// Copyright 2017 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef V8_OBJECTS_FIXED_ARRAY_INL_H_ #define V8_OBJECTS_FIXED_ARRAY_INL_H_ #include "src/objects/fixed-array.h" #include "src/objects-inl.h" // Needed for write barriers #include "src/objects/bigint.h" #include "src/objects/maybe-object-inl.h" // Has to be the last include (doesn't have include guards): #include "src/objects/object-macros.h" namespace v8 { namespace internal { CAST_ACCESSOR(ArrayList) CAST_ACCESSOR(ByteArray) CAST_ACCESSOR(FixedArray) CAST_ACCESSOR(FixedArrayBase) CAST_ACCESSOR(FixedDoubleArray) CAST_ACCESSOR(FixedTypedArrayBase) CAST_ACCESSOR(TemplateList) CAST_ACCESSOR(WeakFixedArray) CAST_ACCESSOR(WeakArrayList) SMI_ACCESSORS(FixedArrayBase, length, kLengthOffset) SYNCHRONIZED_SMI_ACCESSORS(FixedArrayBase, length, kLengthOffset) SMI_ACCESSORS(WeakFixedArray, length, kLengthOffset) SYNCHRONIZED_SMI_ACCESSORS(WeakFixedArray, length, kLengthOffset) SMI_ACCESSORS(WeakArrayList, capacity, kCapacityOffset) SYNCHRONIZED_SMI_ACCESSORS(WeakArrayList, capacity, kCapacityOffset) SMI_ACCESSORS(WeakArrayList, length, kLengthOffset) Object* FixedArrayBase::unchecked_synchronized_length() const { return ACQUIRE_READ_FIELD(this, kLengthOffset); } ACCESSORS(FixedTypedArrayBase, base_pointer, Object, kBasePointerOffset) Object** FixedArray::GetFirstElementAddress() { return reinterpret_cast<Object**>(FIELD_ADDR(this, OffsetOfElementAt(0))); } bool FixedArray::ContainsOnlySmisOrHoles() { Object* the_hole = GetReadOnlyRoots().the_hole_value(); Object** current = GetFirstElementAddress(); for (int i = 0; i < length(); ++i) { Object* candidate = *current++; if (!candidate->IsSmi() && candidate != the_hole) return false; } return true; } Object* FixedArray::get(int index) const { DCHECK(index >= 0 && index < this->length()); return RELAXED_READ_FIELD(this, kHeaderSize + index * kPointerSize); } Handle<Object> FixedArray::get(FixedArray* array, int index, Isolate* isolate) { return handle(array->get(index), isolate); } template <class T> MaybeHandle<T> FixedArray::GetValue(Isolate* isolate, int index) const { Object* obj = get(index); if (obj->IsUndefined(isolate)) return MaybeHandle<T>(); return Handle<T>(T::cast(obj), isolate); } template <class T> Handle<T> FixedArray::GetValueChecked(Isolate* isolate, int index) const { Object* obj = get(index); CHECK(!obj->IsUndefined(isolate)); return Handle<T>(T::cast(obj), isolate); } bool FixedArray::is_the_hole(Isolate* isolate, int index) { return get(index)->IsTheHole(isolate); } void FixedArray::set(int index, Smi* value) { DCHECK_NE(map(), GetReadOnlyRoots().fixed_cow_array_map()); DCHECK_LT(index, this->length()); DCHECK(reinterpret_cast<Object*>(value)->IsSmi()); int offset = kHeaderSize + index * kPointerSize; RELAXED_WRITE_FIELD(this, offset, value); } void FixedArray::set(int index, Object* value) { DCHECK_NE(GetReadOnlyRoots().fixed_cow_array_map(), map()); DCHECK(IsFixedArray()); DCHECK_GE(index, 0); DCHECK_LT(index, this->length()); int offset = kHeaderSize + index * kPointerSize; RELAXED_WRITE_FIELD(this, offset, value); WRITE_BARRIER(this, offset, value); } void FixedArray::set(int index, Object* value, WriteBarrierMode mode) { DCHECK_NE(map(), GetReadOnlyRoots().fixed_cow_array_map()); DCHECK_GE(index, 0); DCHECK_LT(index, this->length()); int offset = kHeaderSize + index * kPointerSize; RELAXED_WRITE_FIELD(this, offset, value); CONDITIONAL_WRITE_BARRIER(this, offset, value, mode); } void FixedArray::NoWriteBarrierSet(FixedArray* array, int index, Object* value) { DCHECK_NE(array->map(), array->GetReadOnlyRoots().fixed_cow_array_map()); DCHECK_GE(index, 0); DCHECK_LT(index, array->length()); DCHECK(!Heap::InNewSpace(value)); RELAXED_WRITE_FIELD(array, kHeaderSize + index * kPointerSize, value); } void FixedArray::set_undefined(int index) { set_undefined(GetReadOnlyRoots(), index); } void FixedArray::set_undefined(Isolate* isolate, int index) { set_undefined(ReadOnlyRoots(isolate), index); } void FixedArray::set_undefined(ReadOnlyRoots ro_roots, int index) { FixedArray::NoWriteBarrierSet(this, index, ro_roots.undefined_value()); } void FixedArray::set_null(int index) { set_null(GetReadOnlyRoots(), index); } void FixedArray::set_null(Isolate* isolate, int index) { set_null(ReadOnlyRoots(isolate), index); } void FixedArray::set_null(ReadOnlyRoots ro_roots, int index) { FixedArray::NoWriteBarrierSet(this, index, ro_roots.null_value()); } void FixedArray::set_the_hole(int index) { set_the_hole(GetReadOnlyRoots(), index); } void FixedArray::set_the_hole(Isolate* isolate, int index) { set_the_hole(ReadOnlyRoots(isolate), index); } void FixedArray::set_the_hole(ReadOnlyRoots ro_roots, int index) { FixedArray::NoWriteBarrierSet(this, index, ro_roots.the_hole_value()); } void FixedArray::FillWithHoles(int from, int to) { for (int i = from; i < to; i++) { set_the_hole(i); } } Object** FixedArray::data_start() { return HeapObject::RawField(this, OffsetOfElementAt(0)); } Object** FixedArray::RawFieldOfElementAt(int index) { return HeapObject::RawField(this, OffsetOfElementAt(index)); } double FixedDoubleArray::get_scalar(int index) { DCHECK(map() != GetReadOnlyRoots().fixed_cow_array_map() && map() != GetReadOnlyRoots().fixed_array_map()); DCHECK(index >= 0 && index < this->length()); DCHECK(!is_the_hole(index)); return READ_DOUBLE_FIELD(this, kHeaderSize + index * kDoubleSize); } uint64_t FixedDoubleArray::get_representation(int index) { DCHECK(map() != GetReadOnlyRoots().fixed_cow_array_map() && map() != GetReadOnlyRoots().fixed_array_map()); DCHECK(index >= 0 && index < this->length()); int offset = kHeaderSize + index * kDoubleSize; return READ_UINT64_FIELD(this, offset); } Handle<Object> FixedDoubleArray::get(FixedDoubleArray* array, int index, Isolate* isolate) { if (array->is_the_hole(index)) { return isolate->factory()->the_hole_value(); } else { return isolate->factory()->NewNumber(array->get_scalar(index)); } } void FixedDoubleArray::set(int index, double value) { DCHECK(map() != GetReadOnlyRoots().fixed_cow_array_map() && map() != GetReadOnlyRoots().fixed_array_map()); int offset = kHeaderSize + index * kDoubleSize; if (std::isnan(value)) { WRITE_DOUBLE_FIELD(this, offset, std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()); } else { WRITE_DOUBLE_FIELD(this, offset, value); } DCHECK(!is_the_hole(index)); } void FixedDoubleArray::set_the_hole(Isolate* isolate, int index) { set_the_hole(index); } void FixedDoubleArray::set_the_hole(int index) { DCHECK(map() != GetReadOnlyRoots().fixed_cow_array_map() && map() != GetReadOnlyRoots().fixed_array_map()); int offset = kHeaderSize + index * kDoubleSize; WRITE_UINT64_FIELD(this, offset, kHoleNanInt64); } bool