'*************************************************************************** '* _ _ ____ _ '* Project ___| | | | _ \| | '* / __| | | | |_) | | '* | (__| |_| | _ <| |___ '* \___|\___/|_| \_\_____| '* '* Copyright (C) 1998 - 2014, Daniel Stenberg, <daniel@haxx.se>, et al. '* '* This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which '* you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms '* are also available at https://curl.haxx.se/docs/copyright.html. '* '* You may opt to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute and/or sell '* copies of the Software, and permit persons to whom the Software is '* furnished to do so, under the terms of the COPYING file. '* '* This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY '* KIND, either express or implied. '* '*************************************************************************** '* Script to fetch certdata.txt from Mozilla.org site and create a '* ca-bundle.crt for use with OpenSSL / libcurl / libcurl bindings '* Requires WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1 and ADODB.Stream which are part of '* W2000 SP3 or later, WXP SP1 or later, W2003 Server SP1 or later. '* Hacked by Guenter Knauf '*************************************************************************** Option Explicit Const myVersion = "0.4.0" Const myUrl = "https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-release/raw-file/default/security/nss/lib/ckfw/builtins/certdata.txt" Const myOpenSSL = "openssl.exe" Dim myUseOpenSSL myUseOpenSSL = TRUE ' Flag: TRUE to use OpenSSL. If TRUE and is not ' found then a warning is shown before continuing. Const myCdSavF = TRUE ' Flag: save downloaded data to file certdata.txt Const myCaBakF = TRUE ' Flag: backup existing ca-bundle certificate Const myAskLiF = TRUE ' Flag: display certdata.txt license agreement Const myWrapLe = 76 ' Default length of base64 output lines ' cert info code doesn't work properly with any recent openssl, leave disabled. ' Also: we want our certificate output by default to be as similar as possible ' to mk-ca-bundle.pl and setting this TRUE changes the base64 width to ' OpenSSL's built-in default width, which is not the same as mk-ca-bundle.pl. Const myAskTiF = FALSE ' Flag: ask to include certificate text info ' '******************* Nothing to configure below! ******************* ' Const adTypeBinary = 1 Const adTypeText = 2 Const adSaveCreateNotExist = 1 Const adSaveCreateOverWrite = 2 Dim objShell, objNetwork, objFSO, objHttp Dim myBase, mySelf, myStream, myTmpFh, myCdData, myCdFile Dim myCaFile, myTmpName, myBakNum, myOptTxt, i Set objNetwork = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Network") Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Set objFSO = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set objHttp = WScript.CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1") If objHttp Is Nothing Then Set objHttp = WScript.CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest") myBase = Left(WScript.ScriptFullName, InstrRev(WScript.ScriptFullName, "\")) mySelf = Left(WScript.ScriptName, InstrRev(WScript.ScriptName, ".") - 1) & " " & myVersion myCdFile = Mid(myUrl, InstrRev(myUrl, "/") + 1) myCaFile = "ca-bundle.crt" myTmpName = InputBox("It will take a minute to download and parse the " & _ "certificate data." & _ vbLf & vbLf & _ "Please enter the output filename:", mySelf, myCaFile) If (myTmpName = "") Then WScript.Quit 1 End If myCaFile = myTmpName If (myCdFile = "") Then MsgBox("URL does not contain filename!"), vbCritical, mySelf WScript.Quit 1 End If ' Don't use OpenSSL if it's not present. If (myUseOpenSSL = TRUE) Then Dim errnum On Error Resume Next Call objShell.Run("""" & myOpenSSL & """ version", 0, TRUE) errnum = Err.Number On Error GoTo 0 If Not (errnum = 0) Then myUseOpenSSL = FALSE MsgBox("OpenSSL was not found so the certificate bundle will not " & _ "include the SHA256 hash of the raw certificate data file " & _ "that was used to generate the certificates in the bundle. " & _ vbLf & vbLf & _ "This does not have any effect on the certificate output, " & _ "so this script will continue." & _ vbLf & vbLf & _ "If you want to set a custom location for OpenSSL or disable " & _ "this message then edit the variables at the start of the " & _ "script."), vbInformation, mySelf End If End If If (myAskTiF = TRUE) And (myUseOpenSSL = TRUE) Then If (6 = objShell.PopUp("Do you want to include text information about " & _ "each certificate?" & vbLf & _ "(Requires OpenSSL.exe in the current directory " & _ "or search path)",, _ mySelf, vbQuestion + vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton2)) Then myOptTxt = TRUE Else myOptTxt = FALSE End If End If ' Uncomment the line below to ignore SSL invalid cert errors ' objHttp.Option(4) = 256 + 512 + 4096 + 8192 objHttp.SetTimeouts 0, 5000, 10000, 10000 objHttp.Open "GET", myUrl, FALSE objHttp.setRequestHeader "User-Agent", WScript.ScriptName & "/" & myVersion objHttp.Send "" If Not (objHttp.Status = 200) Then MsgBox("Failed to download '" & myCdFile & "': " & objHttp.Status & " - " & objHttp.StatusText), vbCritical, mySelf WScript.Quit 1 End If ' Write received data to file if enabled If (myCdSavF = TRUE) Then Call SaveBinaryData(myCdFile, objHttp.ResponseBody) End If ' Convert data from ResponseBody instead of using ResponseText because of UTF-8 myCdData = ConvertBinaryToUTF8(objHttp.ResponseBody) Set objHttp = Nothing ' Backup exitsing ca-bundle certificate file If (myCaBakF = TRUE) Then If objFSO.FileExists(myCaFile) Then Dim myBakFile, b b = 1 myBakFile = myCaFile & ".~" & b & "~" While objFSO.FileExists(myBakFile) b = b + 1 myBakFile = myCaFile & ".~" & b & "~" Wend Set myTmpFh = objFSO.GetFile(myCaFile) myTmpFh.Move myBakFile End If End If ' Process the received data Dim myLines, myPattern, myInsideCert, myInsideLicense, myLicenseText, myNumCerts, myNumSkipped Dim myLabel, myOctets, myData, myPem, myRev, myUntrusted, j myNumSkipped = 0 myNumCerts = 0 myData = "" myLines = Split(myCdData, vbLf, -1) Set myStream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream") myStream.Open myStream.Type = adTypeText myStream.Charset = "utf-8" myStream.WriteText "##" & vbLf & _ "## Bundle of CA Root Certificates" & vbLf & _ "##" & vbLf & _ "## Certificate data from Mozilla as of: " & _ ConvertDateToString(LocalDateToUTC(Now)) & " GMT" & vbLf & _ "##" & vbLf & _ "## This is a bundle of X.509 certificates of public Certificate Authorities" & vbLf & _ "## (CA). These were automatically extracted from Mozilla's root certificates" & vbLf & _ "## file (certdata.txt). This file can be found in the mozilla source tree:" & vbLf & _ "## " & myUrl & vbLf & _ "##" & vbLf & _ "## It contains the certificates in PEM format and therefore" & vbLf & _ "## can be directly used with curl / libcurl / php_curl, or with" & vbLf & _ "## an Apache+mod_ssl webserver for SSL client authentication." & vbLf & _ "## Just configure this file as the SSLCACertificateFile." & vbLf & _ "##" & vbLf & _ "## Conversion done with mk-ca-bundle.vbs version " & myVersion & "." & vbLf If (myCdSavF = TRUE) And (myUseOpenSSL = TRUE) Then myStream.WriteText "## SHA256: " & FileSHA256(myCdFile) & vbLf End If myStream.WriteText "##" & vbLf & vbLf myStream.WriteText vbLf For i = 0 To UBound(myLines) If InstrRev(myLines(i), "CKA_LABEL ") Then myPattern = "^CKA_LABEL\s+[A-Z0-9]+\s+""(.