//===-- ModuleSummaryIndex.cpp - Module Summary Index ---------------------===// // // The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure // // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // // This file implements the module index and summary classes for the // IR library. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #include "llvm/IR/ModuleSummaryIndex.h" #include "llvm/ADT/SCCIterator.h" #include "llvm/ADT/StringMap.h" #include "llvm/Support/Path.h" #include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h" using namespace llvm; FunctionSummary FunctionSummary::ExternalNode = FunctionSummary::makeDummyFunctionSummary({}); bool ValueInfo::isDSOLocal() const { // Need to check all summaries are local in case of hash collisions. return getSummaryList().size() && llvm::all_of(getSummaryList(), [](const std::unique_ptr<GlobalValueSummary> &Summary) { return Summary->isDSOLocal(); }); } // Collect for the given module the list of function it defines // (GUID -> Summary). void ModuleSummaryIndex::collectDefinedFunctionsForModule( StringRef ModulePath, GVSummaryMapTy &GVSummaryMap) const { for (auto &GlobalList : *this) { auto GUID = GlobalList.first; for (auto &GlobSummary : GlobalList.second.SummaryList) { auto *Summary = dyn_cast_or_null<FunctionSummary>(GlobSummary.get()); if (!Summary) // Ignore global variable, focus on functions continue; // Ignore summaries from other modules. if (Summary->modulePath() != ModulePath) continue; GVSummaryMap[GUID] = Summary; } } } // Collect for each module the list of function it defines (GUID -> Summary). void ModuleSummaryIndex::collectDefinedGVSummariesPerModule( StringMap<GVSummaryMapTy> &ModuleToDefinedGVSummaries) const { for (auto &GlobalList : *this) { auto GUID = GlobalList.first; for (auto &Summary : GlobalList.second.SummaryList) { ModuleToDefinedGVSummaries[Summary->modulePath()][GUID] = Summary.get(); } } } GlobalValueSummary * ModuleSummaryIndex::getGlobalValueSummary(uint64_t ValueGUID, bool PerModuleIndex) const { auto VI = getValueInfo(ValueGUID); assert(VI && "GlobalValue not found in index"); assert((!PerModuleIndex || VI.getSummaryList().size() == 1) && "Expected a single entry per global value in per-module index"); auto &Summary = VI.getSummaryList()[0]; return Summary.get(); } bool ModuleSummaryIndex::isGUIDLive(GlobalValue::GUID GUID) const { auto VI = getValueInfo(GUID); if (!VI) return true; const auto &SummaryList = VI.getSummaryList(); if (SummaryList.empty()) return true; for (auto &I : SummaryList) if (isGlobalValueLive(I.get())) return true; return false; } // TODO: write a graphviz dumper for SCCs (see ModuleSummaryIndex::exportToDot) // then delete this function and update its tests LLVM_DUMP_METHOD void ModuleSummaryIndex::dumpSCCs(raw_ostream &O) { for (scc_iterator<ModuleSummaryIndex *> I = scc_begin<ModuleSummaryIndex *>(this); !I.isAtEnd(); ++I) { O << "SCC (" << utostr(I->size()) << " node" << (I->size() == 1 ? "" : "s") << ") {\n"; for (const ValueInfo V : *I) { FunctionSummary *F = nullptr; if (V.getSummaryList().size()) F = cast<FunctionSummary>(V.getSummaryList().front().get()); O << " " << (F == nullptr ? "External" : "") << " " << utostr(V.getGUID()) << (I.hasLoop() ? " (has loop)" : "") << "\n"; } O << "}\n"; } } namespace { struct Attributes { void add(const Twine &Name, const Twine &Value, const Twine &Comment = Twine()); std::string