<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE supplementalData SYSTEM "../../common/dtd/ldmlSupplemental.dtd">
Copyright © 1991-2013 Unicode, Inc.
CLDR data files are interpreted according to the LDML specification (http://unicode.org/reports/tr35/)
For terms of use, see http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html
	<version number="$Revision: 13883 $"/>
		<transform source="Syrc" target="Latn" direction="both" draft="contributed" alias="Syriac-Latin und-Latn-t-und-syrc" backwardAlias="Latin-Syriac und-Syrc-t-und-latn">
# Consonants
ܫ ↔ sh;
ܞ → yh;
ܖ ↔ dr;
ܐ ↔ ʾ;
ܑ  → ʾ;
ܒ ↔ b;
ܓ ↔ g;
ܔ → g;
ܕ ↔ d;
ܗ ↔ h;
ܘ ↔ w;
ܙ ↔ z;
ܚ ↔ ḥ;
ܛ ↔ ṭ;
ܜ → ṭ;
ܝ ↔ y;
ܟ ↔ k;
ܠ ↔ l;
ܡ ↔ m;
ܢ ↔ n;
ܣ ↔ s;
ܤ → s;
ܥ → ʿ;
ܦ ↔ p;
ܧ → p;
ܨ ↔ ṣ;
ܩ ↔ q;
ܪ ↔ r;
ܬ ↔ t;
# Vowels
ܰ → a;
ܱ → a;
ܲ ↔ a;
ܳ → o;
ܴ → o;
ܵ → a;
ܶ → e;
ܷ → e;
ܸ ↔ e;
ܹ ↔ ē;
ܺ → i;
ܻ → i;
݂ ↔ i;
ܽ → u;
ܾ → u;
ܼ ↔ u;
ܿ ↔ o;
# Punctuation
܍ → \*;