/************************************************************************** * * Copyright 2007 VMware, Inc. * All Rights Reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sub license, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the * next paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions * of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL VMWARE AND/OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR * ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, * TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE * SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * **************************************************************************/ /* * Authors: * Zack Rusin <zackr@vmware.com> */ #include "util_hash.h" #include <stdlib.h> #include <assert.h> #define MAX(a, b) ((a > b) ? (a) : (b)) static const int MinNumBits = 4; static const unsigned char prime_deltas[] = { 0, 0, 1, 3, 1, 5, 3, 3, 1, 9, 7, 5, 3, 9, 25, 3, 1, 21, 3, 21, 7, 15, 9, 5, 3, 29, 15, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; static int primeForNumBits(int numBits) { return (1 << numBits) + prime_deltas[numBits]; } /* Returns the smallest integer n such that primeForNumBits(n) >= hint. */ static int countBits(int hint) { int numBits = 0; int bits = hint; while (bits > 1) { bits >>= 1; numBits++; } if (numBits >= (int)sizeof(prime_deltas)) { numBits = sizeof(prime_deltas) - 1; } else if (primeForNumBits(numBits) < hint) { ++numBits; } return numBits; } struct util_node { struct util_node *next; unsigned key; void *value; }; struct util_hash_data { struct util_node *fakeNext; struct util_node **buckets; int size; int nodeSize; short userNumBits; short numBits; int numBuckets; }; struct util_hash { union { struct util_hash_data *d; struct util_node *e; } data; }; static void *util_data_allocate_node(struct util_hash_data *hash) { return malloc(hash->nodeSize); } static void util_free_node(struct util_node *node) { free(node); } static struct util_node * util_hash_create_node(struct util_hash *hash, unsigned akey, void *avalue, struct util_node **anextNode) { struct util_node *node = util_data_allocate_node(hash->data.d); if (!node) return NULL; node->key = akey; node->value = avalue; node->next = (struct util_node*)(*anextNode); *anextNode = node; ++hash->data.d->size; return node; } static void util_data_rehash(struct util_hash_data *hash, int hint) { if (hint < 0) { hint = countBits(-hint); if (hint < MinNumBits) hint = MinNumBits; hash->userNumBits = (short)hint; while (primeForNumBits(hint) < (hash->size >> 1)) ++hint; } else if (hint < MinNumBits) { hint = MinNumBits; } if (hash->numBits != hint) { struct util_node *e = (struct util_node *)(hash); struct util_node **oldBuckets = hash->buckets; int oldNumBuckets = hash->numBuckets; int i = 0; hash->numBits = (short)hint; hash->numBuckets = primeForNumBits(hint); hash->buckets = malloc(sizeof(struct util_node*) * hash->numBuckets); for (i = 0; i < hash->numBuckets; ++i) hash->buckets[i] = e; for (i = 0; i < oldNumBuckets; ++i) { struct util_node *firstNode = oldBuckets[i]; while (firstNode != e) { unsigned h = firstNode->key; struct util_node *lastNode = firstNode; struct util_node *afterLastNode; struct util_node **beforeFirstNode; while (lastNode->next != e && lastNode->next->key == h) lastNode = lastNode->next; afterLastNode = lastNode->next; beforeFirstNode = &hash->buckets[h % hash->numBuckets]; while (*beforeFirstNode != e) beforeFirstNode = &(*beforeFirstNode)->next; lastNode->next = *beforeFirstNode; *beforeFirstNode = firstNode; firstNode = afterLastNode; } } free(oldBuckets); } } static void util_data_might_grow(struct util_hash_data *hash) { if (hash->size >= hash->numBuckets) util_data_rehash(hash, hash->numBits + 1); } static void util_data_has_shrunk(struct util_hash_data *hash) { if (hash->size <= (hash->numBuckets >> 3) && hash->numBits > hash->userNumBits) { int max = MAX(hash->numBits-2, hash->userNumBits); util_data_rehash(hash, max); } } static struct util_node *util_data_first_node(struct util_hash_data *hash) { struct util_node *e = (struct util_node *)(hash); struct util_node **bucket = hash->buckets; int n = hash->numBuckets; while (n--) { if (*bucket != e) return *bucket; ++bucket; } return e; } static struct util_node **util_hash_find_node(struct util_hash *hash, unsigned akey) { struct util_node **node; if (hash->data.d->numBuckets) { node = (struct util_node **)(&hash->data.d->buckets[akey % hash->data.d->numBuckets]); assert(*node == hash->data.e || (*node)->next); while (*node != hash->data.e && (*node)->key != akey) node = &(*node)->next; } else { node = (struct util_node **)((const struct util_node * const *)(&hash->data.e)); } return node; } drm_private struct util_hash_iter util_hash_insert(struct util_hash *hash, unsigned key, void *data) { util_data_might_grow(hash->data.d); { struct util_node **nextNode = util_hash_find_node(hash, key); struct util_node *node = util_hash_create_node(hash, key, data, nextNode); if (!node) { struct util_hash_iter null_iter = {hash, 0}; return null_iter; } { struct util_hash_iter iter = {hash, node}; return iter; } } } drm_private struct util_hash *util_hash_create(void) { struct util_hash *hash = malloc(sizeof(struct util_hash)); if (!hash) return NULL; hash->data.d = malloc(sizeof(struct util_hash_data)); if (!hash->data.d) { free(hash); return NULL; } hash->data.d->fakeNext = 0; hash->data.d->buckets = 0; hash->data.d->size = 0; hash->data.d->nodeSize = sizeof(struct util_node); hash->data.d->userNumBits = (short)MinNumBits; hash->data.d->numBits = 0; hash->data.d->numBuckets = 0; return hash; } drm_private void util_hash_delete(struct util_hash *hash) { struct util_node *e_for_x = (struct util_node *)(hash->data.d); struct util_node **bucket = (struct util_node **)(hash->data.d->buckets); int n = hash->data.d->numBuckets; while (n--) { struct util_node *cur = *bucket++; while (cur != e_for_x) { struct util_node *next = cur->next; util_free_node(cur); cur = next; } } free(hash->data.d->buckets); free(hash->data.d); free(hash); } drm_private struct util_hash_iter util_hash_find(struct util_hash *hash, unsigned key) { struct util_node **nextNode = util_hash_find_node(hash, key); struct util_hash_iter iter = {hash, *nextNode}; return iter; } drm_private unsigned util_hash_iter_key(struct util_hash_iter iter) { if (!iter.node || iter.hash->data.e == iter.node) return 0; return iter.node->key; } drm_private void *util_hash_iter_data(struct util_hash_iter iter) { if (!iter.node || iter.hash->data.e == iter.node) return 0; return iter.node->value; } static struct util_node *util_hash_data_next(struct util_node *node) { union { struct util_node *next; struct util_node *e; struct util_hash_data *d; } a; int start; struct util_node **bucket; int n; a.next = node->next; if (!a.next) { /* iterating beyond the last element */ return 0; } if (a.next->next) return a.next; start = (node->key % a.d->numBuckets) + 1; bucket = a.d->buckets + start; n = a.d->numBuckets - start; while (n--) { if (*bucket != a.e) return *bucket; ++bucket; } return a.e; } drm_private struct util_hash_iter util_hash_iter_next(struct util_hash_iter iter) { struct util_hash_iter next = {iter.hash, util_hash_data_next(iter.node)}; return next; } drm_private int util_hash_iter_is_null(struct util_hash_iter iter) { if (!iter.node || iter.node == iter.hash->data.e) return 1; return 0; } drm_private void *util_hash_take(struct util_hash *hash, unsigned akey) { struct util_node **node = util_hash_find_node(hash, akey); if (*node != hash->data.e) { void *t = (*node)->value; struct util_node *next = (*node)->next; util_free_node(*node); *node = next; --hash->data.d->size; util_data_has_shrunk(hash->data.d); return t; } return 0; } drm_private struct util_hash_iter util_hash_first_node(struct util_hash *hash) { struct util_hash_iter iter = {hash, util_data_first_node(hash->data.d)}; return iter; } drm_private struct util_hash_iter util_hash_erase(struct util_hash *hash, struct util_hash_iter iter) { struct util_hash_iter ret = iter; struct util_node *node = iter.node; struct util_node **node_ptr; if (node == hash->data.e) return iter; ret = util_hash_iter_next(ret); node_ptr = (struct util_node**)(&hash->data.d->buckets[node->key % hash->data.d->numBuckets]); while (*node_ptr != node) node_ptr = &(*node_ptr)->next; *node_ptr = node->next; util_free_node(node); --hash->data.d->size; return ret; }