#!/usr/bin/env python """ This program parse the output from pcap_compile() to visualize the CFG after each optimize phase. Usage guide: 1. Enable optimizier debugging code when configure libpcap, and build libpcap & the test programs ./configure --enable-optimizer-dbg make make testprogs 2. Run filtertest to compile BPF expression and produce the CFG as a DOT graph, save to output a.txt testprogs/filtertest -g EN10MB host > a.txt 3. Send a.txt to this program's standard input cat a.txt | testprogs/visopts.py 4. Step 2&3 can be merged: testprogs/filtertest -g EN10MB host | testprogs/visopts.py 5. The standard output is something like this: generated files under directory: /tmp/visopts-W9ekBw the directory will be removed when this programs finished. open this link: http://localhost:39062/expr1.html 6. Using open link at the 3rd line `http://localhost:39062/expr1.html' Note: 1. The CFG is translated to SVG an document, expr1.html embeded them as external document. If you open expr1.html as local file using file:// protocol, some browsers will deny such requests so the web pages will not shown properly. For chrome, you can run it using following command to avoid this: chromium --disable-web-security That's why this program start a localhost http server. 2. expr1.html use jquery from http://ajax.googleapis.com, so you need internet access to show the web page. """ import sys, os import string import subprocess import json html_template = string.Template(""" <html> <head> <title>BPF compiler optimization phases for $expr </title> <style type="text/css"> .hc { /* half width container */ display: inline-block; float: left; width: 50%; } </style> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.10.2/jquery.min.js"/></script> <!--script type="text/javascript" src="./jquery.min.js"/></script--> <script type="text/javascript"> var expr = '$expr'; var exprid = 1; var gcount = $gcount; var logs = JSON.parse('$logs'); logs[gcount] = ""; var leftsvg = null; var rightsvg = null; function gurl(index) { index += 1; if (index < 10) s = "00" + index; else if (index < 100) s = "0" + index; else s = "" + index; return "./expr" + exprid + "_g" + s + ".svg" } function annotate_svgs() { if (!leftsvg || !rightsvg) return; $$.each([$$(leftsvg), $$(rightsvg)], function() { $$(this).find("[id|='block'][opacity]").each(function() { $$(this).removeAttr('opacity'); }); }); $$(leftsvg).find("[id|='block']").each(function() { var has = $$(rightsvg).find("#" + this.id).length != 0; if (!has) $$(this).attr("opacity", "0.4"); else { $$(this).click(function() { var target = $$(rightsvg).find("#" + this.id); var offset = $$("#rightsvgc").offset().top + target.position().top; window.scrollTo(0, offset); target.focus(); }); } }); $$(rightsvg).find("[id|='block']").each(function() { var has = $$(leftsvg).find("#" + this.id).length != 0; if (!has) $$(this).attr("opacity", "0.4"); else { $$(this).click(function() { var target = $$(leftsvg).find("#" + this.id); var offset = $$("#leftsvgc").offset().top + target.position().top; window.scrollTo(0, offset); target.focus(); }); } }); } function init_svgroot(svg) { svg.setAttribute("width", "100%"); svg.setAttribute("height", "100%"); } function wait_leftsvg() { if (leftsvg) return; var doc = document.getElementById("leftsvgc").getSVGDocument(); if (doc == null) { setTimeout(wait_leftsvg, 500); return; } leftsvg = doc.documentElement; //console.log(leftsvg); // initialize it init_svgroot(leftsvg); annotate_svgs(); } function wait_rightsvg() { if (rightsvg) return; var doc = document.getElementById("rightsvgc").getSVGDocument(); if (doc == null) { setTimeout(wait_rightsvg, 500); return; } rightsvg = doc.documentElement; //console.log(rightsvg); // initialize it init_svgroot(rightsvg); annotate_svgs(); } function load_left(index) { var url = gurl(index); var frag = "<embed id='leftsvgc' type='image/svg+xml' pluginspage='http://www.adobe.com/svg/viewer/install/' src='" + url + "'/>"; $$("#lsvg").html(frag); $$("#lcomment").html(logs[index]); $$("#lsvglink").attr("href", url); leftsvg = null; wait_leftsvg(); } function load_right(index) { var url = gurl(index); var frag = "<embed id='rightsvgc' type='image/svg+xml' pluginspage='http://www.adobe.com/svg/viewer/install/' src='" + url + "'/>"; $$("#rsvg").html(frag); $$("#rcomment").html(logs[index]); $$("#rsvglink").attr("href", url); rightsvg = null; wait_rightsvg(); } $$(document).ready(function() { for (var i = 0; i < gcount; i++) { var opt = "<option value='" + i + "'>loop" + i + " -- " + logs[i] + "</option>"; $$("#lselect").append(opt); $$("#rselect").append(opt); } var on_selected = function() { var index = parseInt($$(this).children("option:selected").val()); if (this.id == "lselect") load_left(index); else load_right(index); } $$("#lselect").change(on_selected); $$("#rselect").change(on_selected); $$("#backward").click(function() { var index = parseInt($$("#lselect option:selected").val()); if (index <= 0) return; $$("#lselect").val(index - 1).change(); $$("#rselect").val(index).change(); }); $$("#forward").click(function() { var index = parseInt($$("#rselect option:selected").val()); if (index >= gcount - 1) return; $$("#lselect").val(index).change(); $$("#rselect").val(index + 1).change(); }); if (gcount >= 1) $$("#lselect").val(0).change(); if (gcount >= 2) $$("#rselect").val(1).change(); }); </script> </head> <body style="width: 96%"> <div> <h1>$expr</h1> <div style="text-align: center;"> <button id="backward" type="button"><<</button> <button id="forward" type="button">>></button> </div> </div> <br/> <div style="clear: both;"> <div class="hc lc"> <select id="lselect"></select> <a id="lsvglink" target="_blank">open this svg in browser</a> <p id="lcomment"></p> </div> <div class="hc rc"> <select id="rselect"></select> <a id="rsvglink" target="_blank">open this svg in browser</a> <p id="rcomment"></p> </div> </div> <br/> <div style="clear: both;"> <div id="lsvg" class="hc lc"></div> <div id="rsvg" class="hc rc"></div> </div> </body> </html> """) def write_html(expr, gcount, logs): logs = map(lambda s: s.strip().replace("\n", "<br/>"), logs) global html_template html = html_template.safe_substitute(expr=expr.encode("string-escape"), gcount=gcount, logs=json.dumps(logs).encode("string-escape")) with file("expr1.html", "wt") as f: f.write(html) def render_on_html(infile): expr = None gid = 1 log = "" dot = "" indot = 0 logs = [] for line in infile: if line.startswith("machine codes for filter:"): expr = line[len("machine codes for filter:"):].strip() break elif line.startswith("digraph BPF {"): indot = 1 dot = line elif indot: dot += line if line.startswith("}"): indot = 2 else: log += line if indot == 2: p = subprocess.Popen(['dot', '-Tsvg'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) svg = p.communicate(dot)[0] with file("expr1_g%03d.svg" % (gid), "wt") as f: f.write(svg) logs.append(log) gid += 1 log = "" dot = "" indot = 0 if indot != 0: #unterminated dot graph for expression return False if expr is None: # BPF parser encounter error(s) return False write_html(expr, gid - 1, logs) return True def run_httpd(): import SimpleHTTPServer import SocketServer class MySocketServer(SocketServer.TCPServer): allow_reuse_address = True Handler = SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler httpd = MySocketServer(("localhost", 0), Handler) print "open this link: http://localhost:%d/expr1.html" % (httpd.server_address[1]) try: httpd.serve_forever() except KeyboardInterrupt as e: pass def main(): import tempfile import atexit import shutil os.chdir(tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="visopts-")) atexit.register(shutil.rmtree, os.getcwd()) print "generated files under directory: %s" % os.getcwd() print " the directory will be removed when this programs finished." if not render_on_html(sys.stdin): return 1 run_httpd() return 0 if __name__ == "__main__": if '-h' in sys.argv or '--help' in sys.argv: print __doc__ exit(0) exit(main())