// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++11 -fsyntax-only -verify %s template<typename T, T ...Values> struct value_tuple {}; template<typename...> struct tuple { }; template<typename T, typename U> struct pair { }; template<typename T, T Value> struct value_c; template<typename T, typename U> struct is_same { static const bool value = false; }; template<typename T> struct is_same<T, T> { static const bool value = true; }; template<typename T> struct X0 { template<T ...Values> void f(value_tuple<T, Values...> * = 0); }; void test_X0() { X0<int>().f<1, 2, 3, 4, 5>(); } namespace PacksAtDifferentLevels { template<typename ...Types> struct X { template<typename> struct Inner { static const unsigned value = 1; }; template<typename ...YTypes> struct Inner<tuple<pair<Types, YTypes>...> > { static const unsigned value = sizeof...(Types) - sizeof...(YTypes); }; }; int check0[X<short, int, long>::Inner<tuple<pair<short, unsigned short>, pair<int, unsigned int>, pair<long, unsigned long>> >::value == 0? 1 : -1]; int check1[X<short, int>::Inner<tuple<pair<short, unsigned short>, pair<int, unsigned int>, pair<long, unsigned long>> >::value == 1? 1 : -1]; template<unsigned ...Values> struct unsigned_tuple { }; template<typename ...Types> struct X1 { template<typename, typename> struct Inner { static const unsigned value = 0; }; template<typename ...YTypes> struct Inner<tuple<pair<Types, YTypes>...>, unsigned_tuple<sizeof(Types) + sizeof(YTypes)...>> { static const unsigned value = 1; }; }; int check2[X1<short, int, long>::Inner<tuple<pair<short, unsigned short>, pair<int, unsigned int>, pair<long, unsigned long>>, unsigned_tuple<sizeof(short) + sizeof(unsigned short), sizeof(int) + sizeof(unsigned int), sizeof(long) + sizeof(unsigned long)> >::value == 1? 1 : -1]; int check3[X1<short, int>::Inner<tuple<pair<short, unsigned short>, pair<int, unsigned int>, pair<long, unsigned long>>, unsigned_tuple<sizeof(short) + sizeof(unsigned short), sizeof(int) + sizeof(unsigned int), sizeof(long) + sizeof(unsigned long)> >::value == 0? 1 : -1]; template<typename ...Types> struct X2 { template<typename> struct Inner { static const unsigned value = 1; }; template<typename R, typename ...YTypes> struct Inner<R(pair<Types, YTypes>...)> { static const unsigned value = sizeof...(Types) - sizeof...(YTypes); }; }; int check4[X2<short, int, long>::Inner<int(pair<short, unsigned short>, pair<int, unsigned int>, pair<long, unsigned long>) >::value == 0? 1 : -1]; int check5[X2<short, int>::Inner<int(pair<short, unsigned short>, pair<int, unsigned int>, pair<long, unsigned long>) >::value == 1? 1 : -1]; template<typename T, typename U> struct some_function_object { template<typename> struct result_of; }; template<template<class> class...> struct metafun_tuple { }; template<typename ...Types1> struct X3 { template<typename, typename> struct Inner { static const unsigned value = 0; }; template<typename ...Types2> struct Inner<tuple<pair<Types1, Types2>...>, metafun_tuple<some_function_object<Types1, Types2>::template result_of...> > { static const unsigned value = 1; }; }; int check6[X3<short, int, long>::Inner<tuple<pair<short, unsigned short>, pair<int, unsigned int>, pair<long, unsigned long>>, metafun_tuple< some_function_object<short, unsigned short>::result_of, some_function_object<int, unsigned int>::result_of, some_function_object<long, unsigned long>::result_of> >::value == 1? 1 : -1]; int check7[X3<short, int>::Inner<tuple<pair<short, unsigned short>, pair<int, unsigned int>, pair<long, unsigned long>>, metafun_tuple< some_function_object<short, unsigned short>::result_of, some_function_object<int, unsigned int>::result_of, some_function_object<long, unsigned long>::result_of> >::value == 0? 1 : -1]; template<unsigned I, unsigned J> struct unsigned_pair { }; template<unsigned ...Values1> struct X4 { template<typename> struct Inner { static const unsigned value = 0; }; template<unsigned ...Values2> struct Inner<tuple<unsigned_pair<Values1, Values2>...>> { static const unsigned value = 1; }; }; int check8[X4<1, 3, 5>::Inner<tuple<unsigned_pair<1, 2>, unsigned_pair<3, 4>, unsigned_pair<5, 6>> >::value == 1? 1 : -1]; int check9[X4<1, 3>::Inner<tuple<unsigned_pair<1, 2>, unsigned_pair<3, 4>, unsigned_pair<5, 6>> >::value == 0? 