.TH "mcstransd" "8" "16 Oct 2009" "dwalsh@redhat.com" "mcs documentation"
mcstransd \- MCS (Multiple Category System) daemon.  Translates SELinux MCS/MLS labels to human readable form.

.B mcstransd [-f] [-h]

This manual page describes the
.BR mcstransd
This daemon reads /etc/selinux/{SELINUXTYPE}/setrans.conf configuration file, and communicates with libselinux via a socket in /var/run/setrans.
Run mcstransd in the foreground.  Do not run as a daemon.
Output a short summary of available command line options\&.

This man page was written by Dan Walsh <dwalsh@redhat.com>.
The program was originally written by Dan Walsh <dwalsh@redhat.com>.
The program was enhanced/rewritten by Joe Nall <joe@nall.com>.


.BR mcs (8),