// Windows/FileFind.cpp #include "StdAfx.h" #ifndef _UNICODE #include "../Common/StringConvert.h" #endif #include "FileFind.h" #include "FileIO.h" #include "FileName.h" #ifndef _UNICODE extern bool g_IsNT; #endif using namespace NWindows; using namespace NFile; using namespace NName; #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(UNDER_CE) EXTERN_C_BEGIN typedef enum { My_FindStreamInfoStandard, My_FindStreamInfoMaxInfoLevel } MY_STREAM_INFO_LEVELS; typedef struct { LARGE_INTEGER StreamSize; WCHAR cStreamName[MAX_PATH + 36]; } MY_WIN32_FIND_STREAM_DATA, *MY_PWIN32_FIND_STREAM_DATA; typedef WINBASEAPI HANDLE (WINAPI *FindFirstStreamW_Ptr)(LPCWSTR fileName, MY_STREAM_INFO_LEVELS infoLevel, LPVOID findStreamData, DWORD flags); typedef WINBASEAPI BOOL (APIENTRY *FindNextStreamW_Ptr)(HANDLE findStream, LPVOID findStreamData); EXTERN_C_END #endif namespace NWindows { namespace NFile { #ifdef SUPPORT_DEVICE_FILE namespace NSystem { bool MyGetDiskFreeSpace(CFSTR rootPath, UInt64 &clusterSize, UInt64 &totalSize, UInt64 &freeSize); } #endif namespace NFind { bool CFileInfo::IsDots() const throw() { if (!IsDir() || Name.IsEmpty()) return false; if (Name[0] != '.') return false; return Name.Len() == 1 || (Name.Len() == 2 && Name[1] == '.'); } #define WIN_FD_TO_MY_FI(fi, fd) \ fi.Attrib = fd.dwFileAttributes; \ fi.CTime = fd.ftCreationTime; \ fi.ATime = fd.ftLastAccessTime; \ fi.MTime = fd.ftLastWriteTime; \ fi.Size = (((UInt64)fd.nFileSizeHigh) << 32) + fd.nFileSizeLow; \ fi.IsAltStream = false; \ fi.IsDevice = false; /* #ifdef UNDER_CE fi.ObjectID = fd.dwOID; #else fi.ReparseTag = fd.dwReserved0; #endif */ static void Convert_WIN32_FIND_DATA_to_FileInfo(const WIN32_FIND_DATAW &fd, CFileInfo &fi) { WIN_FD_TO_MY_FI(fi, fd); fi.Name = us2fs(fd.cFileName); #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(UNDER_CE) // fi.ShortName = us2fs(fd.cAlternateFileName); #endif } #ifndef _UNICODE static void Convert_WIN32_FIND_DATA_to_FileInfo(const WIN32_FIND_DATA &fd, CFileInfo &fi) { WIN_FD_TO_MY_FI(fi, fd); fi.Name = fas2fs(fd.cFileName); #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(UNDER_CE) // fi.ShortName = fas2fs(fd.cAlternateFileName); #endif } #endif //////////////////////////////// // CFindFile bool CFindFileBase::Close() throw() { if (_handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return true; if (!::FindClose(_handle)) return false; _handle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; return true; } /* WinXP-64 FindFirstFile(): "" - ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND folder\ - ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND \ - ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND c:\ - ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND c: - ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, if current dir is ROOT ( c:\ ) c: - OK, if current dir is NOT ROOT ( c:\folder ) folder - OK \\ - ERROR_INVALID_NAME \\Server - ERROR_INVALID_NAME \\Server\ - ERROR_INVALID_NAME \\Server\Share - ERROR_BAD_NETPATH \\Server\Share - ERROR_BAD_NET_NAME (Win7). !!! There is problem : Win7 makes some requests for "\\Server\Shar" (look in Procmon), when we call it for "\\Server\Share" \\Server\Share\ - ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND \\?\UNC\Server\Share - ERROR_INVALID_NAME \\?\UNC\Server\Share - ERROR_BAD_PATHNAME (Win7) \\?\UNC\Server\Share\ - ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND \\Server\Share_RootDrive - ERROR_INVALID_NAME \\Server\Share_RootDrive\ - ERROR_INVALID_NAME c:\* - ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, if thare are no item in that folder */ bool CFindFile::FindFirst(CFSTR path, CFileInfo &fi) { if (!Close()) return false; #ifndef _UNICODE if (!g_IsNT) { WIN32_FIND_DATAA fd; _handle = ::FindFirstFileA(fs2fas(path), &fd); if (_handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return false; Convert_WIN32_FIND_DATA_to_FileInfo(fd, fi); } else #endif { WIN32_FIND_DATAW fd; IF_USE_MAIN_PATH _handle = ::FindFirstFileW(fs2us(path), &fd); #ifdef WIN_LONG_PATH if (_handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE && USE_SUPER_PATH) { UString