source ''
platform :ios, '8.0'

install! 'cocoapods', :deterministic_uuids => false

use_frameworks! if ENV['FRAMEWORKS'] == 'YES'

# Location of gRPC's repo root relative to this file.
GRPC_LOCAL_SRC = '../../../..'

target 'Sample' do
  # Depend on the generated RemoteTestClient library
  pod 'RemoteTest', :path => "../RemoteTestClient"

  # Use the local versions of Protobuf, BoringSSL, and gRPC. You don't need any of the following
  # lines in your application.
  pod '!ProtoCompiler',  :path => "#{GRPC_LOCAL_SRC}/src/objective-c"
  pod '!ProtoCompiler-gRPCPlugin', :path => "#{GRPC_LOCAL_SRC}/src/objective-c"

  pod 'Protobuf', :path => "#{GRPC_LOCAL_SRC}/third_party/protobuf"

  pod 'BoringSSL-GRPC', :podspec => "#{GRPC_LOCAL_SRC}/src/objective-c"

  pod 'gRPC', :path => GRPC_LOCAL_SRC
  pod 'gRPC-Core', :path => GRPC_LOCAL_SRC
  pod 'gRPC-RxLibrary', :path => GRPC_LOCAL_SRC
  pod 'gRPC-ProtoRPC',  :path => GRPC_LOCAL_SRC

# This pre_install hook is only needed to use the local version of gRPC-Core. You don't need it in
# your application.
pre_install do |installer|
  # This is the gRPC-Core podspec object, as initialized by its podspec file.
  grpc_core_spec = installer.pod_targets.find{|t| == 'gRPC-Core'}.root_spec

  # Copied from gRPC-Core.podspec, except for the adjusted src_root:
  src_root = "$(PODS_ROOT)/../#{GRPC_LOCAL_SRC}"
  grpc_core_spec.pod_target_xcconfig = {
    'GRPC_SRC_ROOT' => src_root,
    'HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS' => '"$(inherited)" "$(GRPC_SRC_ROOT)/include"',
    # If we don't set these two settings, `include/grpc/support/time.h` and
    # `src/core/lib/gpr/string.h` shadow the system `<time.h>` and `<string.h>`, breaking the
    # build.
    'USE_HEADERMAP' => 'NO',