; Tests that we check for multiple modules in the bitcode file. ; REQUIRES: no_minimal_build ; RUN: not %pnacl_sz -bitcode-as-text \ ; RUN: %p/Inputs/multiple-modules.tbc \ ; RUN: -bitcode-format=pnacl -notranslate -build-on-read 2>&1 \ ; RUN: | FileCheck %s ; CHECK: Input can't contain more than one module ; RUN: pnacl-bcfuzz -bitcode-as-text \ ; RUN: %p/Inputs/multiple-modules.tbc -output - \ ; RUN: | not pnacl-bcdis -no-records | FileCheck -check-prefix=ASM %s ; ASM: module { // BlockID = 8 ; ASM: version 1; ; ASM: } ; ASM: module { // BlockID = 8 ; ASM: version 1; ; ASM: } ; ASM: Error(38:4): Expected 1 top level block in bitcode: Found:2