable that contains the extraBits of the symbols from 0 value0 contains the value of symbol 0 encodings is not neccessary, but allowed. Note: place for FixedCode to make sure extraBits works """ def __init__(self, name=None, **args): #if there is no decodeTable to determine length, compute it ourselves if 'decodeTable' not in args: args['alphabetSize'] = len(self.extraTable) super().__init__(name, **args) def __len__(self): return len(self.extraTable) def __getitem__(self, index): """Faster than PrefixDecoder """ if index>=len(self.extraTable): raise ValueError("No symbol {}[{}]".format( self.__class__.__name__, index)) return Symbol(self, index) def value(self, index, extra): """Override if you don't define value0 and extraTable """ lower, upper = self.span(index) value = lower+(extra or 0) if value>upper: raise ValueError('value: extra out of range') return value def span(self, index): """Give the range of possible values in a tuple Useful for mnemonic and explanation """ lower = self.value0+sum(1<<x for x in self.extraTable[:index]) upper = lower+(1<<self.extraTable[index]) return lower, upper-1 #======================Code subclasses====================================== #Alphabets used in the metablock header---------------------------------- #For prefix codes class PrefixCodeHeader(WithExtra): """Header of prefix codes. """ def __init__(self, codename): super().__init__('PFX', bitLength=2) #this is the name of the code that it describes self.codename = codename def extraBits(self, index): return 2 if index==1 else 0 def value(self, index, extra): """Returns ('Simple', #codewords) or ('Complex', HSKIP) """ if index==1: if extra>3: raise ValueError('value: extra out of range') return 'Simple', extra+1 if extra: raise ValueError('value: extra out of range') return 'Complex', index def explanation(self, index, extra): if index==1: return '{} is simple with {} code word{}'.format( self.codename, extra+1, 's' if extra else '') lengths = [1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 5, 17, 6] return '{} is complex with lengths {}...'.format( self.codename, ','.join( map(str, lengths[index:index+5])) ) class TreeShapeAlhabet(BoolCode): """The bit used to indicate if four word code is "deep" or "wide" """ name = 'SHAPE' def value(self, index): return [(2,2,2,2), (1,2,3,3)][index] def explanation(self, index): return str(bool(index))+': lengths {},{},{},{}'.format(*self.value(index)) class LengthOfLengthAlphabet(Code): """For use in decoding complex code descriptors. >>> lengthOfLengthAlphabet = LengthOfLengthAlphabet('') >>> print(lengthOfLengthAlphabet[2]) coded with 2 bits >>> len(lengthOfLengthAlphabet[0]) 2 >>> [len(lengthOfLengthAlphabet[x]) for x in range(6)] [2, 4, 3, 2, 2, 4] >>> lengthOfLengthAlphabet.showCode() 00:skipped 01:coded with 4 bits 0111:coded with 1 bits 10:coded with 3 bits 011:coded with 2 bits 1111:coded with 5 bits """ decodeTable = { 0b00:0, 0b10:3, 0b0111:1, 0b01:4, 0b011:2, 0b1111:5, } def __init__(self, name=None, **args): super().__init__(name, decodeTable=self.decodeTable, **args) def mnemonic(self, index): if index==0: return 'skipped' return 'coded with {} bits'.format(index) def explanation(self, index, extra=None): return self.description+': '+self.mnemonic(index) class LengthAlphabet(WithExtra): """Length of symbols Used during construction of a code. """ def __init__(self, name): super().__init__(name, alphabetSize=18) def extraBits(self, index): return {16:2, 17:3}.get(index, 0) def mnemonic(self, index): if index==0: return 'unused' elif index==16: return 'rep xx' elif index==17: return 'zero xxx' else: return 'len {}'.format(index) def explanation(self, index, extra): return self.description.format(self[index], extra) def value(self, index, extra): #the caller got the length already, so extra is enough return extra #Stream header class WindowSizeAlphabet(Code): """The alphabet used for window size in the stream header. >>> WindowSizeAlphabet()[10].explanation() 'windowsize=(1<<10)-16=1008' """ decodeTable = { 0b0100001: 10, 0b1100001: 14, 0b0011: 18, 0b1011: 22, 0b0110001: 11, 0b1110001: 15, 0b0101: 19, 0b1101: 23, 0b1000001: 12, 0b0: 16, 0b0111: 20, 0b1111: 24, 0b1010001: 13, 0b0000001: 17, 0b1001: 21, 0b0010001: None, } name = 'WSIZE' def __init__(self, name=None): super().__init__(name, decodeTable=self.decodeTable) def value(self, index): #missing value gives index None if index is None: return None return (1<<index)-16 def explanation(self, index): return 'windowsize=(1<<{})-16={}'.format( index, (1<<index)-16) #Metablock class MetablockLengthAlphabet(WithExtra): """Used for the meta block length; also indicates a block with no data >>> metablockLengthAlphabet = MetablockLengthAlphabet() >>> metablockLengthAlphabet[0]; str(metablockLengthAlphabet[0]) Symbol(MLEN, 0) 'empty' >>> metablockLengthAlphabet[3] Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: No symbol MetablockLengthAlphabet[3] >>> print(metablockLengthAlphabet[4]) hhhh00 >>> metablockLengthAlphabet[4].value(0x1000) 4097 >>> metablockLengthAlphabet[5].value(0x1000) Traceback (most recent call last): ... InvalidStream: Zeros in high nibble of MLEN >>> metablockLengthAlphabet[5].explanation(0x12345) 'data length: 12345h+1=74566' >>> metablockLengthAlphabet.showCode() 00:hhhh00 10:hhhhhh10 01:hhhhh01 11:empty """ decodeTable = {0b11:0, 0b00:4, 0b01:5, 0b10:6} name = 'MLEN' def __init__(self, name=None): super().__init__(name, decodeTable=self.decodeTable) def extraBits(self, index): return index*4 def mnemonic(self, index): if index==0: return 'empty' return 'h'*(self.extraBits(index)//4)+self.bitPattern(index) def value(self, index, extra): extraBits = self.extraBits(index) if not 0<=extra<1<<extraBits: raise ValueError('value: extra out of range') if index==0: return 0 if index>4 and extra>>extraBits-4==0: raise InvalidStream( 'Zeros in high nibble of MLEN') return extra+1 def explanation(self, index, extra): if index==0: return '11: empty block' extraBits = self.extraBits(index) return 'data length: {:0{}x}h+1={}'.format(extra, extraBits//4, extra+1) class ReservedAlphabet(BoolCode): """The reserved bit that must be zero. """ name = 'RSVD' def value(self, index): if index: raise ValueError('Reserved bit is not zero') def explanation(self, index): return 'Reserved (must be zero)' class FillerAlphabet(Code): def __init__(self, *, streamPos): super().__init__('SKIP', bitLength=(-streamPos)&7) def explanation(self, index): return '{} bit{} ignored'.format( self.length(index), '' if self.length(index)==1 else 's', ) class SkipLengthAlphabet(WithExtra): """Used for the skip length in an empty metablock >>> skipLengthAlphabet = SkipLengthAlphabet() >>> skipLengthAlphabet[0]; str(skipLengthAlphabet[0]) Symbol(SKIP, 0) 'empty' >>> skipLengthAlphabet[4] Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: index out of range >>> print(skipLengthAlphabet[3]) hhhhhh11 >>> skipLengthAlphabet[2].value(0x1000) 4097 >>> skipLengthAlphabet[3].value(0x1000) Traceback (most recent call last): ... InvalidStream: Zeros in high byte of SKIPBYTES >>> skipLengthAlphabet[3].explanation(0x12345) 'skip length: 12345h+1=74566' >>> skipLengthAlphabet.showCode() 00:empty 01:hh01 10:hhhh10 11:hhhhhh11 """ def __init__(self): super().