# Syscall descriptions syntax

Pseudo-formal grammar of syscall description:

syscallname "(" [arg ["," arg]*] ")" [type]
arg = argname type
argname = identifier
type = typename [ "[" type-options "]" ]
typename = "const" | "intN" | "intptr" | "flags" | "array" | "ptr" |
	   "buffer" | "string" | "strconst" | "filename" | "len" |
	   "bytesize" | "bytesizeN" | "bitsize" | "vma" | "proc"
type-options = [type-opt ["," type-opt]]

common type-options include:

"opt" - the argument is optional (like mmap fd argument, or accept peer argument)

rest of the type-options are type-specific:

"const": integer constant, type-options:
	value, underlying type (one if "intN", "intptr")
"intN"/"intptr": an integer without a particular meaning, type-options:
	optional range of values (e.g. "5:10", or "100:200")
"flags": a set of flags, type-options:
	reference to flags description (see below)
"array": a variable/fixed-length array, type-options:
	type of elements, optional size (fixed "5", or ranged "5:10", boundaries inclusive)
"ptr"/"ptr64": a pointer to an object, type-options:
	type of the object; direction (in/out/inout)
	ptr64 has size of 8 bytes regardless of target pointer size
"buffer": a pointer to a memory buffer (like read/write buffer argument), type-options:
	direction (in/out/inout)
"string": a zero-terminated memory buffer (no pointer indirection implied), type-options:
	either a string value in quotes for constant strings (e.g. "foo"),
	or a reference to string flags (special value `filename` produces file names),
	optionally followed by a buffer size (string values will be padded with \x00 to that size)
"stringnoz": a non-zero-terminated memory buffer (no pointer indirection implied), type-options:
	either a string value in quotes for constant strings (e.g. "foo"),
	or a reference to string flags,
"fmt": a string representation of an integer (not zero-terminated), type-options:
	format (one of "dec", "hex", "oct") and the value (a resource, int, flags, const or proc)
	the resulting data is always fixed-size (formatted as "%020llu", "0x%016llx" or "%023llo", respectively)
"fileoff": offset within a file
"len": length of another field (for array it is number of elements), type-options:
	argname of the object
"bytesize": similar to "len", but always denotes the size in bytes, type-options:
	argname of the object
"bitsize": similar to "len", but always denotes the size in bits, type-options:
	argname of the object
"vma": a pointer to a set of pages (used as input for mmap/munmap/mremap/madvise), type-options:
	optional number of pages (e.g. vma[7]), or a range of pages (e.g. vma[2-4])
"proc": per process int (see description below), type-options:
	value range start, how many values per process, underlying type
"text": machine code of the specified type, type-options:
	text type (x86_real, x86_16, x86_32, x86_64, arm64)
"void": type with static size 0
	mostly useful inside of templates and varlen unions, can't be syscall argument

flags/len/flags also have trailing underlying type type-option when used in structs/unions/pointers.

Flags are described as:

flagname = const ["," const]*

or for string flags as:

flagname = "\"" literal "\"" ["," "\"" literal "\""]*

## Ints

`int8`, `int16`, `int32` and `int64` denote an integer of the corresponding size.
`intptr` denotes a pointer-sized integer, i.e. C `long` type.

By appending `be` suffix (e.g. `int16be`) integers become big-endian.

It's possible to specify range of values for an integer in the format of `int32[0:100]`.

To denote a bitfield of size N use `int64:N`.

It's possible to use these various kinds of ints as base types for `const`, `flags`, `len` and `proc`.

example_struct {
	f0	int8			# random 1-byte integer
	f1	const[0x42, int16be]	# const 2-byte integer with value 0x4200 (big-endian 0x42)
	f2	int32[0:100]		# random 4-byte integer with values from 0 to 100 inclusive
	f3	int64:20		# random 20-bit bitfield

## Structs

Structs are described as:

structname "{" "\n"
	(fieldname type "\n")+
"}" ("[" attribute* "]")?

Structs can have attributes specified in square brackets after the struct.
Attributes are:

"packed": the struct does not have paddings and has default alignment 1
"align_N": the struct has alignment N
"size": the struct is padded up to the specified size


## Unions

Unions are described as:

unionname "[" "\n"
	(fieldname type "\n")+

Unions can have a trailing "varlen" attribute (specified in square brackets after the union),
which means that union length is not maximum of all option lengths,
but rather length of a particular chosen option.