FixedDoubleArray::is_the_hole(Isolate* isolate, int index) { return is_the_hole(index); } bool FixedDoubleArray::is_the_hole(int index) { return get_representation(index) == kHoleNanInt64; } double* FixedDoubleArray::data_start() { return reinterpret_cast<double*>(FIELD_ADDR(this, kHeaderSize)); } void FixedDoubleArray::FillWithHoles(int from, int to) { for (int i = from; i < to; i++) { set_the_hole(i); } } MaybeObject* WeakFixedArray::Get(int index) const { DCHECK(index >= 0 && index < this->length()); return RELAXED_READ_WEAK_FIELD(this, OffsetOfElementAt(index)); } void WeakFixedArray::Set(int index, MaybeObject* value) { DCHECK_GE(index, 0); DCHECK_LT(index, length()); int offset = OffsetOfElementAt(index); RELAXED_WRITE_FIELD(this, offset, value); WEAK_WRITE_BARRIER(this, offset, value); } void WeakFixedArray::Set(int index, MaybeObject* value, WriteBarrierMode mode) { DCHECK_GE(index, 0); DCHECK_LT(index, length()); int offset = OffsetOfElementAt(index); RELAXED_WRITE_FIELD(this, offset, value); CONDITIONAL_WEAK_WRITE_BARRIER(this, offset, value, mode); } MaybeObject** WeakFixedArray::data_start() { return HeapObject::RawMaybeWeakField(this, kHeaderSize); } MaybeObject** WeakFixedArray::RawFieldOfElementAt(int index) { return HeapObject::RawMaybeWeakField(this, OffsetOfElementAt(index)); } MaybeObject** WeakFixedArray::GetFirstElementAddress() { return reinterpret_cast<MaybeObject**>( FIELD_ADDR(this, OffsetOfElementAt(0))); } MaybeObject* WeakArrayList::Get(int index) const { DCHECK(index >= 0 && index < this->capacity()); return RELAXED_READ_WEAK_FIELD(this, OffsetOfElementAt(index)); } void WeakArrayList::Set(int index, MaybeObject* value, WriteBarrierMode mode) { DCHECK_GE(index, 0); DCHECK_LT(index, this->capacity()); int offset = OffsetOfElementAt(index); RELAXED_WRITE_FIELD(this, offset, value); CONDITIONAL_WEAK_WRITE_BARRIER(this, offset, value, mode); } MaybeObject** WeakArrayList::data_start() { return HeapObject::RawMaybeWeakField(this, kHeaderSize); } HeapObject* WeakArrayList::Iterator::Next() { if (array_ != nullptr) { while (index_ < array_->length()) { MaybeObject* item = array_->Get(index_++); DCHECK(item->IsWeakHeapObject() || item->IsClearedWeakHeapObject()); if (!item->IsClearedWeakHeapObject()) return item->ToWeakHeapObject(); } array_ = nullptr; } return nullptr; } int ArrayList::Length() const { if (FixedArray::cast(this)->length() == 0) return 0; return Smi::ToInt(FixedArray::cast(this)->get(kLengthIndex)); } void ArrayList::SetLength(int length) { return FixedArray::cast(this)->set(kLengthIndex, Smi::FromInt(length)); } Object* ArrayList::Get(int index) const { return FixedArray::cast(this)->get(kFirstIndex + index); } Object** ArrayList::Slot(int index) { return data_start() + kFirstIndex + index; } void ArrayList::Set(int index, Object* obj, WriteBarrierMode mode) { FixedArray::cast(this)->set(kFirstIndex + index, obj, mode); } void ArrayList::Clear(int index, Object* undefined) { DCHECK(undefined->IsUndefined()); FixedArray::cast(this)->set(kFirstIndex + index, undefined, SKIP_WRITE_BARRIER); } int ByteArray::Size() { return RoundUp(length() + kHeaderSize, kPointerSize); } byte ByteArray::get(int index) const { DCHECK(index >= 0 && index < this->length()); return READ_BYTE_FIELD(this, kHeaderSize + index * kCharSize); } void