__init__('SKIP', bitLength=2) def extraBits(self, index): return index*8 def mnemonic(self, index): if index==0: return 'empty' return 'h'*(self.extraBits(index)//4)+self.bitPattern(index) def value(self, index, extra): extraBits = self.extraBits(index) if not 0<=extra<1<<extraBits: raise ValueError('value: extra out of range') if index==0: return 0 if index>1 and extra>>extraBits-8==0: raise InvalidStream('Zeros in high byte of SKIPBYTES') return extra+1 def explanation(self, index, extra): if index==0: return '00: no skip' extraBits = self.extraBits(index) return 'skip length: {:{}x}h+1={}'.format(extra, extraBits//8, extra+1) class TypeCountAlphabet(Enumerator): """Used for giving block type counts and tree counts. >>> TypeCountAlphabet(description='').showCode() 0:0 0101:xx,0101 1011:xxxxx,1011 0001:0001 1101:xxxxxx,1101 0111:xxx,0111 1001:xxxx,1001 0011:x,0011 1111:xxxxxxx,1111 """ decodeTable = { 0b0: 0, 0b1001: 5, 0b0001: 1, 0b1011: 6, 0b0011: 2, 0b1101: 7, 0b0101: 3, 0b1111: 8, 0b0111: 4, } value0 = 1 extraTable = [0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] name = 'BT#' def __init__(self, name=None, *, description): super().__init__( name, decodeTable=self.decodeTable, description=description) def mnemonic(self, index): if index==0: return '0' if index==1: return '0001' return 'x'*(self.extraBits(index))+','+self.bitPattern(index) def explanation(self, index, extra): value = self.value(index, extra) description = self.description if value==1: description = description[:-1] return '{}: {} {}'.format( self.mnemonic(index), value, description) class BlockTypeAlphabet(Code): """The block types; this code works for all three kinds. >>> b = BlockTypeAlphabet('T', NBLTYPES=5) >>> print(*(x for x in b)) prev +1 #0 #1 #2 #3 #4 """ def __init__(self, name, NBLTYPES, **args): super().__init__(name, alphabetSize=NBLTYPES+2, **args) self.NBLTYPES = NBLTYPES def mnemonic(self, index): if index==0: return 'prev' elif index==1: return '+1' else: return '#'+str(index-2) def value(self, index): return index-2 def explanation(self, index): if index==0: return '0: previous' elif index==1: return '1: increment' else: return 'Set block type to: '+str(index-2) class BlockCountAlphabet(Enumerator): """Block counts >>> b = BlockCountAlphabet('L') >>> print(b[25]) [24*x]: BC16625-16793840 """ value0 = 1 extraTable = [2,2,2,2,3, 3,3,3,4,4, 4,4,5,5,5, 5,6,6,7,8, 9,10,11,12,13, 24] def __init__(self, name, **args): super().__init__(name, alphabetSize=26, **args) def mnemonic(self, index): extraBits = self.extraBits(index) return '{}: BC{}-{}'.format( 'x'*extraBits if index<5 else '[{}*x]'.format(extraBits), *self.span(index)) def explanation(self, index, extra): return 'Block count: '+super().explanation(index, extra) class DistanceParamAlphabet(WithExtra): """The distance parameters NPOSTFIX and NDIRECT. Although these are treated as two in the description, this is easier. """ def __init__(self): super().__init__('DIST', bitLength=2) def extraBits(self, index): return 4 def value(self, index, extra): """Returns NPOSTFIX and NDIRECT<<NPOSTFIX """ if extra>15: raise ValueError('value: extra out of range') return index, extra<<index def explanation(self, index, extra): return '{} postfix bits and {:04b}<<{}={} direct codes'.format( index, extra, index, extra<<index) def mnemonic(self, index): return 'PF'+str(index) class LiteralContextMode(Code): """For the literal context modes. >>> LiteralContextMode().showCode() 00:LSB6 01:MSB6 10:UTF8 11:Signed >>> LiteralContextMode().explanation(2) 'Context mode for type 9: 2(UTF8)' """ def __init__(self, *, number=9): super().__init__('LC'+str(number), bitLength=2) self.number = number def mnemonic(self, index): return ['LSB6', 'MSB6', 'UTF8', 'Signed'][index] def explanation(self, index): return 'Context mode for type {}: {}({})'.format( self.number, index, self.mnemonic(index)) class RLEmaxAlphabet(Enumerator): """Used for describing the run length encoding used for describing context maps. >>> RLEmaxAlphabet().showCode() 0:1 1:more """ value0 = 0 extraTable = [0, 4] name = 'RLE#' def mnemonic(self, index): return ['1', 'more'][index] def explanation(self, index, extra): description = self.description and self.description+': ' if index==0: return description+'No RLE coding' return '{}xxxx 1: RLEMAX={}'.format(description, extra+1) class TreeAlphabet(WithExtra): """The alphabet to enumerate entries (called trees) in the context map. parameters are RLEMAX and NTREES >>> t = TreeAlphabet('', RLEMAX=3, NTREES=5) >>> len(t) 8 >>> print(t[2]) xx+4 zeroes >>> t[3].explanation(2) '8+010=10 zeroes' >>> t[0].value(0) (1, 0) """ name = 'CMI' def __init__(self, name=None, *, RLEMAX, NTREES, **args): super().__init__(name, alphabetSize=RLEMAX+NTREES, **args) self.RLEMAX = RLEMAX self.NTREES = NTREES def extraBits(self, index): if 0<index<=self.RLEMAX: return index return 0 def mnemonic(self, index): if index==0: return 'map #0' if index<=self.RLEMAX: return '{}+{} zeroes'.format('x'*index, 1<<index) return 'map #{}'.format(index-self.RLEMAX) def value(self, index, extra): """Give count and value.""" index = index if index==0: return 1, 0 if index<=self.RLEMAX: return (1<<index)+extra, 0 return 1, index-self.RLEMAX def explanation(self, index, extra): description = self.description and self.description+': ' if index==0: return description+'map #0' if index<=self.RLEMAX: return '{}+{:0{}b}={} zeroes'.format( (1<<index), extra, self.extraBits(index), (1<<index)+extra) return '{}map #{}-{}={}'.format( description, index, self.RLEMAX, index-self.RLEMAX) #Prefix alphabets for the data stream---------------------------------- class LiteralAlphabet(Code): """Alphabet of symbols. """ minLength = maxLength = 8 def __init__(self, number): super().__init__('L'+str(number), alphabetSize=1<<8) def mnemonic(self, index): return outputCharFormatter(index) def value(self, index, extra=None): return index def explanation(self, index, extra=None): return self.mnemonic(index) class InsertLengthAlphabet(Enumerator): """Intern code for insert counts """ value0 = 0 extraTable = [0,0,0,0,0, 0,1,1,2,2, 3,3,4,4,5, 5,6,7,8,9, 10,12,14,24] class CopyLengthAlphabet(Enumerator): value0 = 2 extraTable = [0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,1,1, 2,2,3,3,4, 4,5,5,6,7, 8,9,10,24] class InsertAndCopyAlphabet(WithExtra): """The insert and copy code >>> for x in range(0,704,704//13): ... print('{:10b}'.format(x), InsertAndCopyAlphabet()[x]) 0 I0C2&D=0 110110 I6+xC8&D=0 1101100 I5C22+xxx&D=0 10100010 I4C4 11011000 I3C10+x 100001110 I14+xxC8 101000100 I10+xxC22+xxx 101111010 I98+xxxxxC14+xx 110110000 I6+xC70+xxxxx 111100110 I1090+[10*x]C8 1000011100 I26+xxxC326+[8*x] 1001010010 I322+[8*x]C14+xx 1010001000 I194+[7*x]C70+xxxxx 1010111110 I22594+[24*x]C1094+[10*x] """ insertLengthAlphabet = InsertLengthAlphabet(None) copyLengthAlphabet = CopyLengthAlphabet(None) def __init__(self, number=''): super().