/* * Copyright 2016 Google Inc. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #include "Fuzz.h" #include "SkCanvas.h" #include "SkCommonFlags.h" #include "SkGradientShader.h" #include "SkSurface.h" #include "SkTLazy.h" #include <algorithm> #include <vector> const int MAX_COUNT = 400; void makeMatrix(Fuzz* fuzz, SkMatrix* m) { SkScalar mat[9]; fuzz->nextN(mat, 9); m->set9(mat); } void initGradientParams(Fuzz* fuzz, std::vector<SkColor>* colors, std::vector<SkScalar>* pos, SkShader::TileMode* mode) { int count; fuzz->nextRange(&count, 0, MAX_COUNT); // Use a uint8_t to conserve bytes. This makes our "fuzzed bytes footprint" // smaller, which leads to more efficient fuzzing. uint8_t m; fuzz->nextRange(&m, 0, 2); *mode = static_cast<SkShader::TileMode>(m); colors->clear(); pos ->clear(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { SkColor c; SkScalar s; fuzz->next(&c, &s); colors->push_back(c); pos ->push_back(s); } if (count) { std::sort(pos->begin(), pos->end()); // The order matters. If count == 1, we want pos == 0. (*pos)[count - 1] = 1; (*pos)[0] = 0; } } static void logOptionalMatrix(const char* label, const SkMatrix* m) { if (!m) { return; } SkDEBUGF(" %s: [ ", label); for (int i = 0; i < 9; ++i) { SkDEBUGF("%.9g ", m->get(i)); } SkDEBUGF("]\n"); } static void logLinearGradient(const SkPoint pts[2], const std::vector<SkColor>& colors, const std::vector<SkScalar> pos, SkShader::TileMode mode, uint32_t flags, const SkMatrix* localMatrix, const SkMatrix* globalMatrix) { if (!FLAGS_verbose) { return; } SkDebugf("--- fuzzLinearGradient ---\n"); SkDebugf(" pts:\t\t[ (%.9g %.9g) (%.9g %.9g) ]\n", pts[0].x(), pts[0].y(), pts[1].x(), pts[1].y()); SkDebugf(" colors:\t[ "); for (auto color : colors) { SkDebugf("0x%x ", color); } SkDebugf("]\n pos:\t\t"); if (pos.empty()) { SkDebugf("nullptr"); } else { SkDebugf("[ "); for (auto p : pos) { SkDebugf("%f ", p); } } SkDebugf("]\n"); static const char* gModeName[] = { "kClamp_TileMode", "kRepeat_TileMode", "kMirror_TileMode" }; SkASSERT(mode < SK_ARRAY_COUNT(gModeName)); SkDebugf(" mode:\t\t%s\n", gModeName[mode]); SkDebugf(" flags:\t0x%x\n", flags); logOptionalMatrix("local matrix", localMatrix); logOptionalMatrix("global matrix", globalMatrix); } void fuzzLinearGradient(Fuzz* fuzz) { SkPoint pts[2]; fuzz->next(&pts[0].fX, &pts[0].fY, &pts[1].fX, &pts[1].fY); bool useLocalMatrix, useGlobalMatrix; fuzz->next(&useLocalMatrix, &useGlobalMatrix); std::vector<SkColor> colors; std::vector<SkScalar> pos; SkShader::TileMode mode; initGradientParams(fuzz, &colors, &pos, &mode); SkPaint p; uint32_t flags; fuzz->next(&flags); SkTLazy<SkMatrix> localMatrix; if (useLocalMatrix) { makeMatrix(fuzz, localMatrix.init()); } p.setShader(SkGradientShader::MakeLinear(pts, colors.data(), pos.data(), colors.size(), mode, flags, localMatrix.getMaybeNull())); sk_sp<SkSurface> surface(SkSurface::MakeRasterN32Premul(50, 50)); if (useGlobalMatrix) { SkMatrix gm; makeMatrix(fuzz, &gm); logLinearGradient(pts, colors, pos, mode, flags, localMatrix.getMaybeNull(), &gm); SkCanvas* c = surface->getCanvas(); c->setMatrix(gm); c->drawPaint(p); } else { logLinearGradient(pts, colors, pos, mode, flags, localMatrix.getMaybeNull(), nullptr); surface->getCanvas()->drawPaint(p); } } void fuzzRadialGradient(Fuzz* fuzz) { SkPoint center; fuzz->next(¢er.fX, ¢er.fY); SkScalar radius; bool useLocalMatrix, useGlobalMatrix; fuzz->next(&radius, &useLocalMatrix, &useGlobalMatrix); std::vector<SkColor> colors; std::vector<SkScalar> pos; SkShader::TileMode mode; initGradientParams(fuzz, &colors, &pos, &mode); SkPaint p; uint32_t flags; fuzz->next(&flags); SkTLazy<SkMatrix> localMatrix; if (useLocalMatrix) { makeMatrix(fuzz, localMatrix.init()); } p.setShader(SkGradientShader::MakeRadial(center, radius, colors.data(), pos.data(), colors.size(), mode, flags, localMatrix.getMaybeNull())); sk_sp<SkSurface> surface(SkSurface::MakeRasterN32Premul(50, 50)); if (useGlobalMatrix) { SkMatrix gm; makeMatrix(fuzz, &gm); SkCanvas* c = surface->getCanvas(); c->setMatrix(gm); c->drawPaint(p); } else { surface->getCanvas()->drawPaint(p); } } void fuzzTwoPointConicalGradient(Fuzz* fuzz) { SkPoint start; fuzz->next(&start.fX, &start.fY); SkPoint end; fuzz->next(&end.fX, &end.fY); SkScalar startRadius, endRadius; bool useLocalMatrix, useGlobalMatrix; fuzz->next(&startRadius, &endRadius, &useLocalMatrix, &useGlobalMatrix); std::vector<SkColor> colors; std::vector<SkScalar> pos; SkShader::TileMode mode; initGradientParams(fuzz, &colors, &pos, &mode); SkPaint p; uint32_t flags; fuzz->next(&flags); SkTLazy<SkMatrix> localMatrix; if (useLocalMatrix) { makeMatrix(fuzz, localMatrix.init()); } p.setShader(SkGradientShader::MakeTwoPointConical(start, startRadius, end, endRadius, colors.data(), pos.data(), colors.size(), mode, flags, localMatrix.getMaybeNull())); sk_sp<SkSurface> surface(SkSurface::MakeRasterN32Premul(50, 50)); if (useGlobalMatrix) { SkMatrix gm; makeMatrix(fuzz, &gm); SkCanvas* c = surface->getCanvas(); c->setMatrix(gm); c->drawPaint(p); } else { surface->getCanvas()->drawPaint(p); } } void fuzzSweepGradient(Fuzz* fuzz) { SkScalar cx, cy; bool useLocalMatrix, useGlobalMatrix; fuzz->next(&cx, &cy, &useLocalMatrix, &useGlobalMatrix); std::vector<SkColor> colors; std::vector<SkScalar> pos; SkShader::TileMode mode; initGradientParams(fuzz, &colors, &pos, &mode); SkPaint p; if (useLocalMatrix) { SkMatrix m; makeMatrix(fuzz, &m); uint32_t flags; fuzz->next(&flags); p.setShader(SkGradientShader::MakeSweep(cx, cy, colors.data(), pos.data(), colors.size(), flags, &m)); } else { p.setShader(SkGradientShader::MakeSweep(cx, cy, colors.data(), pos.data(), colors.size())); } sk_sp<SkSurface> surface(SkSurface::MakeRasterN32Premul(50, 50)); if (useGlobalMatrix) { SkMatrix gm; makeMatrix(fuzz, &gm); SkCanvas* c = surface->getCanvas(); c->setMatrix(gm); c->drawPaint(p); } else { surface->getCanvas()->drawPaint(p); } } DEF_FUZZ(Gradients, fuzz) { uint8_t i; fuzz->next(&i); switch(i) { case 0: SkDEBUGF("LinearGradient\n"); fuzzLinearGradient(fuzz); return; case 1: SkDEBUGF("RadialGradient\n"); fuzzRadialGradient(fuzz); return; case 2: SkDEBUGF("TwoPointConicalGradient\n"); fuzzTwoPointConicalGradient(fuzz); return; } SkDEBUGF("SweepGradient\n"); fuzzSweepGradient(fuzz); return; }