ByteArray::set(int index, byte value) { DCHECK(index >= 0 && index < this->length()); WRITE_BYTE_FIELD(this, kHeaderSize + index * kCharSize, value); } void ByteArray::copy_in(int index, const byte* buffer, int length) { DCHECK(index >= 0 && length >= 0 && length <= kMaxInt - index && index + length <= this->length()); Address dst_addr = FIELD_ADDR(this, kHeaderSize + index * kCharSize); memcpy(reinterpret_cast<void*>(dst_addr), buffer, length); } void ByteArray::copy_out(int index, byte* buffer, int length) { DCHECK(index >= 0 && length >= 0 && length <= kMaxInt - index && index + length <= this->length()); Address src_addr = FIELD_ADDR(this, kHeaderSize + index * kCharSize); memcpy(buffer, reinterpret_cast<void*>(src_addr), length); } int ByteArray::get_int(int index) const { DCHECK(index >= 0 && index < this->length() / kIntSize); return READ_INT_FIELD(this, kHeaderSize + index * kIntSize); } void ByteArray::set_int(int index, int value) { DCHECK(index >= 0 && index < this->length() / kIntSize); WRITE_INT_FIELD(this, kHeaderSize + index * kIntSize, value); } uint32_t ByteArray::get_uint32(int index) const { DCHECK(index >= 0 && index < this->length() / kUInt32Size); return READ_UINT32_FIELD(this, kHeaderSize + index * kUInt32Size); } void ByteArray::set_uint32(int index, uint32_t value) { DCHECK(index >= 0 && index < this->length() / kUInt32Size); WRITE_UINT32_FIELD(this, kHeaderSize + index * kUInt32Size, value); } void ByteArray::clear_padding() { int data_size = length() + kHeaderSize; memset(reinterpret_cast<void*>(address() + data_size), 0, Size() - data_size); } ByteArray* ByteArray::FromDataStartAddress(Address address) { DCHECK_TAG_ALIGNED(address); return reinterpret_cast<ByteArray*>(address - kHeaderSize + kHeapObjectTag); } int ByteArray::DataSize() const { return RoundUp(length(), kPointerSize); } int ByteArray::ByteArraySize() { return SizeFor(this->length()); } byte* ByteArray::GetDataStartAddress() { return reinterpret_cast<byte*>(address() + kHeaderSize); } template <class T> PodArray<T>* PodArray<T>::cast(Object* object) { DCHECK(object->IsByteArray()); return reinterpret_cast<PodArray<T>*>(object); } template <class T> const PodArray<T>* PodArray<T>::cast(const Object* object) { DCHECK(object->IsByteArray()); return reinterpret_cast<const PodArray<T>*>(object); } // static template <class T> Handle<PodArray<T>> PodArray<T>::New(Isolate* isolate, int length, PretenureFlag pretenure) { return Handle<PodArray<T>>::cast( isolate->factory()->NewByteArray(length * sizeof(T), pretenure)); } template <class T> int PodArray<T>::length() { return ByteArray::length() / sizeof(T); } void* FixedTypedArrayBase::external_pointer() const { intptr_t ptr = READ_INTPTR_FIELD(this, kExternalPointerOffset); return reinterpret_cast<void*>(ptr); } void FixedTypedArrayBase::set_external_pointer(void* value, WriteBarrierMode mode) { intptr_t ptr = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(value); WRITE_INTPTR_FIELD(this, kExternalPointerOffset, ptr); } void* FixedTypedArrayBase::DataPtr() { return reinterpret_cast<void*>( reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(base_pointer()) + reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(external_pointer())); } int FixedTypedArrayBase::ElementSize(InstanceType type) { int element_size; switch (type) { #define