// Copyright 2013 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "src/compiler/graph-visualizer.h" #include <memory> #include <sstream> #include <string> #include "src/code-stubs.h" #include "src/compiler/all-nodes.h" #include "src/compiler/compiler-source-position-table.h" #include "src/compiler/graph.h" #include "src/compiler/node-origin-table.h" #include "src/compiler/node-properties.h" #include "src/compiler/node.h" #include "src/compiler/opcodes.h" #include "src/compiler/operator-properties.h" #include "src/compiler/operator.h" #include "src/compiler/register-allocator.h" #include "src/compiler/schedule.h" #include "src/compiler/scheduler.h" #include "src/interpreter/bytecodes.h" #include "src/objects/script-inl.h" #include "src/objects/shared-function-info.h" #include "src/optimized-compilation-info.h" #include "src/ostreams.h" #include "src/source-position.h" namespace v8 { namespace internal { namespace compiler { const char* get_cached_trace_turbo_filename(OptimizedCompilationInfo* info) { if (!info->trace_turbo_filename()) { info->set_trace_turbo_filename( GetVisualizerLogFileName(info, FLAG_trace_turbo_path, nullptr, "json")); } return info->trace_turbo_filename(); } TurboJsonFile::TurboJsonFile(OptimizedCompilationInfo* info, std::ios_base::openmode mode) : std::ofstream(get_cached_trace_turbo_filename(info), mode) {} TurboJsonFile::~TurboJsonFile() { flush(); } std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const SourcePositionAsJSON& asJSON) { asJSON.sp.PrintJson(out); return out; } std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const NodeOriginAsJSON& asJSON) { asJSON.no.PrintJson(out); return out; } void JsonPrintFunctionSource(std::ostream& os, int source_id, std::unique_ptr<char[]> function_name, Handle<Script> script, Isolate* isolate, Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> shared, bool with_key) { if (with_key) os << "\"" << source_id << "\" : "; os << "{ "; os << "\"sourceId\": " << source_id; os << ", \"functionName\": \"" << function_name.get() << "\" "; int start = 0; int end = 0; if (!script.is_null() && !script->IsUndefined(isolate) && !shared.is_null()) { Object* source_name = script->name(); os << ", \"sourceName\": \""; if (source_name->IsString()) { os << String::cast(source_name)->ToCString().get(); } os << "\""; { DisallowHeapAllocation no_allocation; start = shared->StartPosition(); end = shared->EndPosition(); os << ", \"sourceText\": \""; int len = shared->EndPosition() - start; String::SubStringRange source(String::cast(script->source()), start, len); for (const auto& c : source) { os << AsEscapedUC16ForJSON(c); } os << "\""; } } else { os << ", \"sourceName\": \"\""; os << ", \"sourceText\": \"\""; } os << ", \"startPosition\": " << start; os << ", \"endPosition\": " << end; os << "}"; } int SourceIdAssigner::GetIdFor(Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> shared) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < printed_.size(); i++) { if (printed_.at(i).is_identical_to(shared)) { source_ids_.push_back(i); return i; } } const int source_id = static_cast<int>(printed_.size()); printed_.push_back(shared); source_ids_.push_back(source_id); return source_id; } namespace { void JsonPrintInlinedFunctionInfo( std::ostream& os, int source_id, int inlining_id, const OptimizedCompilationInfo::InlinedFunctionHolder& h) { os << "\"" << inlining_id << "\" : "; os << "{ \"inliningId\" : " << inlining_id; os << ", \"sourceId\" : " << source_id; const SourcePosition position = h.position.position; if (position.IsKnown()) { os << ", \"inliningPosition\" : " << AsJSON(position); } os << "}"; } } // namespace void JsonPrintAllSourceWithPositions(std::ostream& os, OptimizedCompilationInfo* info, Isolate* isolate) { AllowDeferredHandleDereference