getAsString() const; std::vector<std::string> Attrs; std::string Comments; }; struct Edge { uint64_t SrcMod; int Hotness; GlobalValue::GUID Src; GlobalValue::GUID Dst; }; } void Attributes::add(const Twine &Name, const Twine &Value, const Twine &Comment) { std::string A = Name.str(); A += "=\""; A += Value.str(); A += "\""; Attrs.push_back(A); if (!Comment.isTriviallyEmpty()) { if (Comments.empty()) Comments = " // "; else Comments += ", "; Comments += Comment.str(); } } std::string Attributes::getAsString() const { if (Attrs.empty()) return ""; std::string Ret = "["; for (auto &A : Attrs) Ret += A + ","; Ret.pop_back(); Ret += "];"; Ret += Comments; return Ret; } static std::string linkageToString(GlobalValue::LinkageTypes LT) { switch (LT) { case GlobalValue::ExternalLinkage: return "extern"; case GlobalValue::AvailableExternallyLinkage: return "av_ext"; case GlobalValue::LinkOnceAnyLinkage: return "linkonce"; case GlobalValue::LinkOnceODRLinkage: return "linkonce_odr"; case GlobalValue::WeakAnyLinkage: return "weak"; case GlobalValue::WeakODRLinkage: return "weak_odr"; case GlobalValue::AppendingLinkage: return "appending"; case GlobalValue::InternalLinkage: return "internal"; case GlobalValue::PrivateLinkage: return "private"; case GlobalValue::ExternalWeakLinkage: return "extern_weak"; case GlobalValue::CommonLinkage: return "common"; } return "<unknown>"; } static std::string fflagsToString(FunctionSummary::FFlags F) { auto FlagValue = [](unsigned V) { return V ? '1' : '0'; }; char FlagRep[] = {FlagValue(F.ReadNone), FlagValue(F.ReadOnly), FlagValue(F.NoRecurse), FlagValue(F.ReturnDoesNotAlias), 0}; return FlagRep; } // Get string representation of function instruction count and flags. static std::string getSummaryAttributes(GlobalValueSummary* GVS) { auto *FS = dyn_cast_or_null<FunctionSummary>(GVS); if (!FS) return ""; return std::string("inst: ") + std::to_string(FS->instCount()) + ", ffl: " + fflagsToString(FS->fflags()); } static std::string getNodeVisualName(const ValueInfo &VI) { return VI.name().empty() ? std::string("@") + std::to_string(VI.getGUID()) : VI.name().str(); } static std::string getNodeLabel(const ValueInfo &VI, GlobalValueSummary *GVS) { if (isa<AliasSummary>(GVS)) return getNodeVisualName(VI); std::string Attrs = getSummaryAttributes(GVS); std::string Label = getNodeVisualName(VI) + "|" + linkageToString(GVS->linkage()); if (!Attrs.empty()) Label += std::string(" (") + Attrs + ")"; Label += "}"; return Label; } // Write definition of external node, which doesn't have any // specific module associated with it. Typically this is function // or variable defined in native object or library. static void defineExternalNode(raw_ostream &OS, const char *Pfx, const ValueInfo &VI) { auto StrId = std::to_string(VI.getGUID()); OS << " " << StrId << " [label=\"" << getNodeVisualName(VI) << "\"]; // defined externally\n"; } void ModuleSummaryIndex::exportToDot(raw_ostream& OS) const { std::vector<Edge> CrossModuleEdges; DenseMap<GlobalValue::GUID, std::vector<uint64_t>> NodeMap; StringMap<GVSummaryMapTy> ModuleToDefinedGVS; collectDefinedGVSummariesPerModule(ModuleToDefinedGVS); // Get node identifier in form MXXX_<GUID>. The MXXX prefix is required, // because we may have multiple linkonce functions summaries. auto NodeId = [](uint64_t ModId, GlobalValue::GUID Id) { return ModId == (uint64_t)-1 ? std::to_string(Id) : std::string("M") + std::to_string(ModId) + "_" + std::to_string(Id); }; auto