+?)""" myLabel = RegExprFirst(myPattern, myLines(i)) End If If (myInsideCert = TRUE) Then If InstrRev(myLines(i), "END") Then myInsideCert = FALSE While (i < UBound(myLines)) And Not (myLines(i) = "#") i = i + 1 If InstrRev(myLines(i), "CKA_TRUST_SERVER_AUTH CK_TRUST CKT_NSS_TRUSTED_DELEGATOR") Then myUntrusted = FALSE End If Wend If (myUntrusted = TRUE) Then myNumSkipped = myNumSkipped + 1 Else myStream.WriteText myLabel & vbLf myStream.WriteText String(Len(myLabel), "=") & vbLf myPem = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----" & vbLf & _ Base64Encode(myData) & vbLf & _ "-----END CERTIFICATE-----" & vbLf If (myOptTxt = FALSE) Then myStream.WriteText myPem & vbLf Else Dim myCmd, myRval, myTmpIn, myTmpOut myTmpIn = objFSO.GetSpecialFolder(2).Path & "\" & objFSO.GetTempName myTmpOut = objFSO.GetSpecialFolder(2).Path & "\" & objFSO.GetTempName Set myTmpFh = objFSO.OpenTextFile(myTmpIn, 2, TRUE) myTmpFh.Write myPem myTmpFh.Close myCmd = """" & myOpenSSL & """ x509 -md5 -fingerprint -text " & _ "-inform PEM -in " & myTmpIn & " -out " & myTmpOut myRval = objShell.Run (myCmd, 0, TRUE) objFSO.DeleteFile myTmpIn, TRUE If Not (myRval = 0) Then MsgBox("Failed to process PEM cert with OpenSSL commandline!"), vbCritical, mySelf objFSO.DeleteFile myTmpOut, TRUE WScript.Quit 3 End If Set myTmpFh = objFSO.OpenTextFile(myTmpOut, 1) myStream.WriteText myTmpFh.ReadAll & vbLf myTmpFh.Close objFSO.DeleteFile myTmpOut, TRUE End If myNumCerts = myNumCerts + 1 End If Else myOctets = Split(myLines(i), "\") For j = 1 To UBound(myOctets) myData = myData & Chr(CByte("&o" & myOctets(j))) Next End If End If If InstrRev(myLines(i), "CVS_ID ") Then myPattern = "^CVS_ID\s+""(.+?)""" myRev = RegExprFirst(myPattern, myLines(i)) myStream.WriteText "# " & myRev & vbLf & vbLf End If If InstrRev(myLines(i), "CKA_VALUE MULTILINE_OCTAL") Then myInsideCert = TRUE myUntrusted = TRUE myData = "" End If If InstrRev(myLines(i), "***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****") Then myInsideLicense = TRUE End If If (myInsideLicense = TRUE) Then myStream.WriteText myLines(i) & vbLf myLicenseText = myLicenseText & Mid(myLines(i), 2) & vbLf End If If InstrRev(myLines(i), "***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****") Then myInsideLicense = FALSE If (myAskLiF = TRUE) Then If Not (6 = objShell.PopUp(myLicenseText & vbLf & _ "Do you agree to the license shown above (required to proceed) ?",, _ mySelf, vbQuestion + vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton1)) Then myStream.Close objFSO.DeleteFile myCaFile, TRUE WScript.Quit 2 End If End If End If Next ' To stop the UTF-8 BOM from being written the stream has to be copied and ' then saved as binary. Dim myCopy Set myCopy = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream") myCopy.Type = adTypeBinary myCopy.Open myStream.Position = 3 ' Skip UTF-8 BOM myStream.CopyTo myCopy myCopy.SaveToFile myCaFile, adSaveCreateOverWrite myCopy.Close myStream.Close Set myCopy = Nothing Set myStream = Nothing ' Done objShell.PopUp "Done (" & myNumCerts & " CA certs processed, " & myNumSkipped & _ " untrusted skipped).", 20, mySelf, vbInformation WScript.Quit 0 Function ConvertBinaryToUTF8(arrBytes) Dim objStream Set objStream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream") objStream.Open objStream.Type = adTypeBinary objStream.Write arrBytes objStream.Position = 0 objStream.Type = adTypeText objStream.Charset = "utf-8" ConvertBinaryToUTF8 = objStream.ReadText Set objStream = Nothing End Function Function SaveBinaryData(filename, data) Dim objStream Set objStream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream") objStream.Type = adTypeBinary objStream.Open objStream.Write data objStream.SaveToFile