allow_deference_for_print_code; os << "\"sources\" : {"; Handle<Script> script = (info->shared_info().is_null() || !info->shared_info()->script()) ? Handle<Script>() : handle(Script::cast(info->shared_info()->script()), isolate); JsonPrintFunctionSource(os, -1, info->shared_info().is_null() ? std::unique_ptr<char[]>(new char[1]{0}) : info->shared_info()->DebugName()->ToCString(), script, isolate, info->shared_info(), true); const auto& inlined = info->inlined_functions(); SourceIdAssigner id_assigner(info->inlined_functions().size()); for (unsigned id = 0; id < inlined.size(); id++) { os << ", "; Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> shared = inlined[id].shared_info; const int source_id = id_assigner.GetIdFor(shared); JsonPrintFunctionSource(os, source_id, shared->DebugName()->ToCString(), handle(Script::cast(shared->script()), isolate), isolate, shared, true); } os << "}, "; os << "\"inlinings\" : {"; bool need_comma = false; for (unsigned id = 0; id < inlined.size(); id++) { if (need_comma) os << ", "; const int source_id = id_assigner.GetIdAt(id); JsonPrintInlinedFunctionInfo(os, source_id, id, inlined[id]); need_comma = true; } os << "}"; } std::unique_ptr<char[]> GetVisualizerLogFileName(OptimizedCompilationInfo* info, const char* optional_base_dir, const char* phase, const char* suffix) { EmbeddedVector<char, 256> filename(0); std::unique_ptr<char[]> debug_name = info->GetDebugName(); int optimization_id = info->IsOptimizing() ? info->optimization_id() : 0; if (strlen(debug_name.get()) > 0) { SNPrintF(filename, "turbo-%s-%i", debug_name.get(), optimization_id); } else if (info->has_shared_info()) { SNPrintF(filename, "turbo-%p-%i", reinterpret_cast<void*>(info->shared_info()->address()), optimization_id); } else { SNPrintF(filename, "turbo-none-%i", optimization_id); } EmbeddedVector<char, 256> source_file(0); bool source_available = false; if (FLAG_trace_file_names && info->has_shared_info() && info->shared_info()->script()->IsScript()) { Object* source_name = Script::cast(info->shared_info()->script())->name(); if (source_name->IsString()) { String* str = String::cast(source_name); if (str->length() > 0) { SNPrintF(source_file, "%s", str->ToCString().get()); std::replace(source_file.start(), source_file.start() + source_file.length(), '/', '_'); source_available = true; } } } std::replace(filename.start(), filename.start() + filename.length(), ' ', '_'); EmbeddedVector<char, 256> base_dir; if (optional_base_dir != nullptr) { SNPrintF(base_dir, "%s%c", optional_base_dir, base::OS::DirectorySeparator()); } else { base_dir[0] = '\0'; } EmbeddedVector<char, 256> full_filename; if (phase == nullptr && !source_available) { SNPrintF(full_filename, "%s%s.%s", base_dir.start(), filename.start(), suffix); } else if (phase != nullptr && !source_available) { SNPrintF(full_filename, "%s%s-%s.%s", base_dir.start(), filename.start(), phase, suffix); } else if (phase == nullptr && source_available) { SNPrintF(full_filename, "%s%s_%s.%s", base_dir.start(), filename.start(), source_file.start(), suffix); } else { SNPrintF(full_filename, "%s%s_%s-%s.%s", base_dir.start(), filename.start(), source_file.start(), phase, suffix); } char* buffer = new char[full_filename.length() + 1]; memcpy(buffer, full_filename.start(), full_filename.length()); buffer[full_filename.length()] = '\0'; return std::unique_ptr<char[]>(buffer); } static int SafeId(Node* node) { return node == nullptr ? -1 : node->id(); } static const char* SafeMnemonic(Node* node) { return node == nullptr ? "null" : node->op()->mnemonic(); } class JSONEscaped { public: explicit JSONEscaped(const std::ostringstream& os) : str_(os.str()) {} friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const