; Tests that we check the call address is a pointer on an indirect call.

; REQUIRES: no_minimal_build

; RUN: not %pnacl_sz -bitcode-as-text -allow-externally-defined-symbols \
; RUN:     %p/Inputs/indirect-call-on-float.tbc \
; RUN:     -bitcode-format=pnacl -notranslate -build-on-read 2>&1 \
; RUN:   | FileCheck %s

; CHECK: Call indirect address not i32. Found: float

; RUN: pnacl-bcfuzz -bitcode-as-text \
; RUN:     %p/Inputs/indirect-call-on-float.tbc -output - \
; RUN:   | not pnacl-bcdis -no-records | FileCheck -check-prefix=ASM %s

; ASM:   function void @f1(i32 %p0, float %p1) {  // BlockID = 12
; ASM:     blocks 1;
; ASM:   %b0:
; ASM:     call void %p1();
; ASM:     ret void;
; ASM:   }