TYPED_ARRAY_CASE(Type, type, TYPE, ctype) \ case FIXED_##TYPE##_ARRAY_TYPE: \ element_size = sizeof(ctype); \ break; TYPED_ARRAYS(TYPED_ARRAY_CASE) #undef TYPED_ARRAY_CASE default: UNREACHABLE(); } return element_size; } int FixedTypedArrayBase::DataSize(InstanceType type) const { if (base_pointer() == Smi::kZero) return 0; return length() * ElementSize(type); } int FixedTypedArrayBase::DataSize() const { return DataSize(map()->instance_type()); } size_t FixedTypedArrayBase::ByteLength() const { return static_cast<size_t>(length()) * static_cast<size_t>(ElementSize(map()->instance_type())); } int FixedTypedArrayBase::size() const { return OBJECT_POINTER_ALIGN(kDataOffset + DataSize()); } int FixedTypedArrayBase::TypedArraySize(InstanceType type) const { return OBJECT_POINTER_ALIGN(kDataOffset + DataSize(type)); } // static int FixedTypedArrayBase::TypedArraySize(InstanceType type, int length) { return OBJECT_POINTER_ALIGN(kDataOffset + length * ElementSize(type)); } uint8_t Uint8ArrayTraits::defaultValue() { return 0; } uint8_t Uint8ClampedArrayTraits::defaultValue() { return 0; } int8_t Int8ArrayTraits::defaultValue() { return 0; } uint16_t Uint16ArrayTraits::defaultValue() { return 0; } int16_t Int16ArrayTraits::defaultValue() { return 0; } uint32_t Uint32ArrayTraits::defaultValue() { return 0; } int32_t Int32ArrayTraits::defaultValue() { return 0; } float Float32ArrayTraits::defaultValue() { return std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN(); } double Float64ArrayTraits::defaultValue() { return std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN(); } template <class Traits> typename Traits::ElementType FixedTypedArray<Traits>::get_scalar(int index) { DCHECK((index >= 0) && (index < this->length())); return FixedTypedArray<Traits>::get_scalar_from_data_ptr(DataPtr(), index); } // static template <class Traits> typename Traits::ElementType FixedTypedArray<Traits>::get_scalar_from_data_ptr( void* data_ptr, int index) { typename Traits::ElementType* ptr = reinterpret_cast<ElementType*>(data_ptr); // The JavaScript memory model allows for racy reads and writes to a // SharedArrayBuffer's backing store, which will always be a FixedTypedArray. // ThreadSanitizer will catch these racy accesses and warn about them, so we // disable TSAN for these reads and writes using annotations. // // We don't use relaxed atomics here, as it is not a requirement of the // JavaScript memory model to have tear-free reads of overlapping accesses, // and using relaxed atomics may introduce overhead. TSAN_ANNOTATE_IGNORE_READS_BEGIN; auto result = ptr[index]; TSAN_ANNOTATE_IGNORE_READS_END; return result; } template <class Traits> void FixedTypedArray<Traits>::set(int index, ElementType value) { CHECK((index >= 0) && (index < this->length())); // See the comment in FixedTypedArray<Traits>::get_scalar. auto* ptr = reinterpret_cast<ElementType*>(DataPtr()); TSAN_ANNOTATE_IGNORE_WRITES_BEGIN; ptr[index] = value; TSAN_ANNOTATE_IGNORE_WRITES_END; } template <class Traits> typename Traits::ElementType FixedTypedArray<Traits>::from(int value) { return static_cast<ElementType>(value); } template <> inline uint8_t FixedTypedArray<Uint8ClampedArrayTraits>::from(int value) { if (value < 0) return 0; if (value > 0xFF) return 0xFF; return static_cast<uint8_t>(value); } template <> inline int64_t