JSONEscaped& e) { for (char c : e.str_) PipeCharacter(os, c); return os; } private: static std::ostream& PipeCharacter(std::ostream& os, char c) { if (c == '"') return os << "\\\""; if (c == '\\') return os << "\\\\"; if (c == '\b') return os << "\\b"; if (c == '\f') return os << "\\f"; if (c == '\n') return os << "\\n"; if (c == '\r') return os << "\\r"; if (c == '\t') return os << "\\t"; return os << c; } const std::string str_; }; class JSONGraphNodeWriter { public: JSONGraphNodeWriter(std::ostream& os, Zone* zone, const Graph* graph, const SourcePositionTable* positions, const NodeOriginTable* origins) : os_(os), all_(zone, graph, false), live_(zone, graph, true), positions_(positions), origins_(origins), first_node_(true) {} void Print() { for (Node* const node : all_.reachable) PrintNode(node); os_ << "\n"; } void PrintNode(Node* node) { if (first_node_) { first_node_ = false; } else { os_ << ",\n"; } std::ostringstream label, title, properties; node->op()->PrintTo(label, Operator::PrintVerbosity::kSilent); node->op()->PrintTo(title, Operator::PrintVerbosity::kVerbose); node->op()->PrintPropsTo(properties); os_ << "{\"id\":" << SafeId(node) << ",\"label\":\"" << JSONEscaped(label) << "\"" << ",\"title\":\"" << JSONEscaped(title) << "\"" << ",\"live\": " << (live_.IsLive(node) ? "true" : "false") << ",\"properties\":\"" << JSONEscaped(properties) << "\""; IrOpcode::Value opcode = node->opcode(); if (IrOpcode::IsPhiOpcode(opcode)) { os_ << ",\"rankInputs\":[0," << NodeProperties::FirstControlIndex(node) << "]"; os_ << ",\"rankWithInput\":[" << NodeProperties::FirstControlIndex(node) << "]"; } else if (opcode == IrOpcode::kIfTrue || opcode == IrOpcode::kIfFalse || opcode == IrOpcode::kLoop) { os_ << ",\"rankInputs\":[" << NodeProperties::FirstControlIndex(node) << "]"; } if (opcode == IrOpcode::kBranch) { os_ << ",\"rankInputs\":[0]"; } SourcePosition position = positions_->GetSourcePosition(node); if (position.IsKnown()) { os_ << ", \"sourcePosition\" : " << AsJSON(position); } if (origins_) { NodeOrigin origin = origins_->GetNodeOrigin(node); if (origin.IsKnown()) { os_ << ", \"origin\" : " << AsJSON(origin); } } os_ << ",\"opcode\":\"" << IrOpcode::Mnemonic(node->opcode()) << "\""; os_ << ",\"control\":" << (NodeProperties::IsControl(node) ? "true" : "false"); os_ << ",\"opinfo\":\"" << node->op()->ValueInputCount() << " v " << node->op()->EffectInputCount() << " eff " << node->op()->ControlInputCount() << " ctrl in, " << node->op()->ValueOutputCount() << " v " << node->op()->EffectOutputCount() << " eff " << node->op()->ControlOutputCount() << " ctrl out\""; if (NodeProperties::IsTyped(node)) { Type type = NodeProperties::GetType(node); std::ostringstream type_out; type.PrintTo(type_out); os_ << ",\"type\":\"" << JSONEscaped(type_out) << "\""; } os_ << "}"; } private: std::ostream& os_; AllNodes all_; AllNodes live_; const SourcePositionTable* positions_; const NodeOriginTable* origins_; bool first_node_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(JSONGraphNodeWriter); }; class JSONGraphEdgeWriter { public: JSONGraphEdgeWriter(std::ostream& os, Zone* zone, const Graph* graph) : os_(os), all_(zone, graph, false), first_edge_(true) {} void Print() { for (Node* const node : all_.reachable) PrintEdges(node); os_ << "\n"; } void PrintEdges(Node* node) { for (int i = 0; i < node->InputCount(); i++) { Node* input = node->InputAt(i); if (input == nullptr) continue; PrintEdge(node, i, input); } } void PrintEdge(Node* from, int index, Node* to) { if (first_edge_) { first_edge_ = false; } else { os_ << ",\n"; } const char* edge_type = nullptr; if (index < NodeProperties::FirstValueIndex(from)) { edge_type = "unknown"; } else if (index < NodeProperties::FirstContextIndex(from)) { edge_type = "value"; } else if (index < NodeProperties::FirstFrameStateIndex(from)) { edge_type = "context"; } else if (index < NodeProperties::FirstEffectIndex(from)) { edge_type = "frame-state"; } else if (index < NodeProperties::FirstControlIndex(from)) { edge_type = "effect"; } else { edge_type = "control"; } os_ << "{\"source\":" << SafeId(to) << ",\"target\":" << SafeId(from) << ",\"index\":" << index << ",\"type\":\"" << edge_type << "\"}"; } private: std::ostream& os_; AllNodes all_; bool first_edge_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(JSONGraphEdgeWriter); }; std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const GraphAsJSON& ad) { AccountingAllocator allocator; Zone tmp_zone(&allocator, ZONE_NAME); os << "{\n\"nodes\":["; JSONGraphNodeWriter(os, &tmp_zone, &ad.graph, ad.positions, ad.origins) .Print(); os << "],\n\"edges\":["; JSONGraphEdgeWriter(os, &tmp_zone, &ad.graph).Print(); os << "]}"; return os; } class GraphC1Visualizer { public: GraphC1Visualizer(std::ostream& os, Zone* zone); // NOLINT void PrintCompilation(const OptimizedCompilationInfo* info); void PrintSchedule(const char* phase, const Schedule* schedule, const SourcePositionTable* positions, const InstructionSequence* instructions); void PrintLiveRanges(const char* phase, const RegisterAllocationData* data); Zone* zone() const { return zone_; } private: void PrintIndent(); void PrintStringProperty(const char* name, const char* value); void PrintLongProperty(const char* name, int64_t value); void PrintIntProperty(const char* name, int value); void PrintBlockProperty(const char* name, int rpo_number); void PrintNodeId(Node* n); void PrintNode(Node* n); void PrintInputs(Node* n); template <typename InputIterator> void PrintInputs(InputIterator* i, int count, const char* prefix); void PrintType(Node* node); void PrintLiveRange(const LiveRange* range, const char* type, int vreg); void PrintLiveRangeChain(const TopLevelLiveRange* range, const char* type); class Tag final BASE_EMBEDDED { public: Tag(GraphC1Visualizer* visualizer, const char* name) { name_ = name; visualizer_ = visualizer; visualizer->PrintIndent(); visualizer_->os_ << "begin_" << name << "\n"; visualizer->indent_++; } ~Tag() { visualizer_->indent_--; visualizer_->PrintIndent(); visualizer_->os_ << "end_" << name_ << "\n"; DCHECK_LE(0, visualizer_->indent_); } private: GraphC1Visualizer* visualizer_; const char* name_; }; std::ostream& os_; int indent_; Zone* zone_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(GraphC1Visualizer); }; void GraphC1Visualizer::PrintIndent() { for (int i = 0; i < indent_; i++) { os_ << " "; } } GraphC1Visualizer::GraphC1Visualizer(std::ostream& os, Zone* zone) : os_(os), indent_(0), zone_(zone) {} void GraphC1Visualizer::PrintStringProperty(const char* name, const char* value) { PrintIndent(); os_ << name << " \"" << value << "\"\n"; } void GraphC1Visualizer::PrintLongProperty(const char* name, int64_t value) { PrintIndent(); os_ << name << " " << static_cast<int>(value / 1000) << "\n"; } void GraphC1Visualizer::PrintBlockProperty(const char* name, int rpo_number) { PrintIndent(); os_ << name << " \"B" << rpo_number << "\"\n"; } void GraphC1Visualizer::PrintIntProperty(const char* name, int value) { PrintIndent(); os_ << name << " " << value << "\n"; } void GraphC1Visualizer::PrintCompilation(const OptimizedCompilationInfo* info) { Tag tag(this, "compilation"); std::unique_ptr<char[]> name = info->GetDebugName(); if (info->IsOptimizing()) { PrintStringProperty("name", name.get()); PrintIndent(); os_ << "method \"" << name.get() << ":" << info->optimization_id() << "\"\n"; } else { PrintStringProperty("name", name.get()); PrintStringProperty("method", "stub"); } PrintLongProperty( "date", static_cast<int64_t>(V8::GetCurrentPlatform()->CurrentClockTimeMillis())); } void