<html><body> <style> body, h1, h2, h3, div, span, p, pre, a { margin: 0; padding: 0; border: 0; font-weight: inherit; font-style: inherit; font-size: 100%; font-family: inherit; vertical-align: baseline; } body { font-size: 13px; padding: 1em; } h1 { font-size: 26px; margin-bottom: 1em; } h2 { font-size: 24px; margin-bottom: 1em; } h3 { font-size: 20px; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-top: 1em; } pre, code { line-height: 1.5; font-family: Monaco, 'DejaVu Sans Mono', 'Bitstream Vera Sans Mono', 'Lucida Console', monospace; } pre { margin-top: 0.5em; } h1, h2, h3, p { font-family: Arial, sans serif; } h1, h2, h3 { border-bottom: solid #CCC 1px; } .toc_element { margin-top: 0.5em; } .firstline { margin-left: 2 em; } .method { margin-top: 1em; border: solid 1px #CCC; padding: 1em; background: #EEE; } .details { font-weight: bold; font-size: 14px; } </style> <h1><a href="fusiontables_v2.html">Fusion Tables API</a> . <a href="fusiontables_v2.column.html">column</a></h1> <h2>Instance Methods</h2> <p class="toc_element"> <code><a href="#delete">delete(tableId, columnId)</a></code></p> <p class="firstline">Deletes the specified column.</p> <p class="toc_element"> <code><a href="#get">get(tableId, columnId)</a></code></p> <p class="firstline">Retrieves a specific column by its ID.</p> <p class="toc_element"> <code><a href="#insert">insert(tableId, body)</a></code></p> <p class="firstline">Adds a new column to the table.</p> <p class="toc_element"> <code><a href="#list">list(tableId, pageToken=None, maxResults=None)</a></code></p> <p class="firstline">Retrieves a list of columns.</p> <p class="toc_element"> <code><a href="#list_next">list_next(previous_request, previous_response)</a></code></p> <p class="firstline">Retrieves the next page of results.</p> <p class="toc_element"> <code><a href="#patch">patch(tableId, columnId, body)</a></code></p> <p class="firstline">Updates the name or type of an existing column. This method supports patch semantics.</p> <p class="toc_element"> <code><a href="#update">update(tableId, columnId, body)</a></code></p> <p class="firstline">Updates the name or type of an existing column.</p> <h3>Method Details</h3> <div class="method"> <code class="details" id="delete">delete(tableId, columnId)</code> <pre>Deletes the specified column. Args: tableId: string, Table from which the column is being deleted. (required) columnId: string, Name or identifier for the column being deleted. (required) </pre> </div> <div class="method"> <code class="details" id="get">get(tableId, columnId)</code> <pre>Retrieves a specific column by its ID. Args: tableId: string, Table to which the column belongs. (required) columnId: string, Name or identifier for the column that is being requested. (required) Returns: An object of the form: { # Specifies the details of a column in a table. "graphPredicate": "A String", # Column graph predicate. # Used to map table to graph data model (subject,predicate,object) # See W3C Graph-based Data Model. "kind": "fusiontables#column", # The kind of item this is. For a column, this is always fusiontables#column. "validValues": [ # List of valid values used to validate data and supply a drop-down list of values in the web application. "A String", ], "description": "A String", # Column description. "baseColumn": { # Identifier of the base column. If present, this column is derived from the specified base column. "tableIndex": 42, # Offset to the entry in the list of base tables in the table definition. "columnId": 