/* * Copyright 2017 Google Inc. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #include "GrResourceAllocator.h" #include "GrDeinstantiateProxyTracker.h" #include "GrGpuResourcePriv.h" #include "GrOpList.h" #include "GrRenderTargetProxy.h" #include "GrResourceCache.h" #include "GrResourceProvider.h" #include "GrSurfacePriv.h" #include "GrSurfaceProxy.h" #include "GrSurfaceProxyPriv.h" #include "GrTextureProxy.h" #if GR_TRACK_INTERVAL_CREATION #include <atomic> uint32_t GrResourceAllocator::Interval::CreateUniqueID() { static std::atomic<uint32_t> nextID{1}; uint32_t id; do { id = nextID++; } while (id == SK_InvalidUniqueID); return id; } #endif void GrResourceAllocator::Interval::assign(sk_sp<GrSurface> s) { SkASSERT(!fAssignedSurface); fAssignedSurface = s; fProxy->priv().assign(std::move(s)); } void GrResourceAllocator::markEndOfOpList(int opListIndex) { SkASSERT(!fAssigned); // We shouldn't be adding any opLists after (or during) assignment SkASSERT(fEndOfOpListOpIndices.count() == opListIndex); if (!fEndOfOpListOpIndices.empty()) { SkASSERT(fEndOfOpListOpIndices.back() < this->curOp()); } fEndOfOpListOpIndices.push_back(this->curOp()); // This is the first op index of the next opList } GrResourceAllocator::~GrResourceAllocator() { SkASSERT(fIntvlList.empty()); SkASSERT(fActiveIntvls.empty()); SkASSERT(!fIntvlHash.count()); } void GrResourceAllocator::addInterval(GrSurfaceProxy* proxy, unsigned int start, unsigned int end SkDEBUGCODE(, bool isDirectDstRead)) { SkASSERT(start <= end); SkASSERT(!fAssigned); // We shouldn't be adding any intervals after (or during) assignment // If a proxy is read only it must refer to a texture with specific content that cannot be // recycled. We don't need to assign a texture to it and no other proxy can be instantiated // with the same texture. if (proxy->readOnly()) { // Since we aren't going to add an interval we won't revisit this proxy in assign(). So it // must already be instantiated or it must be a lazy proxy that we will instantiate below. SkASSERT(proxy->isInstantiated() || GrSurfaceProxy::LazyState::kNot != proxy->lazyInstantiationState()); } else { if (Interval* intvl = fIntvlHash.find(proxy->uniqueID().asUInt())) { // Revise the interval for an existing use #ifdef SK_DEBUG if (0 == start && 0 == end) { // This interval is for the initial upload to a deferred proxy. Due to the vagaries // of how deferred proxies are collected they can appear as uploads multiple times // in a single opLists' list and as uploads in several opLists. SkASSERT(0 == intvl->start()); } else if (isDirectDstRead) { // Direct reads from the render target itself should occur w/in the existing // interval SkASSERT(intvl->start() <= start && intvl->end() >= end); } else { SkASSERT(intvl->end() <= start && intvl->end() <= end); } #endif intvl->extendEnd(end); return; } Interval* newIntvl; if (fFreeIntervalList) { newIntvl = fFreeIntervalList; fFreeIntervalList = newIntvl->next(); newIntvl->setNext(nullptr); newIntvl->resetTo(proxy, start, end); } else { newIntvl = fIntervalAllocator.make<Interval>(proxy, start, end); } fIntvlList.insertByIncreasingStart(newIntvl); fIntvlHash.add(newIntvl); } // Because readOnly proxies do not get a usage interval we must instantiate them here (since it // won't occur in GrResourceAllocator::assign) if (proxy->readOnly() || !fResourceProvider->explicitlyAllocateGPUResources()) { // FIXME: remove this once we can do the lazy instantiation from assign