__init__('IC'+str(number), bitLength=10) def __len__(self): return 704 def extraBits(self, index): insertSymbol, copySymbol, dist0 = self.splitSymbol(index) return InsertLengthAlphabet.extraTable[insertSymbol.index] + \ CopyLengthAlphabet.extraTable[copySymbol.index] def splitSymbol(self, index): """Give relevant values for computations: (insertSymbol, copySymbol, dist0flag) """ #determine insert and copy upper bits from table row = [0,0,1,1,2,2,1,3,2,3,3][index>>6] col = [0,1,0,1,0,1,2,0,2,1,2][index>>6] #determine inserts and copy sub codes insertLengthCode = row<<3 | index>>3&7 if row: insertLengthCode -= 8 copyLengthCode = col<<3 | index&7 return ( Symbol(self.insertLengthAlphabet, insertLengthCode), Symbol(self.copyLengthAlphabet, copyLengthCode), row==0 ) def mnemonic(self, index): """Make a nice mnemonic """ i,c,d0 = self.splitSymbol(index) iLower, _ = i.code.span(i.index) iExtra = i.extraBits() cLower, _ = c.code.span(c.index) cExtra = c.extraBits() return 'I{}{}{}C{}{}{}{}'.format( iLower, '+' if iExtra else '', 'x'*iExtra if iExtra<6 else '[{}*x]'.format(iExtra), cLower, '+' if cExtra else '', 'x'*cExtra if cExtra<6 else '[{}*x]'.format(cExtra), '&D=0' if d0 else '') def value(self, index, extra): i,c,d0 = self.splitSymbol(index) iExtra = i.extraBits() ce, ie = extra>>iExtra, extra&(1<<iExtra)-1 insert = i.value(ie) copy = c.value(ce) return insert, copy, d0 def explanation(self, index, extra): insert, copy, d0 = self.value(index, extra) if d0: return 'Literal: {}, copy: {}, same distance'.format(insert, copy) else: return 'Literal: {}, copy: {}'.format(insert, copy) class DistanceAlphabet(WithExtra): """Represent the distance encoding. Dynamically generated alphabet. This is what the documentation should have said: Ignoring offsets for the moment, the "long" encoding works as follows: Write the distance in binary as follows: 1xy..yz..z, then the distance symbol consists of n..nxz..z Where: n is one less than number of bits in y x is a single bit y..y are n+1 extra bits (encoded in the bit stream) z..z is NPOSTFIX bits that are part of the symbol The offsets are so as to start at the lowest useable value: if 1xyyyyz = distance +(4<<POSTFIX)-NDIRECT-1 then n..nxz..z is symbol -NDIRECT-16 >>> d = DistanceAlphabet('D', NPOSTFIX=2, NDIRECT=10) >>> print(d[4], d[17], d[34]) last-1 1 10xx00-5 >>> [str(d[x]) for x in range(26, 32)] ['10x00-5', '10x01-5', '10x10-5', '10x11-5', '11x00-5', '11x01-5'] """ def __init__(self, number, *, NPOSTFIX, NDIRECT): self.NPOSTFIX = NPOSTFIX self.NDIRECT = NDIRECT #set length #Actually, not all symbols are used, #only NDIRECT+16+(44-2*POSTFIX<<NPOSTFIX) super().__init__('D'+str(number), alphabetSize=self.NDIRECT+16+(48<<self.NPOSTFIX)) def extraBits(self, index): """Indicate how many extra bits are needed to interpret symbol >>> d = DistanceAlphabet('D', NPOSTFIX=2, NDIRECT=10) >>> [d[i].extraBits() for i in range(26)] [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] >>> [d[i].extraBits() for i in range(26,36)] [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2] """ if index<16+self.NDIRECT: return 0 return 1 + ((index - self.NDIRECT - 16) >> (self.NPOSTFIX + 1)) def value(self, dcode, dextra): """Decode value of symbol together with the extra bits. >>> d = DistanceAlphabet('D', NPOSTFIX=2, NDIRECT=10) >>> d[34].value(2) (0, 35) """ if dcode<16: return [(1,0),(2,0),(3,0),(4,0), (1,-1),(1,+1),(1,-2),(1,+2),(1,-3),(1,+3), (2,-1),(2,+1),(2,-2),(2,+2),(2,-3),(2,+3) ][dcode] if dcode<16+self.NDIRECT: return (0,dcode-16) #we use the original formulas, instead of my clear explanation POSTFIX_MASK = (1 << self.NPOSTFIX) - 1 ndistbits = 1 + ((dcode - self.NDIRECT - 16) >> (self.NPOSTFIX + 1)) hcode = (dcode - self.NDIRECT - 16) >> self.NPOSTFIX lcode = (dcode - self.NDIRECT - 16) & POSTFIX_MASK offset = ((2 + (hcode & 1)) << ndistbits) - 4 distance = ((offset + dextra) << self.NPOSTFIX) + lcode + self.NDIRECT + 1 return (0,distance) def mnemonic(self, index, verbose=False): """Give mnemonic representation of meaning. verbose compresses strings of x's """ if index<16: return ['last', '2last', '3last', '4last', 'last-1', 'last+1', 'last-2', 'last+2', 'last-3', 'last+3', '2last-1', '2last+1', '2last-2', '2last+2', '2last-3', '2last+3' ][index] if index<16+self.NDIRECT: return str(index-16) #construct strings like "1xx01-15" index -= self.NDIRECT+16 hcode = index >> self.NPOSTFIX lcode = index & (1<<self.NPOSTFIX)-1 if self.NPOSTFIX: formatString = '1{0}{1}{2:0{3}b}{4:+d}' else: formatString = '1{0}{1}{4:+d}' return formatString.format( hcode&1, 'x'*(2+hcode>>1) if hcode<13 or verbose else '[{}*x]'.format(2+hcode>>1), lcode, self.NPOSTFIX, self.NDIRECT+1-(4<<self.NPOSTFIX)) def explanation(self, index, extra): """ >>> d = DistanceAlphabet('D', NPOSTFIX=2, NDIRECT=10) >>> d[55].explanation(13) '11[1101]01-5: [0]+240' """ extraBits = self.extraBits(index) extraString = '[{:0{}b}]'.format(extra, extraBits) return '{0}: [{1[0]}]{1[1]:+d}'.format( self.mnemonic(index, True).replace('x'*(extraBits or 1), extraString), self.value(index, extra)) #Classes for doing actual work------------------------------------------ class ContextModeKeeper: """For computing the literal context mode. You feed it characters, and it computes indices in the context map. """ def __init__(self, mode): self.chars = deque([0,0], maxlen=2) self.mode = mode def setContextMode(self, mode): """Switch to given context mode (0..3)""" self.mode = mode def getIndex(self): if self.mode==0: #LSB6 return self.chars[1]&0x3f elif self.mode==1: #MSB6 return self.chars[1]>>2 elif self.mode==2: #UTF8: character class of previous and a bit of the second p2,p1 = self.chars return self.lut0[p1]|self.lut1[p2] elif self.mode==3: #Signed: initial bits of last two bytes p2,p1 = self.chars return self.lut2[p1]<<3|self.lut2[p2] def add(self, index): """Adjust the context for output char (as int).""" self.chars.append(index) #0: control #16: quote #32: ,:; #48: AEIOU #4: tab/lf/cr #20: % #36: . #52: BC..Z #8: space #24: (<[{ #40: = #56: aeiou #12:!#$&*+-/?