filename, adSaveCreateOverWrite objStream.Close Set objStream = Nothing End Function Function RegExprFirst(SearchPattern, TheString) Dim objRegExp, Matches ' create variables. Set objRegExp = New RegExp ' create a regular expression. objRegExp.Pattern = SearchPattern ' sets the search pattern. objRegExp.IgnoreCase = TRUE ' set to ignores case. objRegExp.Global = TRUE ' set to global search. Set Matches = objRegExp.Execute(TheString) ' do the search. If (Matches.Count) Then RegExprFirst = Matches(0).SubMatches(0) ' return first match. Else RegExprFirst = "" End If Set objRegExp = Nothing End Function Function Base64Encode(inData) Const Base64 = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/" Dim cOut, sOut, lWrap, I lWrap = Int(myWrapLe * 3 / 4) 'For each group of 3 bytes For I = 1 To Len(inData) Step 3 Dim nGroup, pOut, sGroup 'Create one long from this 3 bytes. nGroup = &H10000 * Asc(Mid(inData, I, 1)) + _ &H100 * MyASC(Mid(inData, I + 1, 1)) + _ MyASC(Mid(inData, I + 2, 1)) 'Oct splits the long To 8 groups with 3 bits nGroup = Oct(nGroup) 'Add leading zeros nGroup = String(8 - Len(nGroup), "0") & nGroup 'Convert To base64 pOut = Mid(Base64, CLng("&o" & Mid(nGroup, 1, 2)) + 1, 1) & _ Mid(Base64, CLng("&o" & Mid(nGroup, 3, 2)) + 1, 1) & _ Mid(Base64, CLng("&o" & Mid(nGroup, 5, 2)) + 1, 1) & _ Mid(Base64, CLng("&o" & Mid(nGroup, 7, 2)) + 1, 1) 'Add the part To OutPut string sOut = sOut + pOut 'Add a new line For Each myWrapLe chars In dest If (I < Len(inData) - 2) Then If (I + 2) Mod lWrap = 0 Then sOut = sOut & vbLf End If Next Select Case Len(inData) Mod 3 Case 1: '8 bit final sOut = Left(sOut, Len(sOut) - 2) & "==" Case 2: '16 bit final sOut = Left(sOut, Len(sOut) - 1) & "=" End Select Base64Encode = sOut End Function Function MyASC(OneChar) If OneChar = "" Then MyASC = 0 Else MyASC = Asc(OneChar) End Function ' Return the date in the same format as perl to match mk-ca-bundle.pl output: ' Wed Sep 7 03:12:05 2016 Function ConvertDateToString(input) Dim output output = WeekDayName(WeekDay(input), TRUE) & " " & _ MonthName(Month(input), TRUE) & " " If (Len(Day(input)) = 1) Then output = output & " " End If output = output & _ Day(input) & " " & _ FormatDateTime(input, vbShortTime) & ":" If (Len(Second(input)) = 1) Then output = output & "0" End If output = output & _ Second(input) & " " & _ Year(input) ConvertDateToString = output End Function ' Convert local Date to UTC. Microsoft says: ' Use Win32_ComputerSystem CurrentTimeZone property, because it automatically ' adjusts the Time Zone bias for daylight saving time; Win32_Time Zone Bias ' property does not. ' https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms696015.aspx Function LocalDateToUTC(localdate) Dim item, offset For Each item In GetObject("winmgmts:").InstancesOf("Win32_ComputerSystem") offset = item.CurrentTimeZone ' the offset in minutes Next If (offset < 0) Then LocalDateToUTC = DateAdd("n", ABS(offset), localdate) Else LocalDateToUTC = DateAdd("n", -ABS(offset), localdate) End If 'objShell.PopUp LocalDateToUTC End Function Function FileSHA256(filename) Dim cmd, rval, tmpOut, tmpFh if (myUseOpenSSL = TRUE) Then tmpOut = objFSO.GetSpecialFolder(2).Path & "\" & objFSO.GetTempName cmd = """" & myOpenSSL & """ dgst -r -sha256 -out """ & tmpOut & """ """ & filename & """" rval = objShell.Run(cmd, 0, TRUE) If Not (rval = 0) Then MsgBox("Failed to get sha256 of """ & filename & """ with OpenSSL commandline!"), vbCritical, mySelf objFSO.DeleteFile tmpOut, TRUE WScript.Quit 3 End If Set tmpFh = objFSO.OpenTextFile(tmpOut, 1) FileSHA256 = RegExprFirst("^([0-9a-f]{64}) .+", tmpFh.ReadAll) tmpFh.Close objFSO.DeleteFile tmpOut, TRUE Else FileSHA256 = "" End If End Function