42, # The id of the column in the base table from which this column is derived. }, "name": "A String", # Name of the column. "columnPropertiesJson": "A String", # JSON object containing custom column properties. "formatPattern": "A String", # Format pattern. # Acceptable values are DT_DATE_MEDIUMe.g Dec 24, 2008 DT_DATE_SHORTfor example 12/24/08 DT_DATE_TIME_MEDIUMfor example Dec 24, 2008 8:30:45 PM DT_DATE_TIME_SHORTfor example 12/24/08 8:30 PM DT_DAY_MONTH_2_DIGIT_YEARfor example 24/12/08 DT_DAY_MONTH_2_DIGIT_YEAR_TIMEfor example 24/12/08 20:30 DT_DAY_MONTH_2_DIGIT_YEAR_TIME_MERIDIANfor example 24/12/08 8:30 PM DT_DAY_MONTH_4_DIGIT_YEARfor example 24/12/2008 DT_DAY_MONTH_4_DIGIT_YEAR_TIMEfor example 24/12/2008 20:30 DT_DAY_MONTH_4_DIGIT_YEAR_TIME_MERIDIANfor example 24/12/2008 8:30 PM DT_ISO_YEAR_MONTH_DAYfor example 2008-12-24 DT_ISO_YEAR_MONTH_DAY_TIMEfor example 2008-12-24 20:30:45 DT_MONTH_DAY_4_DIGIT_YEARfor example 12/24/2008 DT_TIME_LONGfor example 8:30:45 PM UTC-6 DT_TIME_MEDIUMfor example 8:30:45 PM DT_TIME_SHORTfor example 8:30 PM DT_YEAR_ONLYfor example 2008 HIGHLIGHT_UNTYPED_CELLSHighlight cell data that does not match the data type NONENo formatting (default) NUMBER_CURRENCYfor example $1234.56 NUMBER_DEFAULTfor example 1,234.56 NUMBER_INTEGERfor example 1235 NUMBER_NO_SEPARATORfor example 1234.56 NUMBER_PERCENTfor example 123,456% NUMBER_SCIENTIFICfor example 1E3 STRING_EIGHT_LINE_IMAGEDisplays thumbnail images as tall as eight lines of text STRING_FOUR_LINE_IMAGEDisplays thumbnail images as tall as four lines of text STRING_JSON_TEXTAllows editing of text as JSON in UI STRING_JSON_LISTAllows editing of text as a JSON list in UI STRING_LINKTreats cell as a link (must start with http:// or https://) STRING_ONE_LINE_IMAGEDisplays thumbnail images as tall as one line of text STRING_VIDEO_OR_MAPDisplay a video or map thumbnail "columnJsonSchema": "A String", # JSON schema for interpreting JSON in this column. "type": "A String", # Type of the column. "validateData": True or False, # If true, data entered via the web application is validated. "columnId": 42, # Identifier for the column. }</pre> </div> <div class="method"> <code class="details" id="insert">insert(tableId, body)</code> <pre>Adds a new column to the table. Args: tableId: string, Table for which a new column is being added. (required) body: object, The request body. (required) The object takes the form of: { # Specifies the details of a column in a table. "graphPredicate": "A String", # Column graph predicate. # Used to map table to graph data model (subject,predicate,object) # See W3C Graph-based Data Model. "kind": "fusiontables#column", # The kind of item this is. For a column, this is always fusiontables#column. "validValues": [ # List of valid values used to validate data and supply a drop-down list of values in the web application. "A String", ], "description": "A String", # Column description. "baseColumn": { # Identifier of the base column. If present, this column is derived from the specified base column. "tableIndex": 42, # Offset to the entry in the list of base tables in the table definition. "columnId": 42, # The id of the column in the base table from which this column is derived. }, "name": "A String", # Name of the column. "columnPropertiesJson": "A String", # JSON object containing custom column properties. "formatPattern": "A String", # Format pattern. # Acceptable values are DT_DATE_MEDIUMe.g Dec 24, 2008 DT_DATE_SHORTfor example 12/24/08 DT_DATE_TIME_MEDIUMfor example Dec 