Terminals unused in grammar



    0 $accept: input $end

    1 input: %empty
    2      | expr
    3      | expr error

    4 expr: match
    5     | match relation expr

    6 match: invert ATTRIBUTE '(' args ')'
    7      | invert '(' expr ')'

    8 args: ATTRIBUTE
    9     | ATTRIBUTE args

   10 relation: AND
   11         | OR

   12 invert: %empty
   13       | NOT

Terminals, with rules where they appear

$end (0) 0
'(' (40) 6 7
')' (41) 6 7
error (256) 3
ERROR (258)
ATTRIBUTE (259) 6 8 9
AND (260) 10
OR (261) 11
NOT (262) 13

Nonterminals, with rules where they appear

$accept (10)
    on left: 0
input (11)
    on left: 1 2 3, on right: 0
expr (12)
    on left: 4 5, on right: 2 3 5 7
match (13)
    on left: 6 7, on right: 4 5
args (14)
    on left: 8 9, on right: 6 9
relation (15)
    on left: 10 11, on right: 5
invert (16)
    on left: 12 13, on right: 6 7

State 0

    0 $accept: . input $end

    NOT  shift, and go to state 1

    $end      reduce using rule 1 (input)
    $default  reduce using rule 12 (invert)

    input   go to state 2
    expr    go to state 3
    match   go to state 4
    invert  go to state 5

State 1

   13 invert: NOT .

    $default  reduce using rule 13 (invert)

State 2

    0 $accept: input . $end

    $end  shift, and go to state 6

State 3

    2 input: expr .
    3      | expr . error

    error  shift, and go to state 7

    $end  reduce using rule 2 (input)

State 4

    4 expr: match .
    5     | match . relation expr

    AND  shift, and go to state 8
    OR   shift, and go to state 9

    $default  reduce using rule 4 (expr)

    relation  go to state 10

State 5

    6 match: invert . ATTRIBUTE '(' args ')'
    7      | invert . '(' expr ')'

    ATTRIBUTE  shift, and go to state 11
    '('        shift, and go to state 12

State 6

    0 $accept: input $end .

    $default  accept

State 7

    3 input: expr error .

    $default  reduce using rule 3 (input)

State 8

   10 relation: AND .

    $default  reduce using rule 10 (relation)

State 9

   11 relation: OR .

    $default  reduce using rule 11 (relation)

State 10

    5 expr: match relation . expr

    NOT  shift, and go to state 1

    $default  reduce using rule 12 (invert)

    expr    go to state 13
    match   go to state 4
    invert  go to state 5

State 11

    6 match: invert ATTRIBUTE . '(' args ')'

    '('  shift, and go to state 14

State 12

    7 match: invert '(' . expr ')'

    NOT  shift, and go to state 1

    $default  reduce using rule 12 (invert)

    expr    go to state 15
    match   go to state 4
    invert  go to state 5

State 13

    5 expr: match relation expr .

    $default  reduce using rule 5 (expr)

State 14

    6 match: invert ATTRIBUTE '(' . args ')'

    ATTRIBUTE  shift, and go to state 16

    args  go to state 17

State 15

    7 match: invert '(' expr . ')'

    ')'  shift, and go to state 18

State 16

    8 args: ATTRIBUTE .
    9     | ATTRIBUTE . args

    ATTRIBUTE  shift, and go to state 16

    $default  reduce using rule 8 (args)

    args  go to state 19

State 17

    6 match: invert ATTRIBUTE '(' args . ')'

    ')'  shift, and go to state 20

State 18

    7 match: invert '(' expr ')' .

    $default  reduce using rule 7 (match)

State 19

    9 args: ATTRIBUTE args .

    $default  reduce using rule 9 (args)

State 20

    6 match: invert ATTRIBUTE '(' args ')' .

    $default  reduce using rule 6 (match)