GraphC1Visualizer::PrintNodeId(Node* n) { os_ << "n" << SafeId(n); } void GraphC1Visualizer::PrintNode(Node* n) { PrintNodeId(n); os_ << " " << *n->op() << " "; PrintInputs(n); } template <typename InputIterator> void GraphC1Visualizer::PrintInputs(InputIterator* i, int count, const char* prefix) { if (count > 0) { os_ << prefix; } while (count > 0) { os_ << " "; PrintNodeId(**i); ++(*i); count--; } } void GraphC1Visualizer::PrintInputs(Node* node) { auto i = node->inputs().begin(); PrintInputs(&i, node->op()->ValueInputCount(), " "); PrintInputs(&i, OperatorProperties::GetContextInputCount(node->op()), " Ctx:"); PrintInputs(&i, OperatorProperties::GetFrameStateInputCount(node->op()), " FS:"); PrintInputs(&i, node->op()->EffectInputCount(), " Eff:"); PrintInputs(&i, node->op()->ControlInputCount(), " Ctrl:"); } void GraphC1Visualizer::PrintType(Node* node) { if (NodeProperties::IsTyped(node)) { Type type = NodeProperties::GetType(node); os_ << " type:" << type; } } void GraphC1Visualizer::PrintSchedule(const char* phase, const Schedule* schedule, const SourcePositionTable* positions, const InstructionSequence* instructions) { Tag tag(this, "cfg"); PrintStringProperty("name", phase); const BasicBlockVector* rpo = schedule->rpo_order(); for (size_t i = 0; i < rpo->size(); i++) { BasicBlock* current = (*rpo)[i]; Tag block_tag(this, "block"); PrintBlockProperty("name", current->rpo_number()); PrintIntProperty("from_bci", -1); PrintIntProperty("to_bci", -1); PrintIndent(); os_ << "predecessors"; for (BasicBlock* predecessor : current->predecessors()) { os_ << " \"B" << predecessor->rpo_number() << "\""; } os_ << "\n"; PrintIndent(); os_ << "successors"; for (BasicBlock* successor : current->successors()) { os_ << " \"B" << successor->rpo_number() << "\""; } os_ << "\n"; PrintIndent(); os_ << "xhandlers\n"; PrintIndent(); os_ << "flags\n"; if (current->dominator() != nullptr) { PrintBlockProperty("dominator", current->dominator()->rpo_number()); } PrintIntProperty("loop_depth", current->loop_depth()); const InstructionBlock* instruction_block = instructions->InstructionBlockAt( RpoNumber::FromInt(current->rpo_number())); if (instruction_block->code_start() >= 0) { int first_index = instruction_block->first_instruction_index(); int last_index = instruction_block->last_instruction_index(); PrintIntProperty( "first_lir_id", LifetimePosition::GapFromInstructionIndex(first_index).value()); PrintIntProperty("last_lir_id", LifetimePosition::InstructionFromInstructionIndex( last_index).value()); } { Tag states_tag(this, "states"); Tag locals_tag(this, "locals"); int total = 0; for (BasicBlock::const_iterator i = current->begin(); i != current->end(); ++i) { if ((*i)->opcode() == IrOpcode::kPhi) total++; } PrintIntProperty("size", total); PrintStringProperty("method", "None"); int index = 0; for (BasicBlock::const_iterator i = current->begin(); i != current->end(); ++i) { if ((*i)->opcode() != IrOpcode::kPhi) continue; PrintIndent(); os_ << index << " "; PrintNodeId(*i); os_ << " ["; PrintInputs(*i); os_ << "]\n"; index++; } } { Tag HIR_tag(this, "HIR"); for (BasicBlock::const_iterator i = current->begin(); i != current->end(); ++i) { Node* node = *i; if (node->opcode() == IrOpcode::kPhi) continue; int uses = node->UseCount(); PrintIndent(); os_ << "0 " << uses << " "; PrintNode(node); if (FLAG_trace_turbo_types) { os_ << " "; PrintType(node); } if (positions != nullptr) { SourcePosition position = positions->GetSourcePosition(node); if (position.IsKnown()) { os_ << " pos:"; if (position.isInlined()) { os_ << "inlining(" << position.InliningId() << "),"; } os_ << position.ScriptOffset(); } } os_ << " <|@\n"; } BasicBlock::Control control = current->control(); if (control != BasicBlock::kNone) { PrintIndent(); os_ << "0 0 "; if (current->control_input() != nullptr) { PrintNode(current->control_input()); } else { os_ << -1 - current->rpo_number() << " Goto"; } os_ << " ->"; for (BasicBlock* successor : current->successors()) { os_ << " B" << successor->rpo_number(); } if (FLAG_trace_turbo_types && current->control_input() != nullptr) { os_ << " "; PrintType(current->control_input()); } os_ << " <|@\n"; } } if (instructions != nullptr) { Tag LIR_tag(this, "LIR"); for (int j = instruction_block->first_instruction_index(); j <= instruction_block->last_instruction_index(); j++) { PrintIndent(); PrintableInstruction printable = {RegisterConfiguration::Default(), instructions->InstructionAt(j)}; os_ << j << " " << printable << " <|@\n"; } } } } void GraphC1Visualizer::PrintLiveRanges(const char* phase, const RegisterAllocationData* data) { Tag tag(this, "intervals"); PrintStringProperty("name", phase); for (const TopLevelLiveRange* range : data->fixed_double_live_ranges()) { PrintLiveRangeChain(range, "fixed"); } for (const TopLevelLiveRange* range : data->fixed_live_ranges()) { PrintLiveRangeChain(range, "fixed"); } for (const TopLevelLiveRange* range : data->live_ranges()) { PrintLiveRangeChain(range, "object"); } } void GraphC1Visualizer::PrintLiveRangeChain(const TopLevelLiveRange* range, const char* type) { if (range == nullptr || range->IsEmpty()) return; int vreg = range->vreg(); for (const LiveRange* child = range; child != nullptr; child = child->next()) { PrintLiveRange(child, type, vreg); } } void GraphC1Visualizer::PrintLiveRange(const LiveRange* range, const char* type, int vreg) { if (range != nullptr && !range->IsEmpty()) { PrintIndent(); os_ << vreg << ":" << range->relative_id() << " " << type; if (range->HasRegisterAssigned()) { AllocatedOperand op = AllocatedOperand::cast(range->GetAssignedOperand()); const auto config = RegisterConfiguration::Default(); if (op.IsRegister()) { os_ << " \"" << config->GetGeneralRegisterName(op.register_code()) << "\""; } else if (op.IsDoubleRegister()) { os_ << " \"" << config->GetDoubleRegisterName(op.register_code()) << "\""; } else { DCHECK(op.IsFloatRegister()); os_ << " \"" << config->GetFloatRegisterName(op.register_code()) << "\""; } } else if (range->spilled()) { const TopLevelLiveRange* top = range->TopLevel(); int index = -1; if (top->HasSpillRange()) { index = kMaxInt; // This hasn't been set yet. } else if (top->GetSpillOperand()->IsConstant()) { os_ << " \"const(nostack):" << ConstantOperand::cast(top->GetSpillOperand())->virtual_register() << "\""; } else { index = AllocatedOperand::cast(top->GetSpillOperand())->index(); if (IsFloatingPoint(top->representation())) { os_ << " \"fp_stack:" << index << "\""; } else { os_ << " \"stack:" << index << "\""; } } } os_ << " " << vreg; for (const UseInterval* interval = range->first_interval(); interval != nullptr; interval = interval->next()) { os_ << " [" << interval->start().value() << ", " << interval->end().value() << "["; } UsePosition* current_pos = range->first_pos(); while (current_pos != nullptr) { if (current_pos->RegisterIsBeneficial() || FLAG_trace_all_uses) { os_ << " " << current_pos->pos().value() << " M"; } current_pos = current_pos->next(); } os_ << " \"\"\n"; } } std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const AsC1VCompilation& ac) { AccountingAllocator allocator; Zone tmp_zone(&allocator, ZONE_NAME); GraphC1Visualizer(os, &tmp_zone).PrintCompilation(ac.info_); return os; } std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const AsC1V& ac) { AccountingAllocator allocator; Zone tmp_zone(&allocator, ZONE_NAME); GraphC1Visualizer(os, &tmp_zone) .PrintSchedule(ac.phase_, ac.schedule_, ac.positions_, ac.instructions_); return