24, 2008 8:30:45 PM DT_DATE_TIME_SHORTfor example 12/24/08 8:30 PM DT_DAY_MONTH_2_DIGIT_YEARfor example 24/12/08 DT_DAY_MONTH_2_DIGIT_YEAR_TIMEfor example 24/12/08 20:30 DT_DAY_MONTH_2_DIGIT_YEAR_TIME_MERIDIANfor example 24/12/08 8:30 PM DT_DAY_MONTH_4_DIGIT_YEARfor example 24/12/2008 DT_DAY_MONTH_4_DIGIT_YEAR_TIMEfor example 24/12/2008 20:30 DT_DAY_MONTH_4_DIGIT_YEAR_TIME_MERIDIANfor example 24/12/2008 8:30 PM DT_ISO_YEAR_MONTH_DAYfor example 2008-12-24 DT_ISO_YEAR_MONTH_DAY_TIMEfor example 2008-12-24 20:30:45 DT_MONTH_DAY_4_DIGIT_YEARfor example 12/24/2008 DT_TIME_LONGfor example 8:30:45 PM UTC-6 DT_TIME_MEDIUMfor example 8:30:45 PM DT_TIME_SHORTfor example 8:30 PM DT_YEAR_ONLYfor example 2008 HIGHLIGHT_UNTYPED_CELLSHighlight cell data that does not match the data type NONENo formatting (default) NUMBER_CURRENCYfor example $1234.56 NUMBER_DEFAULTfor example 1,234.56 NUMBER_INTEGERfor example 1235 NUMBER_NO_SEPARATORfor example 1234.56 NUMBER_PERCENTfor example 123,456% NUMBER_SCIENTIFICfor example 1E3 STRING_EIGHT_LINE_IMAGEDisplays thumbnail images as tall as eight lines of text STRING_FOUR_LINE_IMAGEDisplays thumbnail images as tall as four lines of text STRING_JSON_TEXTAllows editing of text as JSON in UI STRING_JSON_LISTAllows editing of text as a JSON list in UI STRING_LINKTreats cell as a link (must start with http:// or https://) STRING_ONE_LINE_IMAGEDisplays thumbnail images as tall as one line of text STRING_VIDEO_OR_MAPDisplay a video or map thumbnail "columnJsonSchema": "A String", # JSON schema for interpreting JSON in this column. "type": "A String", # Type of the column. "validateData": True or False, # If true, data entered via the web application is validated. "columnId": 42, # Identifier for the column. } Returns: An object of the form: { # Specifies the details of a column in a table. "graphPredicate": "A String", # Column graph predicate. # Used to map table to graph data model (subject,predicate,object) # See W3C Graph-based Data Model. "kind": "fusiontables#column", # The kind of item this is. For a column, this is always fusiontables#column. "validValues": [ # List of valid values used to validate data and supply a drop-down list of values in the web application. "A String", ], "description": "A String", # Column description. "baseColumn": { # Identifier of the base column. If present, this column is derived from the specified base column. "tableIndex": 42, # Offset to the entry in the list of base tables in the table definition. "columnId": 42, # The id of the column in the base table from which this column is derived. }, "name": "A String", # Name of the column. "columnPropertiesJson": "A String", # JSON object containing custom column properties. "formatPattern": "A String", # Format pattern. # Acceptable values are DT_DATE_MEDIUMe.g Dec 24, 2008 DT_DATE_SHORTfor example 12/24/08 DT_DATE_TIME_MEDIUMfor example Dec 24, 2008 8:30:45 PM DT_DATE_TIME_SHORTfor example 12/24/08 8:30 PM DT_DAY_MONTH_2_DIGIT_YEARfor example 24/12/08 DT_DAY_MONTH_2_DIGIT_YEAR_TIMEfor example 24/12/08 20:30 DT_DAY_MONTH_2_DIGIT_YEAR_TIME_MERIDIANfor example 24/12/08 8:30 PM DT_DAY_MONTH_4_DIGIT_YEARfor example 24/12/2008 DT_DAY_MONTH_4_DIGIT_YEAR_TIMEfor example 24/12/2008 20:30 DT_DAY_MONTH_4_DIGIT_YEAR_TIME_MERIDIANfor example 24/12/2008 8:30 PM DT_ISO_YEAR_MONTH_DAYfor example 2008-12-24 DT_ISO_YEAR_MONTH_DAY_TIMEfor example 2008-12-24 20:30:45 DT_MONTH_DAY_4_DIGIT_YEARfor example 12/24/2008 DT_TIME_LONGfor example 8:30:45 PM UTC-6 DT_TIME_MEDIUMfor example 