// Copyright 2018 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef V8_INTL_SUPPORT #error Internationalization is expected to be enabled. #endif // V8_INTL_SUPPORT #include "src/objects/js-collator.h" #include "src/isolate.h" #include "src/objects-inl.h" #include "src/objects/js-collator-inl.h" #include "unicode/coll.h" #include "unicode/locid.h" #include "unicode/strenum.h" #include "unicode/ucol.h" #include "unicode/uloc.h" namespace v8 { namespace internal { namespace { // TODO(gsathya): Consider internalizing the value strings. void CreateDataPropertyForOptions(Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSObject> options, Handle<String> key, const char* value) { CHECK_NOT_NULL(value); Handle<String> value_str = isolate->factory()->NewStringFromAsciiChecked(value); // This is a brand new JSObject that shouldn't already have the same // key so this shouldn't fail. CHECK(JSReceiver::CreateDataProperty(isolate, options, key, value_str, kDontThrow) .FromJust()); } void CreateDataPropertyForOptions(Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSObject> options, Handle<String> key, bool value) { Handle<Object> value_obj = isolate->factory()->ToBoolean(value); // This is a brand new JSObject that shouldn't already have the same // key so this shouldn't fail. CHECK(JSReceiver::CreateDataProperty(isolate, options, key, value_obj, kDontThrow) .FromJust()); } } // anonymous namespace // static Handle<JSObject> JSCollator::ResolvedOptions(Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSCollator> collator) { Handle<JSObject> options = isolate->factory()->NewJSObject(isolate->object_function()); JSCollator::Usage usage = collator->usage(); CreateDataPropertyForOptions(isolate, options, isolate->factory()->usage_string(), JSCollator::UsageToString(usage)); icu::Collator* icu_collator = collator->icu_collator()->raw(); CHECK_NOT_NULL(icu_collator); UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; bool numeric = icu_collator->getAttribute(UCOL_NUMERIC_COLLATION, status) == UCOL_ON; CHECK(U_SUCCESS(status)); CreateDataPropertyForOptions(isolate, options, isolate->factory()->numeric_string(), numeric); const char* case_first = nullptr; status = U_ZERO_ERROR; switch (icu_collator->getAttribute(UCOL_CASE_FIRST, status)) { case UCOL_LOWER_FIRST: case_first = "lower"; break; case UCOL_UPPER_FIRST: case_first = "upper"; break; default: case_first = "false"; } CHECK(U_SUCCESS(status)); CreateDataPropertyForOptions( isolate, options, isolate->factory()->caseFirst_string(), case_first); const char* sensitivity = nullptr; status = U_ZERO_ERROR; switch (icu_collator->getAttribute(UCOL_STRENGTH, status)) { case UCOL_PRIMARY: { CHECK(U_SUCCESS(status)); status = U_ZERO_ERROR; // case level: true + s1 -> case, s1 -> base. if (UCOL_ON == icu_collator->getAttribute(UCOL_CASE_LEVEL, status)) { sensitivity = "case"; } else { sensitivity = "base"; } CHECK(U_SUCCESS(status)); break; } case UCOL_SECONDARY: sensitivity = "accent"; break; case UCOL_TERTIARY: sensitivity = "variant"; break; case UCOL_QUATERNARY: // We shouldn't get quaternary and identical from ICU, but if we do // put them into variant. sensitivity = "variant"; break; default: sensitivity = "variant"; } CHECK(U_SUCCESS(status)); CreateDataPropertyForOptions( isolate, options, isolate->factory()->sensitivity_string(), sensitivity); status = U_ZERO_ERROR; bool ignore_punctuation = icu_collator->getAttribute(UCOL_ALTERNATE_HANDLING, status) == UCOL_SHIFTED; CHECK(U_SUCCESS(status)); CreateDataPropertyForOptions(isolate, options, isolate->factory()->ignorePunctuation_string(), ignore_punctuation); status = U_ZERO_ERROR; const char* collation; std::unique_ptr<icu::StringEnumeration> collation_values( icu_collator->getKeywordValues("co", status)); // Collation wasn't provided as a keyword to icu, use default. if (status == U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR) { CreateDataPropertyForOptions( isolate, options, isolate->factory()->collation_string(), "default"); } else { CHECK(U_SUCCESS(status)); CHECK_NOT_NULL(collation_values.get()); int32_t length; status = U_ZERO_ERROR; collation = collation_values->next(&length, status); CHECK(U_SUCCESS(status)); // There has to be at least one value. CHECK_NOT_NULL(collation); CreateDataPropertyForOptions( isolate, options, isolate->factory()->collation_string(), collation); status = U_ZERO_ERROR; collation_values->reset(status); CHECK(U_SUCCESS(status)); } status = U_ZERO_ERROR; icu::Locale icu_locale = icu_collator->getLocale(ULOC_VALID_LOCALE, status); CHECK(U_SUCCESS(status)); char result[ULOC_FULLNAME_CAPACITY]; status = U_ZERO_ERROR; uloc_toLanguageTag(icu_locale.getName(), result, ULOC_FULLNAME_CAPACITY, FALSE, &status); CHECK(U_SUCCESS(status)); CreateDataPropertyForOptions(isolate, options, isolate->factory()->locale_string(), result); return options; } namespace { std::map<std::string, std::string> LookupUnicodeExtensions( const icu::Locale& icu_locale, const std::set<std::string>& relevant_keys) { std::map<std::string, std::string> extensions; UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; std::unique_ptr<icu::StringEnumeration> keywords( icu_locale.createKeywords(status)); if (U_FAILURE(status)) return extensions; if (!keywords) return extensions; char value[ULOC_FULLNAME_CAPACITY]; int32_t length; status = U_ZERO_ERROR; for (const char* keyword = keywords->next(&length, status); keyword != nullptr; keyword = keywords->next(&length, status)) { // Ignore failures in ICU and skip to the next keyword. // // This is fine.™ if (U_FAILURE(status)) { status = U_ZERO_ERROR; continue; } icu_locale.getKeywordValue(keyword, value, ULOC_FULLNAME_CAPACITY, status); // Ignore failures in ICU and skip to the next keyword. // // This is fine.™ if (U_FAILURE(status)) { status = U_ZERO_ERROR; continue; } const char* bcp47_key = uloc_toUnicodeLocaleKey(keyword); // Ignore keywords that we don't recognize - spec allows that. if (bcp47_key && (relevant_keys.find(bcp47_key) != relevant_keys.end())) { const char* bcp47_value = uloc_toUnicodeLocaleType(bcp47_key, value); extensions.insert( std::pair<std::string, std::string>(bcp47_key, bcp47_value)); } } return extensions; } void SetCaseFirstOption(icu::Collator* icu_collator, const char* value) { CHECK_NOT_NULL(icu_collator); CHECK_NOT_NULL(value); UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; if (strcmp(value, "upper") == 0) { icu_collator->setAttribute(UCOL_CASE_FIRST, UCOL_UPPER_FIRST, status); } else if (strcmp(value, "lower") == 0) { icu_collator->setAttribute(UCOL_CASE_FIRST, UCOL_LOWER_FIRST, status); } else { icu_collator->setAttribute(UCOL_CASE_FIRST, UCOL_OFF, status); } CHECK(U_SUCCESS(status)); } } // anonymous namespace // static MaybeHandle<JSCollator> JSCollator::InitializeCollator( Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSCollator> collator, Handle<Object> locales, Handle<Object> options_obj) { // 1. Let requestedLocales be ? CanonicalizeLocaleList(locales). Handle<JSObject> requested_locales; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION(isolate, requested_locales, Intl::CanonicalizeLocaleListJS(isolate, locales), JSCollator); // 2. If options is undefined, then if (options_obj->IsUndefined(isolate)) { // 2. a. Let options be ObjectCreate(null). options_obj = isolate->factory()->NewJSObjectWithNullProto(); } else { // 3. Else // 3. a. Let options be ? ToObject(options). ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION( isolate, options_obj, Object::ToObject(isolate, options_obj, "Intl.Collator"), JSCollator); } // At this point, options_obj can either be a JSObject or a JSProxy only. Handle<JSReceiver> options = Handle<JSReceiver>::cast(options_obj); // 4. Let usage be ? GetOption(options, "usage", "string", « "sort", // "search" », "sort"). std::vector<const char*> values = {"sort", "search"}; std::unique_ptr<char[]> usage_str = nullptr; JSCollator::Usage usage = JSCollator::Usage::SORT; Maybe<bool> found_usage = Intl::GetStringOption( isolate, options, "usage", values, "Intl.Collator", &usage_str); MAYBE_RETURN(found_usage, MaybeHandle<JSCollator>()); if (found_usage.FromJust()) { DCHECK_NOT_NULL(usage_str.get()); if (strcmp(usage_str.get(), "search") == 0) { usage = JSCollator::Usage::SEARCH; } } // 5. Set collator.[[Usage]] to usage. collator->set_usage(usage); // 6. If usage is "sort", then // a. Let localeData be %Collator%.[[SortLocaleData]]. // 7. Else, // a. Let localeData be %Collator%.[[SearchLocaleData]]. // // The above two spec operations aren't required, the Intl spec is // crazy. See https://github.com/tc39/ecma402/issues/256 // TODO(gsathya): This is currently done as part of the // Intl::ResolveLocale call below. Fix this once resolveLocale is // changed to not do the lookup. // // 9. Let matcher be ? GetOption(options, "localeMatcher", "string", // « "lookup", "best fit" », "best fit"). // 10. Set opt.