instead. if (GrSurfaceProxy::LazyState::kNot != proxy->lazyInstantiationState()) { if (proxy->priv().doLazyInstantiation(fResourceProvider)) { if (proxy->priv().lazyInstantiationType() == GrSurfaceProxy::LazyInstantiationType::kDeinstantiate) { fDeinstantiateTracker->addProxy(proxy); } } } } } GrResourceAllocator::Interval* GrResourceAllocator::IntervalList::popHead() { SkDEBUGCODE(this->validate()); Interval* temp = fHead; if (temp) { fHead = temp->next(); if (!fHead) { fTail = nullptr; } temp->setNext(nullptr); } SkDEBUGCODE(this->validate()); return temp; } // TODO: fuse this with insertByIncreasingEnd void GrResourceAllocator::IntervalList::insertByIncreasingStart(Interval* intvl) { SkDEBUGCODE(this->validate()); SkASSERT(!intvl->next()); if (!fHead) { // 14% fHead = fTail = intvl; } else if (intvl->start() <= fHead->start()) { // 3% intvl->setNext(fHead); fHead = intvl; } else if (fTail->start() <= intvl->start()) { // 83% fTail->setNext(intvl); fTail = intvl; } else { // almost never Interval* prev = fHead; Interval* next = prev->next(); for (; intvl->start() > next->start(); prev = next, next = next->next()) { } SkASSERT(next); intvl->setNext(next); prev->setNext(intvl); } SkDEBUGCODE(this->validate()); } // TODO: fuse this with insertByIncreasingStart void GrResourceAllocator::IntervalList::insertByIncreasingEnd(Interval* intvl) { SkDEBUGCODE(this->validate()); SkASSERT(!intvl->next()); if (!fHead) { // 14% fHead = fTail = intvl; } else if (intvl->end() <= fHead->end()) { // 64% intvl->setNext(fHead); fHead = intvl; } else if (fTail->end() <= intvl->end()) { // 3% fTail->setNext(intvl); fTail = intvl; } else { // 19% but 81% of those land right after the list's head Interval* prev = fHead; Interval* next = prev->next(); for (; intvl->end() > next->end(); prev = next, next = next->next()) { } SkASSERT(next); intvl->setNext(next); prev->setNext(intvl); } SkDEBUGCODE(this->validate()); } #ifdef SK_DEBUG void GrResourceAllocator::IntervalList::validate() const { SkASSERT(SkToBool(fHead) == SkToBool(fTail)); Interval* prev = nullptr; for (Interval* cur = fHead; cur; prev = cur, cur = cur->next()) { } SkASSERT(fTail == prev); } #endif GrResourceAllocator::Interval* GrResourceAllocator::IntervalList::detachAll() { Interval* tmp = fHead; fHead = nullptr; fTail = nullptr; return tmp; } // 'surface' can be reused. Add it back to the free pool. void GrResourceAllocator::recycleSurface(sk_sp<GrSurface> surface) { const GrScratchKey &key = surface->resourcePriv().getScratchKey(); if (!key.isValid()) { return; // can't do it w/o a valid scratch key } if (surface->getUniqueKey().isValid()) { // If the surface has a unique key we throw it back into the resource cache. // If things get really tight 'findSurfaceFor' may pull it back out but there is // no need to have it in tight rotation. return; } #if GR_ALLOCATION_SPEW SkDebugf("putting surface %d back into pool\n", surface->uniqueID().asUInt()); #endif // TODO: fix this insertion so we get a more LRU-ish behavior fFreePool.insert(key, surface.release()); } // First try to reuse one of the recently allocated/used GrSurfaces in the free pool. // If we can't find a useable one, create a new one. sk_sp<GrSurface> GrResourceAllocator::findSurfaceFor(const GrSurfaceProxy* proxy, bool needsStencil) { if (proxy->asTextureProxy() && proxy->asTextureProxy()->getUniqueKey().isValid()) { // First try to reattach to a cached version if the proxy is uniquely keyed