8:30:45 PM DT_TIME_SHORTfor example 8:30 PM DT_YEAR_ONLYfor example 2008 HIGHLIGHT_UNTYPED_CELLSHighlight cell data that does not match the data type NONENo formatting (default) NUMBER_CURRENCYfor example $1234.56 NUMBER_DEFAULTfor example 1,234.56 NUMBER_INTEGERfor example 1235 NUMBER_NO_SEPARATORfor example 1234.56 NUMBER_PERCENTfor example 123,456% NUMBER_SCIENTIFICfor example 1E3 STRING_EIGHT_LINE_IMAGEDisplays thumbnail images as tall as eight lines of text STRING_FOUR_LINE_IMAGEDisplays thumbnail images as tall as four lines of text STRING_JSON_TEXTAllows editing of text as JSON in UI STRING_JSON_LISTAllows editing of text as a JSON list in UI STRING_LINKTreats cell as a link (must start with http:// or https://) STRING_ONE_LINE_IMAGEDisplays thumbnail images as tall as one line of text STRING_VIDEO_OR_MAPDisplay a video or map thumbnail "columnJsonSchema": "A String", # JSON schema for interpreting JSON in this column. "type": "A String", # Type of the column. "validateData": True or False, # If true, data entered via the web application is validated. "columnId": 42, # Identifier for the column. }</pre> </div> <div class="method"> <code class="details" id="list">list(tableId, pageToken=None, maxResults=None)</code> <pre>Retrieves a list of columns. Args: tableId: string, Table whose columns are being listed. (required) pageToken: string, Continuation token specifying which result page to return. maxResults: integer, Maximum number of columns to return. Default is 5. Returns: An object of the form: { # Represents a list of columns in a table. "nextPageToken": "A String", # Token used to access the next page of this result. No token is displayed if there are no more pages left. "items": [ # List of all requested columns. { # Specifies the details of a column in a table. "graphPredicate": "A String", # Column graph predicate. # Used to map table to graph data model (subject,predicate,object) # See W3C Graph-based Data Model. "kind": "fusiontables#column", # The kind of item this is. For a column, this is always fusiontables#column. "validValues": [ # List of valid values used to validate data and supply a drop-down list of values in the web application. "A String", ], "description": "A String", # Column description. "baseColumn": { # Identifier of the base column. If present, this column is derived from the specified base column. "tableIndex": 42, # Offset to the entry in the list of base tables in the table definition. "columnId": 42, # The id of the column in the base table from which this column is derived. }, "name": "A String", # Name of the column. "columnPropertiesJson": "A String", # JSON object containing custom column properties. "formatPattern": "A String", # Format pattern. # Acceptable values are DT_DATE_MEDIUMe.g Dec 24, 2008 DT_DATE_SHORTfor example 12/24/08 DT_DATE_TIME_MEDIUMfor example Dec 24, 2008 8:30:45 PM DT_DATE_TIME_SHORTfor example 12/24/08 8:30 PM DT_DAY_MONTH_2_DIGIT_YEARfor example 24/12/08 DT_DAY_MONTH_2_DIGIT_YEAR_TIMEfor example 24/12/08 20:30 DT_DAY_MONTH_2_DIGIT_YEAR_TIME_MERIDIANfor example 24/12/08 8:30 PM DT_DAY_MONTH_4_DIGIT_YEARfor example 24/12/2008 DT_DAY_MONTH_4_DIGIT_YEAR_TIMEfor example 24/12/2008 20:30 DT_DAY_MONTH_4_DIGIT_YEAR_TIME_MERIDIANfor example 24/12/2008 8:30 PM DT_ISO_YEAR_MONTH_DAYfor example 2008-12-24 DT_ISO_YEAR_MONTH_DAY_TIMEfor example 2008-12-24 20:30:45 DT_MONTH_DAY_4_DIGIT_YEARfor example 12/24/2008 DT_TIME_LONGfor example 8:30:45 PM UTC-6 DT_TIME_MEDIUMfor example 8:30:45 PM DT_TIME_SHORTfor example 