@| #28: )>]} #44: 0-9 #60: bc..z lut0 = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 4, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 12, 16, 12, 12, 20, 12, 16, 24, 28, 12, 12, 32, 12, 36, 12, 44, 44, 44, 44, 44, 44, 44, 44, 44, 44, 32, 32, 24, 40, 28, 12, 12, 48, 52, 52, 52, 48, 52, 52, 52, 48, 52, 52, 52, 52, 52, 48, 52, 52, 52, 52, 52, 48, 52, 52, 52, 52, 52, 24, 12, 28, 12, 12, 12, 56, 60, 60, 60, 56, 60, 60, 60, 56, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 56, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 56, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 24, 12, 28, 12, 0 ]+[0,1]*32+[2,3]*32 #0: space 1:punctuation 2:digit/upper 3:lower lut1 = [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0 ]+[0]*96+[2]*32 #initial bits: 8*0, 4*0, 2*0, 1*0, 1*1, 2*1, 4*1, 8*1 lut2 = [0]+[1]*15+[2]*48+[3]*64+[4]*64+[5]*48+[6]*15+[7] assert len(lut0)==len(lut1)==len(lut2)==256 class WordList: """Word list. >>> WordList().word(7, 35555) b'Program to ' """ NDBITS = [0, 0, 0, 0, 10, 10, 11, 11, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 9, 9, 8, 7, 7, 8, 7, 7, 6, 6, 5, 5] def __init__(self): self.file = open('dict', 'rb') self.compileActions() def word(self, size, dist): """Get word """ #split dist in index and action ndbits = self.NDBITS[size] index = dist&(1<<ndbits)-1 action = dist>>ndbits #compute position in file position = sum(n<<self.NDBITS[n] for n in range(4,size))+size*index self.file.seek(position) return self.doAction(self.file.read(size), action) def upperCase1(self, word): word = word.decode('utf8') word = word[0].upper()+word[1:] return word.encode('utf8') #Super compact form of action table. #_ means space, .U means UpperCaseAll, U(w) means UpperCaseFirst actionTable = r""" 0:w 25:w+_for_ 50:w+\n\t 75:w+. This_100:w+ize_ 1:w+_ 26:w[3:] 51:w+: 76:w+, 101:w.U+. 2:_+w+_ 27:w[:-2] 52:_+w+._ 77:.+w+_ 102:\xc2\xa0+w 3:w[1:] 28:w+_a_ 53:w+ed_ 78:U(w)+( 103:_+w+, 4:U(w)+_ 29:w+_that_ 54:w[9:] 79:U(w)+. 104:U(w)+=" 5:w+_the_ 30:_+U(w) 55:w[7:] 80:w+_not_ 105:w.U+=" 6:_+w 31:w+._ 56:w[:-6] 81:_+w+=" 106:w+ous_ 7:s_+w+_ 32:.+w 57:w+( 82:w+er_ 107:w.U+,_ 8:w+_of_ 33:_+w+,_ 58:U(w)+,_ 83:_+w.U+_ 108:U(w)+=\' 9:U(w) 34:w[4:] 59:w[:-8] 84:w+al_ 109:_+U(w)+, 10:w+_and_ 35:w+_with_ 60:w+_at_ 85:_+w.U 110:_+w.U+=" 11:w[2:] 36:w+\' 61:w+ly_ 86:w+=\' 111:_+w.U+,_ 12:w[:-1] 37:w+_from_ 62:_the_+w+_of_ 87:w.U+" 112:_+w.U+, 13:,_+w+_ 38:w+_by_ 63:w[:-5] 88:U(w)+._ 113:w.U+( 14:w+,_ 39:w[5:] 64:w[:-9] 89:_+w+( 114:w.U+._ 15:_+U(w)+_ 40:w[6:] 65:_+U(w)+,_ 90:w+ful_ 115:_+w.U+. 16:w+_in_ 41:_the_+w 66:U(w)+" 91:_+U(w)+._116:w.U+=\' 17:w+_to_ 42:w[:-4] 67:.+w+( 92:w+ive_ 117:_+w.U+._ 18:e_+w+_ 43:w+. The_ 68:w.U+_ 93:w+less_ 118:_+U(w)+=" 19:w+" 44:w.U 69:U(w)+"> 94:w.U+\' 119:_+w.U+=\' 20:w+. 45:w+_on_ 70:w+=" 95:w+est_ 120:_+U(w)+=\' 21:w+"> 46:w+_as_ 71:_+w+. 96:_+U(w)+. 22:w+\n 47:w+_is_ 72:.com/+w 97:w.U+"> 23:w[:-3] 48:w[:-7] 98:_+w+=\' 24:w+] 49:w[:-1]+ing_ 74:U(w)+\' 99:U(w)+, """ def compileActions(self): """Build the action table from the text above """ import re self.actionList = actions = [None]*121 #Action 73, which is too long, looks like this when expanded: actions[73] = "b' the '+w+b' of the '" #find out what the columns are actionLines = self.actionTable.splitlines() colonPositions = [m.start() for m in re.finditer(':',actionLines[1]) ]+[100] columns = [(colonPositions[i]-3,colonPositions[i+1]-3) for i in range(len(colonPositions)-1)] for line in self.actionTable.splitlines(keepends=False): for start,end in columns: action = line[start:end] #skip empty actions if not action or action.isspace(): continue #chop it up, and check if the colon is properly placed index, colon, action = action[:3], action[3], action[4:] assert colon==':' #remove filler spaces at right action = action.rstrip() #replace space symbols action = action.replace('_', ' ') wPos = action.index('w') #add quotes around left string when present #translation: any pattern from beginning, up to #(but not including) a + following by a w later on action = re.sub(r"^(.*)(?=\+[U(]*w)", r"b'\1'", action) #add quotes around right string when present #translation: anything with a w in it, followed by a + #and a pattern up to the end #(there is no variable lookbehind assertion, #so we have to copy the pattern) action = re.sub(r"(w[[:\-1\]).U]*)\+(.*)$", r"\1+b'\2'", action) #expand shortcut for uppercaseAll action = action.replace(".U", ".upper()") #store action actions[int(index)] = action def doAction(self, w, action): """Perform the proper action """ #set environment for the UpperCaseFirst U = self.upperCase1 return eval(self.actionList[action], locals()) class Layout: """Class to layout the output. """ #display width of hexdata+bitdata width = 25 #general def __init__(self, stream): self.stream = stream self.bitPtr = self.width def makeHexData(self, pos): """Produce hex dump of all data containing the bits from pos to stream.pos """ firstAddress = pos+7>>3 lastAddress = self.stream.pos+7>>3 return ''.join(map('{:02x} '.format, self.stream.data[firstAddress:lastAddress])) def formatBitData(self, pos, width1, width2=0): """Show formatted bit data: Bytes are separated by commas whole bytes are displayed in hex >>> Layout(olleke).formatBitData(6, 2, 16) '|00h|2Eh,|00' >>> Layout(olleke).formatBitData(4, 1, 0) '1' """ result = [] #make empty prefix code explicit if width1==0: result = ['()', ','] for width in width1, width2: #skip empty width2 if width==0: continue #build result backwards in a list while width>0: availableBits = 8-(pos&7) if width<availableBits: #read partial byte, beginning nor ending at boundary data = self.stream.data[pos>>3] >> (pos&7) & (1<<width)-1 result.append('{:0{}b}'.format(data, width)) elif availableBits<8: #read rest of byte, ending at boundary data = self.stream.data[pos>>3] >> (pos&7) result.append('|{:0{}b}'.format(data, availableBits)) else: #read whole byte (in hex), beginning and ending at boundary data = self.stream.data[pos>>3] result.append('|{:02X}h'.format(data)) width -= availableBits pos += availableBits #if width overshot from the availableBits subtraction, fix it pos += width #add comma to separate fields result.append(',') #concatenate pieces, reversed, skipping the last space return ''.join(result[-2::-1]) def readPrefixCode(self, alphabet): """give alphabet the prefix code that is read from the stream Called for the following alphabets, in this order: The alphabet in question must have a "logical" order, otherwise the assignment of symbols doesn't work. """ mode, numberOfSymbols = self.verboseRead(PrefixCodeHeader(alphabet.name)) if mode=='Complex': #for a complex code, numberOfSymbols means hskip self.readComplexCode(numberOfSymbols, alphabet) return alphabet else: table = [] #Set table of lengths for mnemonic function lengths = [[0], [1,1], [1,2,2], '????'][numberOfSymbols-1] #adjust mnemonic function of alphabet class def myMnemonic(index): return '{} bit{}: {}'.format( lengths[i], '' if lengths[i]==1 else 's', alphabet.