os; } std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const AsC1VRegisterAllocationData& ac) { AccountingAllocator allocator; Zone tmp_zone(&allocator, ZONE_NAME); GraphC1Visualizer(os, &tmp_zone).PrintLiveRanges(ac.phase_, ac.data_); return os; } const int kUnvisited = 0; const int kOnStack = 1; const int kVisited = 2; std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const AsRPO& ar) { AccountingAllocator allocator; Zone local_zone(&allocator, ZONE_NAME); // Do a post-order depth-first search on the RPO graph. For every node, // print: // // - the node id // - the operator mnemonic // - in square brackets its parameter (if present) // - in parentheses the list of argument ids and their mnemonics // - the node type (if it is typed) // Post-order guarantees that all inputs of a node will be printed before // the node itself, if there are no cycles. Any cycles are broken // arbitrarily. ZoneVector<byte> state(ar.graph.NodeCount(), kUnvisited, &local_zone); ZoneStack<Node*> stack(&local_zone); stack.push(ar.graph.end()); state[ar.graph.end()->id()] = kOnStack; while (!stack.empty()) { Node* n = stack.top(); bool pop = true; for (Node* const i : n->inputs()) { if (state[i->id()] == kUnvisited) { state[i->id()] = kOnStack; stack.push(i); pop = false; break; } } if (pop) { state[n->id()] = kVisited; stack.pop(); os << "#" << n->id() << ":" << *n->op() << "("; // Print the inputs. int j = 0; for (Node* const i : n->inputs()) { if (j++ > 0) os << ", "; os << "#" << SafeId(i) << ":" << SafeMnemonic(i); } os << ")"; // Print the node type, if any. if (NodeProperties::IsTyped(n)) { os << " [Type: " << NodeProperties::GetType(n) << "]"; } os << std::endl; } } return os; } namespace { void PrintIndent(std::ostream& os, int indent) { os << " "; for (int i = 0; i < indent; i++) { os << ". "; } } void PrintScheduledNode(std::ostream& os, int indent, Node* n) { PrintIndent(os, indent); os << "#" << n->id() << ":" << *n->op() << "("; // Print the inputs. int j = 0; for (Node* const i : n->inputs()) { if (j++ > 0) os << ", "; os << "#" << SafeId(i) << ":" << SafeMnemonic(i); } os << ")"; // Print the node type, if any. if (NodeProperties::IsTyped(n)) { os << " [Type: " << NodeProperties::GetType(n) << "]"; } } void PrintScheduledGraph(std::ostream& os, const Schedule* schedule) { const BasicBlockVector* rpo = schedule->rpo_order(); for (size_t i = 0; i < rpo->size(); i++) { BasicBlock* current = (*rpo)[i]; int indent = current->loop_depth(); os << " + Block B" << current->rpo_number() << " (pred:"; for (BasicBlock* predecessor : current->predecessors()) { os << " B" << predecessor->rpo_number(); } if (current->IsLoopHeader()) { os << ", loop until B" << current->loop_end()->rpo_number(); } else if (current->loop_header()) { os << ", in loop B" << current->loop_header()->rpo_number(); } os << ")" << std::endl; for (BasicBlock::const_iterator i = current->begin(); i != current->end(); ++i) { Node* node = *i; PrintScheduledNode(os, indent, node); os << std::endl; } if (current->SuccessorCount() > 0) { if (current->control_input() != nullptr) { PrintScheduledNode(os, indent, current->control_input()); } else { PrintIndent(os, indent); os << "Goto"; } os << " ->"; bool isFirst = true; for (BasicBlock* successor : current->successors()) { if (isFirst) { isFirst = false; } else { os << ","; } os << " B" << successor->rpo_number(); } os << std::endl; } else { DCHECK_NULL(current->control_input()); } } } } // namespace std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const AsScheduledGraph& scheduled) { PrintScheduledGraph(os, scheduled.schedule); return os; } } // namespace compiler } // namespace internal } // namespace v8