8:30 PM DT_YEAR_ONLYfor example 2008 HIGHLIGHT_UNTYPED_CELLSHighlight cell data that does not match the data type NONENo formatting (default) NUMBER_CURRENCYfor example $1234.56 NUMBER_DEFAULTfor example 1,234.56 NUMBER_INTEGERfor example 1235 NUMBER_NO_SEPARATORfor example 1234.56 NUMBER_PERCENTfor example 123,456% NUMBER_SCIENTIFICfor example 1E3 STRING_EIGHT_LINE_IMAGEDisplays thumbnail images as tall as eight lines of text STRING_FOUR_LINE_IMAGEDisplays thumbnail images as tall as four lines of text STRING_JSON_TEXTAllows editing of text as JSON in UI STRING_JSON_LISTAllows editing of text as a JSON list in UI STRING_LINKTreats cell as a link (must start with http:// or https://) STRING_ONE_LINE_IMAGEDisplays thumbnail images as tall as one line of text STRING_VIDEO_OR_MAPDisplay a video or map thumbnail "columnJsonSchema": "A String", # JSON schema for interpreting JSON in this column. "type": "A String", # Type of the column. "validateData": True or False, # If true, data entered via the web application is validated. "columnId": 42, # Identifier for the column. }, ], "kind": "fusiontables#columnList", # The kind of item this is. For a column list, this is always fusiontables#columnList. "totalItems": 42, # Total number of columns for the table. }</pre> </div> <div class="method"> <code class="details" id="list_next">list_next(previous_request, previous_response)</code> <pre>Retrieves the next page of results. Args: previous_request: The request for the previous page. (required) previous_response: The response from the request for the previous page. (required) Returns: A request object that you can call 'execute()' on to request the next page. Returns None if there are no more items in the collection. </pre> </div> <div class="method"> <code class="details" id="patch">patch(tableId, columnId, body)</code> <pre>Updates the name or type of an existing column. This method supports patch semantics. Args: tableId: string, Table for which the column is being updated. (required) columnId: string, Name or identifier for the column that is being updated. (required) body: object, The request body. (required) The object takes the form of: { # Specifies the details of a column in a table. "graphPredicate": "A String", # Column graph predicate. # Used to map table to graph data model (subject,predicate,object) # See W3C Graph-based Data Model. "kind": "fusiontables#column", # The kind of item this is. For a column, this is always fusiontables#column. "validValues": [ # List of valid values used to validate data and supply a drop-down list of values in the web application. "A String", ], "description": "A String", # Column description. "baseColumn": { # Identifier of the base column. If present, this column is derived from the specified base column. "tableIndex": 42, # Offset to the entry in the list of base tables in the table definition. "columnId": 42, # The id of the column in the base table from which this column is derived. }, "name": "A String", # Name of the column. "columnPropertiesJson": "A String", # JSON object containing custom column properties. "formatPattern": "A String", # Format pattern. # Acceptable values are DT_DATE_MEDIUMe.g Dec 24, 2008 DT_DATE_SHORTfor example 12/24/08 DT_DATE_TIME_MEDIUMfor example Dec 24, 2008 8:30:45 PM DT_DATE_TIME_SHORTfor example 12/24/08 8:30 PM DT_DAY_MONTH_2_DIGIT_YEARfor example 24/12/08 DT_DAY_MONTH_2_DIGIT_YEAR_TIMEfor example 24/12/08 20:30 DT_DAY_MONTH_2_DIGIT_YEAR_TIME_MERIDIANfor example 24/12/08 8:30 PM