/* * Copyright 2018 Google Inc. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #include <cstddef> #include <cstring> #include <type_traits> #include "GrClip.h" #include "GrContext.h" #include "GrContextPriv.h" #include "GrGpu.h" #include "GrRenderTargetContext.h" #include "GrTexture.h" #include "GrTextureProducer.h" #include "SkAutoPixmapStorage.h" #include "SkGr.h" #include "SkImage_Gpu.h" #include "SkImage_GpuYUVA.h" #include "SkMipMap.h" #include "SkScopeExit.h" #include "SkYUVASizeInfo.h" #include "effects/GrYUVtoRGBEffect.h" SkImage_GpuYUVA::SkImage_GpuYUVA(sk_sp<GrContext> context, int width, int height, uint32_t uniqueID, SkYUVColorSpace colorSpace, sk_sp<GrTextureProxy> proxies[], int numProxies, const SkYUVAIndex yuvaIndices[4], GrSurfaceOrigin origin, sk_sp<SkColorSpace> imageColorSpace) : INHERITED(std::move(context), width, height, uniqueID, // If an alpha channel is present we always switch to kPremul. This is because, // although the planar data is always un-premul, the final interleaved RGB image // is/would-be premul. GetAlphaTypeFromYUVAIndices(yuvaIndices), imageColorSpace) , fNumProxies(numProxies) , fYUVColorSpace(colorSpace) , fOrigin(origin) { // The caller should have done this work, just verifying SkDEBUGCODE(int textureCount;) SkASSERT(SkYUVAIndex::AreValidIndices(yuvaIndices, &textureCount)); SkASSERT(textureCount == fNumProxies); for (int i = 0; i < numProxies; ++i) { fProxies[i] = std::move(proxies[i]); } memcpy(fYUVAIndices, yuvaIndices, 4*sizeof(SkYUVAIndex)); } // For onMakeColorSpace() SkImage_GpuYUVA::SkImage_GpuYUVA(const SkImage_GpuYUVA* image, sk_sp<SkColorSpace> targetCS) : INHERITED(image->fContext, image->width(), image->height(), kNeedNewImageUniqueID, // If an alpha channel is present we always switch to kPremul. This is because, // although the planar data is always un-premul, the final interleaved RGB image // is/would-be premul. GetAlphaTypeFromYUVAIndices(image->fYUVAIndices), image->fColorSpace) , fNumProxies(image->fNumProxies) , fYUVColorSpace(image->fYUVColorSpace) , fOrigin(image->fOrigin) , fTargetColorSpace(targetCS) { // The caller should have done this work, just verifying SkDEBUGCODE(int textureCount;) SkASSERT(SkYUVAIndex::AreValidIndices(image->fYUVAIndices, &textureCount)); SkASSERT(textureCount == fNumProxies); for (int i = 0; i < fNumProxies; ++i) { fProxies[i] = image->fProxies[i]; // we ref in this case, not move } memcpy(fYUVAIndices, image->fYUVAIndices, 4 * sizeof(SkYUVAIndex)); } SkImage_GpuYUVA::~SkImage_GpuYUVA() {} SkImageInfo SkImage_GpuYUVA::onImageInfo() const { // Note: this is the imageInfo for the flattened image, not the YUV planes return SkImageInfo::Make(this->width(), this->height(), kRGBA_8888_SkColorType, fAlphaType, fColorSpace); } bool SkImage_GpuYUVA::setupMipmapsForPlanes() const { for (int i = 0; i < fNumProxies; ++i) { GrTextureProducer::CopyParams copyParams; int mipCount = SkMipMap::ComputeLevelCount(fProxies[i]->width(), fProxies[i]->height()); if (mipCount && GrGpu::IsACopyNeededForMips(fContext->contextPriv().caps(), fProxies[i].get(), GrSamplerState::Filter::kMipMap, ©Params)) { auto mippedProxy = GrCopyBaseMipMapToTextureProxy(fContext.get(), fProxies[i].get()); if (!mippedProxy) { return false; } fProxies[i] = mippedProxy; } } return true; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// sk_sp<GrTextureProxy> SkImage_GpuYUVA::asTextureProxyRef() const { if (!fRGBProxy) { const GrBackendFormat format = fContext->contextPriv().caps()->getBackendFormatFromColorType(kRGBA_8888_SkColorType); // Needs to create a render target in order to draw to it for the yuv->rgb