DrawEdge = [&](const char *Pfx, int SrcMod, GlobalValue::GUID SrcId, int DstMod, GlobalValue::GUID DstId, int TypeOrHotness) { // 0 corresponds to alias edge, 1 to ref edge, 2 to call with unknown // hotness, ... TypeOrHotness += 2; static const char *EdgeAttrs[] = { " [style=dotted]; // alias", " [style=dashed]; // ref", " // call (hotness : Unknown)", " [color=blue]; // call (hotness : Cold)", " // call (hotness : None)", " [color=brown]; // call (hotness : Hot)", " [style=bold,color=red]; // call (hotness : Critical)"}; assert(static_cast<size_t>(TypeOrHotness) < sizeof(EdgeAttrs) / sizeof(EdgeAttrs[0])); OS << Pfx << NodeId(SrcMod, SrcId) << " -> " << NodeId(DstMod, DstId) << EdgeAttrs[TypeOrHotness] << "\n"; }; OS << "digraph Summary {\n"; for (auto &ModIt : ModuleToDefinedGVS) { auto ModId = getModuleId(ModIt.first()); OS << " // Module: " << ModIt.first() << "\n"; OS << " subgraph cluster_" << std::to_string(ModId) << " {\n"; OS << " style = filled;\n"; OS << " color = lightgrey;\n"; OS << " label = \"" << sys::path::filename(ModIt.first()) << "\";\n"; OS << " node [style=filled,fillcolor=lightblue];\n"; auto &GVSMap = ModIt.second; auto Draw = [&](GlobalValue::GUID IdFrom, GlobalValue::GUID IdTo, int Hotness) { if (!GVSMap.count(IdTo)) { CrossModuleEdges.push_back({ModId, Hotness, IdFrom, IdTo}); return; } DrawEdge(" ", ModId, IdFrom, ModId, IdTo, Hotness); }; for (auto &SummaryIt : GVSMap) { NodeMap[SummaryIt.first].push_back(ModId); auto Flags = SummaryIt.second->flags(); Attributes A; if (isa<FunctionSummary>(SummaryIt.second)) { A.add("shape", "record", "function"); } else if (isa<AliasSummary>(SummaryIt.second)) { A.add("style", "dotted,filled", "alias"); A.add("shape", "box"); } else { A.add("shape", "Mrecord", "variable"); } auto VI = getValueInfo(SummaryIt.first); A.add("label", getNodeLabel(VI, SummaryIt.second)); if (!Flags.Live) A.add("fillcolor", "red", "dead"); else if (Flags.NotEligibleToImport) A.add("fillcolor", "yellow", "not eligible to import"); OS << " " << NodeId(ModId, SummaryIt.first) << " " << A.getAsString() << "\n"; } OS << " // Edges:\n"; for (auto &SummaryIt : GVSMap) { auto *GVS = SummaryIt.second; for (auto &R : GVS->refs()) Draw(SummaryIt.first, R.getGUID(), -1); if (auto *AS = dyn_cast_or_null<AliasSummary>(SummaryIt.second)) { auto AliaseeOrigId = AS->getAliasee().getOriginalName(); auto AliaseeId = getGUIDFromOriginalID(AliaseeOrigId); Draw(SummaryIt.first, AliaseeId ? AliaseeId : AliaseeOrigId, -2); continue; } if (auto *FS = dyn_cast_or_null<FunctionSummary>(SummaryIt.second)) for (auto &CGEdge : FS->calls()) Draw(SummaryIt.first, CGEdge.first.getGUID(), static_cast<int>(CGEdge.second.Hotness)); } OS << " }\n"; } OS << " // Cross-module edges:\n"; for (auto &E : CrossModuleEdges) { auto &ModList = NodeMap[E.Dst]; if (ModList.empty()) { defineExternalNode(OS, " ", getValueInfo(E.Dst)); // Add fake module to the list to draw an edge to an external node // in the loop below. ModList.push_back(-1); } for (auto DstMod : ModList) // The edge representing call or ref is drawn to every module where target // symbol is defined. When target is a linkonce symbol there can be // multiple edges representing a single call or ref, both intra-module and // cross-module. As we've already drawn all intra-module edges before we // skip it here. if (DstMod != E.SrcMod) DrawEdge(" ", E.SrcMod, E.Src, DstMod, E.Dst, E.Hotness); } OS << "}"; }