FixedTypedArray<BigInt64ArrayTraits>::from(int value) { UNREACHABLE(); } template <> inline uint64_t FixedTypedArray<BigUint64ArrayTraits>::from(int value) { UNREACHABLE(); } template <class Traits> typename Traits::ElementType FixedTypedArray<Traits>::from(uint32_t value) { return static_cast<ElementType>(value); } template <> inline uint8_t FixedTypedArray<Uint8ClampedArrayTraits>::from(uint32_t value) { // We need this special case for Uint32 -> Uint8Clamped, because the highest // Uint32 values will be negative as an int, clamping to 0, rather than 255. if (value > 0xFF) return 0xFF; return static_cast<uint8_t>(value); } template <> inline int64_t FixedTypedArray<BigInt64ArrayTraits>::from(uint32_t value) { UNREACHABLE(); } template <> inline uint64_t FixedTypedArray<BigUint64ArrayTraits>::from(uint32_t value) { UNREACHABLE(); } template <class Traits> typename Traits::ElementType FixedTypedArray<Traits>::from(double value) { return static_cast<ElementType>(DoubleToInt32(value)); } template <> inline uint8_t FixedTypedArray<Uint8ClampedArrayTraits>::from(double value) { // Handle NaNs and less than zero values which clamp to zero. if (!(value > 0)) return 0; if (value > 0xFF) return 0xFF; return static_cast<uint8_t>(lrint(value)); } template <> inline int64_t FixedTypedArray<BigInt64ArrayTraits>::from(double value) { UNREACHABLE(); } template <> inline uint64_t FixedTypedArray<BigUint64ArrayTraits>::from(double value) { UNREACHABLE(); } template <> inline float FixedTypedArray<Float32ArrayTraits>::from(double value) { return static_cast<float>(value); } template <> inline double FixedTypedArray<Float64ArrayTraits>::from(double value) { return value; } template <class Traits> typename Traits::ElementType FixedTypedArray<Traits>::from(int64_t value) { UNREACHABLE(); } template <class Traits> typename Traits::ElementType FixedTypedArray<Traits>::from(uint64_t value) { UNREACHABLE(); } template <> inline int64_t FixedTypedArray<BigInt64ArrayTraits>::from(int64_t value) { return value; } template <> inline uint64_t FixedTypedArray<BigUint64ArrayTraits>::from(uint64_t value) { return value; } template <> inline uint64_t FixedTypedArray<BigUint64ArrayTraits>::from(int64_t value) { return static_cast<uint64_t>(value); } template <> inline int64_t FixedTypedArray<BigInt64ArrayTraits>::from(uint64_t value) { return static_cast<int64_t>(value); } template <class Traits> typename Traits::ElementType FixedTypedArray<Traits>::FromHandle( Handle<Object> value, bool* lossless) { if (value->IsSmi()) { return from(Smi::ToInt(*value)); } DCHECK(value->IsHeapNumber()); return from(HeapNumber::cast(*value)->value()); } template <> inline int64_t FixedTypedArray<BigInt64ArrayTraits>::FromHandle( Handle<Object> value, bool* lossless) { DCHECK(value->IsBigInt()); return BigInt::cast(*value)->AsInt64(lossless); } template <> inline uint64_t FixedTypedArray<BigUint64ArrayTraits>::FromHandle( Handle<Object> value, bool* lossless) { DCHECK(value->IsBigInt()); return BigInt::cast(*value)->AsUint64(lossless); } template <class Traits> Handle<Object> FixedTypedArray<Traits>::get(Isolate* isolate, FixedTypedArray<Traits>* array, int index) { return Traits::ToHandle(isolate, array->get_scalar(index)); } template <class Traits> void FixedTypedArray<Traits>::SetValue(uint32_t index, Object* value) { ElementType