[[localeMatcher]] to matcher. // 11. Let numeric be ? GetOption(options, "numeric", "boolean", // undefined, undefined). // 12. If numeric is not undefined, then // a. Let numeric be ! ToString(numeric). // // Note: We omit the ToString(numeric) operation as it's not // observable. Intl::GetBoolOption returns a Boolean and // ToString(Boolean) is not side-effecting. // // 13. Set opt.[[kn]] to numeric. bool numeric; Maybe<bool> found_numeric = Intl::GetBoolOption(isolate, options, "numeric", "Intl.Collator", &numeric); MAYBE_RETURN(found_numeric, MaybeHandle<JSCollator>()); // 14. Let caseFirst be ? GetOption(options, "caseFirst", "string", // « "upper", "lower", "false" », undefined). // 15. Set opt.[[kf]] to caseFirst. values = {"upper", "lower", "false"}; std::unique_ptr<char[]> case_first_str = nullptr; Maybe<bool> found_case_first = Intl::GetStringOption( isolate, options, "caseFirst", values, "Intl.Collator", &case_first_str); MAYBE_RETURN(found_case_first, MaybeHandle<JSCollator>()); // The relevant unicode extensions accepted by Collator as specified here: // https://tc39.github.io/ecma402/#sec-intl-collator-internal-slots // // 16. Let relevantExtensionKeys be %Collator%.[[RelevantExtensionKeys]]. std::set<std::string> relevant_extension_keys{"co", "kn", "kf"}; // We don't pass the relevant_extension_keys to ResolveLocale here // as per the spec. // // In ResolveLocale, the spec makes sure we only pick and use the // relevant extension keys and ignore any other keys. Also, in // ResolveLocale, the spec makes sure that if a given key has both a // value in the options object and an unicode extension value, then // we pick the value provided in the options object. // For example: in the case of `new Intl.Collator('en-u-kn-true', { // numeric: false })` the value `false` is used for the `numeric` // key. // // Instead of performing all this validation in ResolveLocale, we // just perform it inline below. In the future when we port // ResolveLocale to C++, we can make all these validations generic // and move it ResolveLocale. // // 17. Let r be ResolveLocale(%Collator%.[[AvailableLocales]], // requestedLocales, opt, %Collator%.[[RelevantExtensionKeys]], // localeData). // 18. Set collator.[[Locale]] to r.[[locale]]. Handle<JSObject> r; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION( isolate, r, Intl::ResolveLocale(isolate, "collator", requested_locales, options), JSCollator); Handle<String> locale_with_extension_str = isolate->factory()->NewStringFromStaticChars("localeWithExtension"); Handle<Object> locale_with_extension_obj = JSObject::GetDataProperty(r, locale_with_extension_str); // The locale_with_extension has to be a string. Either a user // provided canonicalized string or the default locale. CHECK(locale_with_extension_obj->IsString()); Handle<String> locale_with_extension = Handle<String>::cast(locale_with_extension_obj); icu::Locale icu_locale = Intl::CreateICULocale(isolate, locale_with_extension); DCHECK(!icu_locale.isBogus()); std::map<std::string, std::string> extensions = LookupUnicodeExtensions(icu_locale, relevant_extension_keys); // 19. Let collation be r.[[co]]. // // r.[[co]] is already set as part of the icu::Locale creation as // icu parses unicode extensions and sets the keywords. // // We need to sanitize the keywords based on certain ECMAScript rules. // // As per https://tc39.github.io/ecma402/#sec-intl-collator-internal-slots: // The values "standard" and "search" must not be used as elements // in any [[SortLocaleData]][locale].co and // [[SearchLocaleData]][locale].co list. auto co_extension_it = extensions.find("co"); if (co_extension_it != extensions.end()) { const std::string& value = co_extension_it->second; if ((value == "search") || (value == "standard")) { UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; icu_locale.setKeywordValue("co", NULL, status); CHECK(U_SUCCESS(status)); } } // 20. If collation is null, let collation be "default". // 21. Set collator.[[Collation]] to collation. // // We don't store the collation value as per the above two steps // here. The collation value can be looked up from icu::Collator on // demand, as part of Intl.Collator.prototype.resolvedOptions. UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; std::unique_ptr<icu::Collator> icu_collator( icu::Collator::createInstance(icu_locale, status)); if (U_FAILURE(status) || icu_collator.get() == nullptr) { status = U_ZERO_ERROR; // Remove extensions and try again. icu::Locale no_extension_locale(icu_locale.getBaseName()); icu_collator.reset( icu::Collator::createInstance(no_extension_locale, status)); if (U_FAILURE(status) || icu_collator.get() == nullptr) { FATAL("Failed to create ICU collator, are ICU data files missing?"); } } DCHECK(U_SUCCESS(status)); CHECK_NOT_NULL(icu_collator.get()); // 22. If relevantExtensionKeys contains "kn", then // a. Set collator.