sk_sp<GrSurface> surface = fResourceProvider->findByUniqueKey<GrSurface>( proxy->asTextureProxy()->getUniqueKey()); if (surface) { if (!GrSurfaceProxyPriv::AttachStencilIfNeeded(fResourceProvider, surface.get(), needsStencil)) { return nullptr; } return surface; } } // First look in the free pool GrScratchKey key; proxy->priv().computeScratchKey(&key); auto filter = [&] (const GrSurface* s) { return !proxy->priv().requiresNoPendingIO() || !s->surfacePriv().hasPendingIO(); }; sk_sp<GrSurface> surface(fFreePool.findAndRemove(key, filter)); if (surface) { if (SkBudgeted::kYes == proxy->isBudgeted() && GrBudgetedType::kBudgeted != surface->resourcePriv().budgetedType()) { // This gets the job done but isn't quite correct. It would be better to try to // match budgeted proxies w/ budgeted surfaces and unbudgeted w/ unbudgeted. surface->resourcePriv().makeBudgeted(); } if (!GrSurfaceProxyPriv::AttachStencilIfNeeded(fResourceProvider, surface.get(), needsStencil)) { return nullptr; } SkASSERT(!surface->getUniqueKey().isValid()); return surface; } // Failing that, try to grab a new one from the resource cache return proxy->priv().createSurface(fResourceProvider); } // Remove any intervals that end before the current index. Return their GrSurfaces // to the free pool. void GrResourceAllocator::expire(unsigned int curIndex) { while (!fActiveIntvls.empty() && fActiveIntvls.peekHead()->end() < curIndex) { Interval* temp = fActiveIntvls.popHead(); SkASSERT(!temp->next()); if (temp->wasAssignedSurface()) { sk_sp<GrSurface> surface = temp->detachSurface(); // If the proxy has an actual live ref on it that means someone wants to retain its // contents. In that case we cannot recycle it (until the external holder lets // go of it). if (0 == temp->proxy()->priv().getProxyRefCnt()) { this->recycleSurface(std::move(surface)); } } // Add temp to the free interval list so it can be reused SkASSERT(!temp->wasAssignedSurface()); // it had better not have a ref on a surface temp->setNext(fFreeIntervalList); fFreeIntervalList = temp; } } bool GrResourceAllocator::assign(int* startIndex, int* stopIndex, AssignError* outError) { SkASSERT(outError); *outError = AssignError::kNoError; fIntvlHash.reset(); // we don't need the interval hash anymore if (fIntvlList.empty()) { return false; // nothing to render } *startIndex = fCurOpListIndex; *stopIndex = fEndOfOpListOpIndices.count(); if (!fResourceProvider->explicitlyAllocateGPUResources()) { fIntvlList.detachAll(); // arena allocator will clean these up for us return true; } SkDEBUGCODE(fAssigned = true;) #if GR_ALLOCATION_SPEW this->dumpIntervals(); #endif while (Interval* cur = fIntvlList.popHead()) { if (fEndOfOpListOpIndices[fCurOpListIndex] < cur->start()) { fCurOpListIndex++; } this->expire(cur->start()); bool needsStencil = cur->proxy()->asRenderTargetProxy() ? cur->proxy()->asRenderTargetProxy()->needsStencil() : false; if (cur->proxy()->isInstantiated()) { if (!GrSurfaceProxyPriv::AttachStencilIfNeeded( fResourceProvider, cur->proxy()->peekSurface(), needsStencil)) { *outError = AssignError::kFailedProxyInstantiation; } fActiveIntvls.insertByIncreasingEnd(cur); if (fResourceProvider->overBudget()) { // Only force intermediate draws on opList boundaries if (!fIntvlList.empty() && fEndOfOpListOpIndices[fCurOpListIndex] < fIntvlList.peekHead()->start()) { *stopIndex = fCurOpListIndex+1; // This is interrupting the allocation of resources for this flush. We need to // proactively clear