cc_library_shared {
    name: "libft2",
    host_supported: true,

    // compile in ARM mode, since the glyph loader/renderer is a hotspot
    // when loading complex pages in the browser
    arch: {
        arm: {
            instruction_set: "arm",

    srcs: [

    export_include_dirs: ["include"],

    cflags: [



        // Upstream ignores unused parameter warning
        // Disabling some of modules results in warnings
        // the following is for testing only, and should not be used in final
        // builds of the product

    shared_libs: [

    target: {
        android: {
            cflags: [
        not_windows: {
            cflags: [
        windows: {
            enabled: true,

llndk_library {
    name: "libft2",
    vendor_available: false,
    symbol_file: "",
    export_include_dirs: ["include"],