__class__.mnemonic(alphabet, index) ) alphabet.mnemonic = myMnemonic for i in range(numberOfSymbols): table.append(self.verboseRead(alphabet, skipExtra=True).index) #restore mnemonic del alphabet.mnemonic if numberOfSymbols==4: #read tree shape to redefine lengths lengths = self.verboseRead(TreeShapeAlhabet()) #construct the alphabet prefix code alphabet.setLength(dict(zip(table, lengths))) return alphabet def readComplexCode(self, hskip, alphabet): """Read complex code""" stream = self.stream #read the lengths for the length code lengths = [1,2,3,4,0,5,17,6,16,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15][hskip:] codeLengths = {} total = 0 lol = LengthOfLengthAlphabet('##'+alphabet.name) #lengthCode will be used for coding the lengths of the new code #we use it for display until now; definition comes below lengthCode = LengthAlphabet('#'+alphabet.name) lengthIter = iter(lengths) lengthsLeft = len(lengths) while total<32 and lengthsLeft>0: lengthsLeft -= 1 newSymbol = next(lengthIter) lol.description = str(lengthCode[newSymbol]) length = self.verboseRead(lol) if length: codeLengths[newSymbol] = length total += 32>>length if total>32: raise ValueError("Stream format") if len(codeLengths)==1: codeLengths[list(codeLengths.keys())[0]] = 0 #Now set the encoding of the lengthCode lengthCode.setLength(codeLengths) print("***** Lengths for {} will be coded as:".format(alphabet.name)) lengthCode.showCode() #Now determine the symbol lengths with the lengthCode symbolLengths = {} total = 0 lastLength = 8 alphabetIter = iter(alphabet) while total<32768: #look ahead to see what is going to happen length = lengthCode.decodePeek( self.stream.peek(lengthCode.maxLength))[1].index #in every branch, set lengthCode.description to explanatory text #lengthCode calls format(symbol, extra) with this string if length==0: symbol = next(alphabetIter) lengthCode.description = 'symbol {} unused'.format(symbol) self.verboseRead(lengthCode) #unused symbol continue if length==16: lengthCode.description = \ '{1}+3 symbols of length '+str(lastLength) extra = self.verboseRead(lengthCode) #scan series of 16s (repeat counts) #start with repeat count 2 repeat = 2 startSymbol = next(alphabetIter) endSymbol = next(alphabetIter) symbolLengths[startSymbol.index] = \ symbolLengths[endSymbol.index] = lastLength #count the two just defined symbols total += 2*32768>>lastLength #note: loop may end because we're there #even if a 16 _appears_ to follow while True: #determine last symbol oldRepeat = repeat repeat = (repeat-2<<2)+extra+3 #read as many symbols as repeat increased for i in range(oldRepeat, repeat): endSymbol = next(alphabetIter) symbolLengths[endSymbol.index] = lastLength #compute new total; it may be end of loop total += (repeat-oldRepeat)*32768>>lastLength if total>=32768: break #see if there is more to do length = lengthCode.decodePeek( self.stream.peek(lengthCode.maxLength))[1].index if length!=16: break lengthCode.description = 'total {}+{{1}} symbols'.format( (repeat-2<<2)+3) extra = self.verboseRead(lengthCode) elif length==17: #read, and show explanation lengthCode.description = '{1}+3 unused' extra = self.verboseRead(lengthCode) #scan series of 17s (groups of zero counts) #start with repeat count 2 repeat = 2 startSymbol = next(alphabetIter) endSymbol = next(alphabetIter) #note: loop will not end with total==32768, #since total doesn't change here while True: #determine last symbol oldRepeat = repeat repeat = (repeat-2<<3)+extra+3 #read as many symbols as repeat increases for i in range(repeat-oldRepeat): endSymbol = next(alphabetIter) #see if there is more to do length = lengthCode.decodePeek( self.stream.peek(lengthCode.maxLength))[1].index if length!=17: break lengthCode.description = 'total {}+{{1}} unused'.format( (repeat-2<<3)+3) extra = self.verboseRead(lengthCode) else: symbol = next(alphabetIter) #double braces for format char = str(symbol) if char in '{}': char *= 2 lengthCode.description = \ 'Length for {} is {{0.index}} bits'.format(char) #output is not needed (will be 0) self.verboseRead(lengthCode) symbolLengths[symbol.index] = length total += 32768>>length lastLength = length assert total==32768 alphabet.setLength(symbolLengths) print('End of table. Prefix code '+alphabet.name+':') alphabet.showCode() #stream def processStream(self): """Process a brotli stream. """ print('addr hex{:{}s}binary context explanation'.format( '', self.width-10)) print('Stream header'.center(60, '-')) self.windowSize = self.verboseRead(WindowSizeAlphabet()) print('Metablock header'.center(60, '=')) self.ISLAST = False self.output = bytearray() while not self.ISLAST: self.ISLAST = self.verboseRead( BoolCode('LAST', description="Last block")) if self.ISLAST: if self.verboseRead( BoolCode('EMPTY', description="Empty block")): break if self.metablockLength(): continue if not self.ISLAST and self.uncompressed(): continue print('Block type descriptors'.center(60, '-')) self.numberOfBlockTypes = {} self.currentBlockCounts = {} self.blockTypeCodes = {} self.blockCountCodes = {} for blockType in (L,I,D): self.blockType(blockType) print('Distance code parameters'.center(60, '-')) self.NPOSTFIX, self.NDIRECT = self.verboseRead(DistanceParamAlphabet()) self.readLiteralContextModes() print('Context maps'.center(60, '-')) self.cmaps = {} #keep the number of each kind of prefix tree for the last loop numberOfTrees = {I: self.numberOfBlockTypes[I]} for blockType in (L,D): numberOfTrees[blockType] = self.contextMap(blockType) print('Prefix code lists'.center(60, '-')) self.prefixCodes = {} for blockType in (L,I,D): self.readPrefixArray(blockType, numberOfTrees[blockType]) self.metablock() #metablock header def verboseRead(self, alphabet, context='', skipExtra=False): """Read symbol and extra from stream and explain what happens. Returns the value of the symbol >>> olleke.pos = 0 >>> l = Layout(olleke) >>> l.verboseRead(WindowSizeAlphabet()) 0000 1b 1011 WSIZE windowsize=(1<<22)-16=4194288 4194288 """ #TODO 2: verbosity level, e.g. show only codes and maps in header stream = self.stream pos = stream.pos if skipExtra: length, symbol = alphabet.readTuple(stream) extraBits, extra = 0, None else: length, symbol, extraBits, extra = alphabet.readTupleAndExtra( stream) #fields: address, hex data, binary data, name of alphabet, explanation hexdata = self.makeHexData(pos) addressField = '{:04x}'.format(pos+7>>3) if hexdata else '' bitdata = self.formatBitData(pos, length, extraBits) #bitPtr moves bitdata so that the bytes are easier to read #jump back to right if a new byte starts if '|' in bitdata[1:]: #start over on the right side self.bitPtr = self.width fillWidth = self.bitPtr-(len(hexdata)+len(bitdata)) if fillWidth<0: fillWidth = 0 print('{:<5s} {:<{}s} {:7s} {}'.format( addressField, hexdata+' '*fillWidth+bitdata, self.width, context+alphabet.name, symbol if skipExtra else symbol.explanation(extra), )) #jump to the right if we started with a '|' #because we didn't jump before printing if bitdata.startswith('|'): self.bitPtr = self.width else: self.bitPtr -= len(bitdata) return symbol if skipExtra else symbol.value(extra) def metablockLength(self): """Read MNIBBLES and meta block length; if