#ifndef _TCUCOMMANDLINE_HPP #define _TCUCOMMANDLINE_HPP /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * drawElements Quality Program Tester Core * ---------------------------------------- * * Copyright 2014 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * *//*! * \file * \brief Command line parsing. *//*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "tcuDefs.hpp" #include "deCommandLine.hpp" #include "deUniquePtr.hpp" #include <string> #include <vector> #include <istream> namespace tcu { /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*//*! * \brief Run mode tells whether the test program should run the tests or * dump out metadata about the tests. *//*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ enum RunMode { RUNMODE_EXECUTE = 0, //! Test program executes the tests. RUNMODE_DUMP_XML_CASELIST, //! Test program dumps the list of contained test cases in XML format. RUNMODE_DUMP_TEXT_CASELIST, //! Test program dumps the list of contained test cases in plain-text format. RUNMODE_DUMP_STDOUT_CASELIST, //! Test program dumps the list of contained test cases in plain-text format into stdout. RUNMODE_LAST }; /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*//*! * \brief Should graphical tests show rendering results on screen. *//*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ enum WindowVisibility { WINDOWVISIBILITY_WINDOWED = 0, WINDOWVISIBILITY_FULLSCREEN, WINDOWVISIBILITY_HIDDEN, WINDOWVISIBILITY_LAST }; /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*//*! * \brief The type of rendering surface the tests should be executed on. *//*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ enum SurfaceType { SURFACETYPE_WINDOW = 0, //!< Native window. SURFACETYPE_OFFSCREEN_NATIVE, //!< Native offscreen surface, such as pixmap. SURFACETYPE_OFFSCREEN_GENERIC, //!< Generic offscreen surface, such as pbuffer. SURFACETYPE_FBO, //!< Framebuffer object. SURFACETYPE_LAST }; /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*//*! * \brief Screen rotation, always to clockwise direction. *//*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ enum ScreenRotation { SCREENROTATION_UNSPECIFIED, //!< Use default / current orientation. SCREENROTATION_0, //!< Set rotation to 0 degrees from baseline. SCREENROTATION_90, SCREENROTATION_180, SCREENROTATION_270, SCREENROTATION_LAST }; class CaseTreeNode; class CasePaths; class Archive; class CaseListFilter { public: CaseListFilter (const de::cmdline::CommandLine& cmdLine, const tcu::Archive& archive); CaseListFilter (void); ~CaseListFilter (void); //! Check if test group is in supplied test case list. bool checkTestGroupName (const char* groupName) const; //! Check if test case is in supplied test case list. bool checkTestCaseName (const char* caseName) const; private: CaseListFilter (const CaseListFilter&); // not allowed! CaseListFilter& operator= (const CaseListFilter&); // not allowed! CaseTreeNode* m_caseTree; de::MovePtr<const CasePaths> m_casePaths; }; /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*//*! * \brief Test command line * * CommandLine handles argument parsing and provides convinience functions * for querying test parameters. *//*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ class CommandLine { public: CommandLine (void); CommandLine (int argc, const char* const* argv); explicit CommandLine (const std::string& cmdLine); ~CommandLine (void); bool parse (int argc, const char* const* argv); bool parse (const std::string& cmdLine); //! Get log file name (--deqp-log-filename) const char* getLogFileName (void) const; //! Get logging flags deUint32 getLogFlags (void) const; //! Get run mode (--deqp-runmode) RunMode getRunMode (void) const; //! Get caselist dump target file pattern (--deqp-caselist-export-file) const char* getCaseListExportFile (void) const; //! Get default window visibility (--deqp-visibility) WindowVisibility getVisibility (void) const; //! Get watchdog enable status (--deqp-watchdog) bool isWatchDogEnabled (void) const; //! Get crash handling enable status (--deqp-crashhandler) bool isCrashHandlingEnabled (void) const; //! Get base seed for randomization (--deqp-base-seed) int getBaseSeed (void) const; //! Get test iteration count (--deqp-test-iteration-count) int getTestIterationCount (void) const; //! Get rendering target width (--deqp-surface-width) int getSurfaceWidth (void) const; //! Get rendering target height (--deqp-surface-height) int getSurfaceHeight (void) const; //! Get rendering taget type (--deqp-surface-type) SurfaceType getSurfaceType (void) const; //! Get screen rotation (--deqp-screen-rotation) ScreenRotation getScreenRotation (void) const; //! Get GL context factory name (--deqp-gl-context-type) const char* getGLContextType (void) const; //! Get GL config ID (--deqp-gl-config-id) int getGLConfigId (void) const; //! Get GL config name (--deqp-gl-config-name) const char* getGLConfigName (void) const; //! Get GL context flags (--deqp-gl-context-flags) const char* getGLContextFlags (void) const; //! Get OpenCL platform ID (--deqp-cl-platform-id) int getCLPlatformId (void) const; //! Get OpenCL device IDs (--deqp-cl-device-ids) void getCLDeviceIds (std::vector<int>& deviceIds) const { deviceIds = getCLDeviceIds(); } const std::vector<int>& getCLDeviceIds (void) const; //! Get extra OpenCL program build options (--deqp-cl-build-options) const char* getCLBuildOptions (void) const; //! Get EGL native display factory (--deqp-egl-display-type) const char* getEGLDisplayType (void) const; //! Get EGL native window factory (--deqp-egl-window-type) const char* getEGLWindowType (void) const; //! Get EGL native pixmap factory (--deqp-egl-pixmap-type) const char* getEGLPixmapType (void) const; //! Get Vulkan device ID (--deqp-vk-device-id) int getVKDeviceId (void) const; //! Get Vulkan device group ID (--deqp-vk-device-group-id) int getVKDeviceGroupId (void) const; //! Enable development-time test case validation checks bool isValidationEnabled (void) const; //! Should we run tests that exhaust memory (--deqp-test-oom) bool isOutOfMemoryTestEnabled (void) const; //! Should the shader cache be enabled (--deqp-shadercache) bool isShadercacheEnabled (void) const; //! Get the filename for shader cache (--deqp-shadercache-filename) const char* getShaderCacheFilename (void) const; //! Should the shader cache be truncated before run (--deqp-shadercache-truncate) bool isShaderCacheTruncateEnabled (void) const; //! Get shader optimization recipe (--deqp-optimization-recipe) int getOptimizationRecipe (void) const; //! Enable optimizing of spir-v (--deqp-optimize-spirv) bool isSpirvOptimizationEnabled (void) const; //! Enable RenderDoc frame markers (--deqp-renderdoc) bool isRenderDocEnabled (void) const; /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*//*! * \brief Creates case list filter * \param archive Resources * * Creates case list filter based on one of the following parameters: * * --deqp-case * --deqp-caselist * --deqp-caselist-file * --deqp-caselist-resource * --deqp-stdin-caselist * * Throws std::invalid_argument if parsing fails. *//*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ de::MovePtr<CaseListFilter> createCaseListFilter (const tcu::Archive& archive) const; protected: const de::cmdline::CommandLine& getCommandLine (void) const; private: CommandLine (const CommandLine&); // not allowed! CommandLine& operator= (const CommandLine&); // not allowed! void clear (void); virtual void registerExtendedOptions (de::cmdline::Parser& parser); de::cmdline::CommandLine m_cmdLine; deUint32 m_logFlags; }; } // tcu #endif // _TCUCOMMANDLINE_HPP