DT_DAY_MONTH_4_DIGIT_YEARfor example 24/12/2008 DT_DAY_MONTH_4_DIGIT_YEAR_TIMEfor example 24/12/2008 20:30 DT_DAY_MONTH_4_DIGIT_YEAR_TIME_MERIDIANfor example 24/12/2008 8:30 PM DT_ISO_YEAR_MONTH_DAYfor example 2008-12-24 DT_ISO_YEAR_MONTH_DAY_TIMEfor example 2008-12-24 20:30:45 DT_MONTH_DAY_4_DIGIT_YEARfor example 12/24/2008 DT_TIME_LONGfor example 8:30:45 PM UTC-6 DT_TIME_MEDIUMfor example 8:30:45 PM DT_TIME_SHORTfor example 8:30 PM DT_YEAR_ONLYfor example 2008 HIGHLIGHT_UNTYPED_CELLSHighlight cell data that does not match the data type NONENo formatting (default) NUMBER_CURRENCYfor example $1234.56 NUMBER_DEFAULTfor example 1,234.56 NUMBER_INTEGERfor example 1235 NUMBER_NO_SEPARATORfor example 1234.56 NUMBER_PERCENTfor example 123,456% NUMBER_SCIENTIFICfor example 1E3 STRING_EIGHT_LINE_IMAGEDisplays thumbnail images as tall as eight lines of text STRING_FOUR_LINE_IMAGEDisplays thumbnail images as tall as four lines of text STRING_JSON_TEXTAllows editing of text as JSON in UI STRING_JSON_LISTAllows editing of text as a JSON list in UI STRING_LINKTreats cell as a link (must start with http:// or https://) STRING_ONE_LINE_IMAGEDisplays thumbnail images as tall as one line of text STRING_VIDEO_OR_MAPDisplay a video or map thumbnail "columnJsonSchema": "A String", # JSON schema for interpreting JSON in this column. "type": "A String", # Type of the column. "validateData": True or False, # If true, data entered via the web application is validated. "columnId": 42, # Identifier for the column. } Returns: An object of the form: { # Specifies the details of a column in a table. "graphPredicate": "A String", # Column graph predicate. # Used to map table to graph data model (subject,predicate,object) # See W3C Graph-based Data Model. "kind": "fusiontables#column", # The kind of item this is. For a column, this is always fusiontables#column. "validValues": [ # List of valid values used to validate data and supply a drop-down list of values in the web application. "A String", ], "description": "A String", # Column description. "baseColumn": { # Identifier of the base column. If present, this column is derived from the specified base column. "tableIndex": 42, # Offset to the entry in the list of base tables in the table definition. "columnId": 42, # The id of the column in the base table from which this column is derived. }, "name": "A String", # Name of the column. "columnPropertiesJson": "A String", # JSON object containing custom column properties. "formatPattern": "A String", # Format pattern. # Acceptable values are DT_DATE_MEDIUMe.g Dec 24, 2008 DT_DATE_SHORTfor example 12/24/08 DT_DATE_TIME_MEDIUMfor example Dec 24, 2008 8:30:45 PM DT_DATE_TIME_SHORTfor example 12/24/08 8:30 PM DT_DAY_MONTH_2_DIGIT_YEARfor example 24/12/08 DT_DAY_MONTH_2_DIGIT_YEAR_TIMEfor example 24/12/08 20:30 DT_DAY_MONTH_2_DIGIT_YEAR_TIME_MERIDIANfor example 24/12/08 8:30 PM DT_DAY_MONTH_4_DIGIT_YEARfor example 24/12/2008 DT_DAY_MONTH_4_DIGIT_YEAR_TIMEfor example 24/12/2008 20:30 DT_DAY_MONTH_4_DIGIT_YEAR_TIME_MERIDIANfor example 24/12/2008 8:30 PM DT_ISO_YEAR_MONTH_DAYfor example 2008-12-24 DT_ISO_YEAR_MONTH_DAY_TIMEfor example 2008-12-24 20:30:45 DT_MONTH_DAY_4_DIGIT_YEARfor example 12/24/2008 DT_TIME_LONGfor example 8:30:45 PM UTC-6 DT_TIME_MEDIUMfor example 8:30:45 PM DT_TIME_SHORTfor example 8:30 PM DT_YEAR_ONLYfor example 2008 HIGHLIGHT_UNTYPED_CELLSHighlight cell data that does not match the data type NONENo formatting (default) NUMBER_CURRENCYfor example $1234.56 NUMBER_DEFAULTfor example 1,234.56 