Shader version: 500
invocations = -1
max_vertices = 3
input primitive = triangles
output primitive = triangle_strip
0:? Sequence
0:14  Function Definition: @main(struct-PS_IN-vf41[3];struct-GS_OUT-vf41; ( temp void)
0:14    Function Parameters: 
0:14      'i' ( in 3-element array of structure{ temp 4-component vector of float pos})
0:14      'ts' ( out structure{ temp 4-component vector of float pos})
0:?     Sequence
0:17      Sequence
0:17        move second child to first child ( temp int)
0:17          'x' ( temp int)
0:17          Constant:
0:17            0 (const int)
0:17        Loop with condition tested first
0:17          Loop Condition
0:17          Compare Less Than ( temp bool)
0:17            'x' ( temp int)
0:17            Constant:
0:17              3 (const int)
0:17          Loop Body
0:?           Sequence
0:18            move second child to first child ( temp 4-component vector of float)
0:18              pos: direct index for structure ( temp 4-component vector of float)
0:18                'o' ( temp structure{ temp 4-component vector of float pos})
0:18                Constant:
0:18                  0 (const int)
0:18              pos: direct index for structure ( temp 4-component vector of float)
0:18                indirect index ( temp structure{ temp 4-component vector of float pos})
0:18                  'i' ( in 3-element array of structure{ temp 4-component vector of float pos})
0:18                  'x' ( temp int)
0:18                Constant:
0:18                  0 (const int)
0:19            Sequence
0:19              Sequence
0:19                move second child to first child ( temp 4-component vector of float)
0:?                   'ts.pos' ( out 4-component vector of float Position)
0:19                  pos: direct index for structure ( temp 4-component vector of float)
0:19                    'o' ( temp structure{ temp 4-component vector of float pos})
0:19                    Constant:
0:19                      0 (const int)
0:19              EmitVertex ( temp void)
0:17          Loop Terminal Expression
0:17          Pre-Increment ( temp int)
0:17            'x' ( temp int)
0:14  Function Definition: main( ( temp void)
0:14    Function Parameters: 
0:?     Sequence
0:14      Sequence
0:14        move second child to first child ( temp 4-component vector of float)
0:14          pos: direct index for structure ( temp 4-component vector of float)
0:14            direct index ( temp structure{ temp 4-component vector of float pos})
0:?               'i' ( temp 3-element array of structure{ temp 4-component vector of float pos})
0:14              Constant:
0:14                0 (const int)
0:14            Constant:
0:14              0 (const int)
0:14          direct index ( in 4-component vector of float Position)
0:?             'i.pos' ( in 3-element array of 4-component vector of float Position)
0:14            Constant:
0:14              0 (const int)
0:14        move second child to first child ( temp 4-component vector of float)
0:14          pos: direct index for structure ( temp 4-component vector of float)
0:14            direct index ( temp structure{ temp 4-component vector of float pos})
0:?               'i' ( temp 3-element array of structure{ temp 4-component vector of float pos})
0:14              Constant:
0:14                1 (const int)
0:14            Constant:
0:14              0 (const int)
0:14          direct index ( in 4-component vector of float Position)
0:?             'i.pos' ( in 3-element array of 4-component vector of float Position)
0:14            Constant:
0:14              1 (const int)
0:14        move second child to first child ( temp 4-component vector of float)
0:14          pos: direct index for structure ( temp 4-component vector of float)
0:14            direct index ( temp structure{ temp 4-component vector of float pos})
0:?               'i' ( temp 3-element array of structure{ temp 4-component vector of float pos})
0:14              Constant:
0:14                2 (const int)
0:14            Constant:
0:14              0 (const int)
0:14          direct index ( in 4-component vector of float Position)
0:?             'i.pos' ( in 3-element array of 4-component vector of float Position)
0:14            Constant:
0:14              2 (const int)
0:14      Function Call: @main(struct-PS_IN-vf41[3];struct-GS_OUT-vf41; ( temp void)
0:?         'i' ( temp 3-element array of structure{ temp 4-component vector of float pos})
0:?         'ts' ( temp structure{ temp 4-component vector of float pos})
0:?   Linker Objects
0:?     'i.pos' ( in 3-element array of 4-component vector of float Position)
0:?     'ts.pos' ( out 4-component vector of float Position)

Linked geometry stage:

Shader version: 500
invocations = 1
max_vertices = 3
input primitive = triangles
output primitive = triangle_strip
0:? Sequence
0:14  Function Definition: @main(struct-PS_IN-vf41[3];struct-GS_OUT-vf41; ( temp void)
