// Copyright 2017 The Gemmlowp Authors. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // pthread_everywhere.h: Either includes <pthread.h> or implements a // subset of pthread functionality on top of C++11 <thread> for portability. #ifndef GEMMLOWP_PROFILING_PTHREAD_EVERYWHERE_H_ #define GEMMLOWP_PROFILING_PTHREAD_EVERYWHERE_H_ #ifndef _WIN32 #define GEMMLOWP_USE_PTHREAD #endif #if defined GEMMLOWP_USE_PTHREAD #include <pthread.h> #else // Implement a small subset of pthread on top of C++11 threads. // The function signatures differ from true pthread functions in two ways: // - True pthread functions return int error codes, ours return void. // Rationale: the c++11 <thread> equivalent functions return void // and use exceptions to report errors; we don't want to deal with // exceptions in this code, so we couldn't meaningfully return errors // in the polyfill. Also, the gemmlowp code using these pthread functions // never checks their return values anyway. // - True pthread *_create/*_init functions take pointers to 'attribute' // structs; ours take nullptr_t. That is because gemmlowp always passes // nullptr at the moment, so any support we would code for non-null // attribs would be unused. #include <condition_variable> #include <cstddef> #include <mutex> #include <thread> namespace gemmlowp { using pthread_t = std::thread *; using pthread_mutex_t = std::mutex *; using pthread_cond_t = std::condition_variable *; inline void pthread_create(pthread_t *thread, std::nullptr_t, void *(*start_routine)(void *), void *arg) { *thread = new std::thread(start_routine, arg); } inline void pthread_join(pthread_t thread, std::nullptr_t) { thread->join(); } inline void pthread_mutex_init(pthread_mutex_t *mutex, std::nullptr_t) { *mutex = new std::mutex; } inline void pthread_mutex_lock(pthread_mutex_t *mutex) { (*mutex)->lock(); } inline void pthread_mutex_unlock(pthread_mutex_t *mutex) { (*mutex)->unlock(); } inline void pthread_mutex_destroy(pthread_mutex_t *mutex) { delete *mutex; } inline void pthread_cond_init(pthread_cond_t *cond, std::nullptr_t) { *cond = new std::condition_variable; } inline void pthread_cond_signal(pthread_cond_t *cond) { (*cond)->notify_one(); } inline void pthread_cond_wait(pthread_cond_t *cond, pthread_mutex_t *mutex) { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(**mutex, std::adopt_lock); (*cond)->wait(lock); // detach lock from mutex so when we leave this conext // the lock is not released lock.release(); } inline void pthread_cond_destroy(pthread_cond_t *cond) { delete *cond; } } // end namespace gemmlowp #endif #endif // GEMMLOWP_PROFILING_PTHREAD_EVERYWHERE_H_