NUMBER_INTEGERfor example 1235 NUMBER_NO_SEPARATORfor example 1234.56 NUMBER_PERCENTfor example 123,456% NUMBER_SCIENTIFICfor example 1E3 STRING_EIGHT_LINE_IMAGEDisplays thumbnail images as tall as eight lines of text STRING_FOUR_LINE_IMAGEDisplays thumbnail images as tall as four lines of text STRING_JSON_TEXTAllows editing of text as JSON in UI STRING_JSON_LISTAllows editing of text as a JSON list in UI STRING_LINKTreats cell as a link (must start with http:// or https://) STRING_ONE_LINE_IMAGEDisplays thumbnail images as tall as one line of text STRING_VIDEO_OR_MAPDisplay a video or map thumbnail "columnJsonSchema": "A String", # JSON schema for interpreting JSON in this column. "type": "A String", # Type of the column. "validateData": True or False, # If true, data entered via the web application is validated. "columnId": 42, # Identifier for the column. }</pre> </div> <div class="method"> <code class="details" id="update">update(tableId, columnId, body)</code> <pre>Updates the name or type of an existing column. Args: tableId: string, Table for which the column is being updated. (required) columnId: string, Name or identifier for the column that is being updated. (required) body: object, The request body. (required) The object takes the form of: { # Specifies the details of a column in a table. "graphPredicate": "A String", # Column graph predicate. # Used to map table to graph data model (subject,predicate,object) # See W3C Graph-based Data Model. "kind": "fusiontables#column", # The kind of item this is. For a column, this is always fusiontables#column. "validValues": [ # List of valid values used to validate data and supply a drop-down list of values in the web application. "A String", ], "description": "A String", # Column description. "baseColumn": { # Identifier of the base column. If present, this column is derived from the specified base column. "tableIndex": 42, # Offset to the entry in the list of base tables in the table definition. "columnId": 42, # The id of the column in the base table from which this column is derived. }, "name": "A String", # Name of the column. "columnPropertiesJson": "A String", # JSON object containing custom column properties. "formatPattern": "A String", # Format pattern. # Acceptable values are DT_DATE_MEDIUMe.g Dec 24, 2008 DT_DATE_SHORTfor example 12/24/08 DT_DATE_TIME_MEDIUMfor example Dec 24, 2008 8:30:45 PM DT_DATE_TIME_SHORTfor example 12/24/08 8:30 PM DT_DAY_MONTH_2_DIGIT_YEARfor example 24/12/08 DT_DAY_MONTH_2_DIGIT_YEAR_TIMEfor example 24/12/08 20:30 DT_DAY_MONTH_2_DIGIT_YEAR_TIME_MERIDIANfor example 24/12/08 8:30 PM DT_DAY_MONTH_4_DIGIT_YEARfor example 24/12/2008 DT_DAY_MONTH_4_DIGIT_YEAR_TIMEfor example 24/12/2008 20:30 DT_DAY_MONTH_4_DIGIT_YEAR_TIME_MERIDIANfor example 24/12/2008 8:30 PM DT_ISO_YEAR_MONTH_DAYfor example 2008-12-24 DT_ISO_YEAR_MONTH_DAY_TIMEfor example 2008-12-24 20:30:45 DT_MONTH_DAY_4_DIGIT_YEARfor example 12/24/2008 DT_TIME_LONGfor example 8:30:45 PM UTC-6 DT_TIME_MEDIUMfor example 8:30:45 PM DT_TIME_SHORTfor example 8:30 PM DT_YEAR_ONLYfor example 2008 HIGHLIGHT_UNTYPED_CELLSHighlight cell data that does not match the data type NONENo formatting (default) NUMBER_CURRENCYfor example $1234.56 NUMBER_DEFAULTfor example 1,234.56 NUMBER_INTEGERfor example 1235 NUMBER_NO_SEPARATORfor example 1234.56 NUMBER_PERCENTfor example 123,456% NUMBER_SCIENTIFICfor example 1E3 STRING_EIGHT_LINE_IMAGEDisplays thumbnail images as tall as eight lines of text STRING_FOUR_LINE_IMAGEDisplays thumbnail images