0:14    Function Parameters: 
0:14      'i' ( in 3-element array of structure{ temp 4-component vector of float pos})
0:14      'ts' ( out structure{ temp 4-component vector of float pos})
0:?     Sequence
0:17      Sequence
0:17        move second child to first child ( temp int)
0:17          'x' ( temp int)
0:17          Constant:
0:17            0 (const int)
0:17        Loop with condition tested first
0:17          Loop Condition
0:17          Compare Less Than ( temp bool)
0:17            'x' ( temp int)
0:17            Constant:
0:17              3 (const int)
0:17          Loop Body
0:?           Sequence
0:18            move second child to first child ( temp 4-component vector of float)
0:18              pos: direct index for structure ( temp 4-component vector of float)
0:18                'o' ( temp structure{ temp 4-component vector of float pos})
0:18                Constant:
0:18                  0 (const int)
0:18              pos: direct index for structure ( temp 4-component vector of float)
0:18                indirect index ( temp structure{ temp 4-component vector of float pos})
0:18                  'i' ( in 3-element array of structure{ temp 4-component vector of float pos})
0:18                  'x' ( temp int)
0:18                Constant:
0:18                  0 (const int)
0:19            Sequence
0:19              Sequence
0:19                move second child to first child ( temp 4-component vector of float)
0:?                   'ts.pos' ( out 4-component vector of float Position)
0:19                  pos: direct index for structure ( temp 4-component vector of float)
0:19                    'o' ( temp structure{ temp 4-component vector of float pos})
0:19                    Constant:
0:19                      0 (const int)
0:19              EmitVertex ( temp void)
0:17          Loop Terminal Expression
0:17          Pre-Increment ( temp int)
0:17            'x' ( temp int)
0:14  Function Definition: main( ( temp void)
0:14    Function Parameters: 
0:?     Sequence
0:14      Sequence
0:14        move second child to first child ( temp 4-component vector of float)
0:14          pos: direct index for structure ( temp 4-component vector of float)
0:14            direct index ( temp structure{ temp 4-component vector of float pos})
0:?               'i' ( temp 3-element array of structure{ temp 4-component vector of float pos})
0:14              Constant:
0:14                0 (const int)
0:14            Constant:
0:14              0 (const int)
0:14          direct index ( in 4-component vector of float Position)
0:?             'i.pos' ( in 3-element array of 4-component vector of float Position)
0:14            Constant:
0:14              0 (const int)
0:14        move second child to first child ( temp 4-component vector of float)
0:14          pos: direct index for structure ( temp 4-component vector of float)
0:14            direct index ( temp structure{ temp 4-component vector of float pos})
0:?               'i' ( temp 3-element array of structure{ temp 4-component vector of float pos})
0:14              Constant:
0:14                1 (const int)
0:14            Constant:
0:14              0 (const int)
0:14          direct index ( in 4-component vector of float Position)
0:?             'i.pos' ( in 3-element array of 4-component vector of float Position)
0:14            Constant:
0:14              1 (const int)
0:14        move second child to first child ( temp 4-component vector of float)
0:14          pos: direct index for structure ( temp 4-component vector of float)
0:14            direct index ( temp structure{ temp 4-component vector of float pos})
0:?               'i' ( temp 3-element array of structure{ temp 4-component vector of float pos})
0:14              Constant:
0:14                2 (const int)
0:14            Constant:
0:14              0 (const int)
0:14          direct index ( in 4-component vector of float Position)
0:?             'i.pos' ( in 3-element array of 4-component vector of float Position)
0:14            Constant:
0:14              2 (const int)
0:14      Function Call: @main(struct-PS_IN-vf41[3];struct-GS_OUT-vf41; ( temp void)
0:?         'i' ( temp 3-element array of structure{ temp 4-component vector of float pos})
0:?         'ts' ( temp structure{ temp 4-component vector of float pos})
0:?   Linker Objects
0:?     'i.pos' ( in 3-element array of 4-component vector of float Position)
0:?     'ts.pos' ( out 4-component vector of float Position)

// Module Version 10000
// Generated by (magic number): 80007
// Id's are bound by 67

                              Capability Geometry
               1:             ExtInstImport  "GLSL.std.450"
                              MemoryModel Logical GLSL450
                              EntryPoint Geometry 4  "main" 40 49
                              ExecutionMode 4 Triangles
                              ExecutionMode 4 Invocations 1