the active interval list of any intervals that aren't // guaranteed to survive the partial flush lest they become zombies (i.e., // holding a deleted surface proxy). if (const Interval* tmp = fIntvlList.peekHead()) { this->expire(tmp->start()); } else { this->expire(std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max()); } return true; } } continue; } if (GrSurfaceProxy::LazyState::kNot != cur->proxy()->lazyInstantiationState()) { if (!cur->proxy()->priv().doLazyInstantiation(fResourceProvider)) { *outError = AssignError::kFailedProxyInstantiation; } else { if (GrSurfaceProxy::LazyInstantiationType::kDeinstantiate == cur->proxy()->priv().lazyInstantiationType()) { fDeinstantiateTracker->addProxy(cur->proxy()); } } } else if (sk_sp<GrSurface> surface = this->findSurfaceFor(cur->proxy(), needsStencil)) { // TODO: make getUniqueKey virtual on GrSurfaceProxy GrTextureProxy* texProxy = cur->proxy()->asTextureProxy(); if (texProxy && texProxy->getUniqueKey().isValid()) { if (!surface->getUniqueKey().isValid()) { fResourceProvider->assignUniqueKeyToResource(texProxy->getUniqueKey(), surface.get()); } SkASSERT(surface->getUniqueKey() == texProxy->getUniqueKey()); } #if GR_ALLOCATION_SPEW SkDebugf("Assigning %d to %d\n", surface->uniqueID().asUInt(), cur->proxy()->uniqueID().asUInt()); #endif cur->assign(std::move(surface)); } else { SkASSERT(!cur->proxy()->isInstantiated()); *outError = AssignError::kFailedProxyInstantiation; } fActiveIntvls.insertByIncreasingEnd(cur); if (fResourceProvider->overBudget()) { // Only force intermediate draws on opList boundaries if (!fIntvlList.empty() && fEndOfOpListOpIndices[fCurOpListIndex] < fIntvlList.peekHead()->start()) { *stopIndex = fCurOpListIndex+1; // This is interrupting the allocation of resources for this flush. We need to // proactively clear the active interval list of any intervals that aren't // guaranteed to survive the partial flush lest they become zombies (i.e., // holding a deleted surface proxy). if (const Interval* tmp = fIntvlList.peekHead()) { this->expire(tmp->start()); } else { this->expire(std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max()); } return true; } } } // expire all the remaining intervals to drain the active interval list this->expire(std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max()); return true; } #if GR_ALLOCATION_SPEW void GrResourceAllocator::dumpIntervals() { // Print all the intervals while computing their range unsigned int min = fNumOps+1; unsigned int max = 0; for(const Interval* cur = fIntvlList.peekHead(); cur; cur = cur->next()) { SkDebugf("{ %3d,%3d }: [%2d, %2d] - proxyRefs:%d surfaceRefs:%d R:%d W:%d\n", cur->proxy()->uniqueID().asUInt(), cur->proxy()->isInstantiated() ? cur->proxy()->underlyingUniqueID().asUInt() : -1, cur->start(), cur->end(), cur->proxy()->priv().getProxyRefCnt(), cur->proxy()->getBackingRefCnt_TestOnly(), cur->proxy()->getPendingReadCnt_TestOnly(), cur->proxy()->getPendingWriteCnt_TestOnly()); min = SkTMin(min, cur->start()); max = SkTMax(max, cur->end()); } // Draw a graph of the useage intervals for(const Interval* cur = fIntvlList.peekHead(); cur; cur = cur->next()) { SkDebugf("{ %3d,%3d }: ", cur->proxy()->uniqueID().asUInt(), cur->proxy()->isInstantiated() ? cur->proxy()->underlyingUniqueID().asUInt() : -1); for (unsigned int i = min; i <= max; ++i) { if (i >= cur->start() && i <= cur->end()) { SkDebugf("x"); } else { SkDebugf(" "); } } SkDebugf("\n"); } } #endif