cast_value = Traits::defaultValue(); if (value->IsSmi()) { int int_value = Smi::ToInt(value); cast_value = from(int_value); } else if (value->IsHeapNumber()) { double double_value = HeapNumber::cast(value)->value(); cast_value = from(double_value); } else { // Clamp undefined to the default value. All other types have been // converted to a number type further up in the call chain. DCHECK(value->IsUndefined()); } set(index, cast_value); } template <> inline void FixedTypedArray<BigInt64ArrayTraits>::SetValue(uint32_t index, Object* value) { DCHECK(value->IsBigInt()); set(index, BigInt::cast(value)->AsInt64()); } template <> inline void FixedTypedArray<BigUint64ArrayTraits>::SetValue(uint32_t index, Object* value) { DCHECK(value->IsBigInt()); set(index, BigInt::cast(value)->AsUint64()); } Handle<Object> Uint8ArrayTraits::ToHandle(Isolate* isolate, uint8_t scalar) { return handle(Smi::FromInt(scalar), isolate); } Handle<Object> Uint8ClampedArrayTraits::ToHandle(Isolate* isolate, uint8_t scalar) { return handle(Smi::FromInt(scalar), isolate); } Handle<Object> Int8ArrayTraits::ToHandle(Isolate* isolate, int8_t scalar) { return handle(Smi::FromInt(scalar), isolate); } Handle<Object> Uint16ArrayTraits::ToHandle(Isolate* isolate, uint16_t scalar) { return handle(Smi::FromInt(scalar), isolate); } Handle<Object> Int16ArrayTraits::ToHandle(Isolate* isolate, int16_t scalar) { return handle(Smi::FromInt(scalar), isolate); } Handle<Object> Uint32ArrayTraits::ToHandle(Isolate* isolate, uint32_t scalar) { return isolate->factory()->NewNumberFromUint(scalar); } Handle<Object> Int32ArrayTraits::ToHandle(Isolate* isolate, int32_t scalar) { return isolate->factory()->NewNumberFromInt(scalar); } Handle<Object> Float32ArrayTraits::ToHandle(Isolate* isolate, float scalar) { return isolate->factory()->NewNumber(scalar); } Handle<Object> Float64ArrayTraits::ToHandle(Isolate* isolate, double scalar) { return isolate->factory()->NewNumber(scalar); } Handle<Object> BigInt64ArrayTraits::ToHandle(Isolate* isolate, int64_t scalar) { return BigInt::FromInt64(isolate, scalar); } Handle<Object> BigUint64ArrayTraits::ToHandle(Isolate* isolate, uint64_t scalar) { return BigInt::FromUint64(isolate, scalar); } // static template <class Traits> STATIC_CONST_MEMBER_DEFINITION const InstanceType FixedTypedArray<Traits>::kInstanceType; template <class Traits> FixedTypedArray<Traits>* FixedTypedArray<Traits>::cast(Object* object) { DCHECK(object->IsHeapObject() && HeapObject::cast(object)->map()->instance_type() == Traits::kInstanceType); return reinterpret_cast<FixedTypedArray<Traits>*>(object); } template <class Traits> const FixedTypedArray<Traits>* FixedTypedArray<Traits>::cast( const Object* object) { DCHECK(object->IsHeapObject() && HeapObject::cast(object)->map()->instance_type() == Traits::kInstanceType); return reinterpret_cast<FixedTypedArray<Traits>*>(object); } int TemplateList::length() const { return Smi::ToInt(FixedArray::cast(this)->get(kLengthIndex)); } Object* TemplateList::get(int index) const { return FixedArray::cast(this)->get(kFirstElementIndex + index); } void TemplateList::set(int index, Object* value) { FixedArray::cast(this)->set(kFirstElementIndex + index, value); } } // namespace internal } // namespace v8 #include "src/objects/object-macros-undef.h" #endif // V8_OBJECTS_FIXED_ARRAY_INL_H_