1 : -1]; template<class> struct add_reference; template<class> struct add_pointer; template<class> struct add_const; template<template<class> class ...Templates> struct X5 { template<typename> struct Inner { static const unsigned value = 0; }; template<typename ...Types> struct Inner<tuple<Templates<Types>...>> { static const unsigned value = 1; }; }; int check10[X5<add_reference, add_pointer, add_const> ::Inner<tuple<add_reference<int>, add_pointer<float>, add_const<double>>>::value == 1? 1 : -1]; int check11[X5<add_reference, add_pointer> ::Inner<tuple<add_reference<int>, add_pointer<float>, add_const<double>>>::value == 0? 1 : -1]; namespace PR13811 { constexpr int g(int n, int m) { return n * 10 + m; } template<typename...A> struct X6 { template<typename...B> constexpr auto f1(A ...a) const -> decltype(g(A(a + B())...)) { return g(A(a + B())...); } template<typename...B> constexpr auto f2(A ...a, B ...b) const -> decltype(g((&a)[b] ...)) { return g((&a)[b] ...); } // expected-note {{past-the-end}} template<typename...B> struct Inner { template<typename...C> constexpr auto f(A ...a, B ...b, C ...c) const -> decltype(g(a+b+c...)) { return g(a+b+c...); } }; }; struct A { constexpr operator int() const { return 2; } }; struct B { constexpr operator int() const { return 1; } }; static_assert(X6<unsigned char, int>().f1<A, B>(255, 1) == 12, ""); static_assert(X6<int, int>().f2(3, 4, 0, 0) == 34, ""); static_assert(X6<int, int>().f2(3, 4, 0, 1) == 34, ""); // expected-error {{constant expression}} expected-note {{in call}} static_assert(X6<int, int>::Inner<int, int>().f(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) == 102, ""); } } namespace ExpandingNonTypeTemplateParameters { template<typename ...Types> struct tuple_of_values { template<Types ...Values> // expected-error{{a non-type template parameter cannot have type 'float'}} \ // expected-note{{template parameter is declared here}} struct apply { // expected-note 2{{template is declared here}} typedef tuple<value_c<Types, Values>...> type; }; }; int i; float f; int check_tuple_of_values_1[ is_same<tuple_of_values<int&, float&, char, int>::apply<i, f, 'a', 17> ::type, tuple<value_c<int&, i>, value_c<float&, f>, value_c<char, 'a'>, value_c<int, 17>> >::value? 1 : -1]; tuple_of_values<int, float> tv1; // expected-note{{in instantiation of template class 'ExpandingNonTypeTemplateParameters::tuple_of_values<int, float>' requested here}} tuple_of_values<int&, float&>::apply<i, i>::type tv2; // expected-error{{non-type template parameter of reference type 'float &' cannot bind to template argument of type 'int'}} tuple_of_values<int&, float&>::apply<i>::type tv3; // expected-error{{too few template arguments for class template 'apply'}} tuple_of_values<int&, float&>::apply<i, f, i>::type tv4; // expected-error{{too many template arguments for class template 'apply'}} } namespace ExpandingFunctionParameters { template<typename ...T> struct X0 { typedef int type; }; template<typename ...T> struct X1 { template<typename ... U> typename X0<T(T, U...)...>::type f(U...); }; void test() { X1<float> x1; x1.f(17, 3.14159); } } namespace PR10230 { template<typename> struct s { template<typename... Args> auto f() -> int(&)[sizeof...(Args)]; }; void main() { int (&ir1)[1] = s<int>().f<int>(); int (&ir3)[3] = s<int>().f<int, float, double>(); } } namespace PR13386 { template<typename...> struct tuple {}; template<typename...T> struct S { template<typename...U> void f(T &&...t, U &&...u) {} // expected-note {{candidate}} template<typename...U> void g(U &&...u, T &&...t) {} // expected-note {{candidate}} template<typename...U> void h(tuple<T, U> &&...) {} // expected-note 2{{candidate}} template<typename...U> struct X { template<typename...V> void x(tuple<T, U, V> &&...); // expected-error {{different lengths}} }; }; void test() { S<>().f(); S<>().f(0); S<int>().f(0); S<int>().f(0, 1); S<int, int>().f(0); // expected-error {{no matching member function for call}} S<>().g(); S<>().g(0); S<int>().g(0); S<int>().g(0, 1); // expected-error {{no matching member function for call}} S<int>().g<int>(0, 1); S<int, int>().g(0, 1); S<>().h(); S<>().h(0); // expected-error {{no matching member function for call}} S<int>().h({}); // expected-error {{no matching member function for call}} S<int>().h<int>({}); S<int>().h(tuple<int,int>{}); S<int, int>().h(tuple<int,int>{}, tuple<int,int>{}); S<int, int>::X<char>(); // expected-note {{here}} } }