[[Numeric]] to ! SameValue(r.[[kn]], "true"). // // If the numeric value is passed in through the options object, // then we use it. Otherwise, we check if the numeric value is // passed in through the unicode extensions. status = U_ZERO_ERROR; if (found_numeric.FromJust()) { icu_collator->setAttribute(UCOL_NUMERIC_COLLATION, numeric ? UCOL_ON : UCOL_OFF, status); CHECK(U_SUCCESS(status)); } else { auto kn_extension_it = extensions.find("kn"); if (kn_extension_it != extensions.end()) { const std::string& value = kn_extension_it->second; numeric = (value == "true"); icu_collator->setAttribute(UCOL_NUMERIC_COLLATION, numeric ? UCOL_ON : UCOL_OFF, status); CHECK(U_SUCCESS(status)); } } // 23. If relevantExtensionKeys contains "kf", then // a. Set collator.[[CaseFirst]] to r.[[kf]]. // // If the caseFirst value is passed in through the options object, // then we use it. Otherwise, we check if the caseFirst value is // passed in through the unicode extensions. if (found_case_first.FromJust()) { const char* case_first_cstr = case_first_str.get(); SetCaseFirstOption(icu_collator.get(), case_first_cstr); } else { auto kf_extension_it = extensions.find("kf"); if (kf_extension_it != extensions.end()) { const std::string& value = kf_extension_it->second; SetCaseFirstOption(icu_collator.get(), value.c_str()); } } // Normalization is always on, by the spec. We are free to optimize // if the strings are already normalized (but we don't have a way to tell // that right now). status = U_ZERO_ERROR; icu_collator->setAttribute(UCOL_NORMALIZATION_MODE, UCOL_ON, status); CHECK(U_SUCCESS(status)); // 24. Let sensitivity be ? GetOption(options, "sensitivity", // "string", « "base", "accent", "case", "variant" », undefined). values = {"base", "accent", "case", "variant"}; std::unique_ptr<char[]> sensitivity_str = nullptr; Maybe<bool> found_sensitivity = Intl::GetStringOption(isolate, options, "sensitivity", values, "Intl.Collator", &sensitivity_str); MAYBE_RETURN(found_sensitivity, MaybeHandle<JSCollator>()); // 25. If sensitivity is undefined, then if (!found_sensitivity.FromJust()) { // 25. a. If usage is "sort", then if (usage == Usage::SORT) { // 25. a. i. Let sensitivity be "variant". // 26. Set collator.[[Sensitivity]] to sensitivity. icu_collator->setStrength(icu::Collator::TERTIARY); } } else { DCHECK(found_sensitivity.FromJust()); const char* sensitivity_cstr = sensitivity_str.get(); DCHECK_NOT_NULL(sensitivity_cstr); // 26. Set collator.[[Sensitivity]] to sensitivity. if (strcmp(sensitivity_cstr, "base") == 0) { icu_collator->setStrength(icu::Collator::PRIMARY); } else if (strcmp(sensitivity_cstr, "accent") == 0) { icu_collator->setStrength(icu::Collator::SECONDARY); } else if (strcmp(sensitivity_cstr, "case") == 0) { icu_collator->setStrength(icu::Collator::PRIMARY); status = U_ZERO_ERROR; icu_collator->setAttribute(UCOL_CASE_LEVEL, UCOL_ON, status); CHECK(U_SUCCESS(status)); } else { DCHECK_EQ(0, strcmp(sensitivity_cstr, "variant")); icu_collator->setStrength(icu::Collator::TERTIARY); } } // 27.Let ignorePunctuation be ? GetOption(options, // "ignorePunctuation", "boolean", undefined, false). bool ignore_punctuation; Maybe<bool> found_ignore_punctuation = Intl::GetBoolOption(isolate, options, "ignorePunctuation", "Intl.Collator", &ignore_punctuation); MAYBE_RETURN(found_ignore_punctuation, MaybeHandle<JSCollator>()); // 28. Set collator.[[IgnorePunctuation]] to ignorePunctuation. if (found_ignore_punctuation.FromJust() && ignore_punctuation) { status = U_ZERO_ERROR; icu_collator->setAttribute(UCOL_ALTERNATE_HANDLING, UCOL_SHIFTED, status); CHECK(U_SUCCESS(status)); } Handle<Managed<icu::Collator>> managed_collator = Managed<icu::Collator>::FromUniquePtr(isolate, 0, std::move(icu_collator)); collator->set_icu_collator(*managed_collator); // 29. Return collator. return collator; } // static const char* JSCollator::UsageToString(Usage usage) { switch (usage) { case Usage::SORT: return "sort"; case Usage::SEARCH: return "search"; case Usage::COUNT: UNREACHABLE(); } } } // namespace internal } // namespace v8