conversion. sk_sp<GrRenderTargetContext> renderTargetContext( fContext->contextPriv().makeDeferredRenderTargetContext( format, SkBackingFit::kExact, this->width(), this->height(), kRGBA_8888_GrPixelConfig, fColorSpace, 1, GrMipMapped::kNo, fOrigin)); if (!renderTargetContext) { return nullptr; } const SkRect rect = SkRect::MakeIWH(this->width(), this->height()); if (!RenderYUVAToRGBA(fContext.get(), renderTargetContext.get(), rect, fYUVColorSpace, fProxies, fYUVAIndices)) { return nullptr; } fRGBProxy = renderTargetContext->asTextureProxyRef(); } return fRGBProxy; } sk_sp<GrTextureProxy> SkImage_GpuYUVA::asMippedTextureProxyRef() const { // if invalid or already has miplevels auto proxy = this->asTextureProxyRef(); if (!proxy || GrMipMapped::kYes == fRGBProxy->mipMapped()) { return proxy; } // need to generate mips for the proxy if (auto mippedProxy = GrCopyBaseMipMapToTextureProxy(fContext.get(), proxy.get())) { fRGBProxy = mippedProxy; return mippedProxy; } // failed to generate mips return nullptr; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// sk_sp<SkImage> SkImage_GpuYUVA::onMakeColorTypeAndColorSpace(SkColorType, sk_sp<SkColorSpace> targetCS) const { // We explicitly ignore color type changes, for now. // we may need a mutex here but for now we expect usage to be in a single thread if (fOnMakeColorSpaceTarget && SkColorSpace::Equals(targetCS.get(), fOnMakeColorSpaceTarget.get())) { return fOnMakeColorSpaceResult; } sk_sp<SkImage> result = sk_sp<SkImage>(new SkImage_GpuYUVA(this, targetCS)); if (result) { fOnMakeColorSpaceTarget = targetCS; fOnMakeColorSpaceResult = result; } return result; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// sk_sp<SkImage> SkImage::MakeFromYUVATextures(GrContext* ctx, SkYUVColorSpace colorSpace, const GrBackendTexture yuvaTextures[], const SkYUVAIndex yuvaIndices[4], SkISize imageSize, GrSurfaceOrigin imageOrigin, sk_sp<SkColorSpace> imageColorSpace) { int numTextures; if (!SkYUVAIndex::AreValidIndices(yuvaIndices, &numTextures)) { return nullptr; } sk_sp<GrTextureProxy> tempTextureProxies[4]; if (!SkImage_GpuBase::MakeTempTextureProxies(ctx, yuvaTextures, numTextures, yuvaIndices, imageOrigin, tempTextureProxies)) { return nullptr; } return sk_make_sp<SkImage_GpuYUVA>(sk_ref_sp(ctx), imageSize.width(), imageSize.height(), kNeedNewImageUniqueID, colorSpace, tempTextureProxies, numTextures, yuvaIndices, imageOrigin, imageColorSpace); } sk_sp<SkImage> SkImage::MakeFromYUVAPixmaps( GrContext* context, SkYUVColorSpace yuvColorSpace, const SkPixmap yuvaPixmaps[], const SkYUVAIndex yuvaIndices[4], SkISize imageSize, GrSurfaceOrigin imageOrigin, bool buildMips, bool limitToMaxTextureSize, sk_sp<SkColorSpace> imageColorSpace) { int numPixmaps; if (!SkYUVAIndex::AreValidIndices(yuvaIndices, &numPixmaps)) { return nullptr; } // Make proxies GrProxyProvider* proxyProvider = context->contextPriv().proxyProvider(); sk_sp<GrTextureProxy> tempTextureProxies[4]; for (int i = 0; i < numPixmaps; ++i) { const SkPixmap* pixmap = &yuvaPixmaps[i]; SkAutoPixmapStorage resized; int maxTextureSize = context->contextPriv().caps()->maxTextureSize(); int maxDim = SkTMax(yuvaPixmaps[i].width(), yuvaPixmaps[i].height()); if (limitToMaxTextureSize && maxDim > maxTextureSize) { float scale = static_cast<float>(maxTextureSize) / maxDim; int newWidth = SkTMin(static_cast<int>(yuvaPixmaps[i].width() * scale), maxTextureSize); int newHeight = SkTMin(static_cast<int>(yuvaPixmaps[i].height() * scale), maxTextureSize); SkImageInfo info = yuvaPixmaps[i].info().makeWH(newWidth, newHeight); if (!resized.tryAlloc(info) || !yuvaPixmaps[i].scalePixels(resized, kLow_SkFilterQuality)) { return