/* This script requires a command line argument, to be used in the "process"
 * probe definition.
 * For a statically build binary, that'd be the name of the binary itself.
 * For dynamically built ones, point to the location of the libgrpc.so being
 * used. */

global starts, times, times_per_tag

probe process(@1).mark("timing_ns_begin") {
  starts[$arg1, tid()] = gettimeofday_ns();

probe process(@1).mark("timing_ns_end") {
  tag = $arg1
  t = gettimeofday_ns();
  if (s = starts[tag, tid()]) {
     times[tag, tid()] <<< t-s;
     delete starts[tag, tid()];

probe end {
  printf("%15s %9s %10s %10s %10s %10s\n", "tag", "tid", "count",
    "min(ns)", "avg(ns)", "max(ns)");
  foreach ([tag+, tid] in times) {
    printf("%15X %9d %10d %10d %10d %10d\n", tag, tid, @count(times[tag, tid]),
          @min(times[tag, tid]), @avg(times[tag, tid]), @max(times[tag, tid]));

  printf("Per tag average of averages\n");
  foreach ([tag+, tid] in times) {
    times_per_tag[tag] <<< @avg(times[tag, tid]);
  printf("%15s %10s %10s\n", "tag", "count", "avg(ns)");
  foreach ([tag+] in times_per_tag) {
    printf("%15X %10d %10d\n", tag, @count(times_per_tag[tag]),