empty block, skip block and return true. """ self.MLEN = self.verboseRead(MetablockLengthAlphabet()) if self.MLEN: return False #empty block; skip and return False self.verboseRead(ReservedAlphabet()) MSKIP = self.verboseRead(SkipLengthAlphabet()) self.verboseRead(FillerAlphabet(streamPos=self.stream.pos)) self.stream.pos += 8*MSKIP print("Skipping to {:x}".format(self.stream.pos>>3)) return True def uncompressed(self): """If true, handle uncompressed data """ ISUNCOMPRESSED = self.verboseRead( BoolCode('UNCMPR', description='Is uncompressed?')) if ISUNCOMPRESSED: self.verboseRead(FillerAlphabet(streamPos=self.stream.pos)) print('Uncompressed data:') self.output += self.stream.readBytes(self.MLEN) print(outputFormatter(self.output[-self.MLEN:])) return ISUNCOMPRESSED def blockType(self, kind): """Read block type switch descriptor for given kind of blockType.""" NBLTYPES = self.verboseRead(TypeCountAlphabet( 'BT#'+kind[0].upper(), description='{} block types'.format(kind), )) self.numberOfBlockTypes[kind] = NBLTYPES if NBLTYPES>=2: self.blockTypeCodes[kind] = self.readPrefixCode( BlockTypeAlphabet('BT'+kind[0].upper(), NBLTYPES)) self.blockCountCodes[kind] = self.readPrefixCode( BlockCountAlphabet('BC'+kind[0].upper())) blockCount = self.verboseRead(self.blockCountCodes[kind]) else: blockCount = 1<<24 self.currentBlockCounts[kind] = blockCount def readLiteralContextModes(self): """Read literal context modes. LSB6: lower 6 bits of last char MSB6: upper 6 bits of last char UTF8: rougly dependent on categories: upper 4 bits depend on category of last char: control/whitespace/space/ punctuation/quote/%/open/close/ comma/period/=/digits/ VOWEL/CONSONANT/vowel/consonant lower 2 bits depend on category of 2nd last char: space/punctuation/digit or upper/lowercase signed: hamming weight of last 2 chars """ print('Context modes'.center(60, '-')) self.literalContextModes = [] for i in range(self.numberOfBlockTypes[L]): self.literalContextModes.append( self.verboseRead(LiteralContextMode(number=i))) def contextMap(self, kind): """Read context maps Returns the number of differnt values on the context map (In other words, the number of prefix trees) """ NTREES = self.verboseRead(TypeCountAlphabet( kind[0].upper()+'T#', description='{} prefix trees'.format(kind))) mapSize = {L:64, D:4}[kind] if NTREES<2: self.cmaps[kind] = [0]*mapSize else: #read CMAPkind RLEMAX = self.verboseRead(RLEmaxAlphabet( 'RLE#'+kind[0].upper(), description=kind+' context map')) alphabet = TreeAlphabet('CM'+kind[0].upper(), NTREES=NTREES, RLEMAX=RLEMAX) cmapCode = self.readPrefixCode(alphabet) tableSize = mapSize*self.numberOfBlockTypes[kind] cmap = [] while len(cmap)<tableSize: cmapCode.description = 'map {}, entry {}'.format( *divmod(len(cmap), mapSize)) count, value = self.verboseRead(cmapCode) cmap.extend([value]*count) assert len(cmap)==tableSize IMTF = self.verboseRead(BoolCode('IMTF', description='Apply inverse MTF')) if IMTF: self.IMTF(cmap) if kind==L: print('Context maps for literal data:') for i in range(0, len(cmap), 64): print(*( ''.join(map(str, cmap[j:j+8])) for j in range(i, i+64, 8) )) else: print('Context map for distances:') print(*( ''.join(map('{:x}'.format, cmap[i:i+4])) for i in range(0, len(cmap), 4) )) self.cmaps[kind] = cmap return NTREES @staticmethod def IMTF(v): """In place inverse move to front transform. """ #mtf is initialized virtually with range(infinity) mtf = [] for i, vi in enumerate(v): #get old value from mtf. If never seen, take virtual value try: value = mtf.pop(vi) except IndexError: value = vi #put value at front mtf.insert(0, value) #replace transformed value v[i] = value def readPrefixArray(self, kind, numberOfTrees): """Read prefix code array""" prefixes = [] for i in range(numberOfTrees): if kind==L: alphabet = LiteralAlphabet(i) elif kind==I: alphabet = InsertAndCopyAlphabet(i) elif kind==D: alphabet = DistanceAlphabet( i, NPOSTFIX=self.NPOSTFIX, NDIRECT=self.NDIRECT) self.readPrefixCode(alphabet) prefixes.append(alphabet) self.prefixCodes[kind] = prefixes #metablock data def metablock(self): """Process the data. Relevant variables of self: numberOfBlockTypes[kind]: number of block types currentBlockTypes[kind]: current block types (=0) literalContextModes: the context modes for the literal block types currentBlockCounts[kind]: counters for block types blockTypeCodes[kind]: code for block type blockCountCodes[kind]: code for block count cmaps[kind]: the context maps (not for I) prefixCodes[kind][#]: the prefix codes lastDistances: the last four distances lastChars: the last two chars output: the result """ print('Meta block contents'.center(60, '=')) self.currentBlockTypes = {L:0, I:0, D:0, pL:1, pI:1, pD:1} self.lastDistances = deque([17,16,11,4], maxlen=4) #the current context mode is for block type 0 self.contextMode = ContextModeKeeper(self.literalContextModes[0]) wordList = WordList() #setup distance callback function def distanceCallback(symbol, extra): "callback function for displaying decoded distance" index, offset = symbol.value(extra) if index: #recent distance distance = self.lastDistances[-index]+offset return 'Distance: {}last{:+d}={}'.format(index, offset, distance) #absolute value if offset<=maxDistance: return 'Absolute value: {} (pos {})'.format(offset, maxDistance-offset) #word list value action, word = divmod(offset-maxDistance, 1<<wordList.NDBITS[copyLen]) return '{}-{} gives word {},{} action {}'.format( offset, maxDistance, copyLen, word, action) for dpc in self.prefixCodes[D]: dpc.callback = distanceCallback blockLen = 0 #there we go while blockLen<self.MLEN: #get insert© command litLen, copyLen, dist0Flag = self.verboseRead( self.prefixCodes[I][ self.figureBlockType(I)]) #literal data for i in range(litLen): bt = self.figureBlockType(L) cm = self.contextMode.getIndex() ct = self.cmaps[L][bt<<6|cm] char = self.verboseRead( self.prefixCodes[L][ct], context='{},{}='.format(bt,cm)) self.contextMode.add(char) self.output.append(char) blockLen += litLen #check if we're done if blockLen>=self.MLEN: return #distance #distances are computed relative to output length, at most window size maxDistance = min(len(self.output), self.windowSize) if dist0Flag: distance = self.lastDistances[-1] else: bt = self.figureBlockType(D) cm = {2:0, 3:1, 4:2}.get(copyLen, 3) ct = self.cmaps[D][bt<<2|cm] index, offset = self.verboseRead( self.prefixCodes[D][ct], context='{},{}='.format(bt,cm)) distance = self.lastDistances[-index]+offset if index else offset if index==1 and offset==0: #to make sure distance is not put in last distance list dist0Flag = True if distance<=maxDistance: #copy from output for i in range( maxDistance-distance, maxDistance-distance+copyLen): self.output.append(self.output[i]) if not dist0Flag: self.lastDistances.append(distance) comment = 'Seen before' else: #fetch from wordlist newWord = wordList.word(copyLen, distance-maxDistance-1) self.output.extend(newWord) #adjust copyLen to reflect actual new data copyLen = len(newWord) comment = 'From wordlist' blockLen += copyLen print(' '*40, comment, ': "', outputFormatter(self.output[-copyLen:]), '"', sep='') self.contextMode.add(self.output[-2]) self.contextMode.add(self.output[-1]) def figureBlockType(self, kind): counts, types = self.currentBlockCounts, self.currentBlockTypes if counts[kind]==0: newType = self.verboseRead(self.blockTypeCodes[kind]) if newType==-2: newType = types['P'+kind] elif newType==-1: newType = (types[kind]+1)%self.numberOfBlockTypes[kind] types['P'+kind] = types[kind] types[kind] = newType counts[kind] = self.verboseRead(self.blockCountCodes[kind]) counts[kind] -=1 return types[kind] __test__ = { 'BitStream': """ >>> bs = BitStream(b'Jurjen') >>> bs.readBytes(2) b'Ju' >>> bs.read(6) #r=01110010 50 >>> bs BitStream(pos=2:6) >>> bs.peek(5) #j=01101010 9 >>> bs.readBytes(2) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: readBytes: need byte boundary """, 'Symbol': """ >>> a=Symbol(MetablockLengthAlphabet(),5) >>> len(a) 2 >>> int(a) 5 >>> a.bitPattern() '01' >>> a.value(200000) 200001 >>> a.explanation(300000) 'data length: 493e0h+1=300001' """, 'RangeDecoder': """ >>> a=RangeDecoder(bitLength=3) >>> len(a) 8 >>> a.name='t' >>> list(a) [Symbol(t, 0), Symbol(t, 1), Symbol(t, 2), Symbol(t, 3), Symbol(t, 4), Symbol(t, 5), Symbol(t, 6), Symbol(t, 7)] >>> a[2] Symbol(t, 2) >>> a.bitPattern(4) '100' >>> a.length(2) 3 >>> a.decodePeek(15) (3, Symbol(t, 7)) >>> """, 'PrefixDecoder': """ >>> a=PrefixDecoder(decodeTable={0:1,1:2,3:3,7:4}) >>> len(a) 4 >>> a.name='t' >>> list(a) [Symbol(t, 1), Symbol(t, 2), Symbol(t, 3), Symbol(t, 4)] >>> a.decodePeek(22) (1, Symbol(t, 1)) >>> a.decodePeek(27) (3, Symbol(t, 3)) >>> a.length(1) 1 >>> a.length(4) 3 """, 'Code': """ >>> a=Code('t',alphabetSize=10) >>> len(a) 10 >>> a.showCode() 0000:0 0001:1 0010:2 0011:3 0100:4 0101:5 0110:6 0111:7 1000:8 1001:9 >>> a.setLength({2:1,3:2,5:3,6:3}) >>> a.showCode() 0:2 01:3 011:5 111:6 >>> len(a) 4 >>> def callback(i): return 'call{}back'.format(i) >>> a=Code('t',callback=callback,bitLength=3) >>> a[6].explanation() 'call6back' """, 'WithExtra': """ >>> class A(WithExtra): ... extraTable = [0,1,1,2,2] >>> a=A('t',alphabetSize=5) >>> a[1] Symbol(t, 1) >>> a.extraBits(2) 1 >>> a.mnemonic(4) '4' >>> a.readTupleAndExtra(BitStream(b'\x5b')) (3, Symbol(t, 3), 2, 3) """, 'BoolCode': """ >>> BoolCode('test')[0].explanation() '0: False' """, 'Enumerator': """ >>> class A(Enumerator): ... extraTable = [0,1,1,2,2] ... value0=3 >>> a=A(alphabetLength=5) >>> a.value(3) Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: value() missing 1 required positional argument: 'extra' >>> a.explanation(3,4) 'xx 011: 8-11; 8+4=12' """, 'WindowSizeAlphabet': """ >>> windowSizeAlphabet = WindowSizeAlphabet() >>> windowSizeAlphabet[0] Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: No symbol WindowSizeAlphabet[0] >>> len(windowSizeAlphabet) 16 >>> windowSizeAlphabet[21] Symbol(WSIZE, 21) >>> windowSizeAlphabet[21].bitPattern() '1001' >>> windowSizeAlphabet[21].extraBits() 0 >>> windowSizeAlphabet[21].index 21 >>> windowSizeAlphabet[10].value() 1008 >>> windowSizeAlphabet[10].explanation() 'windowsize=(1<<10)-16=1008' >>> windowSizeAlphabet.showCode() 0:65520 1100001:16368 1110001:32752 0011:262128 0000001:131056 0010001:None 1001:2097136 1011:4194288 1000001:4080 1010001:8176 0101:524272 0111:1048560 0100001:1008 0110001:2032 1101:8388592 1111:16777200 """, 'TypeCountAlphabet': """ >>> typeCountAlphabet = TypeCountAlphabet(description='bananas') >>> len(typeCountAlphabet) 9 >>> typeCountAlphabet[3] Symbol(BT#, 3) >>> typeCountAlphabet[9] Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: No symbol TypeCountAlphabet[9] >>> print(typeCountAlphabet[3]) xx,0101 >>> typeCountAlphabet[8].value(127) 256 >>> typeCountAlphabet[4].explanation(2) 'xxx,0111: 11 bananas' >>> typeCountAlphabet[0].explanation() '0: 1 banana' """, 'DistanceParamAlphabet': """ >>> dpa = DistanceParamAlphabet() >>> dpa.showCode() 00:PF0 01:PF1 10:PF2 11:PF3 >>> dpa.readTupleAndExtra(BitStream(b'\\x29')) (2, Symbol(DIST, 1), 4, 10) >>> dpa.explanation(2, 5) '2 postfix bits and 0101<<2=20 direct codes' """, 'LiteralAlphabet': """ >>> LiteralAlphabet(-1).showCode() #doctest: +ELLIPSIS 00000000:\\x00 00110100:4 01101000:h 10011100:\\x9c 11010000:\\xd0 00000001:\\x01 00110101:5 01101001:i 10011101:\\x9d 11010001:\\xd1 00000010:\\x02 00110110:6 01101010:j 10011110:\\x9e 11010010:\\xd2 ... 00101111:/ 01100011:c 10010111:\\x97 11001011:\\xcb 11111111:\\xff 00110000:0 01100100:d 10011000:\\x98 11001100:\\xcc 00110001:1 01100101:e 10011001:\\x99 11001101:\\xcd 00110010:2 01100110:f 10011010:\\x9a 11001110:\\xce 00110011:3 01100111:g 10011011:\\x9b 11001111:\\xcf """, 'BlockCountAlphabet': """ >>> bc=BlockCountAlphabet('BCL') >>> len(bc) 26 >>> bs=BitStream(b'\\x40\\x83\\xc8\\x59\\12\\x02') >>> x = bc.readTupleAndExtra(bs); x[1].explanation(x[3]) 'Block count: xx 00000: 1-4; 1+2=3' >>> x = bc.readTupleAndExtra(bs); x[1].explanation(x[3]) 'Block count: xxx 00110: 33-40; 33+0=33' >>> x = bc.readTupleAndExtra(bs); x[1].explanation(x[3]) 'Block count: xxxxxx 10001: 305-368; 305+28=333' >>> x = bc.readTupleAndExtra(bs); x[1].explanation(x[3]) 'Block count: xxxxxxxxxxx 10110: 2289-4336; 2289+1044=3333' """, 'Layout': """ >>> olleke.pos = 0 >>> l = Layout(olleke) >>> l.verboseRead(WindowSizeAlphabet()) 0000 1b 1011 WSIZE windowsize=(1<<22)-16=4194288 4194288 >>> l.verboseRead(BoolCode('LAST', description="Last block")) 1 LAST Last block: 1: True True >>> l.verboseRead(BoolCode('EMPTY', description="Empty block")) 0 EMPTY Empty block: 0: False False >>> l.verboseRead(MetablockLengthAlphabet()) 0001 2e 00 |00h|2Eh,|00 MLEN data length: 002eh+1=47 47 >>> olleke.pos = 76 >>> l = Layout(olleke) >>> x = l.verboseRead(DistanceAlphabet(0,NPOSTFIX=0,NDIRECT=0), skipExtra=True) 000a 82 10|1100 D0 10[15*x]-3 >>> x.explanation(0x86a3) '10[1000011010100011]-3: [0]+100000' """, 'olleke': """ >>> olleke.pos = 0 >>> try: Layout(olleke).processStream() ... except NotImplementedError: pass ... #doctest: +REPORT_NDIFF addr hex binary context explanation -----------------------Stream header------------------------ 0000 1b 1011 WSIZE windowsize=(1<<22)-16=4194288 ======================Metablock header====================== 1 LAST Last block: 1: True 0 EMPTY Empty block: 0: False 0001 2e 00 |00h|2Eh,|00 MLEN data length: 002eh+1=47 -------------------Block type descriptors------------------- 0003 00 0 BT#L 0: 1 literal block type 0 BT#I 0: 1 insert© block type 0 BT#D 0: 1 distance block type ------------------Distance code parameters------------------ 0004 44 0|000,00 DIST 0 postfix bits and 0000<<0=0 direct codes -----------------------Context modes------------------------ 10 LC0 Context mode for type 0: 2(UTF8) ------------------------Context maps------------------------ 0 LT# 0: 1 literal prefix tree 0 DT# 0: 1 distance prefix tree ---------------------Prefix code lists---------------------- 10 PFX L0 is complex with lengths 3,4,0,5,17... 