## Resources

Resources represent values that need to be passed from output of one syscall to input of another syscall. For example, `close` syscall requires an input value (fd) previously returned by `open` or `pipe` syscall. To achieve this, `fd` is declared as a resource. Resources are described as:

"resource" identifier "[" underlying_type "]" [ ":" const ("," const)* ]

`underlying_type` is either one of `int8`, `int16`, `int32`, `int64`, `intptr` or another resource (which models inheritance, for example, a socket is a subype of fd). The optional set of constants represent resource special values, for example, `0xffffffffffffffff` (-1) for "no fd", or `AT_FDCWD` for "the current dir". Special values are used once in a while as resource values. If no special values specified, special value of `0` is used. Resources can then be used as types, for example:

resource fd[int32]: 0xffffffffffffffff, AT_FDCWD, 1000000
resource sock[fd]
resource sock_unix[sock]

socket(...) sock
accept(fd sock, ...) sock
listen(fd sock, backlog int32)

## Type Aliases

Complex types that are often repeated can be given short type aliases using the
following syntax:

type identifier underlying_type

For example:

type signalno int32[0:65]
type net_port proc[20000, 4, int16be]

Then, type alias can be used instead of the underlying type in any contexts.
Underlying type needs to be described as if it's a struct field, that is,
with the base type if it's required. However, type alias can be used as syscall
arguments as well. Underlying types are currently restricted to integer types,
`ptr`, `ptr64`, `const`, `flags` and `proc` types.

There are some builtin type aliases:
type bool8	int8[0:1]
type bool16	int16[0:1]
type bool32	int32[0:1]
type bool64	int64[0:1]
type boolptr	intptr[0:1]

type filename string[filename]

## Type Templates

Type templates can be declared as follows:
type buffer[DIR] ptr[DIR, array[int8]]
type fileoff[BASE] BASE
type nlattr[TYPE, PAYLOAD] {
	nla_len		len[parent, int16]
	nla_type	const[TYPE, int16]
	payload		PAYLOAD
} [align_4]

and later used as follows:
syscall(a buffer[in], b fileoff[int64], c ptr[in, nlattr[FOO, int32]])

There is builtin type template `optional` defined as:
type optional[T] [
	val	T
	void	void
] [varlen]

## Length

You can specify length of a particular field in struct or a named argument by using `len`, `bytesize` and `bitsize` types, for example:

write(fd fd, buf buffer[in], count len[buf]) len[buf]

sock_fprog {
	len	len[filter, int16]
	filter	ptr[in, array[sock_filter]]

If `len`'s argument is a pointer (or a `buffer`), then the length of the pointee argument is used.

To denote the length of a field in N-byte words use `bytesizeN`, possible values for N are 1, 2, 4 and 8.

To denote the length of the parent struct, you can use `len[parent, int8]`.
To denote the length of the higher level parent when structs are embedded into one another, you can specify the type name of the particular parent:

struct s1 {
    f0      len[s2]  # length of s2

struct s2 {
    f0      s1
    f1      array[int32]


## Proc

The `proc` type can be used to denote per process integers.
The idea is to have a separate range of values for each executor, so they don't interfere.

The simplest example is a port number.
The `proc[20000, 4, int16be]` type means that we want to generate an `int16be`
integer starting from `20000` and assign `4` values for each process.
As a result the executor number `n` will get values in the `[20000 + n * 4, 20000 + (n + 1) * 4)` range.

## Integer Constants

Integer constants can be specified as decimal literals, as `0x`-prefixed
hex literals, as `'`-surrounded char literals, or as symbolic constants
extracted from kernel headers or defined by `define` directives. For example:

foo(a const[10], b const[-10])
foo(a const[0xabcd])
foo(a int8['a':'z'])
foo(a const[PATH_MAX])
foo(a ptr[in, array[int8, MY_PATH_MAX]])

## Misc

Description files also contain `include` directives that refer to Linux kernel header files,
`incdir` directives that refer to custom Linux kernel header directories 
and `define` directives that define symbolic constant values.