superPath; if (GetSuperPath(path, superPath, USE_MAIN_PATH)) _handle = ::FindFirstFileW(superPath, &fd); } #endif if (_handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return false; Convert_WIN32_FIND_DATA_to_FileInfo(fd, fi); } return true; } bool CFindFile::FindNext(CFileInfo &fi) { #ifndef _UNICODE if (!g_IsNT) { WIN32_FIND_DATAA fd; if (!::FindNextFileA(_handle, &fd)) return false; Convert_WIN32_FIND_DATA_to_FileInfo(fd, fi); } else #endif { WIN32_FIND_DATAW fd; if (!::FindNextFileW(_handle, &fd)) return false; Convert_WIN32_FIND_DATA_to_FileInfo(fd, fi); } return true; } #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(UNDER_CE) //////////////////////////////// // AltStreams static FindFirstStreamW_Ptr g_FindFirstStreamW; static FindNextStreamW_Ptr g_FindNextStreamW; struct CFindStreamLoader { CFindStreamLoader() { g_FindFirstStreamW = (FindFirstStreamW_Ptr)::GetProcAddress(::GetModuleHandleA("kernel32.dll"), "FindFirstStreamW"); g_FindNextStreamW = (FindNextStreamW_Ptr)::GetProcAddress(::GetModuleHandleA("kernel32.dll"), "FindNextStreamW"); } } g_FindStreamLoader; bool CStreamInfo::IsMainStream() const throw() { return StringsAreEqualNoCase_Ascii(Name, "::$DATA"); }; UString CStreamInfo::GetReducedName() const { // remove ":$DATA" postfix, but keep postfix, if Name is "::$DATA" UString s (Name); if (s.Len() > 6 + 1 && StringsAreEqualNoCase_Ascii(s.RightPtr(6), ":$DATA")) s.DeleteFrom(s.Len() - 6); return s; } /* UString CStreamInfo::GetReducedName2() const { UString s = GetReducedName(); if (!s.IsEmpty() && s[0] == ':') s.Delete(0); return s; } */ static void Convert_WIN32_FIND_STREAM_DATA_to_StreamInfo(const MY_WIN32_FIND_STREAM_DATA &sd, CStreamInfo &si) { si.Size = sd.StreamSize.QuadPart; si.Name = sd.cStreamName; } /* WinXP-64 FindFirstStream(): "" - ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND folder\ - OK folder - OK \ - OK c:\ - OK c: - OK, if current dir is ROOT ( c:\ ) c: - OK, if current dir is NOT ROOT ( c:\folder ) \\Server\Share - OK \\Server\Share\ - OK \\ - ERROR_INVALID_NAME \\Server - ERROR_INVALID_NAME \\Server\ - ERROR_INVALID_NAME */ bool CFindStream::FindFirst(CFSTR path, CStreamInfo &si) { if (!Close()) return false; if (!g_FindFirstStreamW) { ::SetLastError(ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return false; } { MY_WIN32_FIND_STREAM_DATA sd; SetLastError(0); IF_USE_MAIN_PATH _handle = g_FindFirstStreamW(fs2us(path), My_FindStreamInfoStandard, &sd, 0); if (_handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { if (::GetLastError() == ERROR_HANDLE_EOF) return false; // long name can be tricky for path like ".\dirName". #ifdef WIN_LONG_PATH if (USE_SUPER_PATH) { UString superPath; if (GetSuperPath(path, superPath, USE_MAIN_PATH)) _handle = g_FindFirstStreamW(superPath, My_FindStreamInfoStandard, &sd, 0); } #endif } if (_handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return false; Convert_WIN32_FIND_STREAM_DATA_to_StreamInfo(sd, si); } return true; } bool CFindStream::FindNext(CStreamInfo &si) { if (!g_FindNextStreamW) { ::SetLastError(ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return false; } { MY_WIN32_FIND_STREAM_DATA sd; if (!g_FindNextStreamW(_handle, &sd)) return false; Convert_WIN32_FIND_STREAM_DATA_to_StreamInfo(sd, si); } return true; } bool CStreamEnumerator::Next(CStreamInfo &si, bool &found) { bool res; if (_find.IsHandleAllocated()) res = _find.FindNext(si); else res = _find.FindFirst(_filePath, si); if (res) { found = true; return true; } found = false; return (::GetLastError() == ERROR_HANDLE_EOF); } #endif #define MY_CLEAR_FILETIME(ft) ft.dwLowDateTime = ft.dwHighDateTime = 0; void CFileInfoBase::ClearBase() throw() { Size = 0; MY_CLEAR_FILETIME(CTime); MY_CLEAR_FILETIME(ATime); MY_CLEAR_FILETIME(MTime); Attrib = 0; IsAltStream = false; IsDevice = false; } /* WinXP-64 GetFileAttributes(): If the function fails, it returns INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES and use GetLastError() to get error code \ - OK C:\ - OK, if there is such drive, D:\ - ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND, if there is no such drive, C:\folder - OK C:\folder\ - OK C:\folderBad - ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND \\Server\BadShare - ERROR_BAD_NETPATH \\Server\Share - WORKS OK, but MSDN says: GetFileAttributes for a network share, the function fails, and GetLastError returns ERROR_BAD_NETPATH. You must specify a path to a subfolder on that share. */ DWORD GetFileAttrib(CFSTR path) { #ifndef _UNICODE if (!g_IsNT) return ::GetFileAttributes(fs2fas(path)); else #endif { IF_USE_MAIN_PATH { DWORD dw = ::GetFileAttributesW(fs2us(path)); if (dw != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) return dw; } #ifdef WIN_LONG_PATH if (USE_SUPER_PATH) { UString superPath; if (GetSuperPath(path, superPath, USE_MAIN_PATH)) return ::GetFileAttributesW(superPath); } #endif return INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES; } } /* if path is "c:" or "c::" then CFileInfo::Find() returns name of current folder for that disk so instead of absolute path we have relative path in Name. That is not good in some calls */ /* In CFileInfo::Find() we want to support same names for alt streams as in CreateFile(). */ /* CFileInfo::Find() We alow the following paths (as FindFirstFile): C:\folder c: - if current dir is NOT ROOT ( c:\folder ) also we support paths that are not supported by FindFirstFile: \ \\.\c: c:\ - Name will be without tail slash ( c: ) \\?\c:\ - Name will be without tail slash ( c: ) \\Server\Share \\?\UNC\Server\Share c:\folder:stream - Name = folder:stream c:\:stream - Name = :stream c::stream - Name = c::stream */ bool CFileInfo::Find(CFSTR path) { #ifdef SUPPORT_DEVICE_FILE if (IsDevicePath(path)) { ClearBase(); Name = path + 4; IsDevice = true; if (NName::IsDrivePath2(path + 4) && path[6] == 0) { FChar drive[4] = { path[4], ':', '\\', 0 }; UInt64 clusterSize, totalSize, freeSize; if (NSystem::MyGetDiskFreeSpace(drive, clusterSize, totalSize, freeSize)) { Size = totalSize; return true; } } NIO::CInFile inFile; // ::OutputDebugStringW(path); if (!inFile.Open(path)) return false; // ::OutputDebugStringW(L"---"); if (inFile.SizeDefined) Size = inFile.Size; return true; } #endif #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(UNDER_CE) int colonPos = FindAltStreamColon(path); if (colonPos >= 0 && path[(unsigned)colonPos + 1] != 0) { UString streamName = fs2us(path + (unsigned)colonPos); FString filePath (path); filePath.DeleteFrom(colonPos); /* we allow both cases: name:stream name:stream:$DATA */ const unsigned kPostfixSize = 6; if (streamName.Len() <= kPostfixSize || !StringsAreEqualNoCase_Ascii(streamName.RightPtr(kPostfixSize), ":$DATA")) streamName += ":$DATA"; bool isOk = true; if (IsDrivePath2(filePath) && (colonPos == 2 || colonPos == 3 && filePath[2] == '\\')) { // FindFirstFile doesn't work for "c:\" and for "c:" (if current dir is ROOT) ClearBase(); Name.Empty(); if (colonPos == 2) Name = filePath; } else isOk = Find(filePath); if (isOk) { Attrib &= ~(FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT); Size = 0; CStreamEnumerator enumerator(filePath); for (;;) { CStreamInfo si; bool found; if (!enumerator.Next(si, found)) return false; if (!found) { ::SetLastError(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND); return false; } if (si.Name.IsEqualTo_NoCase(streamName)) { // we delete postfix, if alt stream name is not "::$DATA" if (si.Name.Len() > kPostfixSize + 1) si.Name.DeleteFrom(si.Name.Len() - kPostfixSize); Name += us2fs(si.Name); Size = si.Size; IsAltStream = true; return true; } } } } #endif CFindFile finder; #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(UNDER_CE) { /* DWORD lastError = GetLastError(); if (lastError == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND || lastError == ERROR_BAD_NETPATH // XP64: "\\Server\Share" || lastError == ERROR_BAD_NET_NAME // Win7: "\\Server\Share" || lastError == ERROR_INVALID_NAME // XP64: "\\?\UNC\Server\Share" || lastError == ERROR_BAD_PATHNAME // Win7: "\\?\UNC\Server\Share" ) */ unsigned rootSize = 0; if (IsSuperPath(path)) rootSize = kSuperPathPrefixSize; if (NName::IsDrivePath(path + rootSize) && path[rootSize + 3] == 0) { DWORD attrib = GetFileAttrib(path); if (attrib != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES && (attrib & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) != 0) { ClearBase(); Attrib = attrib; Name = path + rootSize; Name.DeleteFrom(2); // we don't need backslash (C:) return true; } } else if (IS_PATH_SEPAR(path[0])) if (path[1] == 0) { DWORD attrib = GetFileAttrib(path); if (attrib != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES && (attrib & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) != 0) { ClearBase(); Name.Empty(); Attrib = attrib; return true; } } else { const unsigned prefixSize = GetNetworkServerPrefixSize(path); if (prefixSize > 0 && path[prefixSize] != 0) { if (NName::FindSepar(path + prefixSize) < 0) { FString s (path); s.Add_PathSepar(); s += '*'; // CHAR_ANY_MASK bool isOK = false; if (finder.FindFirst(s, *this)) { if (Name == FTEXT(".")) { Name = path + prefixSize; return true; } isOK = true; /* if "\\server\share" maps to root folder "d:\", there is no "." item. But it's possible that there are another items */ } { DWORD attrib = GetFileAttrib(path); if (isOK || attrib != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES && (attrib & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) != 0) { ClearBase(); if (attrib != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) Attrib = attrib; else SetAsDir(); Name = path + prefixSize; return true; } } // ::SetLastError(lastError); } } } } #endif return finder.FindFirst(path, *this); } bool DoesFileExist(CFSTR name) { CFileInfo fi; return fi.Find(name) && !fi.IsDir(); } bool DoesDirExist(CFSTR name) { CFileInfo fi; return fi.Find(name) && fi.IsDir(); } bool DoesFileOrDirExist(CFSTR name) { CFileInfo fi; return fi.Find(name); } void CEnumerator::SetDirPrefix(const FString &dirPrefix) { _wildcard = dirPrefix; _wildcard += '*'; } bool CEnumerator::NextAny(CFileInfo &fi) { if (_findFile.IsHandleAllocated()) return _findFile.FindNext(fi); else return _findFile.FindFirst(_wildcard, fi); } bool CEnumerator::Next(CFileInfo &fi) { for (;;) { if (!NextAny(fi)) return false; if (!fi.IsDots()) return true; } } bool CEnumerator::Next(CFileInfo &fi, bool &found) { if (Next(fi)) { found = true; return true; } found = false; return (::GetLastError() == ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES); } //////////////////////////////// // CFindChangeNotification // FindFirstChangeNotification can return 0. MSDN doesn't tell about it. bool CFindChangeNotification::Close() throw() { if (!IsHandleAllocated()) return true; if (!::FindCloseChangeNotification(_handle)) return false; _handle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; return true; } HANDLE CFindChangeNotification::FindFirst(CFSTR path, bool watchSubtree, DWORD notifyFilter) { #ifndef _UNICODE if (!g_IsNT) _handle = ::FindFirstChangeNotification(fs2fas(path), BoolToBOOL(watchSubtree), notifyFilter); else #endif { IF_USE_MAIN_PATH _handle = ::FindFirstChangeNotificationW(fs2us(path), BoolToBOOL(watchSubtree), notifyFilter); #ifdef WIN_LONG_PATH if (!IsHandleAllocated()) { UString superPath; if (GetSuperPath(path, superPath, USE_MAIN_PATH)) _handle = ::FindFirstChangeNotificationW(superPath, BoolToBOOL(watchSubtree), notifyFilter); } #endif } return _handle; } #ifndef UNDER_CE bool MyGetLogicalDriveStrings(CObjectVector<FString> &driveStrings) { driveStrings.Clear(); #ifndef _UNICODE if (!g_IsNT) { driveStrings.Clear(); UINT32 size = GetLogicalDriveStrings(0, NULL); if (size == 0) return false; CObjArray<char> buf(size); UINT32 newSize = GetLogicalDriveStrings(size, buf); if (newSize == 0 || newSize > size) return false; AString s; UINT32 prev = 0; for (UINT32 i = 0; i < newSize; i++) { if (buf[i] == 0) { s = buf + prev; prev = i + 1; driveStrings.Add(fas2fs(s)); } } return prev == newSize; } else #endif { UINT32 size = GetLogicalDriveStringsW(0, NULL); if (size == 0) return false; CObjArray<wchar_t> buf(size); UINT32 newSize = GetLogicalDriveStringsW(size, buf); if (newSize == 0 || newSize > size) return false; UString s; UINT32 prev = 0; for (UINT32 i = 0; i < newSize; i++) { if (buf[i] == 0) { s = buf + prev; prev = i + 1; driveStrings.Add(us2fs(s)); } } return prev == newSize; } } #endif }}}