0005 4f 1|0 ##L0 len 3: coded with 3 bits 0111 ##L0 len 4: coded with 1 bits 10 ##L0 unused: coded with 3 bits 0006 d6 0|0 ##L0 len 5: skipped 011 ##L0 zero xxx: coded with 2 bits ***** Lengths for L0 will be coded as: 0:len 4 01:zero xxx 011:unused 111:len 3 0007 95 1|11,01 #L0 7+3 unused 0 #L0 Length for \\n is 4 bits 001,01 #L0 1+3 unused 0008 44 010,0|1 #L0 total 19+2 unused 0 #L0 Length for " " is 4 bits 0 #L0 Length for ! is 4 bits 0009 cb 011,|01 #L0 3+3 unused |110,01 #L0 total 35+6 unused 000a 82 0 #L0 Length for K is 4 bits 000,01 #L0 0+3 unused 0 #L0 Length for O is 4 bits 000b 4d 01|1 #L0 symbol P unused 011 #L0 symbol Q unused 0 #L0 Length for R is 4 bits 000c 88 000,|01 #L0 0+3 unused |100,01 #L0 total 11+4 unused 000d b6 0 #L0 Length for b is 4 bits 011 #L0 symbol c unused 011 #L0 symbol d unused 000e 27 11|1 #L0 Length for e is 3 bits 010,01 #L0 2+3 unused |0 #L0 Length for k is 4 bits 000f 1f 111 #L0 Length for l is 3 bits 011 #L0 symbol m unused 0 #L0 Length for n is 4 bits |0 #L0 Length for o is 4 bits 0010 c1 000,01 #L0 0+3 unused 0 #L0 Length for s is 4 bits 0011 b4 0|11 #L0 symbol t unused 0 #L0 Length for u is 4 bits End of table. Prefix code L0: 000:e 0010:\\n 0110:! 0001:O 0101:b 0011:n 0111:s 100:l 1010:" " 1110:K 1001:R 1101:k 1011:o 1111:u 11,01 PFX IC0 is simple with 4 code words 0012 2a |2Ah|10 IC0 ? bits: I5C4 0013 b5 ec 00|B5h IC0 ? bits: I6+xC7 0015 22 0010|111011 IC0 ? bits: I8+xC5 0016 8c 001100|0010 IC0 ? bits: I0C14+xx 0 SHAPE False: lengths 2,2,2,2 0017 74 10,0|1 PFX D0 is simple with 3 code words 0018 a6 0|01110 D0 1 bit: 2last-3 010011 D0 2 bits: 11xx-3 0019 aa 01010|1 D0 2 bits: 11xxx-3 ====================Meta block contents===================== |1,01 IC0 Literal: 9, copy: 5 001a 41 0001 0,0=L0 O 100 0,48=L0 l 001b a2 10|0 0,62=L0 l 000 0,63=L0 e 001c a1 1|101 0,59=L0 k 000 0,63=L0 e |1010 0,59=L0 " " 001d b5 0101 0,11=L0 b |1011 0,60=L0 o 001e 24 0 0,3=D0 Distance: 2last-3=8 Seen before: "lleke" 0,10 IC0 Literal: 6, copy: 7 |0010 0,59=L0 \\n 001f 89 1001 0,7=L0 R 000 0,52=L0 e 0020 fa 010|1 0,58=L0 b 1111 0,63=L0 u 0021 eb 011|1 0,59=L0 s 11,01 0,3=D0 Absolute value: 12 (pos 8) Seen before: "olleke\\n" 0022 db 01,1|1 IC0 Literal: 0, copy: 15 |110,11 0,3=D0 Absolute value: 27 (pos 0) Seen before: "Olleke bolleke\\n" 0023 f8 00 IC0 Literal: 5, copy: 4 1110 0,7=L0 K 0024 2c 00|11 0,52=L0 n 1011 0,62=L0 o 0025 0d 1|00 0,59=L0 l 0110 0,63=L0 ! """, 'file': """ >>> try: Layout(BitStream( ... open("H:/Downloads/brotli-master/tests/testdata/10x10y.compressed",'rb') ... .read())).processStream() ... except NotImplementedError: pass addr hex binary context explanation -----------------------Stream header------------------------ 0000 1b 1011 WSIZE windowsize=(1<<22)-16=4194288 ======================Metablock header====================== 1 LAST Last block: 1: True 0 EMPTY Empty block: 0: False 0001 13 00 |00h|13h,|00 MLEN data length: 0013h+1=20 -------------------Block type descriptors------------------- 0003 00 0 BT#L 0: 1 literal block type 0 BT#I 0: 1 insert© block type 0 BT#D 0: 1 distance block type ------------------Distance code parameters------------------ 0004 a4 0|000,00 DIST 0 postfix bits and 0000<<0=0 direct codes -----------------------Context modes------------------------ 10 LC0 Context mode for type 0: 2(UTF8) ------------------------Context maps------------------------ 0 LT# 0: 1 literal prefix tree 0 DT# 0: 1 distance prefix tree ---------------------Prefix code lists---------------------- 0005 b0 0|1,01 PFX L0 is simple with 2 code words 0006 b2 0|1011000 L0 1 bit: X 0007 ea 0|1011001 L0 1 bit: Y 01,01 PFX IC0 is simple with 2 code words 0008 81 0000001|111 IC0 1 bit: I1C9&D=0 0009 47 02 0|47h|1 IC0 1 bit: I1C9 00,01 PFX D0 is simple with 1 code word 000b 8a 010|000 D0 0 bits: 10x-3 ====================Meta block contents===================== 1 IC0 Literal: 1, copy: 9 0 0,0=L0 X 0,() 0,3=D0 Absolute value: 1 (pos 0) Seen before: "XXXXXXXXX" 0 IC0 Literal: 1, copy: 9, same distance |1 0,54=L0 Y Seen before: "YYYYYYYYY" """, 'XY': """ >>> try: Layout(BitStream(brotli.compress('X'*10+'Y'*10))).processStream() ... except NotImplementedError: pass addr hex binary context explanation -----------------------Stream header------------------------ 0000 1b 1011 WSIZE windowsize=(1<<22)-16=4194288 ======================Metablock header====================== 1 LAST Last block: 1: True 0 EMPTY Empty block: 0: False 0001 13 00 |00h|13h,|00 MLEN data length: 0013h+1=20 -------------------Block type descriptors------------------- 0003 00 0 BT#L 0: 1 literal block type 0 BT#I 0: 1 insert© block type 0 BT#D 0: 1 distance block type ------------------Distance code parameters------------------ 0004 a4 0|000,00 DIST 0 postfix bits and 0000<<0=0 direct codes -----------------------Context modes------------------------ 10 LC0 Context mode for type 0: 2(UTF8) ------------------------Context maps------------------------ 0 LT# 0: 1 literal prefix tree 0 DT# 0: 1 distance prefix tree ---------------------Prefix code lists---------------------- 0005 b0 0|1,01 PFX L0 is simple with 2 code words 0006 b2 0|1011000 L0 1 bit: X 0007 82 0|1011001 L0 1 bit: Y 00,01 PFX IC0 is simple with 1 code word 0008 84 0000100|100 IC0 0 bits: I4C6&D=0 0009 00 00,0|1 PFX D0 is simple with 1 code word 000a e0 0|00000 D0 0 bits: last ====================Meta block contents===================== () IC0 Literal: 4, copy: 6, same distance 0 0,0=L0 X 0 0,52=L0 X 0 0,54=L0 X 0 0,54=L0 X Seen before: "XXXXXX" () IC0 Literal: 4, copy: 6, same distance 1 0,54=L0 Y 1 0,54=L0 Y |1 0,54=L0 Y 000b 01 1 0,54=L0 Y Seen before: "YYYYYY" """, 'empty': """ >>> try: Layout(BitStream(b'\\x81\\x16\\x00\\x58')).processStream() ... except NotImplementedError: pass addr hex binary context explanation -----------------------Stream header------------------------ 0000 81 0000001 WSIZE windowsize=(1<<17)-16=131056 ======================Metablock header====================== |1 LAST Last block: 1: True 0001 16 0 EMPTY Empty block: 0: False 11 MLEN 11: empty block 0 RSVD Reserved (must be zero) 0002 00 000000|00,01 SKIP skip length: 0h+1=1 |00 SKIP 2 bits ignored Skipping to 4 """, } if __name__=='__main__': import sys if len(sys.argv)>1: l = Layout(BitStream(open(sys.argv[1],'rb').read())) l.processStream() else: sys.path.append("h:/Persoonlijk/bin") try: import brotli open('brotlidump.br', 'wb').write( brotli.compress( open('brotlidump.py', 'r').read() )) olleke = BitStream(brotli.compress( 'Olleke bolleke\nRebusolleke\nOlleke bolleke\nKnol!')) except ImportError: pass import doctest doctest.testmod(optionflags=doctest.REPORT_NDIFF #|doctest.FAIL_FAST )