as tall as four lines of text STRING_JSON_TEXTAllows editing of text as JSON in UI STRING_JSON_LISTAllows editing of text as a JSON list in UI STRING_LINKTreats cell as a link (must start with http:// or https://) STRING_ONE_LINE_IMAGEDisplays thumbnail images as tall as one line of text STRING_VIDEO_OR_MAPDisplay a video or map thumbnail "columnJsonSchema": "A String", # JSON schema for interpreting JSON in this column. "type": "A String", # Type of the column. "validateData": True or False, # If true, data entered via the web application is validated. "columnId": 42, # Identifier for the column. } Returns: An object of the form: { # Specifies the details of a column in a table. "graphPredicate": "A String", # Column graph predicate. # Used to map table to graph data model (subject,predicate,object) # See W3C Graph-based Data Model. "kind": "fusiontables#column", # The kind of item this is. For a column, this is always fusiontables#column. "validValues": [ # List of valid values used to validate data and supply a drop-down list of values in the web application. "A String", ], "description": "A String", # Column description. "baseColumn": { # Identifier of the base column. If present, this column is derived from the specified base column. "tableIndex": 42, # Offset to the entry in the list of base tables in the table definition. "columnId": 42, # The id of the column in the base table from which this column is derived. }, "name": "A String", # Name of the column. "columnPropertiesJson": "A String", # JSON object containing custom column properties. "formatPattern": "A String", # Format pattern. # Acceptable values are DT_DATE_MEDIUMe.g Dec 24, 2008 DT_DATE_SHORTfor example 12/24/08 DT_DATE_TIME_MEDIUMfor example Dec 24, 2008 8:30:45 PM DT_DATE_TIME_SHORTfor example 12/24/08 8:30 PM DT_DAY_MONTH_2_DIGIT_YEARfor example 24/12/08 DT_DAY_MONTH_2_DIGIT_YEAR_TIMEfor example 24/12/08 20:30 DT_DAY_MONTH_2_DIGIT_YEAR_TIME_MERIDIANfor example 24/12/08 8:30 PM DT_DAY_MONTH_4_DIGIT_YEARfor example 24/12/2008 DT_DAY_MONTH_4_DIGIT_YEAR_TIMEfor example 24/12/2008 20:30 DT_DAY_MONTH_4_DIGIT_YEAR_TIME_MERIDIANfor example 24/12/2008 8:30 PM DT_ISO_YEAR_MONTH_DAYfor example 2008-12-24 DT_ISO_YEAR_MONTH_DAY_TIMEfor example 2008-12-24 20:30:45 DT_MONTH_DAY_4_DIGIT_YEARfor example 12/24/2008 DT_TIME_LONGfor example 8:30:45 PM UTC-6 DT_TIME_MEDIUMfor example 8:30:45 PM DT_TIME_SHORTfor example 8:30 PM DT_YEAR_ONLYfor example 2008 HIGHLIGHT_UNTYPED_CELLSHighlight cell data that does not match the data type NONENo formatting (default) NUMBER_CURRENCYfor example $1234.56 NUMBER_DEFAULTfor example 1,234.56 NUMBER_INTEGERfor example 1235 NUMBER_NO_SEPARATORfor example 1234.56 NUMBER_PERCENTfor example 123,456% NUMBER_SCIENTIFICfor example 1E3 STRING_EIGHT_LINE_IMAGEDisplays thumbnail images as tall as eight lines of text STRING_FOUR_LINE_IMAGEDisplays thumbnail images as tall as four lines of text STRING_JSON_TEXTAllows editing of text as JSON in UI STRING_JSON_LISTAllows editing of text as a JSON list in UI STRING_LINKTreats cell as a link (must start with http:// or https://) STRING_ONE_LINE_IMAGEDisplays thumbnail images as tall as one line of text STRING_VIDEO_OR_MAPDisplay a video or map thumbnail "columnJsonSchema": "A String", # JSON schema for interpreting JSON in this column. "type": "A String", # Type of the column. "validateData": True or False, # If true, data entered via the web application is validated. "columnId": 42, # Identifier for the column. }</pre> </div> </body></html>