nullptr; } pixmap = &resized; } // Turn the pixmap into a GrTextureProxy if (buildMips) { SkBitmap bmp; bmp.installPixels(*pixmap); tempTextureProxies[i] = proxyProvider->createMipMapProxyFromBitmap(bmp); } if (!tempTextureProxies[i]) { if (SkImageInfoIsValid(pixmap->info())) { ATRACE_ANDROID_FRAMEWORK("Upload Texture [%ux%u]", pixmap->width(), pixmap->height()); // We don't need a release proc on the data in pixmap since we know we are in a // GrContext that has a resource provider. Thus the createTextureProxy call will // immediately upload the data. sk_sp<SkImage> image = SkImage::MakeFromRaster(*pixmap, nullptr, nullptr); tempTextureProxies[i] = proxyProvider->createTextureProxy(std::move(image), kNone_GrSurfaceFlags, 1, SkBudgeted::kYes, SkBackingFit::kExact); } } if (!tempTextureProxies[i]) { return nullptr; } } return sk_make_sp<SkImage_GpuYUVA>(sk_ref_sp(context), imageSize.width(), imageSize.height(), kNeedNewImageUniqueID, yuvColorSpace, tempTextureProxies, numPixmaps, yuvaIndices, imageOrigin, imageColorSpace); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// sk_sp<SkImage> SkImage_GpuYUVA::MakePromiseYUVATexture( GrContext* context, SkYUVColorSpace yuvColorSpace, const GrBackendFormat yuvaFormats[], const SkISize yuvaSizes[], const SkYUVAIndex yuvaIndices[4], int imageWidth, int imageHeight, GrSurfaceOrigin imageOrigin, sk_sp<SkColorSpace> imageColorSpace, PromiseImageTextureFulfillProc textureFulfillProc, PromiseImageTextureReleaseProc textureReleaseProc, PromiseImageTextureDoneProc promiseDoneProc, PromiseImageTextureContext textureContexts[], DelayReleaseCallback delayReleaseCallback) { int numTextures; bool valid = SkYUVAIndex::AreValidIndices(yuvaIndices, &numTextures); // The contract here is that if 'promiseDoneProc' is passed in it should always be called, // even if creation of the SkImage fails. Once we call MakePromiseImageLazyProxy it takes // responsibility for calling the done proc. if (!promiseDoneProc) { return nullptr; } int proxiesCreated = 0; SkScopeExit callDone([promiseDoneProc, textureContexts, numTextures, &proxiesCreated]() { for (int i = proxiesCreated; i < numTextures; ++i) { promiseDoneProc(textureContexts[i]); } }); if (!valid) { return nullptr; } if (!context) { return nullptr; } if (imageWidth <= 0 || imageWidth <= 0) { return nullptr; } SkAlphaType at = (-1 != yuvaIndices[SkYUVAIndex::kA_Index].fIndex) ? kPremul_SkAlphaType : kOpaque_SkAlphaType; SkImageInfo info = SkImageInfo::Make(imageWidth, imageHeight, kRGBA_8888_SkColorType, at, imageColorSpace); if (!SkImageInfoIsValid(info)) { return nullptr; } // verify sizes with expected texture count for (int i = 0; i < numTextures; ++i) { if (yuvaSizes[i].isEmpty()) { return nullptr; } } for (int i = numTextures; i < SkYUVASizeInfo::kMaxCount; ++i) { if (!yuvaSizes[i].isEmpty()) { return nullptr; } } // Get lazy proxies sk_sp<GrTextureProxy> proxies[4]; for (int texIdx = 0; texIdx < numTextures; ++texIdx) { GrPixelConfig config = context->contextPriv().caps()->getYUVAConfigFromBackendFormat(yuvaFormats[texIdx]); if (config == kUnknown_GrPixelConfig) { return nullptr; } proxies[texIdx] = MakePromiseImageLazyProxy( context, yuvaSizes[texIdx].width(), yuvaSizes[texIdx].height(), imageOrigin, config, yuvaFormats[texIdx], GrMipMapped::kNo, textureFulfillProc, textureReleaseProc, promiseDoneProc, textureContexts[texIdx], delayReleaseCallback); ++proxiesCreated; if (!proxies[texIdx]) { return nullptr; } } return sk_make_sp<SkImage_GpuYUVA>(sk_ref_sp(context), imageWidth, imageHeight, kNeedNewImageUniqueID, yuvColorSpace, proxies, numTextures, yuvaIndices, imageOrigin, std::move(imageColorSpace)); }