/* Area:	ffi_call, unwind info
   Purpose:	Check if the unwind information is passed correctly.
   Limitations:	none.
   PR:		none.
   Originator:	Andreas Tobler <andreast@gcc.gnu.org> 20061213  */

/* { dg-do run } */

#include "ffitest.h"

static int checking(int a __UNUSED__, short b __UNUSED__,
		    signed char c __UNUSED__)
  throw 9;

int main (void)
  ffi_cif cif;
  ffi_type *args[MAX_ARGS];
  void *values[MAX_ARGS];
  ffi_arg rint;

  signed int si;
  signed short ss;
  signed char sc;

  args[0] = &ffi_type_sint;
  values[0] = &si;
  args[1] = &ffi_type_sshort;
  values[1] = &ss;
  args[2] = &ffi_type_schar;
  values[2] = &sc;

  /* Initialize the cif */
  CHECK(ffi_prep_cif(&cif, FFI_DEFAULT_ABI, 3,
		     &ffi_type_sint, args) == FFI_OK);

  si = -6;
  ss = -12;
  sc = -1;
	ffi_call(&cif, FFI_FN(checking), &rint, values);
      } catch (int exception_code)
	CHECK(exception_code == 9);
    printf("part one OK\n");
    /* { dg-output "part one OK" } */