                              ExecutionMode 4 OutputTriangleStrip
                              ExecutionMode 4 OutputVertices 3
                              Source HLSL 500
                              Name 4  "main"
                              Name 8  "PS_IN"
                              MemberName 8(PS_IN) 0  "pos"
                              Name 13  "GS_OUT"
                              MemberName 13(GS_OUT) 0  "pos"
                              Name 18  "@main(struct-PS_IN-vf41[3];struct-GS_OUT-vf41;"
                              Name 16  "i"
                              Name 17  "ts"
                              Name 22  "x"
                              Name 33  "o"
                              Name 40  "ts.pos"
                              Name 46  "i"
                              Name 49  "i.pos"
                              Name 61  "ts"
                              Name 62  "param"
                              Name 64  "param"
                              Decorate 40(ts.pos) BuiltIn Position
                              Decorate 49(i.pos) BuiltIn Position
               2:             TypeVoid
               3:             TypeFunction 2
               6:             TypeFloat 32
               7:             TypeVector 6(float) 4
        8(PS_IN):             TypeStruct 7(fvec4)
               9:             TypeInt 32 0
              10:      9(int) Constant 3
              11:             TypeArray 8(PS_IN) 10
              12:             TypePointer Function 11
      13(GS_OUT):             TypeStruct 7(fvec4)
              14:             TypePointer Function 13(GS_OUT)
              15:             TypeFunction 2 12(ptr) 14(ptr)
              20:             TypeInt 32 1
              21:             TypePointer Function 20(int)
              23:     20(int) Constant 0
              30:     20(int) Constant 3
              31:             TypeBool
              35:             TypePointer Function 7(fvec4)
              39:             TypePointer Output 7(fvec4)
      40(ts.pos):     39(ptr) Variable Output
              44:     20(int) Constant 1
              47:             TypeArray 7(fvec4) 10
              48:             TypePointer Input 47
       49(i.pos):     48(ptr) Variable Input
              50:             TypePointer Input 7(fvec4)
              57:     20(int) Constant 2
         4(main):           2 Function None 3
               5:             Label
           46(i):     12(ptr) Variable Function
          61(ts):     14(ptr) Variable Function
       62(param):     12(ptr) Variable Function
       64(param):     14(ptr) Variable Function
              51:     50(ptr) AccessChain 49(i.pos) 23
              52:    7(fvec4) Load 51
              53:     35(ptr) AccessChain 46(i) 23 23
                              Store 53 52
              54:     50(ptr) AccessChain 49(i.pos) 44
              55:    7(fvec4) Load 54
              56:     35(ptr) AccessChain 46(i) 44 23
                              Store 56 55
              58:     50(ptr) AccessChain 49(i.pos) 57
              59:    7(fvec4) Load 58
              60:     35(ptr) AccessChain 46(i) 57 23
                              Store 60 59
              63:          11 Load 46(i)
                              Store 62(param) 63
              65:           2 FunctionCall 18(@main(struct-PS_IN-vf41[3];struct-GS_OUT-vf41;) 62(param) 64(param)
              66:  13(GS_OUT) Load 64(param)
                              Store 61(ts) 66
18(@main(struct-PS_IN-vf41[3];struct-GS_OUT-vf41;):           2 Function None 15
           16(i):     12(ptr) FunctionParameter
          17(ts):     14(ptr) FunctionParameter
              19:             Label
           22(x):     21(ptr) Variable Function
           33(o):     14(ptr) Variable Function
                              Store 22(x) 23
                              Branch 24
              24:             Label
                              LoopMerge 26 27 None
                              Branch 28
              28:             Label
              29:     20(int) Load 22(x)
              32:    31(bool) SLessThan 29 30
                              BranchConditional 32 25 26
              25:               Label
              34:     20(int)   Load 22(x)
              36:     35(ptr)   AccessChain 16(i) 34 23
              37:    7(fvec4)   Load 36
              38:     35(ptr)   AccessChain 33(o) 23
                                Store 38 37
              41:     35(ptr)   AccessChain 33(o) 23
              42:    7(fvec4)   Load 41
                                Store 40(ts.pos) 42
                                Branch 27
              27:               Label
              43:     20(int)   Load 22(x)
              45:     20(int)   IAdd 43 44
                                Store 22(x) 45
                                Branch 24
              26:             Label